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SVKM’s NMIMS University

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering

B.Tech (Information Technology) Trimester XI

Sub : Management Information System MIS
(Elective – III.c)
Periods per week Lecture 4 Hrs
Practical -
Tutorial 2 Hrs
Hours Marks
Evaluation Scheme Theory Examination 3 50 (100 scaled down to 50)
Test 20
TW / Pr/Oral 30
Objective: To learn and understand fundamentals of Information Systems. To learn and understand
architecture, methodology and applications of MIS
Prerequisite: System Analysis and Design, Software Engineering
Detailed Syllabus
Unit Topics Duration (Hr)
1 Foundations of Information systems and Management: Why Information 8
systems? Components and resources of information systems, Information
system activities, Types of information systems: Operations support systems
and Management support systems
Definition, role and impact of MIS, Introduction to Management
MIS as a support to the management and a tool for management Process,
Information System Infrastructure and strategy: Evolution of Business
Processes, Organizational Structure and IT architecture.
Development of business strategies, types of strategies, MIS for Business
Infrastructure management: Selection, maintenance of hardware,
communication equipments and software as per MIS needs of the
organization. Ensure uptime of hardware resources, database management,
end user training etc.
2 Data Resource Management 6
Foundation data concepts,
Types of database :operational , distributed , external , hypermedia,
The Database Management approach : Database Management Software
,database Interrogation, Database Maintenance , Application Development
Telecommunications and Networks :Trends in telecommunications, Business
value of telecommunication networks ,Business value of the internet
3 Electronic Business Systems : 7
Enterprise Business Systems
Introduction, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems,
Cross Functional Enterprise Applications ,Enterprise Application
Integration,Transaction Processing Systems.
Functional Business Systems,
Customer relationship Management: Introduction, What is CRM? Three
phases of CRM,
Benefits, challenges and trends in CRM
Supply Chain Management: What is SCM? Role of SCM, Benefits, challenges
and trends in SCM

1 Management Information System, Trimester 11, B.Tech. (Information Technology)

SVKM’s NMIMS University
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering

4 Electronic Commerce Systems : 7

Electronic Commerce Systems: Introduction, scope, B2C, B2B and C2C,
Essential e-Commerce
processes, Electronic Payment Processes, e-Commerce Applications
Decision support systems
Decision Support System in Business :
Introduction : Information,Decisions, and management ,Information Quality
DSS components
Management Information Systems : Managemet Reporting Alternatves
Online Analytical Processing : Grphical Information and data , Visualization systems
Using Decision Support systems:
What-if analysis, sensitivity analysis, Goal-seeking analysis, Optimization analysis
5 Security and Ethical Challenges: 6
Ethical responsibility of Business Professionals : Business Ethics, Technology
Ethics ,Ethical Guidelines.
Computer crime : Hacking, Cyber Theft, Software Piracy, Privacy issues,
Health issues
Security Management of Information Technology: Introduction, Tools of
Security Management,
Inter networked Security Defenses: Encryption, firewalls, e-Mail monitoring
Other Security Measures :Biometric security, disaster recovery, fault-tolerant
System controls and audits : Information Security Controls , Auditing IT security.
6 Enterprise and Global Management of Information Technology 6
Managing Information Technology : Business and IT ,Managing Information
Technology, Business IT Planning, Managing IS Function , Failures in IT Management
Managing Global IT : The International Dimension , Global IT Management,
Strategies ,Applications,Platforms,Data Access Issues,Development
Text Book:
1. James A O’Brien ,George M Marakas “Management Information Systems”,Tata
Reference Books:
1. Effy Oz,” Management Information System”, Cengage Learning
2. Kenneth C.Laudon , Jane P. Laudon “Management Information Systems”, Pearson Education.
3. Mahadeo Jaiswal ,Monika Mittal “Management Information Systems ,Oxford
university press.
4. Carroll Frenzel, John Frenzel.” Management of Information Technology”, Cengage Learning
5. Management Information Systems : Managing the Digital Firm, 10/e, Jane P. Laudon
Kenneth C. Laudon, Pearson Education.
6. Management Information Systems, 3rd Edition, Waman S. Jawadekar, TMH.
Internet references: As directed by faculty.
Term work consists of the following
1. Minimum two assignments.
2. Minimum 7 practical experiments covering all the topics.

2 Management Information System, Trimester 11, B.Tech. (Information Technology)

SVKM’s NMIMS University
Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering

3. Two term test papers.

3 Management Information System, Trimester 11, B.Tech. (Information Technology)

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