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->In some countries, celebs earn more than senior politicians.

What are the

reasons? Is this a positive or a negative development?

Model Answer :
1.The earning of celebrities is substantially more than that of high-ranking
politicians. In this essay I will put forth the reasons for this discrepancy. I
believe that it is a negative development overall.

2.There are many reasons why celebs earn a lot more than politicians these days.
The main reason is that they have talent and they work extremely hard to keep up
that talent. Even among the talented, very few get the celebrity status. The second
reason is that celebs have very short career spans. For example, a sportsperson or
a film star earns a maximum 15-20 years. They earn till they work, and once they
are out of work their earning sees a full stop. They don�t get any pension like in
other professions. In addition, they have stressful lives and have to remain away
from their families for weeks or months at a stretch.

3.The big difference in the earning of politicians and celebs is negative because
of many reasons. First, because of less pay, many politicians shirk work. More pay
would produce more attentive public servants. Secondly, high salaries would work as
anti-corruption measures. For example, in Singapore the prime minister earns $1.7
million a year, which is four times more than the salary of the US president. These
high salaries in Singapore, apart from decreasing corruption, are also seen to
attract the best talent, who would otherwise go into finance or computing. High
salaries have seen these politicians more eager to represent their constituents�

4.Moreover, politicians also sacrifice their personal lives just as celebs do to

serve the public. They have no time for themselves and their families and at times
have to remain away for days at a stretch. They are also always surrounded by the
paparazzi and cannot enjoy life like a common man. Their career span as a
politician is also very small and they need security as their lives are at a risk
from anti-social elements. Therefore, these politicians should be paid more, as
they are also no less than any other celebs.

5.To sum up, there are many reasons why the celebs are earning a lot more than
politicians. I believe this discrepancy is negative on a whole.

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