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COVID-19 Pandemic: Reflections and Future Ideas

Covid-19 has impacted our daily life for over a year. Public health and
medical breakthrough have facilitated us in navigating the pandemic.
However, future innovation and ideas to overcome the pandemic and its
aftermath are still urgently needed. This essay competition invites
reflective experiences and innovative ideas on Covid-19.

Essay Subtopics:
- Public health
- Mental health
- Health technology innovation
- Health Education in pandemic era
- Medicine, dentistry, veterinary, herbal

- Medical and health related fields undergraduate & graduate
- Individual or team of maximum 3 people

Timeline (Revised):
- Submission deadline : May 7th 2021
- Finalist notification : May 11th 2021
- Award notification : May 19th 2021

- 1st Winner : IDR 5 Million ~ $350
- 2nd Winner : IDR 3 Million ~ $210
- 3rd Winner : IDR 1.5 Million ~ $105
*Essay winners will have the opportunity to publish in nationally-
accredited peer-reviewed journal (SINTA 4) and receive exclusive
invitation to participate in ICO-HELICS 2021

Author Guidelines

- Only original essay will be considered. Any form of plagiarism will

result in disqualification
- Types of Essay: Academic/Argumentative/Expository Essay
- Length of essay: 2000-3000 words
- Language: English
- Essay’s format:
o Typed on a A4 size electronic page
o Font size shall be 12 points
o 1.5 interlinear space
o Margins of 2.54 on top, bottom, and both sides
o Pictures can be included
o Please cite sources within the body of your essay (in-text
citations) and at the end of the paper in your references

Judging Criteria:
- The assessment of essay will be done in two steps:
1. Stage 1 : selection process of all submitted essays
2. Stage 2 : selected finalist will be contacted and asked to
present their essay via Zoom meeting on May 17th - 18th, 2021
- Selected finalist in stage 2 will be asked to provide a student status
- Judging will be completed by a qualified panel/professional judges
and their decisions are final 

Guidelines for Oral Presentations (Revised):

- A presentation is mandatory for selected finalist in stage 2
- Please join a Zoom meeting through a link provided by committee
and be prompt
- Performer should take up the majority of the center of the screen
Performer must speak clearly and include the following: brief
introduction, essay presentation, and conclusion. Presentations
must be in English
- The use of any assisting tools/software (e.g. PPT, whiteboard, etc)
is allowed
- Maximum duration of the presentation is 10 minutes
- Please mention any sources used within the body of your essay

Originality Statements

“I confirm that the enclosed material is all my own work. I have not copied

my work on any samples or exemplars to which I have had access. Any

work taken from another source has been appropriately referenced and

acknowledged. I fully understand that any form of plagiarism will result in


Signature and name ..................................................................................

(if group work: provide only group leader’s signature and name)

*Electronic signatures are acceptable

Date ..........................................................................................................

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