Activity 1: A Perfect Partner

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Activity 1: A Perfect Partner

A partner is…

You may or may not be in a relationship with a boyfriend/girlfriend at the moment. Think into the
future: if you were in an intermate relationship what would your (hoped for) partner be like? Tick
the columns that apply to you.

A partner is Always Sometimes Never Don’t Know

someone who…

Give me what I want

I look after
Share everything with me
Talks all the time
Tells me I’m great
Gets jealous when I get
close to other people
Gives me pleasure
Doesn’t listen to me
I trust
Makes the decisions
Takes care of me
Won’t tell me their
I can tell anything to
I enjoy sex with
Fights with me
Is a friend when I need
Has other partners It depends on if
it’s a
Activity 2
Think about someone in your life that you really like. Complete table:

What do they do? I would describe this person How do the treat me/others
They talk with me and are my Funny, kind, generally a nice With respect, dignity and care.
friend. person to be around, a good
person to have a chat with.


1. Which category has the biggest list?

Category number 2
2. Why do you think this is the case?
Because the person question has a lot of good qualities
3. What do the lists tell us is important to young people?
It tells us that being a friend is important.
4. Do you think the lists would be different if an older person did the activity? How? Why?
I think they would be different because older people have different interests from younger

Think about someone in your life that you don’t really like. Complete table

What do they do? I would describe this person How do the treat me/others
No work, annoys me, if I ask Arrogant and selfish Like a tool.
her to do something she
ignores me and walks away


1. Which category has the biggest list?

Number 1
2. Why do you think this is the case?
Because she has these qualities.
3. What do the lists tell us is important to young people?
It tells us that arrogance and selfishness are frowned on.
Activity 3: Looking for Partners.
1) Read the following personal advertisements and discuss the following questions.


1. What are older people looking for in a relationship?

More companiable and romantic/sexual partners.
2. Does what is important in a relationship change as people age?
Kind of, because when you get older its hard to make friends.
3. Does it change for same-sex relationships?
4. Does it change for cultural reasons?

2) Write your own personal ad for the Perfect Partner.

It would be somebody that I know.

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