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1. Choose a company or organisation that you would like to work for in the future.

I would like to work for Frencken.

2. Research what this company/organisation stands for, what is does and what kind of job you
would like within this company.

This company produces all kinds of different machines. I would like to work as a mechatronic

3. Write down what you have on offer: think of work experience, education and courses that
you might have done. here you may lie a little bit in order for you to have a complete CV later
I have done a bilingual education on the Sondervick College. On the Sondervick college I got
my C2 certificate After this I did a study on mechatronics.

I had a internship at ASML as a mechatronic engineer. After this I started working at a

mechatronics company

4. Write down why you want to work for a certain company/organisation. Earning money is not
an answer alone.
I would like to work for Frencken because to me it looks like a nice company to work for.

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