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COURT OF APPEALS Mariano returned to the bus to claim their

bayong then suddenly, sensing that the bus was
GR No L-20761, 27 July 1966, Barrera, J.
again in motion, he immediately jumped from the
DOCTRINE: running board without getting his bayong from the
conductor which caused him to land on the side
“The inclusion of this averment for quasi- of the road almost in front of the shaded place
delict, while incompatible with the other claim where he left his wife and children. At that precise
under the contract of carriage, is permissible time, he saw people beginning to gather around
under Section 2 of Rule 8 of the New Rules of the body of a child lying prostrate on the ground,
Court, which allows a plaintiff to allege causes of her skull crushed, and without life. The child was
action in the alternative, be they compatible with none other than his daughter Raquel, who was
each other or not, to the end that the real matter run over by the bus in which she rode earlier
in controversy may be resolved and determined.” together with her parents.

FACTS: Lower court ruling:

The present case stems from a complaint The trial court found La Mallorca liable for
for a breach of contract of carriage when one of breach of contract of carriage and sentenced it to
the daughters of the plaintiff died in accident after pay Php 3,000 for the death of the child and Php
they alighted from the bus operated by La 400 as compensatory damages representing
Mallorca. The antecedents of the case are as burial expenses.
Plaintiff Mariano Beltran (Mariano),
together with his wife and their three minor The Court of Appeals found that not only

daughters, namely, Milagros, Raquel, and Fe was La Mallorca liable for breach of contract of

boarded the Pambusco Bus operated by La carriage, the same is likewise liable for quasi-

Mallorca, in San Fernando, Pampanga, bound for delict in accordance with Article 2180 of the New

Anao, Mexico Pampanga. After an hour’s trip, the Civil Code. Likewise, the appellate court raised

bus reached its destination in Anao. The bus the damages from the award of Php 3,000 to Php

stopped and the driver allowed the passengers to 6,000.

get off as they have already reached their ISSUE:

destination. One of the first few who alighted the
Did the appellate court err in its finding of
bus was Mariano Beltran, who was at the time
an alternative cause of action for also holding La
carrying their baggage, followed by his wife and
Mallorca liable for quasi-delict considering that
children. Mariano led his wife and children to a
respondents’ complaint was one for a breach of
shaded area to wait for him because he still
needed to claim some of their remaining baggage
from the bus.
RULING: That aside from the aforesaid breach of
contract, the death of Raquel Beltran,
NO. In the present case, the father
plaintiffs' daughter, was caused by the
returned to the bus to get one of his baggage
negligence and want of exercise of the
which was not unloaded when they alighted from
utmost diligence of a very cautious
the bus. Raquel, the child that she was, must
person on the part of the defendants and
have followed the father. However, although the
their agent, necessary to transport
father was still on the running board of the bus
plaintiffs and their daughter safely as far
awaiting for the conductor to hand him the bag or
as human care and foresight can provide
bayong, the bus started to run, so that even he
in the operation of their vehicle.
(the father) had to jump down from the moving
vehicle. It was at this instance that the child, who
is clearly an allegation for quasi-delict. The
must be near the bus, was run over and killed. In
inclusion of this averment for quasi-delict, while
the circumstances, it cannot be claimed that the
incompatible with the other claim under the
carrier's agent had exercised the "utmost
contract of carriage, is permissible under Section
diligence" of a "very cautions person" required by
2 of Rule 8 of the New Rules of Court, which
Article 1755 of the Civil Code to be observed by
allows a plaintiff to allege causes of action in the
a common carrier in the discharge of its obligation
alternative, be they compatible with each other or
to transport safely its passengers. In the first
not, to the end that the real matter in controversy
place, the driver, although stopping the bus,
may be resolved and determined.
nevertheless did not put off the engine. Secondly,
he started to run the bus even before the bus The plaintiffs sufficiently pleaded the
conductor gave him the signal to go and while the culpa or negligence upon which the claim was
latter was still unloading part of the baggage of predicated when it was alleged in the complaint
the passengers Mariano Beltran and family. The that "the death of Raquel Beltran, plaintiffs'
presence of said passengers near the bus was daughter, was caused by the negligence and
not unreasonable and they are, therefore, to be want of exercise of the utmost diligence of a very
considered still as passengers of the carrier, cautious person on the part of the defendants and
entitled to the protection under their contract of their agent." This allegation was also proved
carriage. when it was established during the trial that the
driver, even before receiving the proper signal
But even assuming arguendo that the
from the conductor, and while there were still
contract of carriage has already terminated,
persons on the running board of the bus and near
herein petitioner can be held liable for the
it, started to run off the vehicle. The presentation
negligence of its driver, as ruled by the Court of
of proof of the negligence of its employee gave
Appeals, pursuant to Article 2180 of the Civil
rise to the presumption that the defendant
Code. Paragraph 7 of the complaint, which reads
employer did not exercise the diligence of a good

father of the family in the selection and
supervision of its employees. And this Ledda’s motion for reconsideration, it lifted the
presumption, as the Court of Appeals found, default order and admitted Ledda’s Answer Ad
petitioner had failed to overcome. Consequently, Cautelam.
petitioner must be adjudged peculiarily liable for
While she filed a Pre-Trial Brief, Ledda and her
the death of the child Raquel Beltran.
counsel failed to appear during the continuation
Anita A. Ledda vs. Bank of the Philippine of the Pre-Trial; hence, the trial court allowed BPI
Islands to present its evidence ex-parte. Thereafter, it
ruled in favor of BPI.
G.R. No. 200868, 12 November 2012, J. Carpio
CA: Rejected Ledda’s argument that the
document containing the Terms and Conditions
In this case, the complaint is an action for governing the use of the BPI credit card is an
collection of sum of money arising from Ledda’s actionable document in the Rules of Civil
default in her credit card obligation with BPI. BPI’s Procedure. It held that BPI’s cause of action is
cause of action is not based only on the based on Ledda’s availment of the bank’s credit
document containing the Terms and Conditions facilities through the use of her credit/plastic
accompanying the issuance of the BPI credit card cards, coupled with her refusal to pay BPI’s
in favor of Ledda. Therefore, the document outstanding credit for the cost of the goods,
containing the Terms and Conditions governing services, and cash advances despite lawful
the use of the BPI credit card is not an actionable demands.
document. As such, it is not required by the Rules
to be set forth in and attached to the complaint.
Whether the document containing the Terms and
Conditions governing the issuance and use of the
As one of respondent Bank of the Philippine credit card is an actionable document
Island’s (BPI) valued clients, petitioner Anita
LEdda was issued a pre-approved BPI credit
card. However, Ledda defaulted in the payment NO. Section 7, Rule 8 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
of her credit card obligation. Consequently, BPI Procedure provides that whenever an action or
sent letters to Ledda demanding payment. But defense is based upon a written instrument or
despite repeated demands, Ledda failed to pay document, the substance of such instrument or
her credit card obligation, prompting BPI to file an document shall be set forth in the pleading, and
action for collection of sum of money with the the original or a copy thereof shall be attached to
RTC. the pleading as an exhibit, which shall be deemed
to be a part of the pleading or said copy may with
RTC: Declared Ledda in default for failing to file
like effect be set forth in the pleading.
an Answer within the prescribed period, despite
receipt of the complaint and summons. Upon
Clearly, this provision applies when the action is barred if it is not set up in the action filed by the
based on a written instrument or document. opposing party.

In this case, the complaint is an action for Since Forbes Park filed a motion to dismiss in
collection of sum of money arising from Ledda’s Civil Case No. 16540, its existing compulsory
default in her credit card obligation with BPI. BPI’s counterclaim at that time is now barred. A
cause of action is primarily based on Ledda’s (1) compulsory counterclaim is auxiliary to the
acceptance of the BPI credit card, (2) usage of proceeding in the original suit and derives its
the BPI credit card to purchase goods, avail jurisdictional support therefrom. A counterclaim
services and secure cash advances, and (3) non- presupposes the existence of a claim against the
payment of the amount due for such credit card party filing the counterclaim. Hence, where there
transactions, despite demands. In other words, is no claim against the counterclaimant, the
BPI’s cause of action is not based only on the counterclaim is improper and it must dismissed,
document containing the Terms and Conditions more so where the complaint is dismissed at the
accompanying the issuance of the BPI credit card instance of the counterclaimant.
in favor of Ledda. Therefore, the document
containing the Terms and Conditions governing
the use of the BPI credit card is not an actionable The then Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
document. As such, it is not required by the Rules (hereafter, USSR) was the owner of a residential
to be set forth in and attached to the complaint. lot in Forbes Park Village in Makati City. The
USSR engaged the services of Financial Building
for the construction of a multi-level office and staff
apartment building at the said lot, which would be
G.R. No. 133119| August 17, 2000 | JUSTICE used by the Trade Representative of the USSR.
DE LEON JR. Due to the USSR’s representation that it would be
building a residence for its Trade Representative,
CASE: Involves two cases which are co-related
Forbes Park authorized its construction and work
to each other
began shortly thereafter.
Forbes Park reminded the USSR of existing
A compulsory counterclaim is one which regulations authorizing only the construction of a
arises out of or is necessarily connected with single-family residential building in each lot within
the transaction or occurrence that is the the village. It also elicited a reassurance from the
subject matter of the opposing party’s claim. USSR that such restriction has been complied
If it is within the jurisdiction of the court and it does with. Promptly, the USSR gave its assurance that
not require for its adjudication the presence of it has been complying with all regulations of
third parties over whom the court cannot acquire Forbes Park. Despite this, Financial Building
jurisdiction, such compulsory counterclaim is submitted to the Makati City Government a
second building plan for the construction of a
multi-level apartment building, which was the plaintiff is authorized to demolish/remove the
different from the first plan for the construction of structures at the expense of the defendant and
a residential building submitted to Forbes Park. pay for damages.

Forbes Park discovered the second plan and CA: Financial Building appealed the said decision
subsequent ocular inspection of the USSR’s of the RTC. However, the CA affirmed the
subject lot confirmed the violation of the deed of decision of the RTC.
restrictions. Thus, it enjoined further construction
work. Forbes Park suspended all permits of entry
for the personnel and materials of Financial Whether or not the alleged claims and causes of
Building in the said construction site. The parties action therein are barred by prior judgment and/or
attempted to meet to settle their differences but it are deemed waived for its failure to interpose the
did not push through. same as compulsory counterclaims in the earlier
case. (YES)
Financial Building filed in the Regional Trial Court
of Makati, Metro Manila, a Complaint for SC:
Injunction and Damages with a prayer for
The instant case is barred due to Forbes Park’s
Preliminary Injunction against Forbes Park
failure to set it up as a compulsory counterclaim
docketed as Civil Case No. 16540. The latter, in
in the earlier case.
turn, filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground that
Financial Building had no cause of action A compulsory counterclaim is one which arises
because it was not the real party-in-interest. The out of or is necessarily connected with the
trial court issued a writ of preliminary injunction transaction or occurrence that is the subject
against Forbes Park but the Court of Appeals matter of the opposing party’s claim. If it is within
nullified it and dismissed the complaint. the jurisdiction of the court and it does not require
for its adjudication the presence of third parties
After Financial Building’s case was terminated
over whom the court cannot acquire jurisdiction,
with finality, Forbes Park sought to vindicate its
such compulsory counterclaim is barred if it is not
rights by filing with the Regional Trial Court of
set up in the action filed by the opposing party.
Makati a Complaint for Damages, against
Financial Building arising from the violation of its Thus, a compulsory counterclaim cannot be the
rules and regulations. subject of a separate action but it should instead
be asserted in the same suit involving the same
RTC: RTC rendered a decision in favor or Forbes
transaction or occurrence, which gave rise to it To
determine whether a counterclaim is compulsory
Ordering the defendant to remove/demolish the or not, we have devised the following tests: (1)
illegal structures within three (3) months from the Are the issues of fact or law raised by the claim
time this judgment becomes final and executory, and the counterclaim largely the same? (2) Would
and in case of failure of the defendant to do so, res judicata bar a subsequent suit on defendant’s
claim absent the compulsory counterclaim rule? FACTS:
(3) Will substantially the same evidence support
National Power Corporation (NPC) filed
or refute plaintiff’s claim as well as the
an expropriation suit against Natividad B. Lim
defendant’s counterclaim? and (4) Is there any
(Lim) before the RTC of Lingayen, Pangasinan
logical relation between the claim and the
covering Lots 2373 and 2374 that the NPC
needed for its Sual Coal-Fired Thermal Power
Affirmative answers to the above queries indicate Project. Since Lim was residing in the United
the existence of a compulsory counterclaim. States, the court caused the service of summons
Since Forbes Park filed a motion to dismiss in through her tenant, a certain Wilfredo
Civil Case No. 16540, its existing compulsory Tabongbong. Upon notice to Lim and the deposit
counterclaim at that time is now barred. A of the provisional value of the property, the RTC
compulsory counterclaim is auxiliary to the ordered the issued writ of possession in NPCs
proceeding in the original suit and derives its favor that would enable it to cause the removal of
jurisdictional support therefrom. A counterclaim Lim from the land.
presupposes the existence of a claim against the
However, Lim, represented by her
party filing the counterclaim. Hence, where there
husband Delfin, filed an omnibus motion to
is no claim against the counterclaimant, the
dismiss the action and to suspend the writ of
counterclaim is improper and it must dismissed,
possession, questioning the RTCs jurisdiction
more so where the complaint is dismissed at the
over Lims person and the nature of the action.
instance of the counterclaimant.
She also assailed the failure of the complaint to
Natividad Lim vs National Power Corporation state a cause of action. The RTC denied the
GR No.17879, 14 November 2012, J. Abad
Spouses Roberto and Arabela Arcinue
(the Arcinues) filed a motion for leave to admit
Personal service is required precisely complaint in intervention, alleging that they
because it often happens that hearings do not owned and were in possession of Lot 2374, one
push through because, while a copy of the motion of the two lots subject of the expropriation. The
may have been served by registered mail before RTC granted the Arcinues motion and required
the date of the hearing, such is received by the both the NPC and Lim to answer the complaint-
adverse party already after the hearing. Thus, the in-intervention within 10 days from receipt of its
rules prefer personal service. But it does not order.
altogether prohibit service by registered mail
When Lim and the NPC still did not file
when such service, when adopted, ensures as in
their answers to the complaint-in-intervention
this case receipt by the adverse party.
after 10 months, the Arcinues filed a motion for
judgment by default. Lim sought to expunge the
motion on the ground that it lacked the requisite
explanation why the Arcinues resorted to service answer to the complaint-in-intervention within 15
by registered mail rather than to personal service. days from notice of the order admitting the same,
At the scheduled hearing of the motion, Lims unless a different period is fixed by the court. This
counsel did not appear. The NPC for its part changes the procedure under the former rule
manifested that it did not file an answer since its where such an answer was regarded as optional.
interest lay in determining who was entitled to just Thus, Lim’s failure to file the required answer
compensation. can give rise to default.

Lower court ruling: The RTC issued an order of The trial court had been liberal with Lim.
default against both Lim and the NPC. The RTC It considered her motion for reconsideration as a
pointed out that the Arcinues failure to explain motion to lift the order of default and gave her an
their resort to service by registered mail had opportunity to explain her side. The court set her
already been cured by the manifestation of Lims motion for hearing but Lim’s counsel did not show
counsel that he received a copy of the Arcinues up in court. She remained unable to show that her
motion 10 days before its scheduled hearing. Lim failure to file the required answer was due to
filed a motion for reconsideration to lift the default fraud, accident, mistake, or excusable
order but the Court denied the motion, prompting negligence. And, although she claimed that she
Lim to file a petition for certiorari before the CA had a meritorious defense, she was unable to
specify what constituted such defense.
CA: The CA rendered a decision that affirmed the
RTCs order of default. Lim filed a motion for Lim points out that the RTC should have
reconsideration but the CA denied it,prompting ordered the Arcinues motion for judgment by
her to file the present petition for review. default expunged from the records since it lacked
the requisite explanation as to why they resorted
On September 24, 2007 the Court initially
to service by registered mail in place of personal
denied Lims petition but on motion for
reconsideration, the Court reinstated the same.
There is no question that the Arcinues
motion failed to comply with the requirement of
Whether or not the CA gravely abused its Section 11, Rule 13 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
discretion in affirming the order of default that the Procedure which provides:
RTC entered against Lim
SECTION 11. Priorities in modes of
RULING: service and filing. Whenever practicable,
the service and filing of pleadings and
NO. Lim points out that an answer-in-
other papers shall be done personally.
intervention cannot give rise to default since the
Except with respect to papers emanating
filing of such an answer is only permissive. But
from the court, a resort to other modes
Section 4, Rule 19 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
must be accompanied by a written
Procedure requires the original parties to file an
explanation, why the service or filing was
not done personally. A violation of this DOCTRINE: We agree with the trial and appellate
Rule may be cause to consider the paper courts, for as the records bear, that the ten (10)-
as not filed. year prescriptive period to file an action based on
the subject promissory notes was interrupted by
But the above does not provide for
the several letters exchanged between the
automatic sanction should a party fail to submit
parties. This is in conformity with the second and
the required explanation. It merely provides for
third circumstances under Article 1155 of the New
that possibility considering its use of the term
Civil Code (NCC) which provides that the
"may." The question is whether or not the RTC
prescription of actions is interrupted when: (1)
gravely abused its discretion in not going for the
they are filed before the court; (2) there is a
sanction of striking out the erring motion.
written extrajudicial demand by the creditors; and
The Court finds no such grave abuse (3) there is any written acknowledgment of the
of discretion here. As the RTC pointed out, debt by the debtor. In TMBC’s complaint against
notwithstanding that the Arcinues' failed to the petitioners, the bank sufficiently made the
explain their resort to service by registered mail allegations on its service and the petitioners’
rather than by personal service, the fact is that receipt of the subject demand letters, even
Lim's counsel expressly admitted having received attaching thereto copies thereof for the trial
a copy of the Arcinues' motion for judgment by court’s consideration
default I0 days before its scheduled hearing. This
FACTS: The case stems from a complaint for
means that the Arcinues were diligent enough to
sum of money filed on April 18, 2000 before the
file their motion by registered mail long before the
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Makati City by herein
scheduled hearing.
respondent, The Manila Banking Corporation
Personal service is required precisely (TMBC), against herein petitioners, Magdiwang
because it often happens that hearings do not Realty Corporation (Magdiwang), Renato P.
push through because, while a copy of the motion Dragon (Dragon) and Esperanza Tolentino
may have been served by registered mail before (Tolentino), after said petitioners allegedly
the date of the hearing, such is received by the defaulted in the payment of their debts under the
adverse party already after the hearing. Thus, the five promissory notes they executed in favor of
rules prefer personal service. But it does not TMBC.
altogether prohibit service by registered mail
All promissory notes included stipulations on the
when such service, when adopted, ensures as in
payment of interest and additional charges in
this case receipt by the adverse party.
case of default by the debtors. Despite several
Magdiwang Realty Corporation, et al. v. The demands for payment made by TMBC, the
Manila Banking Corporation, etc., petitioners allegedly failed to heed to the bank’s
demands, prompting the filing of the complaint for
G.R. No. 195592, September 5, 2012,
sum of money. The case was docketed as Civil
Case No. 00-511 and raffled to Branch 148 of the presentation of evidence ex parte proceeded.
RTC of Makati City. The RTC rendered a Decision in favor of TMBC

Instead of filing a responsive pleading with the CA: The CA affirmed the RTC Decision. As
trial court, the petitioners filed on October 12, shown by the evidence, the CA ruled that the
2000, which was notably beyond the fifteen (15)- prescriptive period was legally interrupted on
day period allowed for the filing of a responsive September 19, 1984 when the petitioners,
pleading, a Motion for Leave to Admit Attached through several letters, proposed for the
Motion to Dismiss and a Motion to restructuring of their loans until the respondent
Dismiss, raising therein the issues of novation, sent its final demand letter on September 10,
lack of cause of action against individuals Dragon 1999. Indeed, the period during which the
and Tolentino, and the impossibility of the petitioners were seeking reconsideration for the
novated contract due to a subsequent act of the non-settlement of their loans and proposing
Congress. The motions were opposed by the payment schemes of the same should not be
respondent TMBC, via its Opposition which reckoned against it. Consequently, when the
likewise asked that the petitioners be declared in respondent sent its final demand letter to the
default for their failure to file their responsive petitioners, thus, foreclosing all possibilities of
pleading within the period allowed under the law reaching a settlement of the loans which could be
favorable to both parties, the period of ten years
The petitioners’ motion for reconsideration was
within which to enforce the five promissory notes
denied by the trial court in its Order dated August
under Article 1142 of the New Civil Code began
2, 2005. The ex parte presentation of evidence by
to run again and, therefore, the action filed on
the bank before the trial court’s Presiding Judge
April 18, 2000 to compel the petitioners to pay
was scheduled in the same Order.
their obligations under the promissory notes had
Unsatisfied with the RTC orders, the petitioners not prescribed. The written communications of
filed with the CA a petition for certiorari, which the petitioners proposing for the restructuring of
was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 91820. In a their loans and the repayment scheme are, in our
Decision dated December 2, 2006, the CA view, synonymous to an express
affirmed the RTC orders after ruling that the trial acknowledgment of the obligation and had the
court did not commit grave abuse of discretion effect of interrupting the prescription.
when it declared herein petitioners in default. The
ISSUE: Whether the prescriptive period was
denial of petitioners’ motion for reconsideration
legally interrupted when petitioners, through
prompted the filing of a petition for review
several letters, proposed for the restructuring of
on certiorari before this Court, which, through its
their loans until the respondent sent its final
Resolutions dated March 5, 2008 and June 25,
demand letter on September 10, 1999.
2008, denied the petition for lack of merit.
RULING: Taking into consideration the bank’s
Lower court ruling: The RTC declared the
allegations in its complaint and the totality of the
petitioners in default. In the meantime, TMBC’s
evidence presented in support thereof, coupled of said letters were not directly denied by the
with the said circumstance that the petitioners, by petitioners. The letters that form part of the
their own inaction, failed to make their timely complaint and included in TMBC’s formal offer of
objection or opposition to the evidence, both exhibits were correctly claimed by the
documentary and testimonial, presented by respondents in their Comment as also containing
TMBC to support its case, we find no cogent the petitioners’ acknowledgment of their debts
reason to reverse the trial and appellate courts’ and TMBC’s demand to its debtors.
We agree with the trial and appellate courts, for FRANCISCO DOLOR (SUBSTITUTED BY HIS
as the records bear, that the ten (10)-year HEIRS) AND HERMOGENA DOLOR
prescriptive period to file an action based on the
G.R. No. 198120| February 20, 2017| JUSTICE
subject promissory notes was interrupted by the
several letters exchanged between the parties.
This is in conformity with the second and third DOCTRINE: It is just as basic that a judgment
circumstances under Article 1155 of the New Civil can no longer be disturbed, altered, or modified
Code (NCC) which provides that the prescription as soon as it becomes final and executory. Once
of actions is interrupted when: (1) they are filed a case is decided with finality, the controversy is
before the court; (2) there is a written extrajudicial settled and the matter is laid to rest. Accordingly,
demand by the creditors; and (3) there is any a final judgment may no longer be modified in any
written acknowledgment of the debt by the respect, even if the modification is meant to
debtor. In TMBC’s complaint against the correct what is perceived to be an erroneous
petitioners, the bank sufficiently made the conclusion of fact or law, and regardless of
allegations on its service and the petitioners’ whether the modification is attempted to be made
receipt of the subject demand letters, even by the court rendering it or by the highest court of
attaching thereto copies thereof for the trial the land.
court’s consideration.
We sustain petitioner's position that the service
As against the bare denial belatedly made by the made on her counsel's former address was
petitioners of their receipt of the written ineffectual. We find however, that petitioner failed
extrajudicial demands made by TMBC, especially to discharge her burden of proving the specific
of the letter of September 10, 1999 which was the date - allegedly June 1, 2006 - in which service
written demand sent closest in time to the upon her counsel's updated address was actually
institution of the civil case, the appreciation of made. Having failed to establish the reckoning
evidence and pronouncements of the trial court point of the period for filing her Motion for
shall stand. In addition to these, we take note that Reconsideration, we cannot sustain the
letters prior to the letter of September 1999 also conclusion that petitioner insists on, and which is
form part of the case records, and the existence merely contingent on this reckoning point. We
cannot conclude that her Motion for
Reconsideration was timely filed. Having failed to Manzanilla and his family are staying is not
discharge her burden of proof, we are registered to him. Gatmaytan claimed that the
constrained to deny her Petition. Deed of Sale between the Dolor spouses and
Camayo is not registered.
Camayo answered that he acknowledges
This resolves a Petition for Review on Certiorari
executing a Deed of Sale in favor of the Dolor
under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
spouses. He added that he entered into an
Procedure, praying that the assailed March 24,
agreement with Gatmaytan for the latter to defray
2011 decision and August 9, 2011 resolution be
the expenses for the payment of real estate
reversed and set-aside.
taxes, and the segregation of the title covering the
In a Complaint for Reconveyance of Property and portion sold to the Dolor spouses from the larger,
Damages filed with the Quezon City Regional 5, 001 square meters. Per this agreement,
Trial Court, the Dolor spouses alleged that on Gatmaytan was to have the larger parcel titled in
February 17, 1984, they, as buyers, and Manuel her name with the condition that Gatmaytan
Camayo, as seller, executed a Deed of Sale over would deliver to the Dolor Spouses the
a 300 square meter parcel of land. This parcel of segregated portion and TCT covering it.
land is to be segregated from a larger
RTC: RTC rendered a decision ordering
Gatmaytan to convey the lot to Dolor spouses.
The Deed of Sale stated that, of the total
CA: Gatmaytan appealed in CA, however, appeal
consideration of P30, 000.00, half would be paid
was dismissed.
upon the execution of the deed and the balance
would be paid upon the release of Transfer The CA ruling that the RTC's March 27, 2006
Certificate Title (TCT). Dolor was able to pay the Decision had already attained finality as
whole P30, 000 even before it is released. Gatmaytan filed her Motion for Reconsideration
beyond the requisite 15-day period. First, the
On May 18, 1984, a second deed was executed,
RTC's Decision was rendered on March 27,
setting aside the first deed. The second deed no
2006. Second, per the registry return receipt
longer referenced the condition for payment. But
attached to the back portion of the last page of
merely state that the lot was sold at P30,000.
the RTC's Decision, Gatmaytan's counsel, Atty.
In March 1989, the Dolor spouses authorized Raymond Palad, received a copy of the same
Cecilio Manzanilla and his family to occupy the lot Decision on April 14, 2006. Finally, Gatmaytan
they bought. filed her Motion for Reconsideration only on June
16, 2006.
In October 1999, the Dolor spouses were surprise
when petitioner Gatmaytan filed and ejectment ISSUES:
suit against Manzanilla. Petitioner Gatmaytan
Whether the RTC’s March 27, 2006 Decision has
anchored her suit on the ground that the lot where
already attained finality, thus, precluding the filing
of petitioner Gatmaytan’s appeal with the CA. Reconsideration must be reckoned. That is, there
(YES) is a dispute as to when petitioner was given
notice of the Decision.
We sustain petitioner's position that the service
It is just as basic that a judgment can no longer
made on her counsel's former address was
be disturbed, altered, or modified as soon as it
ineffectual. We find however, that petitioner failed
becomes final and executory. Once a case is
to discharge her burden of proving the specific
decided with finality, the controversy is settled
date - allegedly June 1, 2006 - in which service
and the matter is laid to rest. Accordingly, a final
upon her counsel's updated address was actually
judgment may no longer be modified in any
made. Having failed to establish the reckoning
respect, even if the modification is meant to
point of the period for filing her
correct what is perceived to be an erroneous
conclusion of fact or law, and regardless of Motion for Reconsideration, we cannot sustain
whether the modification is attempted to be made the conclusion that petitioner insists on, and
by the court rendering it or by the highest court of which is merely contingent on this reckoning
the land. point. We cannot conclude that her Motion for
Reconsideration was timely filed. Having failed to
In accordance with Rule 36, Section 2 of the 1997
discharge her burden of proof, we are
Rules of Civil Procedure, unless a Motion for
constrained to deny her Petition.
Reconsideration is timely filed, the judgment or
final order from which it arose shall become final. In this case, none of the documents that petitioner
In turn, Rule 37, Section 1, in relation to Rule 41, adduced before this Court attests to the truth of
Section 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, her allegation that service to her counsel's new
allows for 15 days from notice of a judgment or and correct address was made only on June 1,
final order within which a Motion for 2006. In her Petition, petitioner alluded to a
Reconsideration may be filed. receipt attached at the back of the RTC's March
27, 2006 decision. No copy of this receipt,
Reckoning the date when a party is deemed to
however, was produced by petitioner. Lacking
have been given notice of the judgment or final
evidentiary basis, petitioner's contention that
order subject of his or her Motion for
service upon her counsel's updated and correct
Reconsideration depends on the manner by
address was made only on June 1, 2006 cannot
which the judgment of final order was served
be sustained. As her plea for relief hinges on this
upon the party himself or herself. When, however,
singular detail, we are constrained to deny such.
a party is represented and has appeared by
Bereft of any avenue for revisiting the RTC's
counsel, service shall, as a rule, be made upon
March 27, 2006 Decision, its findings and ruling
his or her counsel. While petitioner filed a Motion
must stand.
for Reconsideration of the RTC's March 27, 2006
Decision, there is a dispute as to the date from
which the 15-day period for filing a Motion for

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