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Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining


This system aims to perform the evaluation on the website by means of opinion
mining. The opinion of the user by means of rating and feedback is taken into account for the
optimal search.

Project Overview:

Based on today’s scenario numerous websites are into existence in each and every
domain on daily basis. This enormous growth makes the users to tremble to adopt the best
website for their usage. So the website evaluation came into existence and this evaluation is
performed using various techniques. In this study the website evaluation is performed using
the data mining technique. For this analysis the opinion of the user is to be considered. The
user opinion plays a vital role in deciding the performance of the product. The user opinions
can be reviewed by means of feedback and the rating provided by them. The criterion for the
evaluation would be genuineness of the site, support offered by the website and the delivery
in time after each online transactions. Thus the genuine quality of the website could be
identified easily and the result will be more appropriate since it uses the mining technology.
This also reduces the overhead of the users in opting the best website.

Proposed System:

The website evaluation by means of data mining is performed in order for obtaining
the best website. The good website should be of genuine and should make online transactions
on time.The sentiment analysis will be performed on the information that are obtained and
stored in database. The database contains the user ratings and the feedback which are
classified as positive and negative using the sentiment analysis technique. The keywords will
be based on the timely transaction, genuineness and frauds. This system matches the
keywords against the database to provide the appropriate optimal solution. The following
modules are included in this system.

 Admin login
 User login
 Rating calculation
 Sentiment analysis

The admin of this system make a login using admin id and he has the authorization of
adding and deleting the websites. The summing up of websites and keywords in this system
are performed by the admin based on the timely deliver on the online transaction and the
support provided by the website. The user login is allowed only for the authorized users and
the user can make their ratings about the websites. They are allowed to provide comments
and has the authorization of looking others comments in order to get the clear view of the
website. The rating on the product has been calculated in order fr obtaining the clear insight.
This system classifies the comments of the user into positive and negative by using the
sentiment analysis. This makes the analysis process easier thereby differentiating the contents
in the database. Thus the opinion mining on the user comments are performed for the optimal
analysis of the websites.

Software Requirements:
 Windows OS
 Visual Studio

Hardware Requirements:

 Hard Disk – 1 TB or Above

 RAM required – 8 GB or Above
 Processor – Core i3 or Above

Technology Used:

 Data Mining
 Sentiment Analysis

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