Amazon Seller Registration - How To Create A Seller Account Step by Step

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7/13/2020 Amazon Seller Registration: How to Create a Seller Account in 2020

How to Create an Amazon Seller

Account in 2020
Greg Mercer Amazon Policies, Entrepreneurship, Selling on
May 15, 2020 Amazon


As Amazon continues to grow, opportunities to build an e-commerce business by

selling on the site grow as well. 

However, if you want to take advantage of the enormous opportunity Amazon

represents, you must rst go through the Amazon seller registration process.

So, to make sure your account is veri ed (giving you the chance to build a successful
Amazon business), we’ll walk you through the updated process. 

This is what we’ll cover:

How to start an Amazon business

How to create a seller account on Amazon
How much does it cost to sell on Amazon? 1/20
7/13/2020 Amazon Seller Registration: How to Create a Seller Account in 2020

What else should you know before selling on Amazon?


How to start an Amazon business

What’s great about Amazon is that there’s no one way to start an Amazon business.
From the business model you choose to the products you decide to sell, there are
many ways to succeed on the platform.

However, the steps required to get up and running on Amazon remain the same,
regardless of the type of business model and product you choose. 

1. First, start by deciding which business model you want to use

Private Label: Private label is the process of a retailer rebranding/renaming a
product that is already being manufactured on their own brand or label.
Wholesale: Wholesaling is the practice of purchasing low-cost or discounted
goods in bulk in order to sell as individual units in a retail marketplace.
Online and/or Retail Arbitrage: Arbitrage is a method of nding low-cost or
discount goods in brick-and-mortar retail stores (or on e-commerce sites) in
order to resell them online.
Dropshipping: Dropshipping is a business model where an Amazon seller does
not keep their own product inventory, but instead, transfers their customers’
orders directly to the manufacturer or supplier.
Handmade: Amazon’s handmade sellers are people who create their own
products to (“by hand”) to sell on the Amazon marketplace. Examples include
jewelry, accessories, home decor, and more.

2. After you’ve landed on a business model, it’s time to decide which ful llment
method you’ll use
Ful llment by Amazon (FBA);
Or Ful llment by Merchant (FBM).

There are pros and cons for both methods, so make sure you look closely at both to
determine which one will work best for your business.

3. Next, consider the product(s) you’re going to sell 2/20
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If you have a product (say, you create your own handcrafted items), you may  be ready
to go, but you should still follow this step to validate that your product will have 
suf cient demand on Amazon.To help you nd products to sell that are high in
demand, but low in competition, make sure you use a tool like Jungle Scout.

4. Once you’ve found a product, apply to become an Amazon seller

More details on how to complete the Amazon seller registration process in the next

5. Then, when Amazon has veri ed your information and your application has been
approved, start sourcing your product(s)
If you’ve chosen to sell private label, you can nd a manufacturer to create your
product by using Jungle Scout’s Supplier Database or Alibaba.

6. Finally, create your product listing

And once you create your listing, you can grow your Amazon sales from there!

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How to create a seller account on Amazon

Once you’ve gured out what you plan on selling on Amazon, you’ll need to go
through the Amazon seller registration process, which is really quite simple.

1. Go to 3/20
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2. Scroll down the page, below the heading “Become an Amazon


On the right side, look for the ‘See Pricing -→’ link (below the ‘Make Money’ header)
and click it. 

Note: If you click on the orange ‘Sign up’ button, you’ll immediately be taken to the
registration page for a professional seller. The ‘See pricing’ link, on the other hand,
shows you the difference between the individual and professional accounts, and
allows you to choose which registration you want.

3. Choose between and individual or professional seller account 4/20
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When it comes to Amazon’s seller plans, you have two options: professional and
individual. 

If you’re going to sell more than 40 products per month, then signing up as a
‘professional’ is your best bet. Even if you’re selling as a hobby and don’t consider
yourself to be a professional, this plan will help you save money. 

But, if you’re planning to sell on a smaller scale (ie. fewer than 40 units per month),
select the individual plan.

4. Enter your email and select ‘Create a New Account’

Once you’ve chosen the seller plan that is right for you, the following window will
appear where you’ll be asked to enter in your email address and a password (of your
choosing) for your seller account.

When you’re done, click the ‘Next’ button. 5/20
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This will take you to a second screen asking you to enter in a one-time password (OTP)
generated by Amazon, which will be sent to the email address you provided in the 6/20
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previous screen. This is Amazon’s way of verifying the email you entered. 7/20
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After you’ve added that OTP to its corresponding eld, click the ‘Create your Amazon
account’ button. 

5. Choose your ‘Business location’ and ‘Business type’

The next step in the Amazon seller registration process is to share the following

Your business location: This is the country in which  your business is located. It’s
extremely important that this is accurate, as Amazon will be verifying it (see step
Your business type: You’ll be able to choose your business entity from the
following options (most fall into the ‘Privately-owned’ category):
State-owned business
Publicly-owned business
Privately-owned business
None, I am an individual
Your full name: Make sure you enter your rst, middle, and last names. 9/20
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Then, click the ‘Agree and continue’ button.

6. Enter your personal information

From there, you’ll be asked to provide Amazon with a number of personal details. This
includes a form of identi cation (either your passport number or your driver’s license).

You may also be required to give them your phone number. Again, this is for
veri cation purposes. 10/20
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When everything has been entered, click on ‘Next’ at the bottom of the screen.

7. Choose your marketplace(s)

Once you’ve completed the ‘Individual Information’ section, check the box below the
marketplace(s) — this refers to the location of an Amazon store (eg.,, etc.) —  in which you’d like to sell, and then click ‘next’. 11/20
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8. Enter your billing information

Another way Amazon is now verifying a potential seller’s identity is to make sure their
credit card information is valid. 

So, after you’ve chosen your marketplace(s), you’ll be asked to enter in the number
and expiration date of one of your credit cards, as well as the name that appears on
that card. 12/20
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When you’re done, click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the page. 

9. Add the information for your product(s) and Amazon store

After you supply your credit card information and it has been validated, you’ll be asked
a few questions about your Amazon store and the products you plan to sell.

To move onto the next phase of the Amazon seller registration process, you’ll need to
answer the following:

The name of your Amazon store

Whether or not you have UPC codes for your product(s)
If you are the manufacturer and/or brand owner of the product(s) you’re selling
If you have a registered trademark for your product(s)

Click the ‘Next’ button after you’ve provided the answers to those questions. 13/20
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10. Address validation

Lastly, when you’ve completed all of the other steps in the veri cation process, you’ll
be asked to con rm the business address you provided in step six (the ‘Personal
Information’ screen). 

After clicking on the ‘Con rm’ button — if the address displayed is correct, that is — a
new screen will appear. It explains that you will receive a postcard at that address,
along with a veri cation code. 

Then, when you receive the card, enter the code provided into the ‘Enter code below’
eld and click ‘Next’ to nish the veri cation process. 14/20
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Once you’re veri ed, you’re in!

To be on the safe side, we recommend setting up 2-step veri cation on your account
(for increased security). But, once your identity and business information has been
veri ed, all you need to do to get started is to log into 

And this is what your seller account home screen will look like (without any sales yet,
of course). 15/20
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*NOTE: The Amazon seller registration process has recently changed, to aid in its
veri cation of new sellers’ information. 

For this reason, some of the screens and requests you’ll see and/or be required to
ful ll during your account creation could differ from those outlined above. 

And to make sure you have all of the documents you might need for veri cation,
we strongly recommend you read our “Amazon Seller Veri cation in 2020” article.

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How much does it cost to sell on Amazon?

What’s great about selling on Amazon is that you can get started without spending
any money. 

However, if you’re planning to use the private label business model there are costs
involved in order to purchase your inventory before you sell it (at a higher price). But, it
may not be as expensive as you might think. 

In fact, according to a Jungle Scout survey of more than 1,000 Amazon sellers, 17%
started their businesses with less than $500 — though the average reported cost is 16/20
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Plus, regardless of your chosen ful llment method, there will be some fees associated
with your seller account. 

What are Amazon’s fees?

Here are a few of the Amazon fees that you may be required to pay:

Amazon referral fees: This is the fee that Amazon takes as a commission for
selling on its platform. It varies from category to category, but ranges between 12-
40%. Most products have a 15% referral fee.
Individual seller fee: This is a at $0.99 added to each sale you make on top of
the referral fee. But, sellers only have to pay this per-item fee if they’ve opted for
an individual seller account, rather than a professional plan.
FBA fees: If you use Amazon’s FBA program, you’ll have to cover the shipping
and handling costs for Amazon. This usually works out to roughly $3.00 for small
items weighing no more than a pound. The fees go up as the items get heavier or
Other Amazon fees: You may also have long-term inventory storage fees (if you
use Amazon FBA), media fees (if selling books, DVDs, etc), and advertising costs.

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What else should you know before selling on

Here are a few more Amazon-selling basics that you should know.

Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank (BSR)

Amazon organizes all of its products by giving each a Best Sellers Rank (BSR); the
more popular an item (and the more sales it makes), the higher the BSR. 

In addition, departments (also called parent categories) on Amazon have their own
taxonomy of BSRs, as do their sub-categories. 17/20
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Selling on Amazon Prime

If you’re using Amazon’s FBA program, and you have enough inventory to spread
around through its ful llment network, then your product will qualify for Amazon

Selling Prime is key to being successful on Amazon as it means your products will be
shipped to customers within 2-3 days. 

Plus, you get the “Amazon Prime” badge on your listing, which means you’ll have a
better chance of selling your product. Customers love fast shipping.

But if you’re selling FBM, you can still sell Prime as a Merchant Ful lled Network seller.
To do so, however, you’ll have to apply to Amazon’s Seller Ful lled Prime program.

Training for new Amazon sellers

Here at Jungle Scout, we know that learning everything you need to know about
selling on Amazon can be  overwhelming. So, to help you ramp up more quickly, we
have an extensive library of free resources.

In addition, if you already have a Jungle Scout subscription, you have access to our
members-only Academy. It has video lessons for both beginners and advanced sellers

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Now that you know how easy it is to go through the Amazon seller registration
process (and start an Amazon business), don’t waste any more time. 

Start your selling journey today!

 Free trial: Learn more! 18/20
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If you have any questions or want to know a little bit more about how to start an
Amazon business, please feel free to leave a comment below. 

Greg Mercer
Founder at Jungle Scout. Loves all things FBA. Amazon Data Nerd. Caffeine Enthusiast.
Happiness Fanatic. Tweet him @mercer_greg

 Tags: Amazon Policies, Entrepreneur, Selling on Amazon

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