Tutue Foned: Pces Auud Onerctu

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gneous and Metamorphic

Test 1,
28th May 2020

IDH 8 123

1. Describe
porphyritic texture in igneous rocks with the aid of a
it is formed. (4rpks sketch and describe how

Tho aype cf
tutue foned
om eko cecity of wagma
Crysteal qapee af shalower depth and a
ovcuns (omen 1 ntirmediate
Fru LguOus rUuks Gke degtis.
gruec uafnx slas cooli.q
Cahue enphn
2-chags ocysiaigah
2. Viscosity is one of the most
important physical characteristics of magmas. State the
physical and chemical properties
that control viscosity. (3mks)

Slica Content cf
benady Of na3ma
Pces auud onerctu
3. What does the Bowen's
Reaction Series indicate in igneous petrology as compared to
sedimentary petrology? (4pmks)
aces Reaton ercs, In gJusus pdrekay andeats
fc ostalligatten arnd meling of naeras
cdcpendune n fe tnuperave anc peswe
oloe as n seckunlay
rodo pafcles ehokoy dials o
h nutvalk
(edhiuns )
aleved aud Acplaced as
The Cercperalune ctecVELses fronm
llg and fe
Ach daon fo d a nch mueralc
Sed inontary Rehelcgy dafeani
palanerauls o
clepocelcc af fe ae fime and cles
ollow Jhe l s - conlinuoO chain fawmaiam
4. Peridotites are mantle- derived rocks. What are the three main minerals in its
composition and which is the most abundant in the mantle? (4pmks

Th u e Miaun muusals Cie,

Coleê PlogioclhreX (KNo plagloclaoe
Thc in manll)
nuov abundavt u Olwio
. In
your own words,
5 pks) explain what magmatic
differentiation/ fractional crystallization is.
Occus dufertation frational Crgtalkgaa
macha oheve
ornsc conlir cloes not ls wlüh ae
Acafn auh melf cundergp anuy
oA fhe nuagnia
producng Brucfaves) hence
tuues lke znuig
Chan@e ef
hveuoh Cvuacouposdto of nogn

6. Basalts can be
classifiedaccording to their
namely thofeitic and calk-plkaline. Name themajor element geochemistry into two principle types,
tectonic environment(s) that
generated at. (4 marks) each basalt type is

Tholco asalts
oli-ccean Rodees
Tslad avc
Subelucfon 20m8)
Colk-alkalnt tozdl
Ocean IsjGnds Aves
Contaunal res
Subduc n 20n03)
7. The plagioclase system comprising of its albite and anorthite end-members can be used to
a certain degree of understanding on the
crystallization history of magmas. If a melt has an
original plagioclase composition of 60% anorthite and 40O% albite, as indicated by "X" in the
diagram below, describe its evolution, in terms of plagióclase crystallization and composition at
different temperatures, from the liquid to solid phase. (5 marks)

L ienidus

14c0 solidus
+L 1350

12C0 Plagiockiso Crystails

20 0 60 80 100
Weight Porcent An An

-At 1440% Hf« liquid plagjo Clase coyOULON

has ousfal apavins wdin fe nlf, hn(e
has moe anefhule (g4.)icn albu
As fric tinpevcdue cleoecses, fe ans ule anuyeslion
decvausec a Move Crystals an fmed unfi
1350°C ohure s lasf iquiLd poim of h
mclf cvusfaliges gwing Sstid pfaeipelose onsas
wuh vigimcuL Compos be
removed from a melt duringfractibnal
Name three processes that can
cause cryståls to
crystallization. (3 parks)
Gvawsty Sclfing
Conufacfon LcCuud Iwmwuulbdy
Fuller PhesinO
ola Wne

oCer pressoe
9. A geochemist runs analyses on two andesites from different
concentration of weight 9% in potassium and locations. "Andesite A" has a higher
(K) sodium (Na) in its chemical content than
"Andesite B". Whatwould this indicate about
the origins of each andesite in terms of
tectonics? (3 marks) plate

If Mdicalls fha Andwde A foms af a

Shullacer fhan Andesre pt-Cutal ss muie
finenEL ve

Orojon aud be lokuly be taad

Udcani bland avcs agma due fo
Subducion famed rau

10. Trace elements partition themselves into the crystal structure of minerals as "contaminants".
Name the factors that determine this partitioniDg. (2 marks)

-lncc Rcuds
-1onic hauce
elcciho neotuwtiy

11. Explain in your owpWordswhatradiogenic isotopes are and how they can be utilized in the
geological sciences. (3 marks)

Aadicgent aolajes efes to eenunt (nálualybccune)

undtrep decay potanerusky in nalre
lhse otopes
(Aaeloeni) can bo ud o
fir elenuntal Comcenlafon
n Source
mocm4 aud Conuenea source
12. The Harker diagrams below show major eiement distributions of three groups (A, 8, C) of
volcanic rocks found in the Lihir-Feni-Tabar volcanic chain of New
Ireland Province
From the diagrams below, state the differences between the three rock groupsin terms of
degree of differentiation, crustal assimilation and tectonic origins. (10 marks)


1.0 *

Geoup A
GOup C


45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Sio, (wt.%) SIO, (wt 6)

árdup A
Jhuse hs haue hugh
degvee cf ievertaftoM
a cluvee cp ausil oxu(allor
d dlurvgnd plate launda s
TTese oca hawe bef luh dteyee
of olPpenafio
and Cvusfal cORimlafton
Found af Ocean apate bauoavu
GIcup C

ugh clcNe C cosuwujayto crusial

fond af CouuevOet -Pote baundav S

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