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Nama : Siti Nadya Sefrily

NPM : 2006534992

Ch 17 Teams and Teamwork

Team: a small group of people with complementary skills who interact and work with one
another to achieve shared goals.
Teamwork: the process of people working together to accomplish these goals.

Teamwork Pros
Synergy: the creation of a whole greater than the sum of its individual parts.
Teamwork Cons
Social loafing: tendency of some ppl to avoid responsibility by “free-riding” in groups
Meetings, Meetings, Meetings
Good meeting don’t happen by chance. People harus bekerja keras dan bekerja sama untuk
mencapai produktivitas dan rewarding.Virtual ataupun face-to-face meeting menjadi saran
sharing informasi, membuat keputusan dan pemahaman isu-isu.
Organizationas as Networks of Teams
Formal group: team officially recognized and supported by the organization
Informal group: unofficial and emerges from relationships and shared interest among members


Commitees, Project Teams, and Task Forces
Committee: designated to work on a special task on a continuing basis. Organisasi biasanya
memiliki beragam committee berdedikasi kepada wide variety concern.
Project teams or task forces: convened for a specific purpose and disbands when its task is
Cross-Functional Teams
=> beroperasi dengan member yang berasal dari berbaga unit fungsional yang berbeda dalam
Functional chimneys problem: lack of communication accross functions.
Self-Managing Teams
=> have the authority untuk membuat keputusan tentang bagaimana mereka share dan complete
their work. The expected advantage are better performance, reduced cost, dan good moral.
Karakteristik dari self-managing teams:
1. Held collectively accountable for performance results
2. Have discretion in distributing task and scheduling work within team
3. Able to perform more than one job on the team’
4. Train one another to develop multiple job skills
5. Evaluate one another’s performance contributions
6. Responsible for the total quality of team products

Virtual Teams
=> distributed teams, work together and solve problem through computer-based interactions. The
advatages are can save time and cost, easily expanded, information can be archived, dan efficient.
Team Building
=> sequence of activities to analyze a team and make changes to improve its performance
There are many ways to gather data for team building, including structured and unstructured
interviews, quentionnaries, and team meetings.


Effective teams: achieve high levels of task performance, membership satisfication, and future
- Task performance side, a work group expected to transform resource inputs into ouputs.
- Member satisfication, take pleasure from both the team’s performance accomplishments
and their contributions.
- Future viability, have a social fabric and work climate that makes its members willing and
able to work well together

Team effectiveness = Quality inputs + (Process gains - Process losses)

Team Inputs
1. Membership characteristic
The blend of member characteristic on team is critically important.
Team diversity: the differences in values, personalities, experiences, demographics, and
cultural among the membership
As team diversity increases, the complexity of interpersonal increas and potential
complications also come, but if the team are well managed, it can becomevaluable
problem solving and performance assets.

Homogeneous team: members share similiar characteristic

Heterogeneous team: members are quite dissimilar
2. Resources and setting
Teams function best when members have god info, material resources, tech, organization
structure, and rewards
3. Nature of the task
not only sets the standards, it also affect their working and clearly defined tasks are easier
to deal.
4. Team size
The number of potential interactions increases geometrically as teams grow larger that
creates communication problems and congestion.
Stages of Team Development
Team process/ Group dinamycs: the way team members work togeteer to accomplish task
1. Forming stage→ entry of indiv members into a team and this is a time of intial task
orientation and interpersonal testing
2. Storming stage→ period of high emotionality and be the most difficult stage to pass
through successfully. Important changes occur as task agendas become clarified and
members begin to understand one another’s styles

3. Norming stage→ members begin to cooperate well with one another, shared rules of
conduct and sense of leadership. This is also part of critical zone of team development
4. Performing stage→ nature, organized, and well-functioning. This is a stage of total
integration team members are able to deal in creative ways
5. Adjourning stage→ members prepare achieve closure and disband
Norms and Cohesiveness
Norm: behaviour, rule, or standard expected to be followed by team members
1. Managing team norms→ by encourage members to develop positive norms
2. Managing team cohesiveness
Cohesiveness: the degree to which members are attracted to and motivated to remain part
of a team.

Task and Maintenance Roles

Task activity: directly contributes to group’s performance purpose
Maintenance act: support the emotional life of group
Distributed leadership: all members of team contribute helpful task and maintenace behaviors
Leading through task act involves making effort to define and solve problems and advance work.
Leading through maintenance act, helps strengthen tam as social system.

Disruptive act: self-serving behaviors that interfere with team effectiveness

Communication Networks
Decentralized communication network: all-chanel/ star communiction network, allows members
to communicate directly with one another
Centralized communication network: wheel/chain communcation structure, communication flows
only between individual members and a hub or center point
Restricted communiction network: subgroups have limited communication with one another


=> the process of making choices among alternative possible courses of action
Ways teams make decisions
-Decision by lack of response→ suggested without any discussion taking place
-Decision by authority rule→ the head of team figure makes a decision for team that can be done
without discusiion and very efficient time
-Decision by minority rule→ some ppl are able to dominate team into making a decision that they
prefer and often done by providing a suggestion and forcing quick agreement by challenging
-Decision by majority rule→ create coalitions as some ppl become winner or losers
-Decision by consesus→ full discussion leads to one alternative favored by members and the
other agree to support
-Decision by unanimity→ the ideal state of affairs that means all team members agree on the
course action to be taken
Advantages and Disadvantages of Team Decisions
1. Make more info, knowledge, and expertise available.
2. Expand the number of action alternatives that are examined
3. Helps to avoid getting trapped by tunnel vision and considering only few options
4. Increase understanding and acceptance by members that build commitment to work hard.
1. Making trace largely to difficulties with group process
2. Hard to reach agreement when many ppl trying to make decision
3. Social pressure to conform and even minority domination
=> tendency for highly cohesive teams to lose their evaluate capabilities
1. Illusions of invulnerability→ assume the teams is too good for critism
2. Rationalizing unpleasant and disconfirming data→ refuse to acc contradictory data or
3. Belief in inherent group morality→ act as though group is inherently right and above
4. Stereotyping competitiors as weak, evil, and stupid→ refuse o look realistically at ohter
5. Applying direct pressure to conform group wishes→ refuse to tolerate anyone who
suggest team maybe wrong
6. Self-censorship by member→ refuse to communicate personal concern to team
7. Illusions of unanimity→ acc consensus prematurely without testing its completeness
8. Mind guarding→ protect team from hearing disturbing ideas or outside viewpoints
Creativity in Team Decision Making
Brainstorming: engages group member to an open, spontaneous discussion of problems and ideas
Nominal group technique: structures interaction among team members discussing problems and
Ch 18 Communication and Collaboration

Social capital: capacity to get things done with the support and help of others
Communication: the process of sending and receiving symbols with meanings attached. The
communicatin process binds together the four functions of planning, organizing, leading, and

Effective Communication
=> the intended meaning is fuly understood by the receiver
Efficient communication: occurs at min cost
Persuasion and Credibility in Communication
Persuasive communication: message in a manner that causes the other person to support it
Credible communication: earns trust, respect, an integrity in the eyes of others. To build it, we
must knowledgeableand good working relationship with the person to be persuaded
Communication barriers
Noise: anytjing that interferes with the effectiveness of communication

1. Infomation filtering→ intentional distortion of information to make it appear most

favorable to the recipient
2. Poor choice of channels
Communication channel: the pathway which a message moves from sender to receiver
-Writtern channels→ most acc messages that are easy to convey
-Spoken channels→ work best for complex and difficult messages
3. Poor writtern or oral expression
4. Failure to recognize nonverbal signals
Nonverbal comunication: through gestures and body language
Mixed message: when words communicate one message while act, body language, or
appearance communicate something else
5. Physical distractions
Cross-Cultural Communication
Communicating across cultures requires lots of sensitivity, awareness, and ability to quickly learn
the rigths and wrongs. The most difficult situation is when you don’t speak the local language.
Ethnocentrism: major enemy of effective cross-cultural communnication. One of the ways
ethnocentrism may show up is a failure to respect cultural differences in nonverbal


Transparency an Openness
Communcation trasparency: openly sharing honest and complete information about organization
and workplace affairs
Open book management: managers provide employees with essential financial information about
their companies
Use of Electronic Media
Electronic grapevines: use electronic media to pass messages and info among members of social
Active Learning
=> hepls the source of message say what he or she really means.
Constructive Feedback
Feedback: the process of telling someone else how you feel about something that person did or
Evalative→ unreliable and always late
Interpretive→ coming late to meeting and might be spreading yourself too thin and have trouble
Descriptive→ 30 minutes late for today’s meeting and missed a lot of context
Space Design
Proxemics: the uses of space in communication

Conflict: disagreeement over issues of substance and emotional antagonism
Substantive conflict: disagreemnt over goals, resource, rewards, policies, procedures, adn job
Emotional conflict: feelings of anger, distrust, dislike, fear, and resentment s well as from
personality clashes
Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict
Functional conflict: contructive and help task performance
Dysfunctional conflict: destructive and hurts task performance
Causes of Conflict
Role ambiguities→ the from unclear job expectations and other task uncertainties increase
Resource scarcities→ conflict when ppl have to share or compete for them
Task interdependencies→ breed conflict when ppl depend on other to perform well
Competing objectives→ when goals are poorly set may come into conflict
Structural differentiations→ differencens characteristic of ppl staffing may foster conflict because
of incompatible approachess toward work
Unresolved prior conflict→ erupt in later conflicts
Conflict Resolution
=> the removal of the substantial and emotional reasons for conflict
Conflict Management Styles
Cooperativeness→ desire to satisfy another party’s needs and concerns
Assertiveness→ desire to satisfy one’s own needs and concerns
- Avoidance/withdrawal : pretend that a conflict doesb’t really exist
- Accomodation/smoothing: plays down difference and highlights similarities to reduce

- Competition/authoritive command: use force, superior skills, or domination to win

- Compromis: when each prty to the conflict gives up something of vaue to the other
- Collaboration/problem solving: working through conflict differences andsolving problems
so everyone wins
Avoiding and accomodation often → Lose-lose conflict: no one achieves his/her true
desire and the undelyinh reasons for conflict remain unaffected
Competing and compromising→ Win-lose conflict: one party achieves its desire and the
other doesn’t
Collaborating→ Win-win conflict: resolved to everyone’s benefit
Structural Approaches to Conflict Management
When conflict traces back to resource issue, the structural solution is to make more resources
avail to everyone. Appealing to higher level goals can sometimes focus their attention on one
mutually desirable outcome. Changing the ppl is necessary when a manager may need to replace
conflicting parties to eliminate the conflict. When ppl can’t be changed the have to separated by
altering the physical environment. Organization can also use integrating deices to help manage
conflicts between groups.By changing reward system, it’s possible to reduce conflict thath arise
when ppl feel compete and ppl who get good training in interpersonal skills are better prepared to
communicate and work efficeintly

Negotiation: the process of making joint decisions when the parties involed ave different
Negotiation Goals and Approaches
Substances goals: concerned wiht outcomes
Relationship goals: concerned with the way ppl work together
Effective negotiation: resolve issuses of substance while maintaining a positive process
The criteria of effective negotiation:
1. Quality→ wise agreement that truly satisfactory
2. Cost→ efficeintly using min of resources and time
3. Harmony→ way that foster
Gaining Agreements
Distributive negotiation: focuses on win-lose claims made by each party for certain preferred
Principled negotiation/integrative: win-win orientation to reach solutions acc to each party
Pathways for gainning integrated agreement by Roger FIher and William Ury
1. Separate ppl from problem
2. Focus on interest not positions
3. Generate many alternative bfr decideing what to do
4. Insisst that results be based on some objective standards
Bargaining zone: the space between one party’s min rservation point and the other party’s
maximum reservation point
Negotiation Pitfalls
1. Myth of the fixed pe→ actin on the distributive win-lose assumption, to recognize the
integrative assumption that pie can be expanded
2. Nonrational escalation of conflict→ gets locked into previously stated demands and
allows personal needs for ego and saving faces to inflate ther perceived importance of
3. Overconfidence and ignoring the other’s need→ overconfident, believe his or ger position
is the only correct one and fails to consider other
4. Too much teling and too little hearing
5. Preature cultural comfort→ globalization, when a negotiato is too quick to assume that
he/she understand intentions, positions and meanings of a egotiatior from different culture
6. Trap of ethical misconduct→ motivation of negotiation sometime arises from pure greed
and undue emphasis on the profit motive
Third-party Dispute Resolution
Mediation: neutral parties tries to help conflicting parties improve communication to resolve
Arbitration: neutral third party issuses a binding decision to resolve
Ombudsperson: designated neutral third party who listens to complaints and disputes in an
attempt to resolve them

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