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EDUC 2008

Evaluation of Teachers’ Material

These evaluation questionnaires were filled in by 141 participants from all regions of
Latvia. Some of the respondents were pre-service teachers, some were in-service teachers,
some were students who already work at school, and some are continuing their education on
Master’s level. All respondents’ answers did not differ significantly, thus further data were
summarised and analysed together. Almost all respondents were female (138 out of 141),
which rather typically characterises the situation in Latvian education.
Some comments that refer to specific questions are placed directly after the respective
question. Other significant comments are placed in Part B after the proposed questions.

A. Grading in the following question is from 5 (high) to 1 (low).

1. How consistent is the approach used in the book with the syllabus? (5 Fully to 1

80 1
40 4
20 13 17 5

0 1 no evaluation

Some comments:
- In order to implement it, the teacher must be creative and interested.
- To my mind, this book might be used at class hours. Probably teachers of some subjects
could find some interesting things in it, like practical tasks and activities that are
consistent with the programme and technical plans, e.g., in natural sciences, social
sciences, biology etc.

2. To what extent are relevant knowledge objectives catered for in the book? (5
Fully to 1 Scarcely)

70 66 65
20 17
10 3
0 0 no evaluation

Some comments:

3. To what extent are relevant skills objective catered for in the book? (5 Fully to 1

42 1
40 2
30 3
20 21
20 4
4 no evaluation

Some comments:
- complete evaluation may be given when something is already implemented and tested;
- how can the book suggest skills, how can they be acquired?

4. Is the book of an appropriate length? (5 Yes or 1 No)

60 1

50 2
40 3
30 4
20 15 5
10 4 no evaluation

Some comments:
- easier to understand and perceive for users with prior knowledge, yet it gives a good
idea of the topic to the non-specialists in ESD.
- Teachers would lack time, some even would lack willingness, to consistently use the
- The authors have made a good methodological aid.

5. To what extent is the content of the book likely to be clearly understood by the
users? (5 Largely to 1 Hardly)

70 66 65
20 17
10 3
0 0 no evaluation

Some comments:
- prior knowledge and understanding of ESD is required to use the book competently,
professionally and interestingly in the learning process.
- easy to read, illustrations help to understand the written text;
- provided definitions, explanations and questions are important to explain the essence
of sustainable development;

6. Is the use of the book easily manageable by the teachers? (5 Largely or 1 Not

80 73
60 1
50 2
40 38 3
30 4
20 17
13 5
10 no evaluation
0 0

Some comments:
- depends on the teacher’s interest and creative approach;
- easy to use because the main ideas are briefly and concisely expressed;
- easy to use in various subjects, it can be integrated in the content of any subject;
- potential for successful and broad application at class hours and social science

7. Does the book include activities that learners are capable of performing? (5
Largely or 1 Not easily)

80 1
40 35

20 17 5
7 no evaluation
0 0

Some comments:
- The suggested ideas might seem interesting for pupils;

8. Is special equipment which is not readily available at all schools required in

order to be able to use the book? (5 No or 1 Yes)

70 64
30 28
20 15 17
14 5
10 3 no evaluation

Some comments:
- Although the book suggests a wide range of materials and tasks, they often cannot be
implemented in Latvian schools;
- At school, the resource base is often outdated, the lesson is too short (only 40 min).

B. Brief general comments on the suitability of the textbook

1. Observing age peculiarities:

• Primary school teachers think that too little attention is paid to their learning style.
• It is crucial to talk about sustainable development already at school. The sooner it is
begun, the better it can be accepted and implemented in life.
• The book is more appropriate to 5th-9th grade students, a workbook in a simpler
language is needed.
• If the book is aimed at basic school teachers, more visual figures that might be offered
to pupils are needed. The teacher would hardly be able to create figures, tables, and
schemes to deliver the material in a clear and demonstrative way.

2. Variety of teaching and learning methods

• The methods proposed in the book are well applicable to different lessons.

• Method of making circles in a class with many pupils can provoke disorder. Role plays
are really very effective.
• Methods that can be used for developing pupils’ understanding of environmental
education for sustainable development are well characterised in the book. Many thanks
to the authors, I am looking forward to this book.
• Many of the suggested ideas could vary the course of the lesson.

3. Design:
• The CD is very good, one can prepare for the lesson at any computer-accessible place,
the CD can be used during the lessons.
• What concerns sustainable development, economical use of paper should also be
considered – wide and coloured margins take up ~25% of the book’s volume???
• The book is easier to read if not only chapters, but also sub-chapters begin on a new
page. If the empty coloured margins were given up, it could have been done (but this
rather concerns the layout designers).
• The text contains references to tables, but I could not find references to figures, maybe
they have been added only to the Latvian edition and were ‘forgotten’ in the English
• It is very good that apart from the text, there are also pictures, schemes. Most important
definitions could be highlighted so that one does not have to need to read the whole
• Very nice illustrations!!! Attractive design.
• The illustrations do not catch the eye, they do not reveal the treated topic. It would be
preferable to include some explanations.
• The suggested questions are very helpful and encourage everybody to take part in the
• It is very good that the main ideas, questions, summaries or conclusions are separately
highlighted on the margins.
• The chosen font is too small. It makes the book difficult to perceive.

4. Content:
• The book summarises the essential aspects of ESD, provides good explanations and
examples for practical activity. It saves time. Previously, a lot of materials had to be
found in the Internet. Thank you for an opportunity to use this material.
• The book is very good since it includes the basic issues of ESD, there is no need to
search for additional information.
• It is more difficult to understand and I had to search for answers to many questions
myself, especially in the first chapter which explains the term ‘sustainable
development’. More explanations and examples would be needed here. Occasionally
• It might be interesting for those who are particularly interested in this issue. Otherwise,
majority have already found the necessary materials and might only use this book as an
additional literary source or auxiliary material.
• Teachers are given good knowledge that develops understanding of the significance of
SD and ESD in everyday life in general.

• The greatest value of this book lies in the suggested teaching and learning methods that
help to introduce the topic of sustainable development to children!!!
• It is very good that at the end of each topic there is a list of references and resource

5. Opportunities for practical use:

• The book contains sufficient amount of information and practical activities for
promoting sustainable development; in my interest circle ‘Journey with Plants’
emphasis is laid on the ecological aspect: endangered species.
• The book can be used both in interest education and within the course ‘Environment
Studies’ in vocational education institutions (I work at a vocational school).
• I really appreciated Chapter 4, Practical Examples. Interesting solutions. I will
certainly be able to use some in my classes.
• A very positive feature is that the book includes activities and practical tasks and
exercises. They are useful in real life;
• The book is a very good aid for lesson planning.

6. Suggestions:
• The Earth Charter could be added;
• Calculation of the ecological footprint is carried out on the PDF homepage!!!
• It would be very good if at the end of the book, there were an explanatory dictionary of
the difficult words, so that there would be no unnecessary questions about
incomprehensible words.
• More practical tasks are needed;
• Considering that this is a handbook, consequently a methodological aid, more
explanations are necessary. After some of the tasks, more specific explanations would
certainly be needed.
• There could have been more of the various comparative tables.
• Maybe in the introduction you should write – everybody wants sustainable development
instead of nobody wants unsustainable development.
• Sometimes the language shows that it is a translation. A more professional translation
would be appreciated.

7. Some reflections:
• The book is very interesting, useful, easy to read; it’s a pity that it is being published
so late. Both we and the students who studied before us could use it as a helpful
material to tackle the homework and prepare for tests. It is interesting to note that the
authors of the book come from different countries. The book is very objective, the
knowledge it gives can be used not only in Latvia, but in other countries as well. It is
good that exchange of experience among professors, scientists and teachers takes
place on the level of both national and foreign universities.
• When compiling this book, the authors should have drawn more on the particularities
of Latvian schools – in many cases the provided examples mostly refer to the foreign

• The book is easy to read; it is good that it includes ready-made ideas, methods and
tasks; nevertheless, schools are already overcharged with various programmes, I see
no way to find time for these topics.
• Such book is very necessary in Latvia; the main thing is that it should be available
both to pre-service and in-service teachers.
• I did not like the fact that many practical tasks require a small number of participants.
• The book is worth to be published because it includes theoretical conclusions and
practical tasks. There is a lack of materials on sustainable development, and teachers
are often obliged to search for them themselves.
• From the historical perspective, the knowledge obtained by our ancestors was also
oriented towards sustainability; unfortunately, nowadays we have slightly forgotten
the lore of our nation. I believe, this book could help to revive it, but unfortunately it
lacks a historical perspective.

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