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Module 26

Science and Health



A Ded-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development
To the Learner

Good day!!!

Describe how the materials found at home are used.

Let’s Learn This

Look at the materials shown in the pictures below.

These materials are found in your home. They are used for
eating, for personal growing and medicinal purposes. What are the
other household materials and their uses?

Find Out in this module.

Let’s Try This

What are the materials in your household?

What to do:

1. Look at the different materials listed in the table.

2. Give an example and the use of each kind of material.

Household Examples Use


Let’s Study This

There are lots of materials that your home according to their


Let’s identify materials and their uses.

Have you seen your mother putting some salt on a fish or

chicken before storing it in the refrigerator? Have you seen a fish
soaked in vinegar? Salt and vinegar are used to prevent the fish and
chicken from spoilage. They are called preservative. Preservatives
are substances that are used to prevent the action of the agents of
spoilage such as bacteria, mold, yeasts and insects. Today,
preservatives such as sodium nitrate and sodium benzoate are used
to preserve foods packed in cans, bottles or even in plastics.

Aside from preservatives you would also see materials that are
used to enhance the taste and color of food you eat. These are called
additives. Achuete is a natural additive used to foods that are cooked
such as “apritadang manok” and “menudo” so that they become
colorful. Cakes, puddings, “puto” and other colorful foods you buy
have additives.

Soap is a substance, usually made by the action of alkali on fat,

that’s dissolves in water and is used for cleaning and washing. Soap
is an antiseptic. Antiseptic kill germs and prevent them from
spreading diseases. Soap is not only used in cleaning or washing your
body but they are also used to wash kitchen utensils and other things
in your home. They are of different brands and fragrances. Name

A stronger variety of soap is a detergent. It can dissolve grease

and natural oils.

Shampoo is a special antiseptic. It is commonly used for

cleaning hair.

Solvents are liquids that dissolve another substance to form a

solution. Water is a universal solvent. Besides water, there are other
examples of solvents. Solvents that are used before to remove stains
in clothes are vinegar and calamansi juice extract. Both of these
substances contain acid. Muriatic Acid is an effective solvent in
removing stains in kitchen sinks and bathrooms tiles. Acetone is used
to remove nail polish. Alcohol used to remove permanent ink on a
white board. Thinner is used to dissolve solid materials in paint.

Pesticides are chemical mixtures or botanical agents from
plants. Farmers use pesticides to protect crops. Pest may cause crops
to rot or even cause its death. We should be careful in using
pesticides. Pesticides become harmful when they contaminate ground
water. They can even cause cancer.

Insecticides are chemicals used to kills insects. These are used

to kill flies, cockroaches and mosquito. What insecticides do you use
at home?

Paint is a mixture of coloring matter with suitable liquid that

forms a dry coat when spread over a surface. Paints are used to
prevent the iron from combining with oxygen and moisture in the air.
They prevent rusting. Paints also beautify and help protect things
from wear and tear. Why are window grills, wall, furniture, roof and
house painted?

Synthetics are substances that have been made artificially. They

come from carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. They are
changed into near materials through chemical processes. Plastic is an
example of synthetic material that is widely used nowadays. It is
factory made materials that can be molded into different shapes. It
was first made in the United States about 90 years ago. It is strong
and can be bright and colorful. It is very useful because it doesn’t fall
apart easily or rust in the open air. There are several materials that
we use now. Will you give some?

Let’s Do This

Match column A with column B. Write only the letter of the

correct answer.


_____1.prevent spoilage a. additives

_____2.prevent things from rusting b. insecticides
_____3.kill insects c. paints
_____4.enhance taste/color of foods d. preservatives
_____5.kill pest that destroy crops e. pesticides

Let’s Do More

Write the use of the following household materials.

_____1. frying pan _____6. insecticides

_____2. Toothpaste _____7. seasonings
_____3. chlorox _____8. solvent
_____4. vinegar _____9. pesticides
_____5. shampoo _____10. soap

Let’s Remember This

• There are different household materials for different

• Some materials at home are preservatives, additives,
pesticides, insecticides, antiseptics, plastics, solvent and
• Synthetics are substances that are artificially created
from chemicals.

Let’s Test Ourselves

Multiple choice

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why paints are usually applied on the center surface of the


a. to protect the wall from the harmful effects of heat and

b. to make homes attractive
c. to deodorize homes
d. both a and b

2. Why is citric acid added to juice drink preparations?

a. to make the juice drink last longer

b. to provide red color
c. to provide sour taste
d. to dissolve the solids

3. Which of the following is a food additive?

a. sodium chloride
b. ammonium
c. bleach
d. turpentine

4. Why are pesticides used by farmers?

a. to destroy plant pest

b. to increase crop yield
c. to kill harmful needs
d. both a and b

5. Why are thinner and turpentine added to paints?

a. to make paints easy to spread on surface

b. to give color to paints
c. to remove molds in paints
d. to hold pigment particles together

B. Give 2 examples for each

1. Household materials for eating:


2. Household materials for personal hygiene


3. Household materials for disinfectants


Science Fact File

Velero Fasteners were invented by engineer George de

Maesttrtal when burrs were stuck on his socks. It became as popular
as zipper but with advantage-it is easy to unfasten and does not rust.

Cling film materials are used for packaging. These are the thin
plastics that are being used for covering food.

The non-stick finish is used in frying pans. (Teflon) and is also

ideal in coating artificial hip joints because it is slippery.

Answer Key

Let’s try this

Answer vary

Let’s do this

1. d 4. a
2. c 5. e
3. b

Let’s do more

Answer vary

Let’s test ourselves


1. d
2. c
3. s
4. d
5. s


Answer vary


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