Public Speaking

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Look happy and enthusiastic, even if you’re not.

One other thing is to focus on

something other than yourself. Pay attention to the environment y ou’re in to distract
yourself. Notice the audience. For example, how they are dressed, who’s wearing
glasses, who’s the most attractive. All of this will help you to trick your mind into not
noticing the situation you re in. The less you concentrate on how you’re feeling, the
more confident you become. You should use plenty of eye contact, change the pace of
your delivery, change the volume of your voice, and perhaps move around a bit.
Don’t worry too much about mistakes. A few mistakes are al right. They show the
audience you’re human. A one way you can really engage with your audience is
humor. Tell a joke. If you are not good at jokes, tell a story or draw on your personal
experience to connect with your audience. For the main rule about the public speaking
is that there are no rules. This seems a strange thing to say but it’s true. Everyone is
an individual and so you have to find one works for you in terms of delivering a
speech.The most important thing is to control your nerves, build your confidence and
learn to enjoy it.

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