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GATE 2001

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5. The heat flux (from outside to inside) across an insulating wall

with thermal conductivity k = 0.04 W/mK and thickness 0.16 m is
10 W/ m2. The temperature of the inside wall is – 50C. The outside
wall temperature is

(a) 250C (b) 300C

(c) 350C (d) 400C

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GATE 2002

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A 10 cm diameter steam pipe, carrying steam at 1800C, is covered with an insulation (conductivity =
0.6 W/m0C). It loses heat to the surroundings at 300 C

Assume heat transfer coefficient of 0.8 W/m2 0C for heat transfer from surface to the surroundings.
Neglect wall resistance of the pipe and film resistance of steam. If the insulation thickness is 2 cm, the
rate of heat loss from this insulated pipe will be

(a) greater than that of the uninsulated steam pipe

(b) less than that of the uninsulated steam pipe
(c) equal to that of the uninsulated steam pipe
(d) less than the steam pipe with 5 cm insulation

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8. 1000 kg of liquid at 300C in a well stirred vessel has to be heated to

1200C using immersed coils carrying condensing steam at 1500C. The
area of the steam coils is 1.2 m2 and overall heat transfer coefficient to
the liquid is 1500 W/ m2 oC. Assuming negligible heat loss to
surrounding and specific heat capacity of the liquid to be 4kJ/kg0C.
The time taken for the liquid to reach desired temperature will be

(a) 15 min (b) 22 min

(c) 44 min (d) 51 min

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9. A composite wall consists of two palates A and B placed in series normal to

the flow of heat. The thermal conductivities are kA and kB and the specific heat
capacities are CpA and CpB for plates A and B respectively. Plate B has twice the
thickness of plate A. At steady state. the temperature difference across plates A
is greater than that across plate B, when

(a) 𝐶𝑝𝐴 > 𝐶𝑝𝐵 (b) 𝐶𝑝𝐴 < 𝐶𝑝𝐵

(c) kA< 0.5 kB (d) kA > 2kB

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GATE 2003

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10. Three solid objects of the same material and of equal masses a
sphere, a cylinder (length = diameter) and a cube are at 5000C
initially. These are dropped in a quenching bath containing a large
volume of cooling oil each attaining the bath temperature
eventually. The time required for 90% change of temperature is
smallest for

(a) Cube (b) cylinder

(c) sphere (d) equal for all the three

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12. The unit of resistance to heat transfer is

(a) Jm-2K-1 (b) Jm-1K-1

(c) Wm-2K-1 (d) Wm2K

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14. The inner wall of a furnace is at a temperature of 7000C. The

composite wall is made of two substances, 10 and 20 cm thick with
thermal conductivities of 0.05 and 0.1 W m-1 0C-1 respectively. The
ambient air is at 300C and the heat transfer coefficient between the
outer surface of wall and air is 20 Wm-2 oC-1. The rate of heat loss
from the outer surface in W m-2 is

(a) 165.4 (b) 167.5

(c) 172.5 (d) 175

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18. For a given ambient air temperature with increase in the

thickness of insulation of a hot cylindrical pipe, the rate of heat loss
from the surface would

(a) decrease

(b) increase

(c) first decrease and then increase

(d) first increase and then decrease

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GATE 2004

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21. The left face of a one dimensional slab of thickness 0.2 m is

maintained at 800C and the right face is exposed to air at
300C. The thermal conductivity of the slab is 1.2 W/(m K) and the
heat transfer coefficient from the right face is 10 W/(m2 K). At
steady state, the temperature of the right face in 0C is

(A) 77.2 (B) 71.2

(C) 63.8 (D) 48.7

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22. A metal ball of radius 0.1 m at a uniform temperature of 900C

is left in air at 300C. The density and the specific heat of the metal
are 3000 kg/m3 and 0.4 kJ/(kg K), respectively. The heat transfer
coefficient is 50 W/(m2 K). Neglecting the temperature gradient
inside the ball, the time taken (in hours) for the ball to cool to 600C

(A) 555 (B) 55.5

(C) 0.55 (D) 0.15

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GATE 2005

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29. A circular tube of outer diameter 5 cm and inner diameter 4 cm
is used to convey hot fluid. The inner surface of the wall of the tube
is at a temperature of 800C, while the outer surface of the wall of
the tube is at 250C. What is the rate of heat transport across the
tube wall per meter length of the tube at steady state, if the thermal
conductivity of the tube wall is 10 W/(mK)?

(A) 13823 W/m (B) 15487 W/m

(C) 17279 W/m (D) 27646 W/m

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31. A semi-infinite slab occupying the region x = 0 and x = ∞ is at

an initial temperature T0. At time t = 0, the surface of the slab at x
= 0 is brought into contact with a heat hath at a temperature
TH. The temperature T (x, t) of the slab rises according to the

TH − T ( x, t ) 2
4 t

= e d
TH − T0  0

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where x is position and t is time. The heat flux at the surface x = 0

is proportional to
(A) t-1/2 (B) t½
(C) t (D) t 3/2

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Linked Answer Questions 34-35

A liquid of mass 7 kg and specific heat 4 kJ/(kg0C) is contained in a cylindrical
heater of diameter 0.15 m and height 0.40 m. The cylindrical surface of the
heater is exposed to air at 250C while the end caps are insulated, so that heat
transfer takes place only through the cylindrical surface. The thickness of the
wall of the heater = 2 mm. The wall thermal conductivity = 10 W/(m K). The
heat transfer coefficient in the liquid = 100 W/(m2K). The heat transfer
coefficient in air = 10 W/(m2K). The liquid is initially maintained at a
temperature of 750C. AT time t= 0, the heater is switched off, and the
temperature of the liquid in the heater decreases due to heat loss across the
cylindrical surface.

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34. What is the overall heat transfer coefficient in W/m2K ?

(A) 1 (B) 4.04

(C) 9.07 (D) 10

35. What is the time required for the temperature of the liquid to reduce to 500C after the heater is
switched off, assuming lumped system analysis is valid?

(A) 7.874 x 103 s

(B) 11.346 x 103 s
(C) 16.828 x 103 s
(D) 23.213 x 103 s

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GATE 2006

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36. A stagnant liquid film of 0.4 mm thickness is held between

two parallel plates. The top plate is maintained at 400C and the
bottom plate is maintained at 300C. If the thermal conductivity of
the liquid is 0.14 W/(m K), then the steady state heat flux (in
W/m2) assuming one-dimensional heat transfer, is
(A) 3.5 (B) 350
(C) 3500 (D) 7000

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37. One dimensional steady state heat transfer occurs from, a flat
vertical wall of length 0.1 m into the adjacent fluid. The heat flux
into this fluid is 21 W/m2. The wall thermal conductivity is 1.73
W/(mK). If the heat transfer coefficient is 30 W/(m2K) and the
Nusselt number based on the wall length is 20, then the magnitude
of the temperature gradient at the wall on the fluid side (in K/m) is

(A) 0.7 (B) 12.14

(C) 120 (D) 140

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GATE 2007

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41. The composite wall of an oven consists of three materials A, B and

C. Under steady state operating conditions, the outer surface temperature
Tso is 20 °C, the inner surface temperature Tsi is 600 °C and the oven air
temperature is T∞ = 800 °C. For the following data: Thermal conductivities
kA = 20 W/(m K) and kC = 50 W/m K), thickness LA = 0.3 m, LB = 0.15 m
and LC = 0.15 m, inner-wall heat transfer coefficient h = 25 W/(m2 K),

The thermal conductivity kB

W/(mK) of the material B, is
calculated as
(A) 35 (B) 1.53

(C) 0.66 (D) 0.03

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GATE 2008

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46. Two plates of equal thickness (t) and cross-sectional area, are
joined together to form a composite as shown in the figure. If the
thermal conductivities of the plates are k and 2k, then the effective
thermal conductivity of the composite is

(A) 3k/2 (B) 4k/3

(C) 3k/4 (D) 2k/3

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47. A metallic ball (ρ = 2700 kg/m3 and Cp = 0.9 kJ/(kg °C) of
diameter 7.5 cm is allowed to cool in air at 25°C. When the
temperature of the ball is 125°C, it is found to cool at the rate of
4°C per minute. If thermal gradients inside the ball are neglected,
the heat transfer coefficient in W/(m2 °C) is

(A) 2.034 (B) 20.34

(C) 81.36 (D) 203.4

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49. The temperature profile for heat transfer from one fluid to
another separated by a solid wall is

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GATE 2009

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51. During the transient convective cooling of a solid object, Biot

number tends to zero indicates
(A)uniform temperature throughout the object
(B)negligible convection at the surface of the object
(C)significant thermal resistance within the object
(D)significant temperature gradient within the object

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54. For the composite wall shown below (case- 1), the steady
state interface temperature is 180°C. If the thickness of layer P
is doubled (Case- 2), then the rate of heat transfer (assuming 1-
dimensional conduction) is reduced by
(A) 20%
(B) 40%

(C) 50%
(D) 70%

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Common Data for Questions 55 & 56:

A slab of thickness L with one side (x = 0) insulated and the other
side (x = L) maintained at a constant temperature T0 is shown
A uniformly distributed internal
heat source produces heat in the
slab at the rate of S W/m3.
Assume the heat conduction to
be steady and 1-dimensional
along the x-direction.

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55. The maximum temperature in the slab occurs at x equal to

(A) 0 (B) L/4

(C) L/2 (D) L

56. The heat flux at x = L is

(A) 0 (B) S L/4

(C) S L/2 (D) S L

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GATE 2010

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59. The figure below shows steady state temperature profiles for
one dimensional heat transfer within a solid slab for the following

P: uniform heat generation with left surface perfectly insulted

Q: uniform heat generation with right surface perfectly insulted
R: uniform heat consumption with left surface perfectly insulted
S: uniform heat consumption with right surface perfectly insulted

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Match the profiles with appropriate cases.

(A) P-I, Q-III, R-II, S-IV

(B) P-II, Q-III, R-I, S-IV

(C) P-I, Q-IV, R-II, S-III

(D) P-II, Q-IV, R-I, S-III

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GATE 2011

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67. Heat is generated uniformly within a solid slab. The slab
separates fluid 1 from fluid 2. The heat transfer coefficients
between the solid slab and the fluids are h1 and h2 (h2 > h1)
respectively. The steady state temperature profile (T vs. x) for one
– dimensional heat transfer is CORRECTLY shown by

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GATE 2012

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68. For heat transfer across a solid-fluid interface, which one of

the following statements is NOT true when the Biot number is very
small compared to 1?

(A)Conduction resistance in the solid is very small compared to

convection resistance in the fluid
(B)Temperature profile within the solid of nearly uniform
(C)Temperature drop in the fluid is significant
(D)Temperature drop in the solid is significant

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69. A solid sphere with an initial temperature Ti is immersed in a

large thermal reservoir of temperature T0. The sphere reaches a
steady temperature after a certain time t1. If the radius of the
sphere is doubled, the time required to reach steady state will be

(A) t1/4 (B) t1/2

(C) 2t1 (D) 4t1

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72. Heat is generated at a steady rate of 100 W due to resistance heating in

a long wire (length = 5 m, diameter = 2 mm). This wire is wrapped with an
insulation of thickness 1 mm that has a thermal conductivity of 0.1 W/mk. The
insulated wire is exposed to air at 30 oC. The convective heat transfer between
the wire and surrounding air is characterized by a heat transfer coefficient of
10 W/m2K. The temperature (in oC) at the interface between the wire and the
insulation is

(A) 211.2 (B) 242.1

(C) 311.2 (D) 484.2

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75. The one dimensional steady state heat conduction equation in a

hollow cylinder with a constant heat source q is

T 1   rT 
=  +q
t r r  r 

If A and B are arbitrary constants then the steady state solution to

the above equation is

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a)T(r) = + +B
2 r
qr 2
b)T(r) = − + Alnr + B

c)T(r) = AInr + B
d)T(r) = + AInr + B

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GATE 2013

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79. Calculate the heat required (in kJ, up to 1 digit after the
decimal point) to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a solid
material from 100°C to 1000°C. The specific heat (Cp) of the
material (in J/mol-K) is expressed as Cp = 20 + 0.005 T, where T
is in K. Assume no phase change.______

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GATE 2014

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83. A brick wall of 20 cm thickness has thermal conductivity of

0.7 Wm-1K-1. An insulation of thermal conductivity 0.2 Wm-1K-1 is
to be applied on one side of the wall, so that the heat transfer
through the wall is reduced by 75%. The same temperature
difference is maintained across the wall before and after applying
the insulation. The required thickness (in cm) of the insulation is

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85. The bottom face of a horizontal slab of thickness 6 mm is

maintained at 300 oC. The top face is exposed to a flowing gas at
30 oC. The thermal conductivity of the slab is 1.5 W m-1 K-1 and the
convective heat transfer coefficient is 30 W m-2 K-1. At steady state,
the temperature (in oC) of the top face is ____

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GATE 2015

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87. Consider a solid block of unit thickness for which the thermal
conductivity decreases with an increase in temperature. The opposite
faces of the block are maintained at constant but different temperatures:
T(x = 0) > T(x = 1). Heat transfer is by steady state conduction in x-
direction only. There is no source or sink of heat inside the block. In the
figure below, identify the correct temperature profile in the block.

(A) I (B) II

(C) III (D) IV

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88. A heated solid copper sphere (of surface area A and volume V) is
immersed in a large body of cold fluid. Assume the resistance to heat transfer
inside the sphere to be negligible and heat transfer coefficient (h), density (ρ) ,
heat capacity (C), and thermal conductivity (k) to be constant. Then, at time t,
the temperature difference between the sphere and the fluid is proportional to:
 hA   4k 
a)exp  − t c)exp  − t
 VC   CA 

 VC   CA 
b) exp  − t d) exp  − t
 hA   4k 

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GATE 2016

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91. A composite wall is made of four different materials of

construction in the fashion shown below. The resistance (in K/W)
of each of the sections of the wall is indicated in the diagram.

The overall resistance (in

K/W, rounded off to the first
decimal place) of the
composite wall, in the
direction of heat flow, is ___

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95. In an experimental setup, mineral oil is filled in between the narrow gap of two horizontal smooth
plates. The setup has arrangements to maintain the plates at desired uniform temperatures. At these
temperatures, ONLY the radiative heat flux is negligible. The thermal conductivity of the oil does not
vary perceptibly in this temperature range. Consider four experiments at steady state under different
experimental conditions, as shown in the figure below. The figure shows plate temperatures and the
heat fluxes in the vertical direction.

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What is the steady state heat flux (in W m‒2) with the top plate at
70oC and the bottom plate at 40oC?

(A) 26 (B) 39

(C) 42 (D) 63

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GATE 2017

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98. The one dimensional unsteady heat conduction

equation is
T 1   n T 
Cp = n r k 
t r r  r 
Where T-temperature, t – time, r – radial position, k – thermal
conductivity, 𝜌 - density, and Cp – specific heat. For the cylindrical
coordinate system, the value of n in the above equation is

(a) 0 (b) 1

(c) 2 (d) 3

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GATE 2018

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105. The wall of a pipe of radius 1 m is at a uniform temperature

of 2000C and is covered by insulation of thickness 0.1 m. The
ambient air outside the insulated pipe is at 200C and has heat
transfer coefficient of 10Wm-2K-1. The thermal conductivity of the
insulation material is 0.05 Wm-1K-1. If the heat transfer occurs at
steady state, the temperature (in 0C) of the outer surface of
insulation is ______.
(rounded off to two decimal places.)

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