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Dipl.-Ing. H.

Horstmann GmbH
Humboldtstraße 2
42579 Heiligenhaus

Instructions for Use

WEGA 2.2

WEGA 2.2 C
Translation of the German Version

December 2011
Instructions for Use Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH

1. Intended use��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
2. Device description������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 5
2.1. Scope of supply���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
2.2. Display unit����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
3. Device function����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
3.1. Operating principle����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
3.2. Display������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6
3.3. Functional test������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6
3.3.1. Testing in activated condition������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
3.3.2. Testing in non-active condition����������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
3.4. Active zero voltage indication������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
3.5. Voltage testing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 7
3.6. Phase comparison������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 7
3.7. Relay signals ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
3.8. Monitoring the auxiliary voltage �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
4. Installation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
4.1. Safety note����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
4.2. Installing the display unit�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
4.3. Electrical connection�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
4.3.1. Connection method exclusively applicable to the WEGA 2.2������������������������� 9
4.3.2. Connecting the WEGA 2.2 C������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10
5. Device configuration and commissioning����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
6. Maintenance������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
7. Maintenance test������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10
8. Information on checking the cable sheat ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
9. Technical data����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11

2 WEGA 2.2 • 100104-0300 • December 2011

Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH Instructions for Use

General Information!
Before installing and operating this instrument, carefully read and understand the contents of this
manual and store it in a safe place for later reference.
The content of this manual reflects the current state of the art at the date of printing. We reserve the
right to make technical changes at any time and without prior notice as necessary in the framework
of ongoing developments. Please visit our website under and enter our
customer area (Login button) to get updated versions of our Instructions for Use. This technical do-
cumentation becomes invalid when a revised edition is released.

For ease of reading the illustrations and descriptions throughout this Instruction for Use only
refer to the WEGA 2.2 type. Unless a special type is being referred to, all sections of this Inst-
ruction for Use shall apply to both designs the WEGA 2.2 and the WEGA 2.2 C.


Abbreviations Definition

LCD Liquid crystal display

LRM Low resistance modified

VDS Voltage detecting system

Declaration of Conformity

This instrument is in conformity with the requirements of the EC Electromagnetic Compatibility

(EMC) Directive and the EC Low Voltage (LVD) Directive in the current state of issue.
If required, the Declaration of Conformity may be obtained from the following address:

Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH

Humboldtstraße 2
42579 Heiligenhaus / Germany

WEGA 2.2 • 100104-0300 • December 2011 3

Instructions for Use Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH

Safety Note!

• Only electrically skilled or instructed persons may install integrated WEGA 2.2 Voltage De-
tecting Systems and use them for the detection of the voltage presence/absence condition.
• When installing the device, the ‚five safety rules‘ as defined by the DIN VDE 0105 standard
must be observed:
• Isolate the system electrically.
• Secure against unintentional reconnection of power.
• Verify that the installation is dead.
• Earth and short-circuit.
• Provide protection against all adjacent live parts/prevent access with barriers.
• For a reliable and safe „voltage present“ indication according to VDE 0682 Part 415, it must
be ensured that the WEGA 2.2 Voltage Detecting System is only used within its rated volta-
ge and frequency and that it has been matched with the entire system.
• WEGA 2.2 Voltage Detecting Systems are designed for indoor use only.
• Prior to accessing the medium-voltage area check always all poles for safe isolation.
• In the case of adverse lighting conditions it may be necessary to either darken or additional-
ly illuminate the visual display.
• Phase comparison can be carried out by means of phase comparators that comply with the
requirements of LRM systems according to VDE 0682 Part 415. The phase comparators are
to be connected to both points of the phase-related measuring socket and the earth socket
(e.g. Horstmann ORION 3.0).
• Take care that the WEGA 2.2 Voltage Detecting System is kept and transported dry and
clean. Avoid any damage.
• Do not use damaged devices with improper functioning, unreliable safety and illegible la-
• Prior to each use check the device for faultless condition.
• Make sure that the instrument is only used for the purpose for which it has been designed
as described in the present operating manual.
• Any warranty claim is void in the case of damages caused by non-observance of this opera-
ting manual. We are not liable for any consequential damage arising from or relating to this

4 WEGA 2.2 • 100104-0300 • December 2011

Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH Instructions for Use

1. Intended use
The WEGA 22 is an integrated Voltage Detecting System which serves to detect and display the
operating condition in medium-voltage switchgear installations according to VDE 0105 Part 1 and
Part 100.
The device complies with the requirements as per VDE 0682 Part 415 (IEC 61243-5) for Voltage
Detecting Systems (VDS) which are capacitively coupled to live parts.
2. Device description
2.1. Scope of supply
A complete WEGA 2.2 unit consists of:
• 1 WEGA 2.2 Voltage Detecting System (customization according to agreement)
• 1 Instruction for Use
• Option: 1 set of connection leads (prefabrication according to agreement)

The WEGA 2.2 is a constituent of a coordinated Voltage Detecting System according to VDE
0682 Part 415 (IEC 61243-5). The following additional components for the system are manda-
• Coupling capacitor (on the side of the switchgear) either in a bushing or post-type insulator.
• Connection leads between the WEGA 2.2 and the coupling capacitor.
The above mentioned components must be carefully coordinated with the WEGA 2.2 making them
a complete matching system. A reliable and safe function of the instrument is ensured only if this
prerequisite is fulfilled. The manufacturer or user of the switchgear unit is responsible for proper
coordination of the system.
2.2. Display unit
• Plug-in housing for panel mount: 96 mm x 48 mm x 42.5 mm
• Energy supply: The LCD is powered by energy taken from the measuring voltage.
3. Device function

Display test jack (LRM test


earth jack

Fig. 1: Front view

3.1. Operating principle

The WEGA 2.2 is used to detect the voltage condition in switchgears. Interface testing and phase
comparison via the LRM test sockets can be carried out by means of a suitable voltage/phase tes-
ter (e. g. Horstmann ORION 3.0).

WEGA 2.2 • 100104-0300 • December 2011 5

Instructions for Use Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH

3.2. Display
A red LCD display on the front face of the device indicates the following occurrences:

Symbol Definition
Voltage Present
The response threshold for the voltage presence indication ranges between
0.1 … 0.45 * Un.
In case of < 0.1 * Un, there is no voltage indication.
Dot The current flowing through the indication device complies with the requirements of
integrated Voltage Detecting Systems (VDS) as defined by VDE 0682 Part 415 (IEC
61243-5). No maintenance test required due to the permanent presence/absence
• Fault Indication
The arrow and the dot symbol will extinguish as the tool symbol adjacent to
Tools the respective phase is illuminated if one of the following faults occurs:
• Earth fault
• Interruption of the connection lead
• Short-circuit in the connection lead
• Zero Voltage Indication
All three wrench symbols start flashing to indicate a zero voltage condition of
the entire system (U<0.10*UN).

No All symbols are in off-state with all phases of the system disconnected.
Tab. 1: Definition of symbols displayed

3.3. Functional test

The functional test can be carried out with the device in either mounted/activated condition (indica-
tion of arrow and arrow and dot respectively) or dismounted condition.
3.3.1. Testing in activated condition
The test is carried out by short-circuiting one of the three measuring sockets with the earth socket.
The respective illuminated symbol of L1, L2 or L3 will extinguish while the corresponding tool sym-
bol appears. The ”Voltage Present” relay switches on.
3.3.2. Testing in non-active condition
There are two methods to perform testing in non-active condition:
• This test can be made with the switchgear in voltage-free condition. Neither the arrow nor
the dot symbols will appear. If the auxiliary voltage is switched on, the LCD display will be
illuminated and the three tool symbols start flashing. Slightly pushing the “Display Test” but-
ton activates the LCD display for a short time.
• Use the separately available function tester for the WEGA instrument and
• connect the two connection leads of the function tester to one of the three measuring
sockets and to the earth socket of the WEGA 2.2 device,

6 WEGA 2.2 • 100104-0300 • December 2011

Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH Instructions for Use

• switch on the function tester.

• The respective arrow and dot symbols appear in the display of the WEGA 2.2 (refer
to paragraph 3.2).

Fig. 2: Connection to the functional tester

If during functional testing any of the defined indications fails to appear, this will be a sign
that the integrated Voltage Detecting System is defect. In this case do not use it for the eva-
luation of voltage conditions!
Reattach the protective cap after completion of the functional test.
3.4. Active zero voltage indication
The zero voltage indication is activated as the switchgear is separated from the voltage source.
Three tool symbols located at the bottom of the LCD display start flashing to indicate this condition.
The indication stays constantly activated as long as auxiliary voltage is present.
3.5. Voltage testing
The integrated WEGA 2.2 Voltage Testing System is designed for continuous operation. Due to this
feature the WEGA 2.2 permanently detects the voltage in the switchgear unit into which it is ins-
talled and displays the voltage condition for each individual phase on the LCD display (see table 1).
According to VDE 105 Part 1 and Part 100 for fixed-mounted devices, the user must verify the
voltage-free condition of the disconnected switchgear components by watching the changes in the
display when the voltage is switched off.
3.6. Phase comparison
For phase comparison, a separately available phase comparator for LRM systems which complies
with the requirements as defined in VDE 0682 Part 415 (e.g. Horstmann ORION 3.0) can be used.
For this purpose, connect the phase comparator to one of the three LRM measuring sockets and to
the earth socket. Remove the protective caps to get access to the sockets.
If the phase comparator is connected, the respective illuminated indication of the WEGA 2.2 may go
off. Reattach the protective cap after completion of the phase comparison.
3.7. Relay signals
• The ”Voltage Present” relay respectivly ”U ≠ 0” is switched on wehen the voltage of at least
one phase is > 0.45 * Un .
• The ”Voltage Not Present” relay respectivly ”U = 0” is switched on wehen the voltage of at
least one phase is > 0.10 * Un

WEGA 2.2 • 100104-0300 • December 2011 7

Instructions for Use Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH

Each relay is provided with a changeover contact having a common connection (C) as well as a
normally open (NC) contact and a normally closed (NO) contact. The relay contacts are galvanically
isolated from the measuring and auxiliary voltage. According to the measuring signal intensity there
are the following relay functions:

Voltage-to-phase Relays Relays

Auxiliary “Voltage “Voltage Not
L1 L2 L3 Voltage Present ” Present”
U≠0 U=0

U > 0,45 * Un U > 0,45 * Un U > 0,45 * Un ON ON OFF

U > 0,45 * Un U > 0,45 * Un U < 0,10 * Un ON ON ON
U > 0,45 * Un U < 0,10 * Un U < 0,10 * Un ON ON ON
U < 0,10 * Un U < 0,10 * Un U < 0,10 * Un ON OFF ON
Optional Optional Optional OFF OFF OFF

Comments to the table:

For reasons of clarity the table does not contain all the combinations of measuring and auxiliary vol-
The de-energized position of the relay (”Relay OFF”) can be found on the back of the integrated
WEGA 2.2 voltage detecting system.
3.8. Monitoring the auxiliary voltage
The following conditions furnish proof that the auxiliary voltage is absent:
• The LCD display is without illumination.
• The two relays (U = 0 and U ≠ 0) are off at the same time.
• There are no flashing wrenches (active zero voltage indication) visible on the LCD display in
the event of the ”Voltage Not Present” state.
• The arrow and possibly also the dot symbols are visible on the LCD display in the event of
the ”Voltage Present” state. This display function works without being dependent on auxiliary
The auxiliary voltage must be verified in all three cases.

8 WEGA 2.2 • 100104-0300 • December 2011

Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH Instructions for Use

4. Installation
4.1. Safety note
When installing or dismounting the WEGA 2.2 ensure that the connectors located on the
rear (flat or compact connectors) are plugged on or pulled off only in the absence of voltage.
The voltage-free condition must be clearly identified before the device is installed or remo-
4.2. Installing the display unit
Insert the plug-in housing into a prepared DIN size cut-out of 92 mm x 45 mm on the front
of the switchgear panel. When doing so, the retainer bars must be in unlocked condition
that means they are moved in place in the housing (as-delivered condition).
Provide a minimum installation depth of 80 mm with connected leads. After the housing has
been inserted, tighten both screws on the front side by means of a screwdriver for cross-
recessed head screws. In doing so, the retainer bars automatically move out towards the
rear side of the front plate where they are locked in place.
The dismantling is carried in reversed order to the installation procedure.
The dismantling is carried out in reversed order to the installation procedure.
4.3. Electrical connection
The system-related preconfigured connection leads are basically provided by the respective manu-
facturer of the switchgear.
There are several methods to connect the WEGA 2.2 to the switchgear.
4.3.1. Connection method exclusively applicable to the WEGA 2.2
The following connections are located on the rear (see illustration 3):
2-pole plug-in terminal
4-pole flat connector

6-pole plug-in ter-

minal blog

Fig. 3: Rear view of the WEGA 2.2 with illustration of connections and
rated plate with sample values for Un, C1 and C2

4-pole flat connector:

L1, L2, L3 - connections for capacitive tapping from the switchgear
Earth symbol - connection of the earth connection to the frame
and screen with a coaxial line.
6-pole plug-in terminal block:
U ≠ 0 - NO or NC contact of the ”Voltage Present” relay
U = 0 - NO or NC contact of the ”Voltage Not Present” relay
2-pole plug-in terminal block:
Auxiliary voltage supply - 24...230V (AC or DC)

WEGA 2.2 • 100104-0300 • December 2011 9

Instructions for Use Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH

4.3.2. Connecting WEGA 2.2 C

Use either the 4-pole compact connector or the flat connector for tapping from the switchgear. The
type label is located on the top of the unit.

2-pole plug-in terminal

4-pole flat connector

4-pole compact con-

nector 6-pole plug-in ter-
minal blog

Fig. 4: Rear view of WEGA 2.2 C with 4-pole compact connector and flat connectors

5. Device configuration and commissioning

After completion of installation and electrical connection the device is automatically put into operati-
on once the switchgear is connected to the system. No configuration is necessary.
After the device has been put into operation for the first time, the LRM interface should be checked
using an appropriate standardized testing device (e.g. Horstmann ORION 3.0).
6. Maintenance
The WEGA 2.2 must be kept in a clean and dry environment. Apart from that the device does not
require any maintenance. This instrument type does neither contain batteries nor any other parts to
be replaced by the user.
7. Maintenance test
The appearance of the dot symbol gives proof that the current which flows through the indication
device complies with the requirements according to VDE 0682 Part 415 (IEC 61243-5) for Voltage
Detecting Systems (VDS).
This permanent monitoring feature makes a maintenance test according to this standard superflu-
Depending on the viewing angle, the contrast level of the LCD display may vary: The minimum cur-
rent test is satisfied when both symbols the “dot“ and the appertaining “arrow“ have the same cont-
rast level while viewing takes place perpendicularly to the front plate.
8. Information on checking the cable sheat
When checking the cable sheat at switchgear units, whether equipped with the WEGA 1.2 or 2.2,
we recommend to connecting the three test sockets provided for L1, L2 and L3 to the earth socket
by means of short measuring leads (25 cm max.). The 4-pole WEGA short-circuit plug which is
available as an accessory item can also be used for this purpose (Order No. 51-9904-001).

Fig. 5: Short-circuit plug WEGA

10 WEGA 2.2 • 100104-0300 • December 2011

Dipl.-Ing. H. Horstmann GmbH Instructions for Use

9. Technical data
Electrical data

Rated voltage 3 kV–36 kV (Rated voltage of the switchgear)

Rated frequency 50 Hz–60 Hz

Interface LRM test socket for each phase and one earth socket

Display Red LCD display

Voltage-limiting device 90 V +/- 20 % (The impacts resulting from a tripped voltage-limiting

device must be taken into account when elaborating the protection
concept of the switchgear.)

Adaptation capacitors They can be equipped by the manufacturer for a 3-phase adjustment
of the WEGA 2.2 to the rated voltage, the coupling capacity, and the
connection leads

Power supply Integrated universal power supply unit.

Input voltage: 24...230 V AC/DC.
Power consumption e. g. at 230 V AC: typ. 1.7 W
Power consumption e. g. at 24 V DC: typ. 0.7 W
The LCD display is powered by the measuring voltage.
Temperature range -25° C to +55° C

Operating time Suitable for continuous operation

Degree of protection IP54

Mechanical data

Dimensions 96 mm x 48 mm x 42.5 mm (according to DIN 43700),

plug-in housing for panel cut-out A,
cut-out size in the switchgear panel: 92+0,8 mm x 45+0,6 mm
Housing material Polycarbonate

Total weight 280 g

Test socket, earth socket LRM-System, 14 mm distance between sockets,

4 mm socket inside diameter

WEGA 2.2 • 100104-0300 • December 2011 11

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