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SMP …………………..
Jl. Martin Liputo No.53 Pongongaila kecamatan Pulubala

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas : IX (Sembilan)
Hari / Tanggal : …………………….
Waktu : 120 Menit
Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021
Petunjuk Umum:
1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan;
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab;
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau
jumlah soal kurang;
4. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
5. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar dengan menghitamkan bulatan
6. Apabila Anda ingin memperbaiki/mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban semula
dengan penghapus sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan bulatan jawaban yang
menurut Anda benar;
7. Periksalah seluruh pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

The following text is for questions 1 to 4
Once upon a time, there lived an old woman in a little cottage on the edge of a forest.
One day, she said to herself, “I will bake a sweet cakes for my dinner.”
She put on a fresh white apron to keep her nice black dress clean. Over her head,
she pulled a little red cap to keep her hair tidy. It was chilly in the kitchen, so she threw a
little white cape around her shoulders. Then, the little old woman was all ready to make
her cakes. She made a dough, rolled it out and popped a panful of cake into the oven.
They came out nice and brown and sweet smelling.
A poor old man was passing by. The cakes smelled good to him for he was very
hungry. He looked in at the window of the cottage and asked, “would you please give me
one of your god cakes? I am very hungry.”
The old woman said, “I will bake one cake for you. I cannot give you one of these.”
She cut off a tiny piece of dough. She rolled it and rolled it with her rolling-pin. The she patted
and patted it with her hands and shaped it into a tiny began to grow bigger. “I cannot give you this
cake,” said the woman to the poor old man. “It is much too big. I will make you a smaller one
Then, she put the cake into the oven and baked it for herself. She took another
piece of dough smaller than the first piece. She rolled it and rolled it with her rolling-pin.
She patted and patted it with her hands and shaped it into a very tiny cake. Again, a
strange event happened. The tiny cake began to grow bigger and bigger.
“I cannot give you this cake,” said the little old women to the old man.” It is much too big I will
make you a smaller one.”
So she put the cake into the oven and baked it for herself. Then, she took a tiny
scrap of dough no bigger than a grain of wheat. She rolled it and rolled it with her rolling
pin. She patted and patted it with her hands and shaped it into the tiniest of cakes.
Surprisingly, the woman changed into a bird! She still wore her little red cap on her
head. She still wore her black dress and her little white cape and her white apron, but they
had all changed into feathers
1. What was the women doing when a poor old man passed by?
a. Making cakes
b. Making a red cap
c. Cleaning an apron
d. Sewing a black dress
2. What was the woman like
a. Tricky
b. Clumsy
c. Unfaithful
d. Stingy
3. “Then, a strange event happened.”(paragraph 5) what does the underlined word
a. Rare
b. Odd
c. Small
d. Uncertain
4. What can we learn from the story?
a. We should be honest
b. We should be optimistic
c. We should share with other
d. We should respect our parents
The following text is for questions 5 to 8

Bingturongs are Medium-sized mammals, which are also known as the “ bearcat” or the “
Asian Bearcat”, because they look like a croos between a bear and a cat. However, they
are not related to either bears or cats ; they are a civet. Bingturongs live high in the trees of
forests in South-East Asia.
Bingturongs have long, heavy bodies and short. Stocky legs. They have short,
pointed snouts that contain more teeth than most carnivores. They also have many thick,
conspicuous white whiskers. Their coats are long, coarse and shaggy, which help keep
them dry. The main area of the coat is dark brown to black in color, but is tipped with gray.
Their faces are usually a paler color. Bingturongs have long ear tufts on small, rounded
aers and reddish-brown eyes. Famales are about 20 percent larger and heavier than males.
Bingturongs spend most of their time slowly and coutiously moving in the trees, but
they are not very agile. They are generally nocturnal but occasionally search for food during
the day. Bingturongs hunt small mammals, birds, insects, fish and eggs but they also eat

5. What is the text about?

a. It is about Animals
b. It is about Bearcat
c. c. It is about Bingturongs
d. It is about the Asian Bear
6. Where do those animals live?
a. In the trees
b. In the sea
c. in the river
d. in the field
7. What does paragraph two tell us about?
a. Bingturong live
b. Bingturong’s physical appearance
c. Bingturong’s size
d. Bingturong’s food
8. what does the writer expect to the readers after reading the text?
a. They know about the size of bingturongs
b. They know about the physical appearance characteristic of bingturongs
c. They know about Bingturons in General
d. They know about what it eats
The following text is for questions 9-12
Do you need a laptop or computer or notebook? Visit HORIZON Electronics
Shopping Centre at Jalan Pemuda Timur No.27. you can see and choose from
many kinds of laptop computers and notebook at affordable price. PC tablet are
alse available.
HORIZON Electronics Shopping Centre accepts cash and credit purcheses. All
transaction are served quickly.
Satisfaction guaranteed!

9. What is the text about

a. A laptop computer
b. An electronic store
c. A computer service
d. A computer store
10. Who is most interested to visit the place
a. Athletes
b. Pediatricians
c. Graphic designers
d. Shop attendants
11. Many people choose to buy computers there because……
a. The store provides credit purchases
b. The shop assistants are helpful
c. The store in located downtown
d. The store provides kinds of computers
12. “……..laptop computers and notebooks at affordable price.” The underline word is
similar in meaning to ……
a. Reasonable
b. Reputable
c. Satisfying
d. Inexpensive

The following text is for questions 13-14

13. My mother makes a cake.

What is the passive form of this sentence?
a. A cake was made by my mother
b. A cake is making by my mother.
c. A cake is make by my mother.
d. A cake is made my mother.

14. A gift was sent by my friend.

What is the active form of this sentence?
a. My friend sends a gift.
b. My friend sent a gift.
c. My friend is sending a gift.
d. My friend send a gift.
The following text is for questions 15-18

The Farmer and his son

A rich old farmer, who felt that he had not many more days to live, called his sons
to his bedside. “My sons,” he said, “I have to say to you. Please never leave our land
which belonged to our family for so many generations. There is a rich hidden treasure. I
do not know the exact spot, but it is there. And you will surely find it. Don’t leave any spot
unturned in your search.
The father died, and the sons started digging with all their might. They turned up
every foot of ground with their spades.
They couldn’t find hidden gold but they saw the land seem to be
cultivated. They grew plants there. At harvest time, they pocketed a rich profit fat greater
than their neighbors. They understood that the treasure their father had told them about
was the wealth of a bountiful crop. Finally, they found the treasure.
15. What did the farmer expect from his sons?
a. They left his land
b. They sold his land
c. They kept his land
d. They found the treasure
16. What can we learn from the story?
a. We must always believe in miracle
b. Good advice leads one to success
c. The more you do, the more proficient you are
d. Hard work is a treasure we can count on to
17. From the text we know that……………….
a. The farmer showed the treasure with tricks
b. There was hidden gold in the field
c. The farmer’s sons sold their land for profit
d. The farmer’s sons ignored the treasure
18. “ they turned up every foot of ground with their spades” (second paragraph). The
underline word is refers to….
a. The farmer
b. The sons
c. The treasure
d. The land
The following text is for questions 19- 20

“Lemper” is made of a handful lump of steamed glutinuous rice. It is filled with

chicken or beef filling. Each piece is wrapped in banana leaf, and the wrapping
is secured on both ends with tooth picks of “lidi”. Lemper in banana leaf is
steamed of cooked over a very hot barbeque of grill. If the rice is well cooked
lemper is filled and wrapped, it can be serve straight away with the banana
leaf still green and fresh
19. Lemper wrapping is secured on both ends with?
a. Banana Leaf
b. Beef Filling
c. Toothpicks
d. Hot Barbeque
20. Lemper is cooked by steamed or?
a. Cooked over a grill
b. Cooked by deep-fried
c. Cooked in the oven
d. Cooked in the kitchen
The following text is questions 21-23

Ice, which is water in its frozen, solid states, will form when the water
temperature reaches 32℉. In cold weather, ice appears on rivers, lakes and the
oceans. In area where it is perpetually cold, ice become part of the landscape
as features such as glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets.
Glaciers form in locations where snow accumulates faster than it can
melt. Usually in mountainous areas. Over time the snow becomes compressed
and recrystallizes into ice. When the ice reaches a solid mass of certain
thickness it can begin to move, or flow, under its own weight. Most glaciers
move very slowly, perhaps only a few inches a year. But under circumstances,
they can advance quickly.
An ice cap is a thick layer of ice and snow that has formed a permanent
crust over areas of land. Such formations are found primarily in polar regions.
Sometimes the term ice cup is used interchangeably with ice sheet, although an
ice sheet usually is larger. Ice sheet that cover continents are known as
continental glaciers, such as Antarctic ice sheet

21. What is the text about?

a. Ice
b. Ice cap
c. Glaciers
d. Ice sheet
22. What does the writer expect to the readers through the text
a. They intend to make ice
b. They avoid to visit ice sheet
c. They gain knowledge about ice
d. They are interested to see ice sheet
23. From the text we can conclude that……
a. Ice only forms during cold weather
b. Glaciers only occur in antarctic
c. An ice cap is the largest ice form
d. Ice appears on water in cold weather

The following text is for questions 24-25


Professional certified and highly qualified
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 match your driving style Call Us today
 flexible and timely schedule 0848394387
Visi us :
Jl. Cempedak
No 7 Sanur

24. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To inform the readers how to drive safety
b. To attract the readers to join a driving course
c. To promote about safe driving
d. To instruct to learn how to drive
25. The school offers you …………. Before you decide to take the course
a. A special lesson
b. 1 hour free lesson
c. A personal instructor
d. A flexible time schedule

II. Essay
26. Rearrange these sentences to make a good narrative text
1. At the further of the wood was another pretty cottage
2. There was once a sweet maid who lived in a pretty cottage
3. She gave her a red clockwith a hood which she always wear
4. Where grandmother lived in
5. Everybody loved this little girl, her grandmother loved her most of all
6. So, people called her Red Riding Hood

The text is for question 28-29

I have a leopard gecko as a pet. I named it Leo. I got it from my

cousin three years ago. She also keeps several leopard geckos as her
Its body is yellow and spotted with black dots. It has a fat tail with
gray and black dappled pattern. It likes licking its eyeball to clean and
moisturize its eyes because it does not have eyelids.
I made a house for it. It is a box with sand in it. Its house is long
because it likes spending its time at the ground. It does not really like
climbing. It occasionally hides under the sand. I always feed it with insect.
Its favorite insect is cricket. It is tame and enjoys to be handled. I play
with it in my spare time

27. What is the purpose of the text?

28. What does paragraph 1 tell us about ?

Do you have a printer at home, but it runs out of ink? will you replace the
cartridge with a new one? Do not rush to do it. You do not need to
replace usable cartridge. You just need to refill them.
BRILLIANT INK REFILL for your empty cartridge. This ink dries
quickly and does not bleed. However, keep it away from water.

29. What is the advertisement about?

30. Where can we buy the product from?

…Do your best …

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