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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering

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Analysis of Effect of Pressure and Heat on Mechanical

Characteristics of Butt Fusion Welding of Polyethylene
a a a
Mohammad Riahi , Khalil Kooshayan & Mohammad Faraji Ghanati
Center for Advancement in Mechanical and Non-Destructive Testing School of Mechanical
Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology , Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Published online: 09 Jun 2011.

To cite this article: Mohammad Riahi , Khalil Kooshayan & Mohammad Faraji Ghanati (2011) Analysis of Effect of Pressure
and Heat on Mechanical Characteristics of Butt Fusion Welding of Polyethylene Pipes, Polymer-Plastics Technology and
Engineering, 50:9, 907-915, DOI: 10.1080/03602559.2011.551982

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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 50: 907–915, 2011
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0360-2559 print=1525-6111 online
DOI: 10.1080/03602559.2011.551982

Analysis of Effect of Pressure and Heat on Mechanical

Characteristics of Butt Fusion Welding of Polyethylene Pipes
Mohammad Riahi, Khalil Kooshayan, and Mohammad Faraji Ghanati
Center for Advancement in Mechanical and Non-Destructive Testing School of Mechanical
Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran

needed some of them are face milled to provide smooth

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The butt fusion process is one of the most effective processes in surfaces. Upon preparation of weld surfaces, welding
welding polyethylene pipes. The heating stage is the most important process comprised of 4 stages takes place. Bead build-up,
step in this process. In this investigation, while the main objective heat soak, removal of heating plate and welding are these
was to reduce the final bead’s size of the weld, 9 different experi- stages[1,2]. The welding procedure recommended in many
ments with different heat and pressure conditions and equal timing
for each heating stage were defined. Numerical modeling of Finite references are introduced by researchers like Potente
Element Method (FEM) of the heating process was carried out in et al.,[2] Benkreira et al.,[3] as well as ASTM.[4]
the computer software considering governing physical conditions In all those references, it has been pointed out that on
in the weld to determine heat distribution as well as primary bead the condition of carrying prescribed procedures of welding
geometry. Subsequently, the model was compared with results from precisely as suggested, its strength will be as strong as pipes
experimentations. Cross-cut of the formed primary beads at the end
of the heating process were prepared and compared with results body. Nonhof by presenting statistical analysis has
from the model. To review final quality of the weld and its mechan- attempted to optimize welding process for some thermo-
ical characteristics, all samples were welded under equal pressure plastic materials. However; his analysis has not been con-
conditions. Cross-sections of beads formed at the final stage as well ducted specifically for the High Density Polyethylene
as some samples for tension test and impact test from all welded (HDPE) as it is the case for PE pipes.
areas were prepared according to standard for determination of
mechanical characteristics and then compared with each other. Mustafa investigated the weldability of UHMW-
From mechanical strength perspective, the weld formed in 210 C polyethylene via the friction stir welding method. He has
and 0.18 MPa pressure demonstrated higher values. However, prepared samples with this method and the tensile test,
impact strength in the weld formed in 180 C was higher. By reduc- the durometer hardness test and an optical microstructure
ing pressure in a specified heating process, value of impact energy analysis were conducted on welded joint. In the experi-
required to break the piece was reduced. Mechanical strength in
heating condition 240 C was lower than all other cases. As for ments, a tensile strength of 72% was achieved in non-
geometry of the formed bead; its size in 180 C and 0.03 MPa press- preheated welds, whereas tensile strength of parent
ure in the first stage of the heating process was smaller than other material was achieved approximately at an optimum value
cases. of 89% by pre-heating at 50 C.
Pimputkar presented a range of welding parameters pro-
Keywords Butt fusion; Heating process; Mechanical characteris- ducing an acceptable and strong weld by relying on short
tics; Polyethylene pipes time fracture test.
Colaluca et al. studied the quality of polyethylene pipe
INTRODUCTION joints in gas field. They have prepared a way to set proces-
sing conditions that will result in an acceptable weld.
Using polyethylene pipes in a host of transportation
Leskovics studied effect of butt fusion weld on micro
industries such as gas, water, sewer and other liquids is
structure of the formed surfaces and compared it with the
on the increase. Butt fusion welding is an effective pro-
structure of Medium Density of Polyethylene (MDPE) of
cedure for connection of polyethylene pipes. In this
the pipe.
procedure surfaces to be connected are cleaned and if
Roopa et al.[11] studied far field welding of semicrystal-
line polymer=high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The tem-
perature distribution has been modeled for varying lengths
Address correspondence to Mohammad Riahi, Center for
Advancement in Mechanical and Non-Destructive Testing,
of the specimen using Ansys to predict the temperature
School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science spikes, which can be related to the performance of the
and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: Riahi@iust. joints achieved.


Zhao et al.[11] has investigated effect of surface contami- FINITE ELEMENT MODELING
nation on butt fusion welding of polyethylene pipes. Lu Model Geometry and Loading Conditions
et al. have studied the effect of pressure and surface con- Due to symmetric conditions in the pipe around its
tamination parameters on the strength and quality of the central axis, in order to reduce required time for solution
weld. Benkreira, Shillitoe and Day[13] have modeled the and modeling, a two dimensional Axi-symmetric model
heating stage in butt fusion welding process. Salvatore[14] has been considered. This two-dimensional model is
studied the weld line properties. depicted in Figure 1. For a model of the heating plate,
Finally, Wood researched numerical analysis and review a linear solid model was used. Complete geometry of
of the butt fusion welding process in polyethylene pipes the pipe is achieved when it circulates around the sym-
next to Gueugnanaut who in his studies, has presented metric axis. Pipe used in this study had an external diam-
modeling of thermomechanical and chemical physics eter of 160 mm and wall thickness of 14.6 mm, which
phenomena having occurred in the butt fusion welding yields an SDR ¼ 11. Pipe’s length in the model was
process of polyethylene pipes. 50 mm, which is equal to the part left out of the clamps
Patcharaphun and Jariyatammanukul[17] focused on the jaw in the machine. In simulation, the heating plate was
Downloaded by [The University of Texas at El Paso] at 13:10 31 December 2014

effect of part thickness on the weld-line strength of taken as a thick line with approximate diameter of
injection-molded short-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic com- 180 mm so that we could disregard effects of radiation
posites. Comparisons were made with specimens without heat in the premium stages prior to heating.
weld lines. The use of design data that takes into account This assumption results in an impact on the heat distri-
fiber orientation and part thickness will enable designers bution on the internal and external surfaces of the pipe.
to more accurately predict the performance of injection- However, due to very low heat conduction in polyethylene,
molded thermoplastic composites under applied load. it will not have much impact on the heat inside pipe as well
One characteristic of the butt fusion welding process is as the depth of penetrating heat in the pipe’s body. To
its concept of controlling inlet parameters in this process. simulate the pressure exerted from the jaws of the machine,
This welding process is sensitive to different parameters a normal pressure on the outermost surfaces of the pipes
having effect on it. As such, any fluctuation in them will has been considered. Convection analysis with heat for
cause change in characteristics and quality of the weld. simulation and thermomechanical loading forces of the
Controllable parameters in the heating stage of butt fusion pipes has been used. Since intensive change in geometry
welding process, are several, one of which is heaters tem- of pipe in the melting zone in contact with heating plate
perature. Another one is pressure at the first stage of heat- occurs, in order to define slippage of melting material, con-
ing, in addition to duration of each heating stage and tact between pipe and plate has been considered as slipping
pressure at the welding stage. A noticeable point in butt form in the model. Also; ‘‘self-contact’’ is the definition
fusion welding is the formation of beads at the internal provided for surfaces close to the outer melting part of
and external surfaces of the pipe. The formed internal the pipe and prevention of formed bead entrance to the
beads cause increase in friction against fluids flow. Also, inside of the pipe.
it is considered as location of formation of residues and
depositing of contaminants. Any lowering in the height
of the formed beads in the weld, which could be done by Heat Transfer
manipulating heating conditions, is a major goal in The governing differential equation of the heat transfer
reduction of effect of friction in polyethylene pipes. problem to be solved is:
The main objective of this investigation is the numerical
modeling of the heating process as well as analysis of effect
of pressure and heat on quality of weld in form of numeri- @2T @2T @T
k þ k þ Q  qc ¼0 ð1Þ
cal and experimental analysis. Having reduction of the final @x2 @y2 @t
size of formed beads as the goal, 8 experiments were
defined comprised of different conditions of heat and press-
ure. However, the parameter of time was considered equal
for all experiments. Experiment conditions included tem-
peratures 180, 210 and 240 C, and pressures at the first
stage of heating were 0.03, 0.01 and 0.18 MPa. Pressure
at the heat absorption stage in all samples was less than
0.01 Mpa. Duration of heating at the first stage in all sam-
ples was 120 s and in the second stage it was 180 s. Experi-
ment TC33 was excluded due to anomalies observed while FIG. 1. Two-dimensional models of the pipe and heating plate along
experimenting. with final pressure. (color figure available online)

Heat characteristics of polyethylene (HDPE) in room temperature
Heat capacity of Conductivity of Density MFI
Parameter the material (Cp) the material (k) (kg=m3) (gr=10 min)
Value 2:6  103 j=kg: k 0:33 w=m: k 997 0.45

in which q ¼ density (kg=m3), C ¼ special heat capacity of simplest model to express the Arrhenius relation, which is
the material in (J=ko K), Q ¼ volume rate of entering heat the following:
in (W=m3) and k ¼ heat conductivity of the material in
(w=m.ok). In butt fusion welding process, heat conduction
g ¼ k:j c jm1 ð4Þ
within the pipe’s body is by far larger than heat transfer
taking place through convection or radiation. Conse-
In the above relation k is the materials coefficient and m is
Downloaded by [The University of Texas at El Paso] at 13:10 31 December 2014

quently, heat transferred through convection and radiation

is negligible. Since polyethylene has low heat conduction the sensitivity coefficient of material against sheer stress
coefficient as well as low heat penetration, heat conduction exerted on it.
from melting surface to the internal layers of the pipe takes For modeling of melted materials behavior; as well as
place rather slowly. Initially, ambient temperature of 23oC heated zone inside it, combination of two conditions is
and heating plate temperature were defined in accordance used. First one is elastic-viscous and second one is
with the experiments’ condition. Heat characteristic of elastic-plastic. Law of combining characteristics in essence
HDPE used in this experiment is presented in Table 1. is the integration of materials stress tensor in plastic and
viscous condition. In summary, the presented model could
Melting Kinetics of Polyethylene be expressed in the following form:
When required melting heat is given to a solid polymeric

material, it is converted into a melt condition. Melting pro- a ¼ ap þ avp
cess of the material from physical stand point means ð5Þ
e ¼ ep þ evp
exclusion of existing order in the crystal structure and cre-
ation of amorphous structure. Heating rate has effect on in which ‘p’ is used to denote plastic tension and ‘vp’ is
phase change of the material. Therefore, determination of used to express viscous plastic tension of the material used.
a relation between phase change in the material and heat- Elasto-viscous plastic model is suitable for modeling of
ing rate would be helpful. To determine relation between conditions in which an elastic-plastic structure and an elas-
rate of phase change in polyethylene, in light of high simi- tic viscous network are present. This combinational beha-
larity between solidification process and melting of vior could be applied in many industrial applications in
material, an existing model known as the Avarami model which plastic and viscous geometry change of the material
could be used for initiation of material transfer process[14]. occurs.
aðtÞ ¼ 1  ExpðKavarami ðTÞ:tn Þ ð2Þ
in which a(t) is phase change rate or material transfer from
Material, Pipe and Procedure of Welding
solid to liquid, kavarami is the Avarami coefficient and n is
the Avarami exponent. Considering the similarity between The material was categorized in the PE100 group and
solidification and melting process in polyethylene, the its strength against hydro static pressure is equal to 10
Avarami model could be used to express rate of phase bars. For conducting experimental work, pipes made of
change in polyethylene while melting[14]. polyethylene material (HDPE-PE100-HE 3490LS) were
used. For the welding process of butt fusion, pipes with
al ðtÞ ¼ 1  ExpðKfusion ðTÞ:tn Þ ð3Þ diameters 160 mm and thickness 14.6 mm (surface to diag-
onal ratio SDR ¼ 11) in sizes of 35 cm and 40 cm length
in which kfusion is the coefficient similar to avarami were cut. Conditions of experiments included tempera-
exponent and n is the avarami exponent. tures of 180, 210 and 240 C. In addition, pressure at
the first stage of heating was 0.03, 0.1 and 0.18 MPa.
Melting Behavior of Polyethylene For the second stage of heating, the pressure was taken
Determination of rheological behavior of polyethylene to be zero. Duration of first stage of heating in all sam-
has been conducted by Hehn et al.[18] In their studies, rheo- ples was 120 s and the second stage was 180 s. All weld
logical relation of polyethylene was presented using the samples used in this study were produced by a CNC butt


Simulation Results
In the following diagrams, results obtained from simula-
tion and heat distribution for 3 different loading conditions
and defined conditions in experiments in the temperature
FIG. 2. Structure of heat measuring system.
ranges of 180, 210 and 240 C are presented. Moreover,
Figures 4–6 are indicative of stages where formation and
development of primary beads in the heating process for
3 different conditions take place.

Analysis of Heat Distribution

Results of heat distribution in simulation are compared
with those obtained from actual measurement of heat in
different distances from the heating plate findings. For
Downloaded by [The University of Texas at El Paso] at 13:10 31 December 2014

the TC13 simulation conditions are presented here.

Figure 7 depicts heat change in both actual as well as simu-
lation measurements for experiment TC13 in distances 2
FIG. 3. Method of placing thermocouples in the pipes body for heat and 4 mm.
measurement at its center. (color figure available online) In distance 2 mm, results of simulation heat distribution
and results obtained from actual measurement by thermo-
couple are basically the same. The highest error observed is
welding machine in accordance with the conditions related to actual measurement which is about 2.3%. Dia-
described here. gram of heat change in 4 mm is almost identical to that
of 2 mm, and results obtained from actual measurements
Heat Measurement are basically the same as those measured through simula-
A digital thermometer with capability of recording data tion. However, the error at the end of heating stage reached
was used. Thermocouple K is the inlet sensor of the heat a 5% limit.
measuring system. Also to demonstrate results of heat In distances 6 mm and 10 mm, a larger heat difference
measurement, software for graphing was written using compared to the previous measurement was observed
Cþ language. This software is capable of recording and (Figure 8). This is because by melting the outermost end
graphing the data. The structure of system of heat of the pipe through heating and subsequently, shape
measurement is presented in Figure 2. change of that area, its convection in actual experiment
To find depth of heat penetration as well as its distri- takes place. Consequently, measured actual heat is higher
bution in different distances from the heating plate; heat than the numerical model.
measurement in 7 points was conducted. Distances of 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 15 mm and using thermocouples having Discussion of Shape and Size of Primary-Formed
0.7 mm diameter were used in this regard. For this purpose, Bead in Weld
initially, holes with 1.5 mm diameter on the distances men- By exerting necessary heat and pressure at the outer-
tioned and in the depth of 7.5 mm in the body were drilled. most part of the pipe, its surface at the end of the pipe
Then, thermocouples were placed inside these holes. As being in contact with the heating plate, tends to move
such heat measurement of center of the pipe was possible. toward weld beads and thus forms an initial bead. The
In Figure 3 the condition of placing thermocouples in the size of the initially formed bead could be regarded as cri-
pipe’s body is depicted. teria for quality control of the weld in the process. To

FIG. 4. Stages of formation and completion of primary bead in TA3 experiment. (color figure available online)

FIG. 5. Stages of formation and completion of primary bead in TB3 experiment. (color figure available online)
Downloaded by [The University of Texas at El Paso] at 13:10 31 December 2014

FIG. 6. Stages of formation and completion of primary bead in TC1 experiment. (color figure available online)

prepare actual samples, first, pipes were tested under pre- the weld. Thus, thinnest weld has been produced. Experi-
scribed conditions and then by cutting from its end, the ment under TC23 conditions in which bead build-up
samples’ cross-section with the initial bead was produced. pressure was 0.1 MPa and pressure of weld was
In Figures 9 and 10, cross-areas of the formed bead for 0.18 MPa, showed largest dimensions for the welds bead.
both conditions, actual and simulation at the end of Moreover; results obtained from heat distribution indicate
heating process for 3 different conditions are presented. that by increase in pressure up to 0.3 MPa, depth of melt-
Table 2 presents the dimensions of initially formed inter- ing layer increases as well. However, for higher pressures;
nal and external bead in different heating conditions. this value does not change noticeably. Consequently, it
Values of internal and external beads’ heights in differ- could be stated that increasing pressure higher than a cer-
ent test conditions are depicted in Figure 11. In light of tain point causes increase in the surfaces of contact
these diagrams, the weld with TA13 conditions shows
lowest height and width of internal and external bead of

FIG. 8. Diagram of heat changes in both actual heat measurement and

FIG. 7. Diagram of heat change in actual and simulated measurements simulation in TA1 experiment in distances 6 and 10 mm. (color figure
of TC1 experiment in distances 2 and 4 mm. (color figure available online) available online)

by reduction of pressure as well as reduction in heating

temperature, dimensions and sizes of formed beads will
decrease as well.


For all welded samples under different conditions, non
FIG. 9. Cross-sections of formed bead for actual and simulated in TA13 destructive and mechanical testing could be used to deter-
and TB33 experiments. (color figure available online) mine optimized parameters of the weld. Short term tests
could also be used as criteria for analysis of strength and
resistance of weld next to the material of pipe[2]. In this
investigation, 3 types of mechanical tests under different
conditions including standard tension test, low temperature
tension test and Izod impact test were conducted.
Downloaded by [The University of Texas at El Paso] at 13:10 31 December 2014

Dimensions of impact test samples were in accordance

with ASTM256, which was equal to 64  12.7  6.4 mm.
FIG. 10. Cross-sections of formed bead for actual and simulated experi- Depth of carved grove on the surface of sample was
ment TC13. (color figure available online) 2 mm and its angle compared to symmetrical weld axis
was equal to 45 degrees (22.5o  0.5) on both sides of the
weld line. Center of V shape groove was carefully placed
between plate and pipe. On the other hand, increasing the on the weld line. Samples of the standard tension test
pressure excessively will have no obvious effect on depth were prepared in accordance with EN12814-2, and low
of melting layer. As such, pressure impact on the dimen- temperature tension test samples were produced according
sions of initial bead would be higher. Results indicate that to EN12814-6 standard. Figure 12 presents the points

Dimensions of internal and external beads formed initially at heating stage and depth of meld layer
External Bead Internal Bead
Depth of Meld Layer (mm) Bead’s Width Bead’s Height Bead’s Width Bead’s Height Test Condition
2.5 2.64 1.62 1.9 1.3 TA13
3 3.02 1.94 1.94 1.52 TA23
3 3.48 2.06 2.92 2.08 TA33
3.5 3.10 1.92 2.92 1.4 TB13
4.5 3.54 2.1 3.16 2.12 TB23
4.5 4.32 2.52 3.32 2.52 TB33
5 4.32 2.46 4.12 2.22 TC13
6 5.2 3.02 4.2 3.02 TC23

FIG. 11. Diagram of height change (A) external bead of weld and (B) internal bead of weld under different experiments conditions. (color figure
available online)

FIG. 12. Dimensions of (A) standard tension test sample and (B) low temperature tension test sample.

Results of standard tensile test
Considerations Weld factor Yield strength el @ Max load Max load (N) Test Condition
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– 1 15.603 73.431 4317.873 TA13

– 1 15.435 75.78 4204.939 TA23
– 1 15.554 83.535 4143.254 TA33
– 1 15.877 69.951 4137.426 TB13
– 1 15.831 74.919 4255.568 TB23
– 1 15.019 74.031 4153.51 TB33
Fracture from Weld’s Side 0.95 15.373 75.092 4261.407 TC13
Fracture from Weld’s Side 0.92 13.46 69.016 3989.255 TC23
Without Fracture – 15.601 76.595 4190.923 Pipe body


The standard tension test was carried out for all samples
just as it was for pipe’s body. In Table 3, summary of
results obtained from tension test and type of produced
fracture in samples has been depicted. In these tests, value
of strength of weld for all samples was measured and found
to be very close to that of pipe’s body. Figure 13 shows
FIG. 13. Tension test samples after conducting the test showing their
place of fracture in two samples.
place of fracture. (color figure available online)

Low-Temperature Tension Test

discussed. Standard tension test was conducted in ambient The low-temperature tension test is a destructive method
temperature of 23 C and 55% Relative Humidity Index used for evaluation of weld quality and comparison of weld
(RHI) under uni-axial tension. Tension movement in this conditions effect on the ductility of connection with pipe’s
test was equal to 50 mm=min. Low-temperature test sam- body. Figure 14 shows comparison between stress=strain
ples were conditioned at 10 C and were placed on a test diagram for test pieces of pipe’s body and TC23 sample.
machine, upon which tension movement of 25 mm=min It is noteworthy from Figure 15 that tension force in
was exerted for the test procedure. All samples mentioned welded samples is relatively higher at test conditions with
herein were tested by a Gotech tension test machine. higher temperatures. This means, by increase in weld’s

FIG. 14. Comparison between stress=strain diagram for test piece of pipe’s body and TC23 sample.

FIG. 15. Diagram (A) Maximum force at rupture point and (B) Limit of length change at rupture point on the basis of test condition. (color figure
available online)
Downloaded by [The University of Texas at El Paso] at 13:10 31 December 2014

Also, impact strength is higher at low temperature of


In this investigation, the heating process in butt fusion
welds was studied, and selected data was collected by defin-
ing different heating conditions for 8 samples in both
theory and experiment. Furthermore, a numerical model
FIG. 16. Low temperature tension test samples after conducting the test.
of heating process was produced. By measurement of heat,
(color figure available online)
results obtained from heat distribution and geometry of
formed beads were compared. The effects of loading con-
ditions on dimensions and geometry of initially formed
beads, as well as formed beads at the final stage, was pre-
cisely analyzed and compared. TA13 sample with 180 C
and initial pressure of 0.03 MPa presented the smallest size
of formed beads at final stage. Tension tests, low tempera-
ture tension test and impact test were conducted to study
mechanical characteristics of all welded samples. In all
samples, weld strength in low temperature, tension test
and standard tension test was measured to be approxi-
mately same as that of the pipe’s body. However, the value
of measured toughness for weld samples was lower than the
pipe’s body. Also, an impact test at ambient temperature
FIG. 17. Diagram of changes in rupture energy at 26oC. (color figure was conducted on weld samples and it was determined that
available online) in general, by any increase in heating pressure at the given
level, specific heat of impact energy for that sample was
reduced. Moreover, strength at low temperature for sam-
temperature, strength of welded samples has gone up. ples with high temperature weld was higher.
Another important conclusion of this diagram could be
that strength of weld in relation to the pipe’s body is
higher. However, quantity of elongation in the pipe’s body
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