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Order Flights in the Taranis Platform

Step 1: Before you place an order. Ensure Step 2: Select Sugarcane from the drop-
Growing Data is correct by clicking on the down menu. Fill out any other relevant
relevant field and then Field Data. information. Click SAVE.

Step 3: Click on Orders. Step 4: Select the field Step 5: Select AI2 from the
you want to fly and Credit type menu.
image with the Taranis
Pod. You can select
multiple fields.
Step 6: Step 7:
Credit Type Ai2 Select the Flight
dates and click next

Select Disease,
Insects, Nutrient
Deficiencies and
Weed – Species

Ensure Sugar
Cane is selected

Once all the

information is
correct, click next

Click Confirm Order

Once the order has been placed. This will be sent to Taranis Australia for
verification and pilot selection
Taranis Capitan

Once the Pilot has been selected your flight details will be available in Capitan.

Open Capitan before leaving the office to allow for the flight details to be

In Capitan you will see all the fields that will be flown (based on your orders)
Click the Accept button and Select an available date within the flight window
and click Submit.

On the left-hand side, you will see all On the right-hand side, you will see
the flight information. how many images are required and
field percentage.
Litchi Flight Planning

Use Litchi to plan and undertake flights.

For good flight planning, ensure the below information is done:

● Come in 20 metres from any field boundary

● 60 metres spacing between runs
● No more than 3 metres height difference between waypoints

Save and sync litchi missions before leaving the office.

Before leaving for the Field Checklist

Charged iPad
Charged Laptop
All memory cards formatted
All batteries charged (Pod, camera and M600 batteries)
Arriving in the Field Checklist

Camera Setup – Use the Camera set up document

Flight Conditions
Temperature conditions Between 40 and 100F
Rain, Fog Don`t exist
Wind gusts Below 20 MPH
Overcast conditions Sun location visible
Field and general launch site Located

Inspect field for obstructions and crosscheck flight plan

Before Take-off Checklist

Visual and physical inspection of assembly components Firmly attached
Pod 32GB Inserted and Secured
Camera 32GB Inserted and Secured
Camera Mounted and Secured in Pod

Camera power On
POD Power On
Camera cable (after settings checked and Pod turned on) Connected
On power on Mirror moving Check
POD GPS yellow light - GPS Lock Blinking
Camera GPS - GPS Lock Solid
Drone rotors Cover removed & Unfolded
Controller is connected with iPad
Drone Power On
Flight plan from Litchi Uploaded
Path between launch site and field Clear
Inspect drone behaviour while flying to first waypoint Observe
When drone performs abnormal behaviour: Land drone in launch site

After Landing Checklist

Drone power Off
Pod power Off
Camera power Off
Inspect drone and camera for any damage Inspect
Camera SD card Eject
POD Camera SD card Eject
Capitan Image Validation
Copy both the Pod and Camera data to a desktop folder
Click on the Upload icon. Follow the prompts in Capitan to add log and image data

When Capitan order status is Re-fly, this could mean.

● Bad image quality or distribution does not meet threshold:

● Missing images

If all the images have been taken and meet all the thresholds, once you are back in WI-FI
range the images will upload to Taranis automatically. You will see a progress bar in Capitan
as the images upload.

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