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defination of key terms

cognitive learning theory

cognitive learning

cognitive theory


Brunner learning theory in education

Vygotsky socio cultural theory of cognitive development

Bandura social learning theory



cognitive development is a study in neuro science and psychology focusing on child`s learning and
teaching in terms of information processing ,conceptual ,resources,perceptual skills language learning
and other aspects of brain development .

Cognitive learning is an active style of learning that focuses on helping one learn how to maximize brain
potential .

Cognitive theory is a approach that attempts to explain human behavior by understanding thought

Brunner[1966] proposed three modes of presentation which are enative representation which is based
on action,ionic representation which is based on image base , symbolic ; a language based, Brunner
constractivist thoery suggest it is effective when faced with new material to follow a progression fom
enative ionic to symbolic representation , therefore holds true even for adults learners. His work also
suggests that learners even of a very young age is capable of learning any material as long as the
instruction is organised appropritely in shape contrast to the beliefs of Piaget and other theories .
Brunner modes of representation are ways in which information or knowledge are stored and encoded
in memory .Rather than neat age related skills for example Piaget and Brunner [1961] stated that the
purpose of education is not to impact knowledge , but instead to facillitate a child s thinking and
problem solving skills which can then be transferred to a range of situations specifically , education
should also develop symbolic thinking in children .He proposes that learners construct their own
knowledge and do this by organising and catergorising information using a cording system . Brunner
believed that vthe most effective way to develop a coding system is to discover it , rather than being
told by the teacher.This concept of discovery learning implies that students construct their own
knowlge or themselves which is known as constructive approach .

The role of a teacher should not be to teach information by rote learning but instead to facilitate the
learning process .This means that agood teacher will design lesson that help students discover the
relationship between bits of information ,by so doing the teacher must give students the information
they need , but without organizing them .

Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky theory views language as basis of learning , his theory include the argument
the language supports their activities such as reading and writing in addition , he then claimed that logic
reasoning and reflective thinking were all possible as a result of language .This led to the development
of instructional strategies to support growth in literacy as well as reassesment of the classroom setup .
Teacher are then incouraged to leadership in the classroom , collaborative , learning , and thought full
discussion with the exception of independent tasks which were also included, the goal is to create a
purposeful and meaningful exchanges between students .Therefore the role of a teacher is to facilitate
learning by directing dialogue and confirming contributions in a effect to further motivate the
students ,The primarily role of a teacher in teaching and learning context is to act as a facilitator for
learning with guided exchanges , comprehensive discussions and the creation of an engaging
community are valuable strategies for cognitive development , Vygotskystates that social setting s and
learning were closely entwined in which one must identify and implement strategies that are effective
to social context.Therefore it is more important to note that the culture of each individual is created by
their unique strengths , language and prior experiences , in other ways that student gain knowledge is
when they collaborate with their peers or mentors on activities that involves problem solving skills and
real life skills

Albert Bandura views hat learning leads to permanent change in behavior , he then showed that
observational learning can occur without the learner demonstrating any new behavior,in other words
one can observe inmate or model something in which one might not learn it .Bandura explored the
question on what needs to happen for an observable behavior to be reproduction attention ,
retention, ,reproduction and motivation ,in which attention , learner needs to pay attention if they are
distracted , this will influence the amount or quality of learning that occurs . Therefore the more
interesting or unique the model or situation is , the more fully the learner will attend to the learning
.This explains why one might be able to put down a good book or give up on any one of his/her passion
no matter the obstacles maybe encountered .Bandura states that retention is how a student can store
the information learned being important by remembering the more significant learning in a certain way
through any number of memory techniques , motivation .This is to have the most succes for any
observational learning , learner need to be motivated enough to inmate the behavior that was
modeled .Both reinforcement and punishment impact motivation ,if a student sees someone rewarded
they are more likely to continue the behavior ,for example if they sees another studen being punished
or ignored they may extinguish the behavior.

Piaget suggest that children learn in series of stages and could not learn things deemed to difficult ,
however unlike Piaget , Brunner did not contend that these were necessarily age development or ,
invariant Brunner urged that any subject can be taught effectively to any child at any stage of
development therefore a sbject has to be revisited repeatedly building knowledge and depth each time
appropriate to the level of the child . Brunner refflexions on education in culture of education states
that culture shapes the mind and it improves with tool kit by which constuction not only worlds but a
very coneption of selves and power , all theorist are concerned with development of children and focus
on observerable behavior such as knowledging the role of the environment in learning language
acquisation.The theories believes that behavior can be controlled or manipulated in order to achieve
the desired results in learning .Atthe same time they realise the role of those around the child in
creating a conducive learning environment cog

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