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Lecture 6-Asphalt Mix Design

• Performance-based asphalt mix design process:

- level 1 testing
- level 2 testing
- level 3 testing

• Calculate the aggregate gradation for given bitumen content

and the mix composition (i.e. % coarse, fine and filler)

• Calculate volumetric properties (AV, VMA, VFB, b etc.)

• Determine design bitumen content

Lecture 7-Pavement Design System

• (multi-layered) structure of flexible and rigid pavement

• Differences between flexible and rigid pavement
• Incorporating project reliability (RF) in design
• Mechanistic model for flexible pavement design
• Damage models for asphalt, cemented material and subgrade
• Determination of elastic properties of materials for pavement
- Modulus of subgrade
- Modulus of unbound granular material
- Modulus of cemented material
- Modulus of asphalt

Lecture 8- Flexible Pavement Design

• Calculate design traffic NDT in terms of HVAGs

• Calculate average no of axles per vehicle group NHVAG based on
WIM (Weight-in-motion) data
• Calculate damage indices (unit convert coefficient), e.g.
• Damage models (flexible pavement) for asphalt, cemented
material and subgrade
• Design of flexible pavement
- Flexible pavement with bituminous surfacing (< 40 mm),
both mechanistic and empirical method
- Asphalt pavement containing cemented layer, considering
pre- and post- cracking (mechanistic method)
- Full depth asphalt pavement (mechanistic method)

Lecture 9- Rigid Pavement Design

• Minimum thickness of subbase for rigid pavements

• Calculate effective subgrade strength (CBRE) from layer CBR

• Damage models for rigid pavement

- fatigue distress mode
- erosion distress mode

• Design of rigid pavement (base thickness) – calculation of:

expected repetitions (from NDT), allowable repetitions in fatigue
(Nf), allowable repetitions in erosion (Ne), fatigue damage %,
(expected repetitions/Nf) x 100, erosion damage % (expected
repetitions/Ne) x 100, Total percentage fatigue and erosion
damages (from all axle loading and axle group types).
Lecture 10-Pavement Maintenance

• Type of maintenance

• Three functions of drainage

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