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Strategic investigations Unit

Future State Operating Model Options

October 2020
Executive Summary

DCS, Governance Risk and Performance(GRP)established the Strategic Investigations Unit(SlU)in June 2020 to assist SNSW respond
to inbound NSW Police requests and report suspected cases of fraud concerning grants administered by SNSW.

With current funding for the SlU almost exhausted, this options paper considers alternatives for the future state operating model for the
function moving forward.

3 options have been identified and assessed for consideration:

1. SNSW Fraud Management Team (Slide 5)
2. SNSW Strategic Investigations Unit (Slide 10)
3. Priority Case Investigations Team (Slide 11)

A summary of all options is provided on slide 4.

Recommendation is that Service NSW proceed with Option 1. This operating model satisfies Service NSW's legislative obligations
and requirements and will ensure that inbound NSW Police referrals are actioned, and suspected fraud is reported to NSW Police for their

1. Agree on future state operating model - A decision on the ongoing operations of investigations is required prior to the exhaustion of
the current funding to allow for approval by the Secretary and to agree next steps with the supplier resources(Core Integrity).
2. Partner Agency (Treasury)to provide guidance on their risk tolerance/appetite for investigations
Legislative Requirements

Review of the Crimes Act In relation to grant fraud Investigations (s316)

Service NSW to report suspected matters of fraud to NSW Police

o Service NSW should look to produce a report about transactions identified as potentially fraudulent, and to
provide a copy of that report to the NSW Police, inviting them to investigate those matters.

Further, Service NSW will be required to provide NSW Police with information they have requested to support their own

At present the SlU is not just responding to inbound NSW Police enquiries, they are preparing briefs of evidence to a
standard that is admissible in court.
Summary of Future State Options

Options Service Delivery Profile Focus Resourcing/Cost Benefits Reporting Transition RFP/ Go
Line to SNSW to Market

1)SNSW Fraud Low Investigate Inbound DCS: Merge current SlU and Level 2 Security Risk Team SNSW. Executive 1 March 2021
Management Team Police enquiries only • Dec 20-Feb 2021 sS200k Focus on priority investigations as advised by NSW Director, Strategy,
RECOMMENDED SNSW meets minimum legislative Report suspected fraud Police Risk and
obligations and continues to triage and cases to NSW Police(PI SNSW complies vmth legislation In meeting its Performance
analyse internally identified fraud for and P2- highest priority. • March-June $190k
requirements and obligations to report fraud
reporting to NSW Police(PI and P2) P3 and P4 to t>e • FY 2021/22 = $560k Team can scale to take on additional Investigations:
managed t>y the SRT) this can t>e through appointing an additional Clerk
To scale the team to take on 7/8 or use inhouse(SRT)resources
additional Investigations the
operating costs for FY 2021/22
will t>e $6d2k.

2)SNSW Strategic High Investigate all (PI to P4) DCS: SlU ur>der full control of SNSW and could potentially SNSW,Executive 1 July 2021 Yes- Full
Investigations Unit Cases/applications • Dec 20• Feb 2021 = S700k Include non^rant programs within Its scope over Director, Strategy, RFP required
SNSW exceeds legislative obligations and Refer matters to NSW time Risk and to continue
(refer to Appendix provides a full service offering in reviewing Pdice for Investigation Ail inbound and outbound Police/Law Enforcement Performance with expert
Slide 10) and investigating all matters of suspected • March - June $d60k
(including briefs of enquiries will be actioned^nvestigated supplier
fraud evidence) • FY 2021/22 = $2.9m
SNSW is demonstrating due diligence and meeting resources

public expectations in attempt to prosecute and

recovery fraudulent activities and payments

Case Medium Investigate P1 and P2 DCS Effort focussed on major/high profile investigations SNSW.Executive 1 July 2021 Yes-Full
'estigations Team Cases/applications only; • Dec 20 to Feb 2021 = $700k only Director, Strategy, RFP required
SNSW exceeds legislative obligations and includes Inlraund and SNSW: Actioning inbound ar>d outbound Police rask ai>d to continue
'to Appendix investigates suspected fraud prioritised as outbound Police enquiries • March to June 2021 = $630k enquiries/referrals Performance with expert
SUdell) P1 or P2 regardless of how it was referred • FY 2021/22 = $2.5m supplier
Positive impact media attention related to high
profile cases
Option 1 - SNSW Fraud Management Team

Operational Focus Indicative Resource Profile

This recommended option has a LOW service delivery profile.
Investigate inbound Police enquiries only Program Manager(GRP funded until March 2021) This operating model will meet the minimum legislative requirements with
Meets minimum iegisiative requirements through Manager, Investigations (11/12) the addition of reporting suspected fraud to NSW Police for their
reporting of suspected fraud to NSW Pdice for P1 consideration and action. The team will be able to scale quickly leveraging
Senior investigations Officer(9/10)
and P2. P3 and P4 to be managed by the SRT)
Coordination of briefs of evidence including business Triage and Reporting Officer(7/8) inhouse(SRT)available resources to manage additional P1
record affidavits and victim statements in reiation to Business Support Officer(3/4) (major/significant fraud)cases or through appointment of an additional Clerk
Police investigations only Investigator (7/8)- if required 7/8 investigator.
Report suspected fraud to NSW Police
Triage applications to determine whether cases
outside of P1 and P2 are required to be reported to Proposed actions:
NSW Police Transition operations of the SlU to SNSW as at 1 March 2021.

Commence recruitment for specialist investigation resources in December

Fraud management sits within one team in SNSW - Reporting to NSW Police does not equal action 2020.
allowing for greater collaboration, seamless Additional grant programs could increase resource
transition of referrals and ongoing management of profile and requirements The current engagement with Core Integrity will be extended through a
investigations and reporting to NSW Police. SRT contract variation until February 2021. Core Integrity to fulfill their
Applications prioritised as P3 and P4 will not be
resources can also be leverage when Ute team
actioned - meaning that investigations and potential contractual obligations and commence handover of process documentation,
needs to scale quickly to manage demand and
criminal action will not tre taken against these briefs of evidence, and case files.
increased referrals.
suspected fraudulent payments
Reduced cost associated to a lean team only
No predictive proactive intelligence and data analysis
focusing on cases referred to Sen/ice NSW by NSW
would be performed which could result in continued
A Briefing Note will be prepared for ttie DCS Secretary to approve the
systemic fraud and ineffective controls contract variation and additional hjnds allocation to the Core Integrity
Inaction of P3 and P4 cases could result in negative contract. Additional funds will be $200k - Core Integrity to scale back
Public and Partner Agency perception resources from 1 December 2020 until 1 March 2021, with the primary focus
Resourcing Costs on closing out cases and transitioning to SNSW.
• December 2020 to February 2021 - $200k SNSW will be responsible for new NSW Police referrals. Core Integrity case
allocation to remain to the current NSW Police investigations only. If new
referrals are required to be investigated by Core Integrity, this will need
March to June 2021 - $190k
FY 2021/22 » $560,480(+ additional Investigator FY cost = $692k) endorsement by the Executive Director, Strategy, Risk and Performance
Notes before work will commence. 5
1)exdudes any contingency or disoetionary spending,2)Salaries and labour costs included
High Level Transition Plan - Option 1

Phase 1: Phase 2: Establishing Phase 3: implement Phase 4: Transitioning

Understanding the foundations an Investigations to Business As Usual
problem function
Active management of
Service NSW and DCS Strategic Investigations NSW Police referred Investigations and Level 2
undertake analysis to Unit established to investigations and Security Review Team
determine extent of grants prioritise, action and refer reporting of suspected merge. Relationship with
fraud. suspected fraudulent fraud to NSW Police. Law Enforcement
applications to NSW SlU to transition to SNSW Agencies is coordinated
Police. as at 1 March 2021 through this function


March - June 2020 June - December 2020 January - February 2021 March - December 2021

Our current position

Considerations in implementing Option 1

1. A part of the transition and implementation of the operating model as described in Option 1, further discussion with
NSW Police is required. The reporting of suspected fraud and how NSW Police may wish to receive this information
will need to agreed and formalised.

2. SNSW should evaluate whether there are existing internal skill sets to undertake investigations of this nature
o Resources conducting investigations that may proceed criminal action require specialist skills with previous
experience dealing with Law Enforcement Agencies and the preparation of briefs of evidence

3. Core Integrity Agreement with DCS considers future need to engage, should evidence or statements need to be
provided in court on investigations. Supplier resources in the case that resources are ordered by way of subpoena
to attend court and provide evidence related to grant fraud cases and investigations.
o These investigations are 'long-tailed', and cases may not proceed to court for some time and/or that cases
before the court are lengthy. Any resource (inhouse or supplier related) can be summoned to court to provide
o As Core Integrity has been crucial in active inbound NSW Police investigations, it would be prudent for
DCS/SNSW to establish an agreement with Core Integrity in the case they may be subpoenaed to attend to
court or provide assistance to Service NSW on an 'as needs basis'. The agreement should include that the
resources will be paid in accordance with the terms of agreement in which Core Integrity was engaged.
Option 1 - Proposed Fraud Management Unit Organisational
Reporting structure as at 1 March 2021

Service NSW

Strategy. Risk and

Security Review u Management
Option 2- SNSW Strategic Investigations Unit

Under full control of SNSW at 1 July 2021,this option is deemed a

HIGH level service offering. This operating model will exceed the
Investigate all(P1 to P4)Cases/applications Inhouse resources minimum legislative requirements with the addition of reporting suspected
All Inbound and Outbound Police Enquiries • Program Manager(GRP funded until March 2021) fraud to NSW Police for their consideration and action.
Coordination of briefs of evidence including business record • Business Support Officer/Project Officer (3/4)
afTidavits and victim statements Supplier (third party) resources This option will require SNSW/DCS to undertake an open market(RFP)
Conducting case network mapping analysis and predictive • Director, SlU
assessment/analysis based on fraud indicators using tender to engage a third-party supplier with specialist investigation and
• Manager, Investigations intelligence expertise, along with proven relationships with Law Enforcement
intelligence gathered through Law Enforcement enquiries and
• Senior Investigations Officer x 2
collaboration Agencies to reach a successful conclusion to the investigation/case with
Proactive coordination with Law Enforcement Agencies(NSW • Investigator x 3
criminal action.
Police, AUSTRAC)and other stakeholders(ATO, Services • Manager, Law Enforcement and Agency Liaison
Australia) • Data, Intelligence, and Analytics Officer
To support the RFP and to ensure that it is fair and transparent, it is
Provide expert investigative services to assist other business • Triage and Assessment Officer
activities such as GlPA requests, Intemai Audit investigations advisable that the current Core Integrity engagement is extended through
associated to grant fraud direct negotiation to March 2021. This will require additional funds of
approximately $700k, maintaining current resource profile.

Responsive, proactive and preventive fraud investigative

The RFP will need to be open to the market before 1 December and closing
Partner Agencies may view this model as'over
services servicing' late January 21, allowing suppliers time to complete their submission over
SlU under fuil control of Service NSW and could potentially Additional grant programs could increase the Christmas shutdown period. The SlU will commence transition to SNSW
include non-grant programs within its scope over time resource profiie and requirements from 1 March with completion in June 2021.
SNSW will be able to flex team to accommodate operational NSW Police/Law Enforcement investigations
changes and to meet strategic priorities as set by Government may force the redirection of resources
All inbound and outttound Police/Law Enforcement enquiries
Resourcing Costs
will t>e actioned/investigated
SNSW is demonstrating due diligence and meeting public
• December 2020 to February 2021 = $700k
expectations in attempt to prosecute and recovery fraudulent
activities and payments • March to June 2021 = $960k
Predictive analysis and intelligence would improve control • FY 2021/22 = $2.9m
effectiveness targeting systemic and uncovered fraudulent
1)excludes any contingency or discretionary spending
Intervention and disruptive methodologies would be used to 2)calculated at $60k per week for supplier resources
prevent fraud loss and improve control effectiveness 3) Includes 3/4 Salary + labour costs, and minus6 weeks related to leave and public 10
holidays related to Supplier services
Option 3- Priority Case Investigation Team

Under full control of SNSW at 1 July 2021,this option is deemed

a MEDiUM ievei service offering. This operating model will exceed the
Investigate PI and P2 Cases/applications only; int)ound and Inhouse resources
minimum legislative requirements with the referral of outbound PI and P2
outbound Police enquiries • Program Manager(GRP funded until March 2021)
cases to NSW Police for further investigation and criminal action.
Report suspected fraud to NSW Police for their action • Business Support Officer/Project Officer
Coordination of briefs of evidence including business record Supplier (third party) resources
affidavits and victim statements This option will require SNSW/DCS to undertake an open market(RFP)
• Director, SlU
Conducting case network mapping analysis on P1 and P2 tender to engage a third-party supplier with specialist investigation and
• Manager, Investigations
cases only intelligence expertise, along with proven relationships with Law
• Senior investigations Officer x 1
Respond to enquiries from NSW Police Enforcement Agencies to reach a successful conclusion to the
• Investigator x 3
investigation/case with criminal action.
• Manager, Law Enforcement and Agency Liaison

To support the RFP and to ensure that it is fair and transparent, it is

advisable that the current Core Integrity engagement is extended through
direct negotiation to March 2021. This will require additional funds of
approximately $700k, maintaining current resource profile.
Focus on major investigations only Additional grant programs could increase
Deterrent element that SNSW is focusing on higher profile resource profiie and requirements
cases NSW Police/Law Enforcement investigations The RFP will need to be open to the market before 1 December and closing
Positive impact associated increased media attention related may force the redirection of resources late January, allowing suppliers time to complete their submission over the
to high profiie cases Applications prioritised as P3 and P4 will not t>e Christmas shutdown period. The SlU will commence transition to SNSW
Only actioning priority int>ound and outbound Police enquiries actioned - meaning that investigations and from 1 March with completion in June 2021.
potential criminal action will not be taken
against these suspected fraudulent payments Resourcing Costs*
No predictive proactive intelligence and data • DCS/GRP
analysis would be performed which could result • December 2020 to Febmary 2021 = $700k
in continued systemic fraud and ineffective • SNSW:
• March to June 2021 = $830k
Inaction of P3 and P4 cases could result in • FY 2021/22 = $2.5m
negative Public and Partner Agency perception
1)excludes any contingency or discretionary spending
2)calculated at $52k per week for supplier resources(DCS/GRP costs are
calculated separately) ..
3)Includes 3/4 Salary + latx)ur costs, and minus 6 weeks related to leave 11
and public holidays related to Supplier services
Option 2 and 3 - Proposed Organisational Reporting Structure

Service NSW DCS

Executive Executive
Director, Director,
Strategy, Risk and Governance, Risk
Performance and Performance

DCS Chief Audit

Manager Director Audit and
r (DCS/GRP) investigations

Security Review

Current State - Strategic Investigations Unit(SlU)

In June 2020, DCS established the Strategic Investigations Unit(SlU)and engaged expert fraud and investigative consultants(Core
Integrity Solutions)to assist Service NSW in quantifying the potential fraud loss exposure of grants paid to customers, and to establish an
investigations function to escalate suspected cases of fraud to the NSW Police and to respond to inbound requests for information from the

• The Core Integrity Solutions(SlU)consists of 7 staff with oversight by the Managing Director.
GRP engaged a Program Manager in August 2020, to assist in establishment and oversight of SlU. This includes the transition of the SlU to
a BAU capacity.

A significant focus of the SlU to date has been on Priorityl ("P1")cases as inbound referrals for information from the NSW Police. The SlU
has received enquiries from the NSW Police in relation to approximately 23 cases nd intelligence supplied by the unit has contributed to the
arrest of two Persons Of Interest("POI's).SW Police have also established wo joint agency taskforces in the Hunter Valley and central
NSW,omprising ocal Area Commands and state and federal agencies. Advice from NSW Police has indicated that additional task forces will
be established imminently to target known POI's).

• The SlU has commenced discussions with AUSTRAC to further support investigations and to assist NSW Police with enhanced evidence
and data. USTRAC have identified a further 30 POIs that they believe warrant further investigation by the SlU. This collaborative
relationship will ensure that applicants actively attempting to defraud the grant programs will potentially be stopped before grant funding is

• In addition to providing expert investigative services, the SlU has been involved in investigations related to an internal staff member, a case
where a customer had referred a matter to NCAT for review, and suspected customer identity theft.
Service NSW Grant Administration

• Service NSW will remain the main government vehicle to disperse disaster and economic stimulus Grant payments.
This line of business is evolving with significant focus on improving current controls for existing grant programs
• The Service NSW Fraud Control Framework is currently under way to identify key processes, policies and structures
to deter, detect, and respond to fraudulent or incorrectly issued funding or financial support.
• Significant interest from the NSW Audit Office and the Auditor General on the control measures and frameworks in
place to administer the ongoing grant programs with two Performance Audits to be delivered over the next 12
• Service NSW remain committed to providing as much support and assistance to NSW Police in their pursuit of
customers who are suspected of fraud
Service NSW has a low appetite for grant fraud.
Service NSW Grant Administration

SNSW does not have any compliance or enforcement authority under its enabling act
Agreements with partner agencies to allow SNSW to investigate matters of fraud and provide delegated enforceable
powers to demand return of grant payments deemed fraudulent
Delegated enforceable powers should be conveyed to grant applicants (at the time of submission) as set by the
grant application eligibility criteria
Grant application Terms and Conditions should include the intent/will of SNSW to refer suspected fraudulent
applications to NSW Police for criminal action
The Service NSW Finance Reconciliation Team has successfully recovered approx. $1m in incorrectly paid grants.
This is from a total recovery value of $1.7m
Some further consideration may be required as to whether partner agencies should contribute funding to the
ongoing operations of the investigations function
Early indication from icare is that Service NSW insurance policies under the Treasury Managed Fund do not
cover claims related to customer grant fraud.(NB official advice from icare/TMF is pending - recent update from
icare has noted this will be provided by early November)
SlU Successes

Established case management function in place

Prioritisation and triage of applications is in place
Management dashboards established to report case load and investigation updates, including improved data
intelligence to better inform case and application management (i.e. aging cases, connectedness, indicators,
geographic spread)
2 criminal convictions, 1 charge pending further court appearance
Established partnership with NSW Police Local Area Commands in Hunter and Mid North Coast
SlU continue to work intimately with multiple Strike Forces within NSW Police. This includes holding recurring
meetings with members of the Strike Forces to discuss information required and next steps in the respective police
o SlU has established relationships with 24 police officers as a result of 21 inbound NSW Police referrals, 9 NSW
Police queries and 1 outbound referral to NSW Police
Completion of detailed briefs of evidence including SNSW Victim Statement and business records affidavits which
these can be used as templates and proformas for further NSW Police engagement
Customer negotiation that resulted in a return of funds and avoidance of an NCAT investigation in the agency and
grant program
Established a collaborative relationship with AUSTRAC to share and support ongoing investigations
SlU - Current Case Load and Management

SlU case load as at the 20th October 2020:

138 active cases
• consisting of 1689 suspected fraudulent applications
associated value = $17,752,859
o P1 and P2 associated value = $9,082,298
• $7.1 m in grants already paid
o P1 and P2 paid = $4,280,249

A further 336 applications have failed the SNSW Level 2 Security Risk Team (SRI)security assessment and will be
referred to SlU in coming weeks. SRI continue to address a backlog of-1,200 applications, with further referrals to SlU

SlU Investigators(2 FIE)are fully utilised working with 3 active NSW Police on Strikeforces.

SlU currently have a total of 23 police cases relating to:

62 suspects(some supplied by NSW Police)
• 314 applications
21 Inbound referrals from NSW Police and 1 outbound to referral
Current SID Organisational Structure

Executive Director, DCS A/Chief Audit h

Governance, Risk and Risk Officer, i
Service NSW Chief
Director, Core
and Performance
Audit Executive .^Integrity Solutions
Catherine Ellis
Anthony Lane Darren Murphy

SiU Director
ian Misfeld

friage and Assessmeni Snr Manager, Data Snr Consultant, Law

Analytics and Enforcement and
Analyst investigations
Reporting Agency Liaison
Craig Grant Dylan Bohnen
Chris Davitt Holly Cogle

Paolo Cantareila

Josh Rawciiffe
SlU Applications by Program - as at 20/10/2020

Program Invesbgations: # transactions # of cases referred to Police

Data source (Strategic investigations unit) (Stiategk:Tnv^gafi^un9) ''

Information Applications

Small Business COVID-19 Support Grant 369 applications

Smal Business Bushfire Support 10K Grant 969 applications

Small Business Bushfire Recovery 50K Grant 149 applications

VFF Payment 108 applications

1 c^e(comprising of 40 applicaticms)
COVID Recovery 3K Grant 91 applications

Southern Border Small Business Support

2 applications

Export Assistance Grant 1 application


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