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MBA Programme

Graduate School of Business

operations excellence

People in Organization

YP 64B
Februari 2021




1. Mission and Vision of MBA-ITB............................................................................................................. 3

2. Learning Goals and Objectives of MBA-ITB .......................................................................................... 4

3. Learning Objectives of This Course....................................................................................................... 6

4. The Course Plan ......................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

5. Grading ...................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

6. Reference ................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1. Mission and Vision of MBA-ITB

MBA ITB has a mission to educate students to be ethical and entrepreneurial

business leaders who can thrive in the globally connected business environment. We
believe that the mission can be achieved by developing our students to have the
following attributes:

• Cognitive ambidexterity, i.e. by developing their integrative thinking ability in

looking at business issues and formulating business decisions

• Ethical responsibility, i.e. by developing their awareness, sensitivity and

proactivity in delivering the best results that will not sacrifice the social and
environmental sustainability

• Effective implementation skill, i.e. by developing their leadership, awareness

toward other people in their organization and effective oral communication so
that they can execute the strategy and business solutions they have decided

• Awareness toward global business environment, i.e. by exposing them with

global business issues that may affect their business success

Based on the above description, we have identified six important capabilities to be

developed in our students. The following are the six capabilities that become the
learning goals that we must pursue in our MBA program: integrative thinking, team
work, communication skill, ethical responsibility, leadership and global mindset.

Alongside its mission, MBA ITB is envisioned itself to be “A World Class Program of
Master and Business Administration with that Creates Ethical and Entrepreneurial
Business Leaders by 2020”.

2. Learning Goals and Objectives of MBA-ITB

Table 1 and 2 present the learning goals and objectives of MBA ITB respectively.

Table-1 Learning Goals of MBA-ITB


Student will be able to demonstrate ability to identify the central

problems/issues, draw and assess recommendation using a
Integrative Thinking
perspective that integrates both functional and relevant contextual
(LG-1) information and deploy them effectively to solve the problem from a
strategic views point.

Student will be able to demonstrate an ability to work effectively in a

Team work team, exhibiting behavior that reflects an understanding of the
importance of individual roles and tasks, and the ability to manage
(LG 2)
conflict and compromise so that team goals are achieved.

Communication Skill Student will be able to communicate verbally inn an organized, clear
(LG 3) and persuasive manner, and be responsive listener.

Student will be able to identify ethical issues, understand the impact

Ethical Responsibility of a particular issue on various stakeholders, recognize the rights and
(LG 4) responsibilities of the stakeholder and systematically analyses the pro
and cons of any decisions related to ethical issues.

Student will have heightened awareness of what it take to exercise

effective leadership, through key initiative, effective execution,
(LG 5) influencing, inspiring, and empowering people and managing changes.

Student will understand the nature of global issues impacting

Global Awareness
business, including competition, policies, politic, culture and
(LG 6) consumers and have the ability to respond to them effectively.

Table-2: Learning Objectives of MBA-ITB


1 Identify and analyze central problems with integrative thinking
Construct multiple perspectives that integrate both functional and
Integrative 2
relevant contextual information
Create recommendation based on the constructed perspectives and
the company’s strategic objectives
1 Understand how to collaborate with others
Apply the concept of managing conflict to resolve problem in small
Teamwork group learning environment
Demonstrate constructive feedback in small group learning
1 Present information in an organized and concise manner.
2 Demonstrate skill to persuade others in persuasive manners
3 Demonstrate listening skills
1 Recognize ethical issues in business context.
Assess the impact of ethical issue toward various stakeholders’
Ethical 2
Systematically analyses the pro and cons of any decisions related
to ethical issues.
1 Demonstrate the propensity to take initiative
2 Bring influence toward other people in her/his team

Leadership Inspire and empower others by evaluating, analyzing, and

3 providing critics on how leadership behaviors and characteristics
affect employees and businesses outcomes
4 Demonstrate an ability to manage change
Identify global issues that may affect the industry (Global
Intellectual Capital)
Develop understanding toward global cultural aspects that affect
Global Mindset 2
business operations
Develop business recommendations based on understanding about
the global aspects.

3. Learning Objectives of This Course
By attending and fully participating in all activities of the course, student will be able to:
1. Understand self and others and able to manage personal and interpersonal
2. Understand group process and dynamics and be able to manage effective teamwork
3. Understand power and influence in organization to lead effective team and organization
4. Understand organizational design (culture, structure) and know about organizational
5. Understand strategic human capital management
6. Understand competence and able to manage talent-based human capital
7. Able to design compensation system based on competence
8. Able to design and manage people performance to boost business performance
9. Able to design and propose human capital initiative to support business performance

4. The Course Structure

This following graph shows the ultimate goal of learning.

Understand the principles of organizational behavior and

able to manage effectively people in organization in line with
business goals and objectives

Understand the principles of Ability to manage human capital

organizational behavior effectively in organization

o Understand self and others and able to o Understand strategic human capital
manage personal and interpersonal
effectiveness management
o Understand group process and dynamics o Understand competence and able to
and be able to manage effective teamwork manage talent-based human capital
o Understand power and influence in o Able to design compensation system
organization to lead effective team and based on competence
o Understand organizational design (culture, o Able to design and manage people
structure) and be able to manage change performance

Understand the role of people in the success of business


These 2 following tables present further of learning objectives of the course. It explains
the cognitive – knowledge and behavior dimensions that will developed in the course.

Tabel-3: Cognitive, Knowledge and Behavior Dimensions of MM5005 People in Organization

Organizational Behavior Part – Young Executive Class MBA
To be able to:

Develop alternative to improve business

performance through Organizational
Behavior perspectives
To be able to:
To be able to:
 assess current organizational culture

 elaborate organization or business

and determine the need of
problem that may related to
supporting culture to support
Organizational Behavior context
business strategy
 Identify and determine “current
 assess the need for a change
problems” and “root causes analysis”
management initiative
To be able to: To be able to: To be able to:
 analyze the effectiveness of a  analyze the need for one’s own personal  analyze organizational health index

teamwork composition and and professional improvement / by using tools

structure development  determine which elements should
 analyze the effectiveness of the  decide on what career to pursue or not to organization more concern in
prevailing organization culture pursue improving organizational health
To be able to:
 identify power structure and network of

influence within an organization and use To be able to:

To be able to: appropriate influence attempts to  response appropriately in an

identify personal strengths and accomplish organizational tasks interpersonal encounter in

weaknesses  identify and apply appropriate organizational context
leadership perspective in a certain  contribute to the effective
situation performance of a team
 identify structure and culture of an
To understand to:
 the psychological dimension of oneself –
and consequently of others
 various psychological concepts of

effective interpersonal relationship

To understand the nature of
diversity of organizational
 the concept of power and influence as To be able to:
the basis for developing leadership skills response effectively in understanding
members and its consequences in
managing people in organization  the concept of group and team and its and managing change
 the evolving concepts of and various
perspectives of leader and leadership
 the concept of organizational design and

Aware and familiar with OB tools and

All OB relates to business or organizational
All foundation of OB instrument that may apply to increase
business performance

To be eager to develop his or her

To be aware about Organizational Behavior Being equipped with supporting
own positive behavior toward
Aspects in his on her surroundings and be behavior in appropriate business
effective relationship that support
very keen to express supporting behavior environment or organizational culture
business performance

Table-4: Cognitive, Knowledge and Behavior Dimensions of MM5005 People in Organization
Human Capital Part – Young Executive Class MBA

To be able to:
 develop job evaluation

method based on
 Develop job value
To be able to:

Evaluate and compare job

evaluation methods

To be able to:
 Analyze in developing
organizational structure based
on competence

 Analyze in developing core


 Analyze in developing
compensable factors based on

To be able to: To be able to:

Apply the results of performance Apply in designing

appraisal to decisive in career compensation based on

planning competence

To be able to:
 Understand the strategic roles
of people and their

To be able to:
compentence in the success of
Understand the
business and corporate strategy
differences between the
 Understand to link between
procedure of job
business strategy and people
management strategy
 Understand how to develop
analytical thinking competency
To be able to:

Elaborate motivation
theory in implementing
people management
To be able to:

Make decision in organizational

development, career planning,
and compensation based on

5. Course Schedule (WEDNESDAY/MONDAY: 08.00 – 11.15)
Session 14  Introduction to People Management Class
RABU  Students understanding Class
 Multiple Roles of HC Participation
relates to theories, discussion
Feb 10, concepts and practices Session 15 JH
2021 about people management: Class
policy and practices
Class  Competence-Based Human Capital Management Practices
discussion Participation
 Able to understand to link HR Strategy to Support Business Strategy  Students should
between business strategy relate the evolution of Microsoft during 1980-1990s, how the
and people management changes in the Business Strategy impacting HR Strategy. Students
strategy Session 16 Group
SENIN  Able to elaborate motivate- In class should also identify problems and proposed solutions. Moreover,
exercise presentation
Feb 15, Microsoft case study can also be used to explore Employee Value JH
on theory in implementing Proposition, Competency, Compensation (CASE-1: Microsoft
2021 people management syst.
Competing on Talent (A))
 Able to analyze in Session 17
developing core Recruitment and Selection GROUP ROLE PLAY-1: to make Class
competences discussion decision on the replacement of a Semi-conductor Star Analyst Participation
Performance Appraisal at Consolidation Meeting  GROUP ROLE
 Able to conduct job analysis PLAY-2: chair by Fritz Seegers (CEO), to make decision on the
Session 18
 Able to understand valuation result for James McGaran (the biggest Branch Class
compensation structure and Class
discussion Manager) which become the subordinate for Lisa Johnson. Other Participation
how to calculate job value roles are HR Manager, Quality Manager and Finance Manager
to basic salary (Citibank performance evaluation)
 Able to evaluate and Introducing Change/Review for Performance Management 
Feb 17, compare job evaluation JH
GROUP PRESENTATION-1: in front of Vitality Health Enterprise
2021 methods
Board of Directors to attend James Hoffman finding on
 Able to analyze in Session 19 evaluating PMET1 satisfaction survey and observation results. Class
developing organizational Class
discussion BOD will make decisi-on to accept or not to accept James' Participation
structure based on
competence recommendations (CASE-2: Performance Management at Vitality
Health Enterprises inc)

Job Evaluation, Total Rewards Concept (GROUP PRESENTATION-
Session 20 2: on identifying issues at Marshall & Gordon and try to proposed Class
discussion solution related to improve employees motivation (one of the Participation
Feb 22, proposal should be related to Compensation) JH
2022 Session 21 Class
Class Compensation )Pay for Performance)
discussion Participation
Professional Development (GROUP PRESENTATION-3: on
Session 22 identifying and proposed solutions on the relevant case study) …
RABU Class Developing professionals-The BCG Way (A) … INDIVIDUAL
discussion Participation
Feb 24,  Able to analyze in ASSIGNMENT-1: Students should read the case study prior to JH
developing compensable joining group preparation for presentation
2021 factors based on Session 23
competence Introduction to Human Capital 2  Understanding a Predictive Class
discussion Analytical Tool related to Human Capital (Maximizing your) Participation
 Able to develop job
evaluation method based Human Capital Strategy 2  Implementing Change successfully
on competence Session 24 (The Royal Bank of Scotland Group the human capital strategy) .. Group
 Able to apply the results of discussion INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT-2: Students should read the case prior Assignment
SENIN performance appraisal to to joining class discussion
decisive in career planning Talent Management in the Networked Age (The Alliance by
Feb 29, JH
Session 25 Casnocha) … Students should read the Alliance and make notes
2021  Able to make decision in Class on the insights about Talent Management approach apply at Class
career planning
presentati LinkedIn … INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT-3: Students should read Participation
on the Alliance and make notes on the insights about Talent
Management approach apply at LinkedIn
SESSION 26 - FINAL EXAM: March 03, 2021

5. Facilitator Profile


Email :

Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja graduated from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1978
(Bachelor). He then continued his studies in Industrial Engineer at Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
(got Master in 1981) and in 2001 he earned a Doctor of Knowledge Management from his, Industrial
Engineering and Management, ITB. In 2004, Jann got Professor in almamater Knowledge Management
ITB. In 2007, Jann with his colleges from academica and practise develop KMSI (Knowledge Management
Society) and he ellected as a first President.

Jann has extensive experience in the academic world. His career was starts in 1978 as a lecturer for
Method and Time Study, Ergonomic, Production System and Management of Technology in Industrial
Engineering (IE) Department, Industrial Technology (IT) Faculty of ITB. Jann has authored a college three
textbooks titled “Teknik Tata Cara Kerja” (Method and Time Study) in 1980, “Manajemen Teknologi”
(Management of Technology) in 1996, and Knowledge Management dalam Konteks Organisasi
Pembelajar in 2007.

In the first career, he was the head of Method Study and Ergonomic Laboratory of IE Department from
1978–1981 and from 1985–1990. In 2002-2003 he becomes the head of Management Studio of IE
Department of ITB and People Management Advisor for ITB vice Rector of Recourses and General
Affairs. In 1994 and 1996, he was also member of the evaluation committee of President Republic of
Indonesia Paramakarya I and II Award, a productivity award for national small and medium enterprise.

Since December 2003, Jann was move from ITB IT Faculty to ITB School of Business and Management
(SBM). In 2003 – 2005 he was a Director of Graduate School of Business (MBA-ITB) in SBM-ITB. In 2003 –
2009 he was a Vice Dean of Academic Affairs for SBM-ITB. Currently he is a Chairman of SBM Senate,
Director Centre of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness (CK4BC), SBM-ITB, and President of
Knowledge Management Society Indonesia (KMSI).

Jann also serves as Senior Lecturer for Management of Technology, Knowledge Management and
Information Technology, People Management, Learning Organization, Operations Management and
Organization Behavior for both ITB’s Graduate and under graduate Management School. Prior to his
present position, he has throughout his career retained a lectureship at MBA-ITB and under graduate
Management School ITB programs as Senior Lecturer.

Jann has been consultants to various studies and projects with state enterprises and many government
projects. He has also been an Instructor and moderator for various courses, training and workshop in
Mind Management, Management of Technology, Knowledge Management and Learning Organization,
People Management, Operations Management, Organization Behavior, Service Management, Change
Management, Logistics and Project Management.

6. Prerequisite

7. Grading

Group class participation and contribution (Daily) 15 15
Individual Assignment and Class Contribution 10 15
Mid Test (Organizational Behavior) 25 0
Final Test (Human Capital) 0 20
TOTAL 50 50

8. Students Guidance

Attending a college class demands the same degree of discipline and professional behavior
expected in the professional work world. Learners bring their own views and experiences to the
classroom setting. Through class participation, peers are able to learn from each other and thus
expand their knowledge base and exposure to various points of view. This type of learning is
considered primary to the adult learning experience. With this in mind, sharing your views and
knowledge, asking questions, and being respectful of differing views is expected. 10 behaviors that
will help you to be successful in this class include:
1. Attending class regularly
2. Active listening and learning
3. Reading the syllabus and assigned readings before each class session
4. Participating in class discussions
5. Treating all in the class with respect
6. Participating in class/group activities with enthusiasm
7. Doing only class activities during class
8. Avoiding side conversations
9. Completing assignments on time
10. Keeping your cell phone on silent mode during class

9. References
Main references:
1. McShane, Steven L., and Mary Ann Von Glinow: “Organizational Behavior [essentials]” McGraw-Hill,
2. Noeel. Al.: Human Resources Management – Gaining a Competitive Advantage, McGraw Hill, 9th
edition, 2015

Suggested additional references:

1. Berger, Lance A. and Dorothy R. Berger (eds.): “The Talent Management Handbook; Creating
Organizational Excellence by Identifying, Developing, & Promoting Your Best People”, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 2004.
2. Cappelli, Peter: “Talent on Demand: Managing Talent in an Age of Uncertainty”, Harvard Business
Press, 2008
3. De Janasz, Dowd & Schneider: “Interpersonal Skills in Organization”, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006
4. Dubois, David D. and William J. Rothwell: “Competency-Based Human Resource Management”,
Davis Black Publishing, Mountain View California, 2004
5. Drucker, Peter F.: “Classic Drucker; from the pages of Harvard Business Review”, HBS Publishing
Corporation, 2006
6. Espinoza, Chip., Schwarzbart, Joel: “Millennials Who Manage: How to Overcome Workplace
Perceptions and Become a Great Leader”, Pearson, 2016.
7. Hall, Bradley W.: “The New Human Capital Strategy: Improving the Value of Your Most Important
Investment Year after Year”, AMACOM, 2008
8. Hoffman, Reid.,Casnocha, Ben, and Yeh Chris: “The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked
Age”, Harvard Business Review Press, 2014.
9. Ingham, Jon: “Strategic Human Capital Management”, B-H, 2007
10. Jensen, Doug, Tom McMuller and Mel Stark: “The Manager’s Guide to Rewards; What You Need to
Know to Get the Best for – and from – Your Employees”, AMACOM – Hay Group, New York, 2007
11. Jon Ingham: “Strategic Human Capital Management; Creating Value through People”, Elsevier 2007
12. Lawler III, Edward E.: “Talent: Making People Your Competitive Advantage”, John Wiley & Son, New
Jersey, 2008.
13. Keller, Scott and Price Colin: Beyond Performance: How Great Organizations Build Ultimate
Competitive Advantage, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
14. Martin-Chua, Elizabeth: “Maximizing Human Capital in Asia: From the Inside Out”, John Wiley & Son
(Asia) Pte Ltd., 2009
15. Milkovich, George T., et. al. : “Compensation”, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2008.

16. McKinsey Quarterly – McKinsey&Company
17. McGrath, Rita Gunther: “The End of Competitive Advantage: How to Keep Your Strategy Moving as
fast as Your Business”, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013.
18. Paul Evans et. Al: The Global Challenge Frameworks for International HR Management, McGraw Hill
19. Reeves, Martin., Haanaes, Knut, and Sinha, Janmejaya: “Your Strategy Needs a Strategy: How to
Choose and Execute the Right Approach”, Harvard Business Review Press, 2015.
20. Relevant HBR Reading, HBSP Cases, IBM Article and Stanford Case Materials.
21. Spencer, S M. & Spencer & Lyle M.: “Competence at Work: Models for Superior Performance”, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993.


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