Rock Mechn Question Review

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Q1) Summarize GSI (geological strength index) system for engineering rock classification

Analysis of the surface and underground excavation requires a reliable estimate of rock mass deformation and strength. In 1994,
Evert Hoek introduced a geological strength index (GSI) method that estimates the strength of the jointed rocks mass and an
assessment of interlocking of rock block and surface condition between these rocks (Hoek, 1983; Hoek and Brown, 1997).
Moreover, GSI was developed to account for the gap identified in the rock mass rating classification scheme. And GSI aimed to
account for two features, such as rock mass structure represented by its blackness and interlocking degree and discontinuities
surface condition(E.T.Brown, 2005).

As mentioned earlier, GSI combines two parameters: surface condition of discontinuity and interlocking condition among the rocky
block. Discontinuity surface ranging from very good (describe fresh, unweathered surface) to very poor (represented by the highly
weathered or slickenside surface with clay fill). Besides, interlocking blocks varying from massive to crushed or laminated rock

Figure.1 Classifies the rock quality into six groups; intact or massive, block, very block, blocky or folded, crushed and laminated or
sheared. And discontinuity is classified into five groups based on the joint condition. Figure.1 represents a 6X5 matrix which is a
combination of these mentioned two parameters. By picking any block, you can estimate the range of the GSI. In a nutshell, the
GSI needs to be evaluated when the rock mass is undisturbed. Otherwise, when estimation is done after any disturbance such as
excavation, you can get a biased result.

Figure 1: Geological Strength Index (GSI) for jointed rock masses (Modified from E.T.Brown, 2005)
Table.1 Rock mass classes determined from GSI modified after Hussian et al., 2020)

Q2) Summarize SMR(Slope mass rating) system.
In 1985, Rama proposed a geomechanics rock mass classification that reviews the current rock mass rating (RMR). His method
adopted the five parameters (suggested in the RMR), including uniaxial intact rock, rock quality designation (RQD), joint spacing,
joint condition, and groundwater condition. Rama added the sixth parameter (penalization for adverse orientation) generally applied
to the slope stability analysis. It was evaluated based on the four parameters ( F 1 , F2 , F3 ,∧F 4 ¿. F 1 , F2 ,∧F 3 are related to the rock
slope and joint set geometry and , F 4 accounts the method for slope excavation (Romana, 1991; Abbas, 2017). The final expression
that estimates SMR is illustrated in eq.1.

SMR=RMR +¿ F 1∗F2 ¿ F3 ¿+ F 4 (1)

F 1 = ( 1−sin A )2 (2)

F 2 = ( tan β j )2 (3)

Where A, the angle between the strikes of the slope and the joints, β j , joint dip angle, for toppling, F 2=1. Generally, F 1 relates
parallelism between joints and slope face strike, F 2 refers to the joint dip angle in the planar mode of failure, F 3 reflects the
relationship between slope and joints and F 4And the classification categories of slope mass rock are shown in the table.2 and
table.3 respectively.

Table 2: Adjustment rating of F 1 , F2 , F3 ,∧F 4 for joints (modified from Abbas, 2017)

Table 3: Classification of Rock Slope (modified from Abbas, 2017)

Q3) Compare the representative rock classification systems, RMR, Q-system, and GSI in terms of advantages and
disadvantages. Also, discuss the limitation of each classification system in terms of input parameters and applications.
Rock quality and identification are based on the systematic classification that quantifies the input parameters. Different researchers
like Bieniawski provided a checklist and guides that can be used for rock mass characterization. Classification results in
quantitative information for design purposes and enables appropriate engineering decision-making and more effective
communication in the rock engineering project. Various classification schemes are provided, and each system has merits, demerits,
and limits basing on its range of application(Abbas, 2017). Table.4 summarizes the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations
associated with Rock Mass Rating (RMR), Tunnel Quality Index (Q-system), and Geological strength index (GSI).
Table 4: RMR, Q-system, and GSI rock mass classification system modified after Rehman et al., 2018; Hussian et al., 2020

Rock Mass Rating (RMR)

Advantages Disadvantages Limitation
 RMR is easy to practice because it  It is not sensitive to the slight change  RMR system application is still
needs few basic parameters related to of the RMR. Due to ranging limited to the high-stress location
the geometry and mechanical classification schemes. rock mass.
condition of the rock.  It does not include in-situ stress  It can lead to overdesign the
 RMR incorporates updated positive conditions. supporting system due to its
impact of the mechanical excavation.  RMR is the lowest tool among other conservative rock classification (No
classification schemes because it is support limit for opening size).
developed based on a few parameters.  It does not consider a new design
approach because it deals with an old
version of the system

Tunnel Quality Index (Q-system)

Advantages Disadvantages Limitation
 Q-system determines the rock mass  Jw/ SRF does not provide a  In situ stress is less represented,
characteristics and tunnel support meaningful with the stress acting on leading to this method being effective
requirement. the rock mass to be supported. for engineering rock design.
 It represents active stress by  RQD/ Jn does not provide a  Q-system is not suitable for soft rock
incorporating water pressures and meaningful measure of relative block
flows, presence of the shear zone, size and the ratio.
clay-bearing rocks, squeezing and  It is difficult to obtain a stress
swelling rock, and in-situ stress state reduction factor, and any of its values
 It measures the support for the tunnel cover a wide range of in-situ stress
of a given dimension and usage of for rocks of a specific strength
excavation by defining equivalent
 It also is used for identifying
squeezing in underground structures.
Geological strength index (GSI)
Advantages Disadvantages Limitation

 The GSI system is based on assumptions

 GSI determines the rock mass strength
that the rock mass behaves like isotropic
and deformation properties of weak to  This system did not cover the design of
media, and the behavior of rock mass is
very weak rock mass and addresses rock the support system for tunnels and other
not reliant on the direction of the applied
heterogeneity in the best way. structures.
 Qualitative and quantitative approaches  The qualitative approach for estimating
 GSI is not effective in tectonically
incorporated in GSI are suitable for the GSI system required better
disturbed rock masses having destroyed
evaluating the weak, jointed, layered, knowledge and skills to collect and
structural fabric.
and heterogeneous rock mass for evaluate the field data.
 GSI system is not applied to already
engineering design purposes.
excavated faces.

Table.5 Result for question 4
Joint 1 Joint 2 Joint 3
Parameter Description Rating Description Rating Description Rating

Intact Rock
55 Mpa 7 55 Mpa 7 55 Mpa 7
RQD RQD estimated as 60% 13 RQD estimated as 60% 13 RQD estimated as 60% 13
Fracture Average spacing is 0.4 m Average spacing is 0.4 m = Average spacing is 0.4 m =
10 10 10
spacing = 400 mm 400 mm 400 mm
Fracture Lenght Fracture is continous, it Fracture is continous, it Fracture is continous, it
0 0 0
means > 20 m means > 20 m means > 20 m
High weathered 1 slightly weathered 5 slightly weathered 5
Fracture No one specified (no
6 No one specified (no one) 6 No one specified (no one) 6
aperture one)
Slightly rough 3 Slightly rough 3 Slightly rough 3
Fracture No one specified (no
6 No one specified (no one) 6 No one specified (no one) 6
infilling one)
Water condition Due to the condition of Due to the condition of Due to the condition of
mudstone, we can mudstone, we can assume mudstone, we can assume the
7 7 7
assume the fracture water the fracture water condition fracture water condition to be
condition to be (wet) to be (wet) (wet)
Fracture 90/80, It has dip direction of
180/10, It has a dip 185/75, It has a dip direction
orientation 90 and dip of 80 degrees, this
direction of 180 and a dip of 185 and a dip of 75
implies that tunnel driven in
of 10 degrees; this degrees; this implies that the
east-west (driven
implies that the tunnel is -5 tunnel is driven east-west -12 0
perpendicular to the fracture
driven east-west (driven (driven along the fracture
strike and driven with dip). It
along the fracture strike). strike). It is classified as
is classified as VERY
It is classified as FAIR VERY UNFAVOURABLE
Total RMR   48   45   57
The lowest RMR joint is selected to class whole rock mass (for higher safety factor). Total Rock mass rating is 45, classified as
According to guidelines for excavation and support of 10 m span rock tunnels by the RMR System; During tunneling in fair rock,
advance in top heading and bench should be ranging between 1.5 -3 m. Commencing with support after each blast—complete
support of 10 m from the face. Systematic rock bolting, using 4 m long spaced 1.5 – 2 m in crown and walls with wire mesh in the
crown. And 50 – 10 mm in the crown and 30 mm in sides are recommended.

Sandstone Mudstone Granitic intrusion
 Basing on the information given, sandstone  Generally, mudstone rock is characterized by  250 Mpa strength indicates
is not subjected to weathering; it implies tightened fractures, blocky and non-fractured core very strong rock.
sandstone is still fresh. samples.  Very low RQD, high
 Moreover, fracture spacing, aperture, and  Basing on the information provided, 75% RQD aperture, and fracture
roughness indicate semi-loose to loose rock indicates a non-fracturing core sample. roughness show very
with minor fractures resulting from some  Slightly roughness, fracture spacing, and aperture broken ships of the core
bedding plane or joints shown by the indicate the tightness of the blocky. sample.
medium to low RQD.  It is highlighted that rock subjected slightly  We can classify the rock as
 Based on the mentioned parameter, this weathering and has affected the mudstone a very strong rock mass.
rock can be classified as a strong rock strength.
mass.  We can classify the rock in the range of weak

Sandstone Mudstone Granitic intrusion
Parameter Ratin
Description Description Rating Description Rating
Intact Rock
80 Mpa 7 20 Mpa 2 250 Mpa 15
RQD RQD estimated as 45% 8 RQD estimated as 75% 13 RQD estimated as 10% 3
spacing is 0.4 m = 400 mm 10 spacing is 0.3 m = 300 mm 10 spacing is 0.2 m = 200 mm 8
Fracture Length
5--8 2 1.5--2.5 4 2 4
None 6 slightly weathered 5 None 6
1.5 1 0.5 4 6 0
rough 5 Slightly rough 3 very rough 6
None 6 None 6 None 6
Water condition Damp 10 Wet 7 Completely Dry 15
Fracture Assumed to be very
0 Assumed to be very favorable 0 Assumed to be very favorable 0
orientation favorable
Total RMR   55   54   63
Fair Rock Fair Rock Good Rock
Basing on the description of these three rock types, shown different engineering behavior. RMR of the sandstone and mudstone
falls in the same range led to be classified to have the same engineering behavior, and RMR classified granitic intrusion as good
rock, which does not match the actual behavior of the granitic rock mass. It implies that RMR is not an appropriate tool to describe
the engineering behavior of the rock. It can underestimate or overestimate the behavior of the rock mass.

Abbas, S. M., 2017, Rock Mass Classification Systems: no. January 2015.

E.T.Brown, B. H. G. B. and, 2005, Rock Mechanics for Undergound Mining: 647 p.

Hoek, E., 1983, Strength of jointed rock masses: no. 3, p. 187–223.

Hoek, E., and E. T. Brown, 1997, Practical estimates of rock mass strength: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining
Sciences, v. 34, no. 8, p. 1165–1186.

Hussian, S., N. Mohammad, Z. Ur Rehman, N. M. Khan, K. Shahzada, S. Ali, M. Tahir, S. Raza, and S. Sherin, 2020, Review of
the geological strength index (GSI) as an empirical classification and rock mass property estimation tool: Origination,
modifications, applications, and limitations: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2020, doi:10.1155/2020/6471837.

Rehman, H., W. Ali, A. M. Naji, J. J. Kim, R. A. Abdullah, and H. K. Yoo, 2018, Review of rock-mass rating and tunneling quality
index systems for tunnel design: Development, refinement, application and limitation: Applied Sciences (Switzerland), v. 8,
no. 8, doi:10.3390/app8081250.

Romana, M., 1991, SMR Classification .


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