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Calculation and Specification of

Engine Cooling System
Doc.No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO

Prepared by Approved by
Rev. Date Remark A.A.B. Dinariyana Dwi P,
Sean Chen Gyarino
S.T.,MES., Ph.D.


Calculation and Specification of

Engine Cooling System
Attachment of Doc.No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System

One of the essential system onboard in a ship is engine cooling system. This
system is used to control the temperature of the engine. Jacket water cooling
system is the one that cool the engine through cylinder liner. The discharge
temperature of jacket water cooling is around 90 C so that this system may be
called High Temperature Cooling (HT), supply water that used in this jacket cooling
is fresh water which supplied from expansion tanks. Jacket water cooling
circulated water needs to be cooled after out from engine. Temperature
requirement for jacket water cooling before inlet is around 80 C, so it must be
cooled from 90 to 80 C. That is why it requires central cooling system. This central
cooling system not only cool HT but also cool lubricating oil. Central cooling system
may be called Low Temperature Cooling (LT). LT got water supply from expansion
tanks too. Moreover, the central cooling system must be cooled by another system
which called seawater cooling system. This last system used sea water as the
supply water.

The things that we must understand about this document are :
1. Determine the cooling system
2. Determine machineries and fittings needed on cooling system

a) DNV GL Part 4 Chapter 6
b) Lewis F. Moody, 1944, Friction Factor for Pipe Flow.
c) Wartsila 32 Project Guide (6L32)


No Abbrevations Explanation
1 LT Low-Temperature
2 HT High-Temperature
3 H Height
4 Hs Head Static
5 Hp Head Pressure
6 Hv Head Velocity
7 v Velocity
8 Q Capacity
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System

In the engine cooling system, there are 3 main components that should be cooled,
such as :
a. Engine Block / Jacket
b. Air inlet to engine (Turbocharger)
c. Lubricating Oil
In the combustion process, there are some heat which is left in the part of engine.
Those heat should be cooled by cooling system in order to maintain the operating
temperature that required by engine maker. But, noticed the water temperature
couldn't be so cool to prevent the thermal stress that might be happened during
the process of cooled the engine.
Combustion process needs three main factor, heat, air and fuel. The temperature
of air income to engine should be keep cool for getting high density, so the volume
is greater. It is cooled by after cooler or intercooler. When the exhaust gas turn the
turbines and the compressor, so the incoming air become a rather hot, so that the
inlet temperature in scavenge air cooler is maintain as low as possible to get the
minimum consumption of the fuel oil.
Lubricating oil is used to lubricate, cleaning, protecting, and cooling. As a cooling
of moving part in engine, lubricating oil absorb heat from material (crankshaft,
camshaft, timing gears etc.). It cause the temperature of lubricating oil become
higher and reduce the viscosity, so that lubricating oil is needed to be cooled to
getting back the viscosity required.

Cooling system based on cooler media is divided by two system, can be described
as follow:
a. Air Media Cooling System
Cooling system which use air for cooler media usually use in car and bike
cycle cooling system, we call this system is Air Radiator.
b. Water Media Cooling System
1. Open System
This system is directly used sea water to cooled the needed component.
Water media cooling system call open system if the cooler media is direct
touch with fresh air.
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System
2. Close System
This system is used fresh water to circulate in the close system to cooled
the needed component. Then the fresh water is cooled by sea water,
those fresh water is circulating back to cooled the component. This close
system is divided into two, those are :

Independent System
Fresh water is used to cool every component separately, not by one heat

Central System
Fresh water that used to cool the component is collecting to be cooled in
one heat exchanger. Heat exchanger in central cooler use sewater to cool
fresh water. So, the equipment that directly related to sea water is not
much and the problem of corrosion could be reduced.
This close system is divided into two circuit, these are :
1. Sea Water Circuit
Sea water as the fluid which used to cooled central cooler. Sea water
is taken from sea chest using a sea water pump. The output is directly
dispose to overboard.
2. Fresh Water Circuit
Fresh water as the fluid which cooled by sea water used to cooled the
component needed. This fresh water circuit is divided into two again,
these are :
- High Temperature Circuit
Fresh water is used to cool the jacket water cooler and supplied by the
jacket water pump, and the remains of evaporation processed on de-
aerating tank is to be reused for cooling.
- Low Temperature Circuit
Fresh water is used to cooled the lubricating oil and charge air cooler
(scavenge air)
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System

NO Reference Parameter Design

The fresh water in the cooling water system of

the engine must fulfil the following requirements:
Water Wartsila 26 pH ................... Min 6.5
Quality Product Guide Hardness Max 10 °dH
Clorides... Max 80mg/l
Sulphate Max 150mg/l

The use of an approved cooling water additive is

mandatory. An updated list of approved products
Corrosion Wartsila 26
2 is supplied for every installation and it can also
Inhibitors Product Guide
be found in the Instruction manual of the engine,
together with dosage and further instructions.

Use of glycol in the cooling water is not

recommended unless it is absolutely necessary.
Wartsila 26 Starting from 20% glycol the engine is to be de-
3 Glycol
Product Guide rated0.23 % per 1% glycol in the water. Max.
60% glycol is permitted. Corrosion inhibitors shall
be used regardless of glycol in the cooling water.

The HT water circulates through cylinder jackets,

cylinder heads and the 1st stage of the charge
HT water Wartsila 26 air cooler,if the engine is equipped with a two-
Circuit Product Guide stage charge air cooler.V-engines are equipped
with a two-stage charge air cooler, while in-line
engines have a single-stage charge air cooler.

The LT water circulates through the charge air

LT Water Wartsila 26
5 cooler and the lubricating oil cooler, which is
Circuit Product Guide
built on the engine.
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System

The LT and HT cooling water pumps are engine

Engine driven. The engine driven pumps are located at
Driven Wartsila 26 the free end of the engine. Pump curves for
Circulating Product Guide engine driven pumps are shown in the diagrams.
Pump The nominal pressure and capacity can be found
in the chapter Technical data.

The expansion tank compensates for thermal

expansion of the coolant, serves for venting of
the circuits and provides a sufficient static
pressure for the circulating pumps. Pressure
from the expansion tank at pump inlet 70 - 150
kPa (0.7...1.5 bar). Volume min. 10% of the total
system volume. The expansion tank should be
equipped with an inspection hatch, a level
gauge, a low level alarm and necessary means
Expansion Wartsila 26
7 for dosing of cooling water additives. The vent
Tank Product Guide
pipes should enter the tank below the water
level. The vent pipes must be drawn separately
to the tank (see air venting) and the pipes should
be provided with labels at the expansion tank.
The balance pipe down from the expansion tank
must be dimensioned for a flow velocity not
exceeding 1.0...1.5m/s in order to ensure the
required pressure at the pump inlet with engines

It is recommended to collect the cooling water

with additives in a drain tank,when the system
has to be drained for maintenance work. A pump
Wartsila 26 should be provided so that the cooling water can
8 Drain Tank
Product Guide be pumped back into the system and reused.
Concerning the water volume in the engine, see
chapter Technical data. The water volume in the
LT circuit of the engine is small.
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System
The cooling water circulating through the
cylinders must be preheated to at least 60 ºC,
Pre - Wartsila 26 preferably 70 ºC. Presence of preheating is is an
Heating Product Guide absolute requirement for installations that are
designed to operate on heavy fuel and marine
diesel fuel.
The minimum required heating power is 3
kW/cyl, which makes it possible to warm up the
Pre - engine from 20ºC to 60...70 ºC in 10-15 hours.
Wartsila 26
10 Heating The required heating power for shorter heating
Product Guide
Unit time can be estimated with the formula below.
About 1.5 kW/cyl is required to keep a hot
engine warm.
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification of
Rev. No. 0
Engine Cooling System
1 Specification of Sea Water Circulating Pipe
Selected Pipe = JIS G3452 (Carbon Steel)
Class Pipe = II
Nominal Diameter = 125A
Inside diameter = 130.8 mm
Thickness = 4.5 mm
Outside diameter = 139.8 mm

2 Specification of Low Temperature Pipe.

Selected Pipe = JIS G3452 (Carbon Steel)
Class Pipe = II
Nominal Diameter = 90A
Inside diameter = 93.2 mm
Thickness = 4.2 mm
Outside diameter = 101.6 mm

3 Specification of High Temperature Pipe

Selected Pipe = JIS G3456 (Carbon Steel)
Class Pipe = II
Nominal Diameter = 90A
Inside diameter = 90.2 mm
Thickness = 5.7 mm
Outside diameter = 101.6 mm

4 Specification of Sea Water (Circulating) Pump.

Merk = SILI Pump (Centrifugal)

Type = 100CLZ-13A
Capacity = 95 m /h
Head = 28 m
Power = 15 kW
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification of
Rev. No. 0
Engine Cooling System

5 Specification of LT Stand-by Pump.

Merk = Sili Pump (Centrifugal)
Type = 80CLZ-7.5
Capacity = 60 m /h
Head = 50 m
Power = 8.5 kW

6 Specification of HT Stand-by Pump

Merk = Sili Pump (Centrifugal)
Type = 80CLZ-9
Capacity = 50 m /h
Head = 32 m
Power = 11 kW

7 Specification of circulating pump for expansion tank.

Merk = Sili Pump (Centrifugal)
Type = 40CLZ-2A
Capacity = 4 m /h
Head = 54 m
Power = 5.5 kW

8 Specification of Heat exchanger.

Merk = Wartsila
Heat Capacity: = 24 kW
Power: = 32 kW
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification of
Rev. No. 0
Engine Cooling System


See attachment of Doc.No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO

See attachment of Doc.No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System
I. Detail Calculation

a. Calculation of Fresh Water

The fresh water cooling system is divided into a high temperature (HT) and
a low temperature (LT) circuit.

Design data (from Project Guide Wartsila 26):

Fresh water flow (High Temperature) = 45 m3/h
Pressure drop over engine = 220 kPa = 2.2 bar
Water volume in engine = 0.4 m3

Fresh water flow (Low Temperature) = 56 m /h
Pressure drop over oil cooler = 18 kPa = 0.18 bar

The fresh water in the cooling water system of the engine must fulfil the
following requirements:
pH min. 6,5 - 8,5
Hardness max. 10 dH
Chorides max. 80 mg/l
Sulphates max. 150 mg/l

b. Calculation of Sea Water (Circulating) Pump (4P11).

The sea water pumps are always separate from the engine and electrically
driven. The capacity of the pumps is determined by the type of coolers and
the amount of heat to be dissipated.

The Capacity of Sea Water pump = 1.5 x 56 m /h
= 84 m /h
Requirement Head = 25 m
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System

Specification of Sea Water Pump:

Merk = SILI Pump (Centrifugal)
Type = 100CLZ-13A
Capacity = 95 m3/h
Head = 28 m
Power = 15 kW

Diameter of the pipe can be used with the following formula :

Q = (π x D2/4) x v v = 2.5 m/s (based on Project Guide)

D = √(4 x Q/ π x v) = √(4 x (84/3600)) / (3.14 x 2.5)
= 0.116 m
= 115.959 mm
= 4.565 inch

Then for Sea Water Pipe, it will be use carbon steel pipe according to JIS Japan Sizes
G 3452:
Nominal Diameter 125A
Inside diameter 130.8 mm
Thickness 4.5 mm
Outside diameter 139.8 mm

c. Calculation of Low Temperature Stand-by Pump (4P05).

Stand-by pumps should be of centrifugal type and electrically driven.
Required capacities and delivery pressures are stated in Technical data.

Required capacity = 56 m /h (Project Guide Wartsila 26)
Required head = 27 m
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System

Merk = Sili Pump (Centrifugal)

Type = 80CLZ-7.5
Capacity = 60 m3/h
Head = 50 m
Power = 8.5 kW

From the calculation above, we could determine pipe diameter using

following formula:
V = Q/A [m/s]

Q = 0.01556 m /s
A = 0.25 x 3.14 x D2 m2
V = 2.5 m/s (based on Project Guide)

D = √(4 x Q/ π x v) = √(4 x (56/3600)) / (3.14 x 2.5)

= 0.08903 m
= 89.0303 mm

According to the calculation of pipe diameter, so the specification of pipe

determined as follows:
JIS 3452 (Low Temperature)
Nominal Diameter 90A
Inside diameter 93.2 mm
Thickness 4.2 mm
Outside diameter 101.6 mm

d. Calculation of High Temperature Stand-by Pump (4P03).

Required capacity = 45 m /h (Project Guide Wartsila 26)
Required head = 36 m

Merk = Sili Pump (Centrifugal)

Type = 80CLZ-9
Capacity = 50 m3/h
Head = 32 m
Power = 11 kW
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System
From the calculation above, we could determine pipe diameter using
following formula:
V = Q/A [m/h]

Q = 0.0125 m /s
A = 0.25 x 3.14 x D2 m2
V = 2.5 m/s (based on Project Guide)

D = √(4 x Q/ π x v) = √(4 x (45/3600)) / (3.14 x 2.5)

= 0.07981 m
= 79.8087 mm

According to the calculation of pipe diameter, so the specification of pipe

determined as follows:
JIS 3456 (High Temperature)
Nominal Diameter 90A
Inside diameter 90.2 mm
Thickness 5.7 mm
Outside diameter 101.6 mm

e. Expansion Tank (4T05).

The expansion tank compensates for thermal expansion of the coolant,
serves for venting of the circuits and provides a sufficient static pressure
for the circulating pumps.

Design Data:
Pressure from the expansion tank at pump inlet 70 - 150 kPa (0.7...1.5 bar)
Volume min. 10% of the total
system volume
The maximum pressure at the engine must not be exceeded in case an
electrically driven pump is installed significantly higher than the engine.

Total system volume is based on:

1. capacity of water in engine
2. number of cylinder
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System
V = 10% x total system volume Planned Tank
= 10% x 0.4 m = 1.4 x 0.7 x 0.5
3 3
= 0.040 m = 0.49 m

f. Heater (4E05).
The energy source of the heater can be electric power, steam or thermal
It is recommended to heat the HT water to a temperature near the normal
operating temperature. The heating power determines the required time to
heat up the engine from cold condition.
The minimum required heating power is 5 kW/cyl, which makes it possible
to warm up the engine from 20 ºC to 60...70 ºC in 10-15 hours. The
required heating power for shorter heating time can be estimated with the
formula below. About 2 kW/cyl is required to keep a hot engine warm.

Required heating power to heat up the engine :

P = (T1 - T0)(Meng x 0,14 + (VLO x 0,48) + (VFW x 1,16)) + keng x ncyl
P = Preheater output [kW]
T1 = Preheating temperature = 60 °C
T0 = Ambient temperature [° C] = 20 °C
meng = Engine weight [ton] = 21.6 ton
VLO = Lubricating oil volume [m3] = 0 m (because of dry sump engine)
VFW = HT water volume [m3] = 0.4 m (Technical Data)
t = Preheating time [h] = 10 hours
keng = Engine specific coefficient = 0.75 kW
ncyl = Number of cylinders = 8 cylinders

So, the calculation is:

P = (T1 - T0)(Meng x 0,14 + (VLO x 0,48) + (VFW x 1,16)) + keng x ncyl

= (60 - 20)(21.6 x 0.14 + (0 x 0.48) + (0.4 x 1.16)) + 0.75 x 8
= 19.952 kW
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System

Heater Selected:

Preheater Unit (Complete with Pump and Controller)

Manufacturer: Wartsila
Heat Capacity: 24 kW
Power: 32 kW

h. Calculation of Drain Tank (4T04)

It is recommended to collect the cooling water with additives in a drain
tank, when the system has to be drained for maintenance work. A pump
should be provided so that the cooling water can be pumped back into the
system and reused.

Water volume in engine based on project guide : 0.4 m3

Volume of Drain Tank
- Length 0.5 m
- Height 1.4 m
- Breadth 0.70 m
- Volume 0.49 m
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System
Circulation Pump
It is recommanded to pump the water cooling to expansion tank for 0,5 hour
Q = V/t
= 0.4/0.5 = 0.8 m³/h

Circulating pump for expansion tank with specification :

Merk : Sili Pump (Centrifugal)
Type : 40CLZ-2A
Capacity : 4 m³/h
Head : 54 m
Power : 5.5 kW

i. Temperature control valve for heat recovery (4V02)

The temperature control valve after the heat recovery controls the
maximum temperature of the water that is mixed with HT water from the
engine outlet before the HT pump. The control valve can be either self-
actuated or electrically actuated.

Set Point 75 C

j. Temperature Inlet
* Temperature before cylinder (HT) = 81°C
* Temperature before engine (LT) = 38°C

k. Central Cooler
Wartsila W26 Project Guide allows water cooler to be of either plate, tube,
or box cooler type. It’s decided to be using Plate type Heat Exchanger,
provided by Hisaka. The calculation of the requirement will be as follows.

Data from Wartsila W26 Project Guide

Heat dissipation approx. (H) 1742 kW
Sea water flow rate 84 m3/h
Low Temp. system flow rate 56 m3/h
Low Temp. outlet temperature (T2)(25°C - 38°C) 30 °C
Sea Water. inlet temperature (t1) (from sea chest) 25 °C

Heat transfer coeff. (K) 4 kW/m2.K
(4000-9000 W/m2.K according to Hisaka Product Guide)
Doc. No. 08 - 42 20 DN0002 - CO
Calculation and Specification
Rev. No. 0
of Engine Cooling System

Fresh water density 1000 kg/m3

Sea Water density 1025 kg/m3
Specific heat. of Fresh Water (FW) 4.187 kJ/kg.°C
Specific heat of Sea Water (SW) 3.993 kJ/kg.°C

Low Temp. inlet temperature (T1) = T2+H/(Q×C×ρ)
= 30.01 °C
Sea Water outlet temperature (t2) = t1+H/(Q×C×ρ)
= 25.01 °C
LMTD = ((T1-t2)-(T2-t1))/ln(T1-t2)/(T2-t1)
= 5.829
Area of cooler (A) = H/(K × LMTD)
= 74.71 m2

Central Cooler Spesification

Brand = Hisaka Heat Exchange Area= 100 m2
Model = RX-30 Capacity = 445 m3/h
II. Specification of equipments.

a. Cooling System Diagram by Wartsila 26 Project Guide

b. Sea Water Circulating Pump

c. LT Stand-by Pump.
d. HT Stand-by Pump.

e. Circulating pump for expansion tank

f. Pre Heating Unit

g. Central Cooler

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