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Static Electricity:

If two surfaces some in close contact with each other and charge is
created due to friction between them, the produced change remains
enclosed and static in those surfaces. They will not move from one place
to another. Here on by charges are exchanged between the two surface,
this type of electricity is  called “state electricity” For example due to
friction between glass rod and silk glass rod glass rod gains positive and
silk gains negative charger.
This is static electricity, as this type of electricity is produced due to
friction, (it is also known as frictional electricity. 

For explaining various circumstances regarding electricity various

theories have been given in various time till now the following 5
theories are available: 

1.    Two-fluid theory

2.    One-Fluid theory
3.    Faraday’s theory
4.    Lorentz’s theory
5.    Modern theory
Two fluid theory:

According to this theory in condition, a maternal has two fluids of

opposite charges. Due to friction, one type of fluid flows form one
maternal to another this the increment or decrement of another Thus The
increment or decrement of charge our in two bodies Thus electricity
2.    One-Fluid Theory:

This theory was postulated by Wattson and Franklin. According to this

theory condition, everybody has a definite quantity of indestructible
charge fluids. If there is an increment of this fluid the body gets positive
charge and due to decrement of this fluid body gets negative charge.
3.    Faraday’s theory:

According to this theory if the charges produced by static electrical

experimental are moved by electrical cell. We will get current electric.
4.    Lorentz Theory:

According to this theory positive and negative charges are not two
different types of fluid rather they are two oppositely charged particles.
5.    Modern theory:

Now a- days the above 4 theories are discarded and the modern electron
theory is accepted. According to this theory every atom has a positively
changed nucleus (positive charge is due to proton) and negatively
charged electrons and protons are equal in neutral condition. If the no of
electrons increases the atom because negatively charged and if the no. of
electrons decreases the atom becomes negatively charged. If the no. of
electrons decreases the atom becomes positively charged

Problems Created due to state Electricity:

Static charge causes various problems in textile material and in

processing some of them are illustrated below:
1. Similar charges repel one another. This causes difficulty in handling
materials for instance filaments in a charged ware will repel one another,
there will be ballooning of a bundle of slivers, cloth will not fold down
neatly upon itself when if comes off a finishing machine and so on. 

2. Opposite charges attract one another. This causes difficulty in the

opening of parachute. This will also cause tow garment to stick to each

3.  Again this charge attracts soil dust and dirt, so firmly that it Become
difficult to remove them, when this occurs in loom it creates ‘Fog

4. Charged bodies are attracted by an charged bodies Due to this charged

fibers will stick to earthed parts of the machine happens particularly in

5. When high enough field occurs, discharge in air will take place
accompanying, sparks, There is also a risk of fire or explosion due in
sparks. Again sparks form clothing are a source of danger where
inflammable vapors are present as in operation theaters in hospitals.

6. Large amount of accumulated static charge may give shock to

people/specially where a large insulated conductor becomes charged up.

7. Due to static charge the projection fibers remain stickled with the
fabric. So they cannot be removed by singeing and cropping. So dying
and finishing become faulty. 

8. While passing over guides, due to state charge, roving experiences

more friction and thus breakage may occur. Again due to allocation or
repulsion roving cannot be wound on to bobbin. Easing.

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