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Nama : Saesarisma Indah Rahmania

Nim : 1911010039

Prodi : Keperawatan D3



Paragraph 1 Introduction Thesis: While the cities have some

similarities and may be attractive to
various people depending on their
lifestyles and preferences, New York
City and Los Angeles are vastly
different, especially in

Paragraph 2 New York City’s In New York, the winter is

(NY) Climate glistening and frosty.
significantly differs As such, the atmosphere is
with that of Los classic in the Yuletide season
Angeles (LA) thus making it possible to
engage in such activities as
snow man assembling and ice
In contrast, Los Angeles has
winters that are extremely mild
and summers that are leisurely
and warm.
Paragraph 3 The cities are differen One would not have a problem
in their housing finding a good job in either
markets city.
They would however have to
put up with the expensive
nature of the cities’ housing
While in Los Angeles people
prefer living in a home, New

York mostly has apartment

Paragraph 4 Another major difference In LA, there is a huge car
between New York City and culture where almost
the city of Los Angeles is everybody drives. Most people
public transportation. have their own cars.Although,
there is public transportation in
the city, few people use it.
In New York on the other hand,
almost everybody takes some
form of public transportation
Paragraph 5 Conclusion New York City and Los Angeles have
many differences in spite of having
some similarities as large cities within
the US. The cities are attractive to
people from all over the world owing
to their different features and
characteristics. However, the climate,
housing characteristics, population and

public transportation spell how vastly

different the cities are.

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