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Film pendek basing

Kebakaran di suatu Gedung

-/+ 10 min

Take scene

Akbar sebagai guru berjalan dari lantai 1 menuju lantai 4 menuju kelas

Pembelajaran terasa seperti biasa

Tiba tiba alarm kebakaran berbunyi

Perdebatan terjadi

Para pemain film menyelamatkan diri



Penjelasan setiap scene

Penjelasan apar

Penjelasan langkah pertama

Wawancara salah satu pemain

Penjelasam akhir penutup

Orang 1 .Hello guys welcome to our video right now we will show you what action we should take if
there is a fire inside the building ,my name is Muhammad Imran,………. Ok now let’s get

Orang 1 . in this simulationThere were five people who were studying and suddenly a fire alarm
sounded.the sound of the alarm makes them panic because it indicate there is a fire.and lucky
they are still survived in the end.

Orang 1 . ok guys now go to your position.

Orang 1 . okay now lets begin

Scene 1

Orang ke 2.okay now listen to me in this condition the only thing we have to do is get out of this
building as soon as possible

Orang ke2. First, don’t panic.panic will only disturb our concentration,so it’s recommended to stay calm
and find a way out.

Orang ke 2.hey hey hey what are you doing don’t do that you will stil die if you jump from the window
we are in the fourth floor right now.

So everyone ran out of the clas but they were still inside the building

Scene 2

Now they are in the hallway of the building pressing the elevator button
Orang ke 3 . okay everyone our choice to go go down now is using elevator or stairs but we must choose
wisely because the wrong choice can be dangerous

Orang ke 3 . no no no we should not use the elevator because it will be dangerous if the elevator
suddenly dies while we are in it

Orang ke 3 . our only way we can safely go down is through the emergency stairs

Scene 4

Now they are looking for an emergency ladder but suddenly they were surrounded by fire smoke

Orang ke 4.we must hurry

Orang ke 4. Oh no we are surrounded by fire smoke

Orang ke 4 . okay guys now listen to me we must not breathe the smoke because it will disrupt the
respiratory system and can make us faint

Orang ke 4.The smoke will always go up first so the way we can avoid it is by crawling and cover your
nose with clothes so you don’t breathe it.

Scene 4

They finnaly found a fire escape while crawling

Orang ke 5. Keep crawling,the emergency stairs must be close

Orang ke 5. guys we found it,we must go down,quickly

Orang ke 5. Alright guys when we get to the ground floor we have to go out through the exit doors and if
we can’t do it we can go out through the window.

Orang ke 5.finnaly we are outside, someone quick calls the fire department, if you don’t know the fire
department number in Indonesia is 113 or 1131

Orang ke 5. I left my cellphone in the classroom, I wanted to take it but because my life is more
important, I left my cellphone

Orang ke 6. okay now before we end this video maybe there are some of you think why we chose the
Uniba building instead of hotel or office,okay we choose Uniba building because now many
people are affected by the corona virus,so to prevent that we chose not to meke this video
on crowded place hotels,moles,or even offices.

Orang ke 6. And for clarify, this video does not use real fire because it’s dangerous

Orang ke 6, that is our video and don’t forget to subscribe,like and give your comment about our video

Semuanya ,bye

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