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Abdul-Rahman, Chen Wang, Azli Mohd Rahim,

Siaw Chuing Loo, Nadzmi Miswan
Numerous researchers proved Vertical Greenery System VGS beneficial to buildings and surroundings. However, it is
still not widely applied in the tropics like Malaysia. This paper aims to determine the perceptions of VGS among the
end users before it can be improved. A survey was conducted among 40 respondents, the end users of VGS in select-
ed buildings within Klang Valley area. The collected data was analysed using statistical tests. From the findings, the pri-
mary benefits of VGS perceived by end users are enhancing visual quality, bringing nature harmony, reducing stress
and reducing the urban heat island effects. The perceptions contradict with the results of ANOVA test between reduc-
ing the urban heat island effects and other VGS benefits that proves the need and effort to work on VGS in Malaysia.

Keywords: Vertical Greenery System, Green Building, Green Façade, Green Building Index, Urban Tropics.

1 . In t r o d u c t i o n industrialized countries and this will result in an

increase of energy consumption (Larr & Grimme,
For the past 40 years, the green building concept 2002). To address this problem, there are many
has been in practice and is still on the move (Ismail, ways to reduce energy consumption in the tropical
2013). The initiation of green building began much zone countries using the green building concept,
further than the 1970's when world’s energy crisis for instance, shading, day lighting, and natural ven-
broke out (Mao et al., 2011). The green building tilation.
open house international Vol.39 No.4, December 2014. Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS).

concept today revolves on a structure which is built With the increasing urban temperature,
with both environmental responsibility and resource one of the measures to mitigate this is planting of
efficiency throughout a building's life-cycle from sit- vegetation. Greenery has the capacities to reduce
ting to design, construction, operation, mainte- the urban heat island (UHI) effect (Wong et al.,
nance, renovation, and demolition (Na et al., 2007). Wong et al. (2007) found that buildings
2013). McGraw-Hill Construction’s (2008) survey nearby or surrounded by greenery have lower
reported that green building strategies reduce ambient temperature than those away from the
building operating costs by 8-9 percent, increase greenery. This was proven back in the 1990s that
building value by 7.5 percent, realise a 6.6 percent planting of vegetation is one of the main strategies
return on investment, increase occupancy ratio by to mitigate UHI effect with just a single tree planted,
3.5 percent, and increase rent ratios by 3 percent. the temperature can be reduced (Jauregui, 1990).
Hence, 61 percent of corporate leaders surveyed Besides, greenery is not limited to wall but also roof.
indicated that sustainability and green building Previous studies (Brad, 2002; Hien & Yu, 2006)
commitment improves financial performance, com- revealed that temperature of the building roofs and
petitive positioning and market differentiation. surroundings was significantly reduced with the
In the late 80s, green space in an urban green roofs installed. This study would like to look
area was replaced with asphalt, concrete and other at the end users perception of vertical greenery sys-
structures that absorb rather than reflect solar radi- tem (VGS), which is one of the said methods that
ation heat (Oke, 1987). Sustainable or green enhance the building performance whilst reducing
buildings in the tropical climate region have environmental impact (Koyama et al., 2013).
become a major concern nowadays (Davidson, However, the VGS implementation is still
2013; Susorova et al., 2013). The zone of tropical new to the tropical climate region particularly in
region enclosed about 1/3 of the world’s land- Malaysia. VGS is not widely used by the construc-
mass. Constant growth population in this zone has tion practitioners when attempting for the Green
already accounted to 1/3 of the world population. Building Index (GBI) rating. Malaysia’s first green
Most of the countries in the zone have become rating tool- GBI was launched in 2009. For a build-

ing to be awarded the GBI rating, 6 key criteria are 3 basic components of VGS: 1) plants, 2) sys-

Abdul-Rahman, Chen Wang, Azli Mohd Rahim, Siaw Chuing Loo, Nadzmi Miswan
must be met: energy efficiency, indoor environmen- tem and medium, and 3) irrigation (Cities, 2008).
tal quality, sustainable site planning and manage- Firstly, the plant selection must be based on
ment, materials and resources, water efficiency, a few characteristics for the VGS to be a success.
and innovation (GBI, 2011). By developed-econo- The plants should be suitable for the planting con-
my standards, Malaysia still lags behind many other ditions, concepts, budget, environmental factors,
countries in respect of green-building practices. and level of expected maintenance expected
Most Malaysian green building projects are acco- (National Parks Board, 2012). For example, the
lade-chasing designs for private dwellings. plants selected for external wall should be able to
Regional peer like Singapore has involved largely in withstand daytime high temperature, intense light
this green building concept for years with Green radiation and low moisture environment.
Mark system as an assessment tool for green build- Next, efficiency factor, weight and suitabili-
ings (Adis, 2010). ty of the system and medium must be taken into
Although VGS is one of the options to consideration for the VGS to be successful. VGS
bring nature back to the city, many people are not consisted of 2 systems (Rahman, Yeok, & Atikah,
aware of that simply because of lack of awareness 2011): support systems and carrier systems.
and knowledge on the benefits and performance of Support systems are designed to guide the plant up
VGS. Another barrier for the widespread adoption on the vertical surface, while carrier systems act to
of VGS among building occupants is that the sys- contain the media for planting on the vertical sur-
tem involves the plant and vegetation; constant face. The selection of the system usually is based on
maintenance and trimming process are inherent. the type of the plants. Support system is also known
Yet, the potential of VGS is worth noted by building as green façade, hosting climbing plants on a spe-
owners, construction practitioners and occupants. cial made support structure. Meanwhile, the carrier
This study is focused on the perceptions of the end systems are capable of hosting a greater diversity of
users which refer to the occupants of the building. plants. It is also known as living walls.
The objectives are to identify the end users’ per- Lastly, the decision on irrigation system
ceptions on the VGS in urban area and to deter- depended on the local rainfall, hydroponic systems
mine the relationship between the benefit of reduc- and modular systems. The water can either be recy-
ing Urban Heat Island effect and other benefits of cled or grey water (Stav & Lawson, 2012). However,
VGS perceived by the end users. in tropical country like Malaysia, local rainfall is
abundant and recycled water or grey water is not

open house international Vol.39 No.4, December 2014. Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS).
2 . V e r t i c a l G r e e n er y S y s t e m

Vertical greenery system (VGS) is a green building 2 . 1 T y p e s o f V e r t i c a l G r e e n e r y S ys t e m

concept that deliberately grows vegetation on the
otherwise unexploited vertical exterior walls or There are 3 types of VGS: climbing support, self
buildings. This concept is not new in the industry for clinging plant, and vertical wall panels as shown in
it can be traced back to the 7th Century B.C., Table 1. VGS is an excellent solution to improve
where the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was built urban spaces with vegetation, mainly those where
(Dinsdale, Pearen, & Wilson, 2006). Traces of VGS planting trees are impossible due to the lack of
were also found since the Roman Empire (Farrar, spaces (Bodart and Evrard, 2011). Vegetation is
1996). The term VGS is used interchangeably with important for us as it provides the oxygen and func-
Vines on Wall (Sandifer & Givoni, 2002), Bio- tion as a medium for natural cooler on this earth.
Shader (Lam, Ip, & Miller, 2005), Living Walls Furthermore, Uffelen (2011) emphasized that the
(Dunnet & Kingsbury, 2008), Green Facades integration of nature into a building is an important
(Köhler, 2008), Green Wall (Alexandri & Jones, aspect in balancing the environment.
2008), Vertical Garden (Blanc, 2008), Bio Façade The advantages of VGS are: a) reducing
(Laopanitchakul, Sunakorn, & Srisutapan, 2008), thermal heat (Yeang, 2006; Barrio, 1998; Bodart &
and Vertical Greenery (Chiang & Tan, 2009). Evrard, 2011); b) reducing the effect of urban heat
VGS symbolized a new proportion of islands (Landsberg, 1981; Banting & Missios,
greenery related infrastructure, where plants are 2005; Dam, Walke, & Wilson, 2000), c) aesthetic
combined within the vertical walls. Commonly, VGS improvement of a building (Blanc, 2008; Beriatos
involves the climbing type of plants with adventi- & Brebbia, 2011); d) increasing indoor air quality
tious and self clings roots growing vertically on ver- (Wong, 2008; Blanc, 2008; Uffelen, 2011); e)
tical surfaces. Recent years, many of new modern reducing energy usage (Booth et al., 2012; Wong,
systems have been developed for the VGS. There 2008; Holewa, 2012; Booth et al., 2012); and f)
reducing sound pollution (Dunnet & Kingsbury, Besides thermal evaluation, Wong et al.
Abdul-Rahman, Chen Wang, Azli Mohd Rahim, Siaw Chuing Loo, Nadzmi Miswan

2004; Durr, 1995; North American Wetland (2010b) also evaluated the acoustics of the VGS
Engineering, 1998). where the study found that not all VGS were good
However, there are always pros and cons in noise reduction. They concluded that even though
every system. In this research paper, a few disad- some of the VGS could be a good noise reduction
vantages of the VGS are identified: a) maintenance measure, the concern is the high cost of VGS as
difficulties (Bodart & Evrard, 2011; Calkins, 2011); compared to other options.
b) attract undesirable animals (Bodart & Evrard, Perini et al. (2011) further measured the air
2011; Frost, 2012); c) damaging building flow and temperature of VGS on building envelope.
(Valesan, Fedrizzi, & Sattler, 2011); and d) lack of They compared the efficiencies of direct, indirect
expertise (Hopkins & Goodwin, 2011; Liu, 2004). and living wall system in terms of the air flow and
temperature. When tested the air flow and temper-
ature of the three types of wall system, the direct
2.2 Previous Studies on V erti cal green façade and living wall system are found to be
G r e e n e r y S y st e m more effective than the indirect green wall system.
Much of the studies on VGS are concerned
VGS is seen to be a promising measure to improve on the VGS’s effect on the UHI (Wong et al.,
the urban environment quality. Wong et al. (2010a) 2010a; Jaafar et al., 2011; Chong &
carried out an experiment to observe the thermal GhaffarianHossein, 2012; Perini & Rasasco, 2013;
benefits of the VGS. They found the use of VGS to Koyama et al., 2013). Jaafar et al. (2011) reviewed
cool ambient temperature in building canyons in that VGS could reduce heat and increase the cool-
tropical environment to be effective. The cooler ing effect especially the UHI effect through shad-
ambient temperature yields savings in the energy ings, reduce heat emitted and evapo-transpiration
cooling loads for the air intake of the air condition- for a cooler temperature. Chong and
er are of lower temperature. GhaffarianHossein (2012) furthered that VGS is not
open house international Vol.39 No.4, December 2014. Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS).

Table 1. Types of Vertical Greenery System.

Q u e s t i o n n a i r e D e si gn

Abdul-Rahman, Chen Wang, Azli Mohd Rahim, Siaw Chuing Loo, Nadzmi Miswan
The survey questionnaire was designed to deter-
mine the current end users’ perception on the VGS
integrated in Malaysian green buildings. Statistical
analysis approaches were subsequently carried out
through Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) software to obtain the results of the survey. A
total of 100 questionnaires were posted to the end
users working or living in the targeted green build-
ing. A total of 40 respondents took part in the
quantitative questionnaire survey which reflects a
response rate of 40.0%. Table 2 contains the pro-
portion of the respondents’ demographic details for
each category. The details for the respondents were
Table 2. Respondents’ demographic details. classified into five categories, namely: Gender, age
group, education level, type of end user, and num-
popular in Malaysia and it is worthy to expose the
ber of years living/working in the green building.
building occupants to the benefits of VGS for the
future of sustainable urban living.
Recently, Koyama et al. (2013) studied the
Data Collec tion
key plant traits suitable for the VGS, a green façade
that reduces the surface temperature of buildings.
This survey was targeted on the end users of three
They conducted experiments on the plant traits of
different buildings in Klang Valley, an area in
several wall plants and discovered that the vine
Malaysia comprising its suburbs and adjoining
length determined percentage coverage that direct-
cities and towns in the state of Selangor. The ques-
ly reduces wall surface temperature. The selection
tionnaires were distributed to the targeted buildings
of plants for the VGS has to be stringent to suit the
for management approval to conduct the study.
climate of the region for the growth coverage and
Having obtained the approval, face-to-face ques-
maintenance. Since the cost of maintaining the
tionnaire survey was conducted with the random
VGS is such a concern, Perini and Rosasco (2013)
respondents/end users in the targeted buildings.

open house international Vol.39 No.4, December 2014. Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS).
explored the cost benefit analysis for the VGS and
This ensured the validity and reliability of the
found that some VGS are economically sustain-
respondents’ feedback- whether the respondents
are the tenants of the buildings and avoid misun-
These are the previous studies purported
derstanding on the confused terms used in ques-
for the building owners and construction players to
tionnaire. Respondents were also encouraged to
understand the benefits of VGS mostly on reducing
elaborate and comment on the VGS to be record-
the UHI effect, plant traits for VGS, and cost bene-
ed in this study.
fit analysis for VGS. To the best of the author’s
knowledge, little has been done to understand the
end user or occupant perception. The end user
Targeted Green Building
demand would determine the supply; hence it is
worthy to study the end user perception on VGS.
Since this survey was to obtain information about
Increasing the awareness of VGS for a quality envi-
the satisfaction degree of VGS from the end users,
ronment and understanding the dissatisfaction of
three different buildings that employed this system
current VGS implemented in the urban tropics
in Klang Valley were selected. The three buildings
would first require the perception of the end user.

1 ) D i g i T e c h n o l o gy O p e r a t i o n C e n t r e
3 . R e s e a r c h M e t h o do l o g y
(Figure 1)
Quantitative research method was employed in this
Location: Subang High Tech Park, Shah Alam,
study to achieve the objectives, which include ques-
tionnaire design, data collection, and targeted
No. of storey: 4-storey
green buildings. Prior to carrying out the question-
Green Building Index: GBI Gold rating
naire survey among the end users of 3 targeted
Plant type: Climbers species
green buildings, the respective building manage-
Plant age: 4 years
ment consents for the survey were sought.
Abdul-Rahman, Chen Wang, Azli Mohd Rahim, Siaw Chuing Loo, Nadzmi Miswan

Figure 1. Digi Technology Operation Centre . Figure 1b. A glance at DiGi Operation Center.

Plant condition: Well grown and wrapped around

building’s envelope (covering thickness +/-20 cm) 2) Jamnah View Condominium (Figure 2)
Orientation: Surrounding building
Building façade material: Plaster and paint with Location: Luxury condominium at Damansara
groove line Height
No. of storey: 23-storey
open house international Vol.39 No.4, December 2014. Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS).

Figure 2. Jamnah View Condominium. Figure 2b. A glance at Jamnah View Condominium.

Figure 3. Platinum Sentral. Figure 3b. A glance at Platinum Sentral.

Plant type: Bougainvillea

Abdul-Rahman, Chen Wang, Azli Mohd Rahim, Siaw Chuing Loo, Nadzmi Miswan
Plant age: 19 years
Plant condition: Well grown in planter boxes and
not completely covered façade
Orientation: Northwest
Building façade material: Plaster and paint

3) Platinum Sentral (Figure 3)

Location: Kuala Lumpur Sentral Park @ Lot E

No. of storey: 7-storey
Plant type: Climbers species
Plant age: 2 years Table 4. Degree of satisfaction of Vertical Greenery System
Plant condition: Well grown and not completely perceived by end users.
covered façade (covering thickness +/-10 cm) emphasized that the application of VGS must not
Orientation: Surrounding building be overdone. Bringing nature harmony is the sec-
Building façade material: Plaster and paint ond highest ranked benefit for the degree of satis-
faction at 4.33. Some respondents claimed that
flowers and greeneries attracted birds and they
4. Data Analysis and Results were entertained by the birds’ singing every morn-
ing. Then, a medium to release stress is considered
From this survey, the outcome revealed the benefits the third highest ranked of the VGS’s benefits
of VGS, the barriers to implement VGS, and the among the end users (4.18). Respondents felt the
application of VGS in Malaysia. The face-to-face importance to have the vegetation in parts of the
survey was targeted at end users at Digi Technology building to reduce the stress of urban hectic routine
Operation Centre, Jamnah View Condominium, and traffic jams. It is then followed by the reducing
and Platinum Sentral. The end users surveyed com- urban heat island effect (UHI) and improving the
prised of both residential and office occupants. The thermal comfort of the building, which shared the
response rate is 40% and the overall respondent same degree of satisfaction of 3.98 each.
from the three buildings are summarized in Table 3.

open house international Vol.39 No.4, December 2014. Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS).
Among all, fire preventions have the least
degree of satisfaction among end users (2.78).
Most respondents thought that VGS acts slightly or
does not act as fire prevention. Besides fire preven-
tion, the benefit of improving indoor air quality is
also among the lowest ranked. The respondents felt
that VGS did not help in improving the indoor air
Table 3. Summary of response from each targeted building. quality. However, plants and vegetation installed to
the wall will constantly help filtering contaminates in
the air (Chong & GhaffarianHossein, 2012). This
Perception of End Users on VGS indicated that the respondents were not aware of
the benefit of VGS in improving indoor air quality.
The respondents were solicited on their perceptions Table 5 depicts the degree of difficulties for
of VGS. Among the 40 respondents, only 9 of them the application of VGS perceived by end users.
answered that the VGS did not exist in their living or With the highest degree of difficulties at 3.45,
working environment since they started to live or maintenance for the VGS is the most problematic.
work there. Most people related VGS to nature This is followed by the problem of water infiltration
(37.5%), followed by beauty (20%), thermal com- (3.35). Some respondents experienced water from
fort (17.5%), energy saving (17.5%), and lastly psy-
chological positive response (7.5%). Table 4 and 5
depict the end users’ degree of satisfaction and dif-
ficulties of VGS implemented. Based on the given
scale of 1 to 5, the mean of the degree of satisfac-
tion and difficulties was then calculated.
As illustrated in Table 4, the respondents
perceived that VGS can improve the visual quality
Table 5. Degree of difficulties of Vertical Greenery System
of a building (4.34). However, a few respondents perceived by end users.
the plants spilt to the corridor and pavement. This There was a significant relationship of the benefit of
Abdul-Rahman, Chen Wang, Azli Mohd Rahim, Siaw Chuing Loo, Nadzmi Miswan

problem can be countered by using the modern Reducing UHI effect on the benefit of
watering system for the plant for example, using
capillary system for self-watering and recycling rain • Make the area lively with activities at the p<0.05 level for the
water. All respondents agreed that VGS is suitable three buildings [F(2,37) = 5.525, p = 0.008]
to be applied in a climate, which is hot and humid • Reduce air pollution at the p<0.05 level for the three build-
throughout the year, like Malaysia. Generally, in the ings [F(2,37) = 3.912, p = 0.029]
tropical climate region like Malaysia, it is very suit- • Provide habitats for flora and fauna at the p<0.05 level for
able for vegetation to grow. A few respondents sug- the three buildings [F(2,37) = 3.409, p = 0.044]
gested with the right type of plant selection, it will • Improves air ventilation at the p<0.05 level for the three
ease maintenance. buildings [F(2,37) = 4.735, p = 0.015]
The third ranked difficulty for VGS was • Increase indoor air quality at the p<0.05 level for the three
again the roots problem (3.30). Respondents buildings [F(2,37) = 5.514, p = 0.005]
affected felt that aged plants with their strong roots • Improve thermal comfort at the p<0.05 level for the three
caused the hairline crack in the support system be buildings [F(2,37) = 11.434, p = 0.000]
it the wall or planter box. This further emphasized • Reduce sound pollution at the p<0.05 level for the three
on the plant selection. Tiny insects were attracted buildings [F(2,37) = 6.705, p = 0.003]
(3.23) but were not much of nuisance according to • Acts as fire prevention at the p<0.05 level for the three build-
the respondents. The other difficulties were at a ings [F(2,37) = 5.882, p = 0.005]
mean value of below 3.00. The difficulties of VGS • Acts as insulation and energy efficiency at the p<0.05 level
like fire hazards and attract bigger animals like for the three buildings [F(2,37) = 9.233, p = 0.001]
snakes, rats, etc scored a mean value of 2.85 and • Increases property values at the p<0.05 level for the three
2.70, respectively. buildings [F(2,37) = 15.320, p = 0.000]
As shaded in Table 6, 4 VGS benefits do
R e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e en R e du c i n g U r b a n not have statistically significant relationship with the
Heat Island ( UHI) Effect and Benefits benefit of reducing UHI effect (significant level >
of VGS 0.05). They only influence the benefit of reducing
UHI by very little means or maybe no influence at
In the tropical region, reducing UHI effect is one of all. These benefits are enhance the visual quality of
the biggest concerns and VGS happens to be a an area, reduce stress by providing sense of nature
open house international Vol.39 No.4, December 2014. Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS).

viable and sustainable measure (Wong et al., in urban area, release the positive energy towards
2010a; Jaafar et al., 2011; Chong & the user and bring nature harmony.
GhaffarianHossein, 2012). The urban heat island
effects in Malaysia, particularly in Kuala Lumpur
have been noticed compare to the other rural area R e l at i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e B e n e f i t s o f
surround the city (Tso, 1992). Hence, the applica- V G S P er c ei v ed b y E n d U s e r s
tion of VGS can be a means in reducing this prob-
lem. Climate Protection Partnership Division (n.d.) Table 7 displays the correlation matrix between the
quoted that the incorporation of vegetation in benefits of VGS as rated by the respondents. Four
buildings contributes not only to better air quality, strongest positive correlations, also known as
but also to reduce urban heat island effects in strong relationships, were found between bring
densely built area. Therefore, it is necessary to iden- nature harmony and reduce stress by providing
tify the relationship between reducing urban heat sense of nature in urban area (r = 0.633), reduce
island (UHI) effect and the benefits of VGS per- urban heat island effect in urban area and improve
ceived by end users. thermal comfort (r = 0.645), and enhance the visu-
The relationship between the benefit of al quality of an area correlated with make the area
reducing UHI effect was tested with other benefits of lively with activities (r = 0.644) and increases prop-
VGS to check the significance between the benefits. erty value (r = 0.625), all with the p-value estimat-
One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used ed at less than 1% level of significance.
to test the benefits significant to the benefit of reduc- To reinforce the findings of the ANOVA test
ing UHI effect. Based on the result in Table 6, 10 on the VGS benefits significant to the benefit of
out of 14 benefits have statistically significant rela- reducing UHI effect in urban area, this correlation
tionships with the reducing UHI effect with ANOVA matrix also shows similar results. Among the corre-
test result of significance level of less than 0.05. lations of the benefit of reducing UHI effect in urban
area and the remaining VGS benefits, there were
four correlations with no relationship. They were

Table 7. Correlation matrix between the end user perceptions on VGS.
Table 6. ANOVA test between the benefit of reducing UHI effect with other benefits.

open house international Vol.39 No.4, December 2014. Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS). Abdul-Rahman, Chen Wang, Azli Mohd Rahim, Siaw Chuing Loo, Nadzmi Miswan
reduce the UHI effect in urban area with enhance newer VGS techniques and careful selection of
Abdul-Rahman, Chen Wang, Azli Mohd Rahim, Siaw Chuing Loo, Nadzmi Miswan

the visual quality of an area, bring nature harmony, plant species. In short, the difficulties could be
reduce stress by providing sense of nature in urban resolved.
area, and release the positive energy towards user. Findings from survey also showed the con-
While the remaining VGS benefits’ correla- tradictory results between the top ranked benefits
tions with benefit of reduce UHI effect in urban area perceived by end users and the actual relationship
were low, there were two moderate correlations or with reducing Urban Heat Island effect in urban
relationships. Those with low relationships with area. The top ranked benefits perceived by the end
reduce UHI effect in urban area were reduce air users were enhance the visual quality of an area,
pollution (r = 0.203), provide habitats for flora and bring nature harmony, and reduce stress by provid-
fauna within urban area (r = 0.213), improve air ing sense of nature in urban area, which were also
ventilation (r = 0.212), make the area lively with those of insignificant relationships with the benefit
activities (r = 0.218), increases property value (r = of reducing UHI effect in urban area the ANOVA
0.222), reduce sound pollution (r = 0.233), and and correlation tests. This indicated the end users
act as fire prevention (r = 0.210), all with the p- perceived little benefits from the VGS other than
value estimated at less than 5% level of signifi- visual and senses benefits.
cance. This would mean the vast room of publici-
The said two moderate relationships were ty on the benefits and implementation of VGS for
between reduce the UHI effect in urban area and the benefits of the end users and a sustainable envi-
acts as insulation and energy efficiency (r = 0.411) ronment in Malaysia. Many ways to instill the
and increases indoor air quality (r = 0.343), both awareness, for instance, government can support in
with the p-value estimated at less than 1% level of creating government policies on incorporating VGS
significance. green concepts for construction players, exposures
and educations of VGS and greenery to public via
mass media, research and development on con-
5 . Di s c u s si o n o n F i n d i n g s ducting cost analysis for incorporation of VGS, and
providing findings on efficient ways to maintain
VGS is not very new in Malaysia, for instance, VGS.
Jamnah View Condominium incorporated VGS
since it began to be occupied about 23 years ago
while the applications of VGS in Digi Technology 5. Conc lusion
open house international Vol.39 No.4, December 2014. Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS).

Operation Centre and Platinum Sentral started in

the year 2009 and 2011 respectively. Even though The survey was conducted to determine the per-
the concept is not new, the number of Malaysian ception of VGS implemented at the end users’
buildings incorporating VGS is still very few. workplace or home in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The
Findings showed none of the respondents noticed research reviewed the opinions of end users from
other buildings besides the buildings they work or the three buildings: Digi Technology Operation
live in implemented VGS. This suggested that the Centre, Jamnah View Condominium, and Platinum
application of VGS in Malaysia is quite insufficient Sentral. It was found that the top three satisfaction
despite all the benefits towards the environment degrees of VGS are enhancement on the visual
and end users. quality, bring nature harmony, and reduce stress by
The top three satisfactions of VGS per- providing sense of nature in urban area. This con-
ceived by end users were enhance the visual quali- tradicts with the significant benefits found from the
ty of an area, bring nature harmony, and reduce ANOVA test of relationship between reducing
stress by providing sense of nature in urban area. Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect and other benefits of
Other than visual and senses benefits, the benefits VGS. Hence, the needs of instilling awareness of
related to enhanced quality environment were VGS among the public and efforts from the gov-
unnoticeable. This suggested the awareness on the ernment and research and development are neces-
sustainable effect of VGS for a quality environment sary. This paper gave a clear vision about the ben-
could be further developed. efits of VGS perceived by end users in Malaysia.
The top ranked difficulties or problems of This research does provide avenues for
VGS perceived by end users were difficult to main- future researches to analyze problems of VGS in
tain, water infiltration, and roots problem. tropical regions. Furthermore, this study has indi-
According to the analysis, these problems were cated and confirmed the acceptance of the end
mostly faced by end users of older buildings with users towards VGS and the lack of awareness on
outdated watering system and poor plant selection. the benefits of VGS towards sustainable and quali-
Little difficulties involved in newer buildings with ty environment. As such, future studies can be car-
ried out to application of VGS in particular for trop- Davidson, J. 2013, A Proposal For The Future Of Vernacular

Abdul-Rahman, Chen Wang, Azli Mohd Rahim, Siaw Chuing Loo, Nadzmi Miswan
ical regions like determine the barriers and prob- Architecture Studies. Open House International 38(2): 18-22.
lems to implement the VGS in Malaysia, the life
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