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Comparative Balance sheet

For the year end of 2018-2020

Assets 2020 2019

Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents (Notes 5, 19,and 22) 48,788,757 76,213,774
Time deposits (Notes 6, 19 and 22) 136,447 30,488
Financial Assets (Notes 7, 22 and 23) 550,378 659,077
Receivables and contrast assets (Notes 8, 19 and 22) 76,389,752 53,617,200
Merchandise inventories-at cost (Notes 20) 30,473,997 33,157,622
Other current asset (Notes 9, 19 and 20) 83,029,077 84,678,819
Total Current Assets 239,368,408 248,356,980

Noncurrent Assets
Financial assets-net of current portion (Notes7, 22 and 23) 23,680,733 24,229,560
Investment in associate companies and Joint ventures (Notes10) 289,450,138 280,971,638
Time deposit-net of current portion (Notes 6, 19, 22, and 23) 1,831,263 2,412,972
Property and equipment (Note 11) 25,150,851 24,720,873
Investment properties (Note 12) 351,152,772 338,075,303
Right-of-use assets 41,028,323 37,664,176
Land and development-net of current portion (Note 13) 80,176,694 74,946,694
Intangible (Note 14) 25,106,542 25,289,609
Deferred tax assets (Notes 21) 4,070,907 3,112,117
Other noncurrent assets (Notes 14, 19, 22 and 23) 87,006,162 84,375,645
Total Noncurrent Assets 928,654,385 895,798,587
1,168,022,793 1,144,164,567
Liabilities and Equity
Current Liabilities
Bank loans (Notes 15, 19 and 22) 26,626,391 18,710,465
Accounts Payable and other current liabilities (Notes 16 and 22) 127,804,333 141,451,764
Income tax payable 1,670,204 3,273,872
Current portion of long-term debt (Notes 17, 19 and 22) 60,640,842 29,077,719
Dividends payable 4,217,392 4,204,962
Total Current Liabilities 220,959,162 196,718,782

Noncurrent Liabilities
Long-Term debt-net of current portion (Notes 17, 19, 22 and 23) 304,826,135 327,358,208
Lease Liabilities-net of current portion (Notes 23) 28,490,533 27,600,392
Deferred tax Liabilities (Note 21) 12,473,401 9,604,043
Tenants' deposits and other (Notes 22 and 23) 52,522,691 46,731,664
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 398,312,760 411,294,307
Total Liabilities 619,271,922 608,013,089

Equity Attribute to Owners of the Parent

Capital stock (Note 18) 12,045,829 12,045,829
Additional paid-in capital 75,815,923 75,815,923
Equity adjustments from common control transactions -5,424,455 -5,424,455
Cost of Parent common shares held by subsidiaries -25,386 -25,386
Cumulative translation adjusment 1,154,111 1,308,228
Net fair value changes on cash flow hedges -2,405,741 -1,406,026
Net unrealized gain on financial assets 12,684,140 14,399,640
Remeasurement loss on defined benefit asset/obligation -8,633,269 -8,633,269
Retained Earnings (Note 18)
Appropriated 37,000,000 37,000,000
Unapproriated 267,646,291 257,546,591
Total Equity Attributable to owners of the Parent 389,857,443 389,627,075

Non-Controlling Interests 158,893,428 153,524,403

Total Equity 548,750,871 536,151,478

1,168,022,793 1,144,164,567

Statement of income
Year Ended December 31

2020 2019
Merchandise 211,282,577 244,992,124
Real estate 33,907,864 31,386,202
Rent (Note 19) 20,911,442 37,771,102
Equity in net earnings of associates companies and joint ventures 10,333,338 18,510,960
Cinema Ticket sales, amusement and others 995,039 5,694,578
Dividend, management fees and others 9,236,686 12,379,356
286,666,946 350,734,322
Cost and Expenses
Cost of sales:
Merchandise (Note 20) 162,841,297 180,672,435
Real estate (Note 13) 15,333,363 14,670,902
Selling, general and administrative expenses 68,988,011 82,510,751
247,162,671 277,854,088
Other income (Charges)
Interest expense (Note 19) -12,791,281 -13,520,544
Interest income (Note 19) 2,074,926 3,172,362
Gain (Loss) on fair value changes on derivatives-net (Note 23) -63,222 111,215
Foreign exchange gain-net and others (Notes 22) 40,878 496,390
-10,738,699 -9,740,577
Income before income tax 28,765,576 63,139,657
Provision for income tax (Note 21)
Current 3,723,013 11,056,822
Deferred 1,660,215 1,361,218
5,383,228 12,418,040
Net income 23,382,348 50,721,617
Attributable to
Owners of the parent 15,218,549 33,060,296
Non-controlling interests 8,163,799 17,661,321
23,382,348 50,721,617
Basic/Diluted Earnings Per common share attributable
to owners of the parent (Note 24) 12.63 27.45

Current Ratio 1.083 1.262
Quick Ratio 48788757.3457189 76213774.2726
Cash Ratio 0.221 0.387
Cash Burn-out Ratio 1211612.66666667 326381.333333
Debt-to-Equity Ratio 156100928.16 163436101.07
Debt-to- Asset Ratio 0.205 0.217
Long term Debt -to-Asset Ratio 0.782 0.840
Interest Coverage Ratio 13.863 19.903
Debt Service Coverage Ratio -0.045 -0.039
Inventory Turn over Ratio 4.15531542139981 4.25077117526
Asset Turnover Ratio 211282577.03 244992124.03
Fixed Assets Turnover 211282578.35 244992125.27
Gross Profit Margin 3,473,135,544 127,092,093
Profit Margin 33907864.1106686 31386202.207
Return on Asset Ratio 0.025 0.055
Return on Equity Ratio 0.043 0.095
Return on Investment Ratio 9.46030721605206 18.2547672288
Return on Sales Ratio 33907864.1361474 31386202.2577
Basic Earnings Power Ratio 0.024627581047556 0.05518406951
Earning Per Share 0.019411157704935 0.0421072044
Market Price Per Share 0.003090707249782 0.00917896336
Base Value Per Share 1168022792.4859 1144164566.5
Dividends per Share 3.52819230327E-09 7.5710856E-09
Price Earnings Ratio 15.922323113145 21.7990329449
Dividends Yield 1.141548525348E-06 8.24830137E-07
Dividend Payout 1.817610446992E-07 1.79804993E-07

1204582867 1204582867

Trend Analysis for Year's ended

2018 2020 2019 2018

79,313,215 100 64.02 61.51

25,842,829 100 447.54 0.53
639,316 100 83.51 86.09
33,755,192 100 142.47 226.31
31,836,333 100 91.91 95.72
70,338,577 100 98.05 118.04
241,725,462 100 96.38 99.02

26,702,764 100 97.73 88.68

259,795,077 100 103.02 111.41
2,392,622 100 75.89 76.54
23,201,667 100 101.74 108.40
309,264,274 100 103.87 113.54
- 100 108.93 #VALUE!
53,928,447 100 106.98 148.67
25,470,695 100 99.28 98.57
2,726,155 100 130.81 149.33
115,435,107 100 103.12 75.37
818,916,809 100 103.67 113.40
1,060,642,271 100 102.09 110.12

18,885,465 100 142.31 140.99

1,244,777,719 100 90.35 10.27
3,641,379 100 51.02 45.87
61,480,887 100 208.55 98.63
3,906,476 100 100.30 107.96
212,691,926 100 112.32 103.89

305,555,356 100 93.12 99.76

- 100 103.23 #VALUE!
8,810,862 100 129.88 141.57
41,294,115 100 112.39 127.19
355,660,333 100 96.84 111.99
568,352,529 100 101.85 108.96

12,045,829 100 100.00 100.00

75,815,520 100 100.00 100.00
-5,424,455 100 100.00 100.00
-25,386 100 100.00 100.00
2,014,573 100 88.22 57.29
62,444 100 171.10 -3852.64
11,748,980 100 88.09 107.96
-2,063,358 100 100.00 418.41

370,000,000 100 100.00 10.00

222,213,054 100 103.92 120.45
353,387,201 100 100.06 110.32

138,902,811 100 103.50 114.39

492,290,012 100 102.35 111.47

1,060,642,271 100 102.09 110.12

er 31
Trend Analysis for Year's ended
2018 2020 2019 2018

323,740,170 100 86.24 65.26

35,967,663 100 108.03 94.27
47,555,061 100 55.36 43.97
19,164,345 100 55.82 53.92
7,286,654 100 17.47 13.66
6,379,831 100 74.61 144.78
421,914 100 81.73 67944.40

238,902,107 100 90.13 68.16

17,852,270 100 104.52 85.89
106,419,699 100 83.61 64.83
363,174,076 100 88.95 68.06

-16,574,388 100 94.61 77.17

3,754,141 100 65.41 55.27
64,034 100 -56.85 -98.73
454,941 100 8.24 8.99
-182,483 100 110.25 5884.77
-12,483,755 100 45.56 -230.42

15,115,326 100 33.67 24.63

460,442 100 121.97 360.57
15,575,768 100 43.35 34.56
58,554,568 100 46.10 39.93

37,078,325 100 46.03 41.04

21,476,243 100 46.22 38.01
58,554,568 100 46.10 39.93

30.78 100 46.01 41.03

Trend Analysis for Year's ended

1.137 100 85.81 95.32
79313215.158705 100 64.02 61.51
0.373 100 56.99 59.21
-837538.6666667 91.6666666667 118.35289643 357.689713974
1267304563.17 100 95.51 12.32
0.228 100 94.41 89.92
0.865 100 93.06 90.43
-3.325 1.000 0.697 -4.169
-0.001 100 114.39 5942.71
0.0039646231287 1 0.9775438973 1048.0984665
323740170.03 100 86.24 65.26
323740171.55 100 86.24 65.26
156,773,389 100 2732.77 2215.39
35967663.180869 100 108.03 94.27
-0.012 100 44.63 -209.24
0.119 100 45.04 35.82
16.123003228898 100 51.823762514 58.6758377564
35967662.961439 100 108.03 94.27
-0.011769995729 1 0.4462806253 -2.092403567
0.0486098296797 8.30162895E-08 3.826999E-08 3.31505438E-08
0.0125481827893 8.30162895E-08 2.795294E-08 2.04475064E-08
1060642270.5282 99.999999917 102.08520922 110.124103477
6.807335738E-09 3.5281923E-09 7.571086E-09 6.80733574E-09
25.814085077017 100 73.041419559 61.6807570969
5.424957424E-07 0.0425 0.2708511 0.33291764815
1.400403125E-07 0.0425 0.1978334883 0.20534612589

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