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Subject : English
Times : 100 minutes
Lecturer : Nian Masna Evawati, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

1. Change the following main clauses to subordinate clauses by adding a subordinator to the
beginning of the clause. Do not use the same subordinator twice, and then write complete
sentences by adding a comma and a main clause to each subordinate clause you have written!

A. the children went to school

B. the players left the field
C. you don’t understand
D. the thief had taken everything
E. my test grades are high

2. Sentence combining
A. Combine these six sentences into one sentence!
1. The hikers could not climb the trail.
2. The hikers were inexperienced.
3. The hikers had backpacks.
4. The backpacks were heavily loaded.
5. The trail was steep.
6. The trail led to frog Lake.
B. Combine these five sentences into one sentence!
1. The building was on the corner of the street.
2. The building was tall.
3. The building dominated the neighborhood.
4. The building blocked out the sunlight from the nearby houses.
5. The building blocked out the sunlight completely.

3. Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks according to instructions!

A. I have always admired Anita; she is ,and .
( Use adjectives )
B. Murray looked for his physics textbook every where , ,
, and . ( Use prepositional phrases )
C. Doing errands after school, Sylvia stopped at cleaners, , and . (Use verbs and
prepositional phrases)
D. Lewis couldn’t decide whether to order a/an , a/an , or a/an for dessert.
(Use nouns.)
E. Mr.Forth did not do his share of the household chores. He , and he , but he (Use
three main clauses).

4. Some of the following sentences contain shifts in tense. Identify each error by drawing a line
under incorrect verb. Write the correct form above the word!
A. Last Tuesday night I went to the library because I had a test in history on Wednesday morning. It is too
noisy at home to study. My brother is playing the stereo, my mother was vacuuming, and my little
sister and her friends are chasing each other around the house. How am I supposed to concentrate with
all that commution ?
B. My friend Greg loves peanut butter. Every morning he spread peanut butter on his toast or waffles. He
snacked on peanut cups at school, and, of course, he ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch every day.
Nowdays he bakes his own peanut butter cookies because his mother had refused to make them
anymore. Greg was a hopeless case; he even covers a slice of chocolate cake with peanut butter.
C. My wife and I bought a golden retriever puppy last year. We made the mistake on the first few nights
of allowing the puppy to sleep on a rug by our bed because he misses his brothers and sisters. Later
when we made a bed for him in the laundry room, he howls and scratches on the door for several hours
every night. After a while the neighbors call on the telephone to complain about the noise. We thought
that he will never give up. The puppy finally learned to sleep by himself, and the neighbors start
speaking to us again.

5. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences. Then
indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). (10 points)
A. The assigned text for English class it contains more than twenty chapters.
B. The new machine is processes 50 percent more than the previous machine.
C. At long last, the analyst, has decided to step down.
D. The spices flavoring the meal were quite distinctive.
E. The loaves of bread were baked in a brick oven at a low temperature for many hours.


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