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Sp"W eot,_€o,a

1.(i)Find the naturaldomain,sketchthe graphsandhbncewrite down the rangeof the following

(a)y =lx -Il+ 2 (b) (d) sin2x (e) ln(4 - x)

( 0 V x" -5x+6 (il y =s-2x (h ) y -t a n x .

(ii) Findthenaturaldornain
of thefollowingfunctions.
x-2 *2 -1 6
(\ a)
/ rV = - (b) y- (c)y--r! (d) y=
2x+l x-4 r/x-l (x -t )(x -2 )
( e ) y =J;+l +,[x1 .
Sketchthe graphof the followingcurves.
(a) y=x2 +2 (b) *2 *y2 -g (") *2 -y 2 = 9 (d )2 x 2 * y 2 -4 (e ) l= 3 x
J. Evaluatethe followinglimits,whenpossible.

(a) lim
x' - 4 ,. 2x+3 s in 2 x ,. l-c o s 2 x lx + 1 1
(t b) llm - . -
' ."-+0
(G) llm
(d) lim
x - + 2 X- 2 X *tan3X r->0 3Xz .r-+-r Jf + I
z r,. { ** -z - x
4x'z- 3 x 2+ Z x -l n_.r
(fl lim (g)lim
t-+- 2Xt - 5 " ' lim
2 x 2 -3 x + 2
X 2' +2='
4. Sketchf (x) andhencediscussthe continuityof f (x) at x = 0 , x = I (for a,b) andat
x=2 ,x =3(forc),where
fcosx,forx<0 x S0
I lx + l, f o r
( a) f( x) = {t+ *2,forO < x < I (b)f(x ) = J 1 , f o r 0 < x < 1
*1,forx > | l2 + x , f o r x > l
r,,* l , for..<2
(c)f (x) -
1r-2,for2<x 33.
l 1, to,x >3
Lx '
5. Find the valueof ,t for whichthe function "f (*) will be continuouseverywhere,
|fu , x<l f+to, x<2
(a) /(r)
={ (b)-f(x)- I .,
lx, x>l l2 x ' + k x>Z

3' t'

)r_:) oO
X hlt (+g"xL-\)

{ t in G )
" ( ' -)o
4.t . l,
lt{n *a--l *^ \
.at .-+g ,_ "t* lt'
6b Q-^+
6. Sketchfollowinggraphsanddetenninewhetherthe followingfunctionsare differentiable

f (*)=
(u) l'-{ f (*)=71',,*''
(o) ;; i
(.).r(") _r,;: I
7. Findthevaluesof a andb so that f will be differentiable
at x -l .

x<l ,,\ r,, f3*', x1l
( a) f( fi-lx @)f (x 1 -1
[a(x-l), x>l la x + b , x > l

I, Differentiatethe followingfunctionswith respectto (w.r.t.)x :

| -t P .r-- ( n )-3
(u)F"2*tf (b)4, *tan(xz) t.l ka - 5csc(2x
(d)exp(x' -2x-11 (.) 3r (0 ("3 -3;ln5x
+ t) tt2 e l+ D7
rr l p ,n r $ r s ( r )tr xr n x
srnhx + cosh
Jt, * 3*2)
6; cos3(ri"z") $) 2* "-6i e) 3x2-tan}(zxz+3)
/-\ (l\ I
(.)3tanl a l+acotl : | (n) ln(sin-'")+- _, , \ s in h 4 x -c o s h 2 x
\2) \x/ c o s -' . t r 2 c o s h x -3 s in h x
/ rl
(p) sec(x-')+ csc2x.

2. Find Q . *h"r,
(u) + y3 -3xy (b) sin-l (*2 y2) = *2 + y2
( c) x =a(0-sin 0),y=a(l+cosd ) (d )x -4 s in 3 t , l= 4 c o s 3 /

(e) 2 y 3 t + t 3 y '- 1+, = - 1 - ( f) ta n y- + ,sin x- 2 t^

dx cos/ l-t z ' l+ t z
3. showthatif x - t +L, ! = tm . +, then(*' - 9@y I dx)z: m2(y' - q) and

(*' - 4)yz* xlr - *2 y = S.

4. Find the nth derivativeof
(u) eo**n (b) cos(ax + b) (c) ln(ax + b) (d)
(x + 2)(x -3)
7. At what point (s) is the tangentline to the curve y2 :2x3 perpendicularto the line
4 x - 3 y+1 =0 .
8. Find the pointson the curve| :2x3 -15x2 +34x -20, wherethe tangentsareparallel
to tlre line y +2x - 0 .
Hence find the equationsof the tangentand nonnal to the cllrve at one of thesepoints
which is nearerto the origin.
9 . Find the valuesof a andbfor the curve ,2 y + ay2 = b if thepoint (i, l) is on its graph and
the tangentline at (1,3) hasthe equation3y - 6x - 8 = 0 .
10. Findaftlnction!=axz +bx*c whosegraphhasan
x-interceptof l,y-intercepts
of -2,
and a tangentline with a slopeof -l at the y - intercept.Also find the equationsof
normal at (0,-2).
11.Findfr ifthe line y=2x istangenttothecurvey- xz +k.

12. Show that the trianglethat is formed by any tangentline to the graph of y- !, x>oand
coordinateaxeshasan areaof 2 squareunits.

l. Verify Rolle 's Theoremfor the function

(u)f (x)= (r - lX"- 2W -_r)in1t,:1
(b),f(x)=2x3+ x2- 4x-2 in l-Jr,Jil.
2. YerifyMeanvalueTheoremfor thefunction
( u) -6*2 +l1x-6 in [ 0 , 4 ] (b ) f (x )= ln x in [ 1 ,e ] .
- f(x)=*3
termsof theTaylor seriesat theirrdicated
3. Findthefirstthree non-zero point.
( ") ^1 -about x=2 (b )c o s x a b o uxt -n 1 2
x" +l
(c) exp(3x)aboutx=l (d) arctanxaboutx=1.
termsof theMaclaurinseriesfor thefollowingfunctions.
4. Findthefirstthree non-zero
(a) sinx (b) ,*2 (") e* cos.x (d) h(--l-)

12.UseLtll6pitalts thefollowing limits:

ruleto evaluate
ex:e-x -2x
(a) tim(!r, -+h(r+x)l')
"x- + O(x 1u)r^ (c)
" x -+li',
0 "-'lnt
*2 x -+ 0 x -s in x *3
. (l ) e*+3*3 x -t a n x
( d ) liml:-cotxl (e ) lim (o
x-+o\x, ) - r-+oo
4ex+zx3 JS#-,*

(e) nm
'"'r-+0[ ["'-"in']
(i) rim4
x-sinx sin(lnx) ) x-+as3x

13.Evaluatethe followinglimits:

(a) rin,["-r-"1 ' xrim

1o) (u.--r-l
-+ l[ x -l (c) rim(a)x
'- ';;bl* "r"-*) ln x ) " t -+ * t r+ l'

(d) lim (x + ex12I x (e) Iim *(rtl" - t) (0 lim lsinx;tanx

x-> oo x-+ oo x+t 12
/- r I )tunt
,*, (h),I.[;j a',
"l*'(1-'o") "31 orrun):o"
Exercise 4

1. Given(i) f(x)=x'-5x*6(ii) 1',iy-f @)= xe-'
-f(x)-x* x
(iv) f (x) =2cos x-x (v)f(x)=x4 -6xz -3 (vi) .f(x)=+-sinx,0<x <2r
(vii) f(x)=x3 +3xz -9x+1 (viii) ,f(*)=+-sinx,0<x <Zn
For eachof the abovefunctions
(b) Showwherethe functionis increasing andwhereit is decreasing
(c) Plot eachstationary
point andlevel it asa relativemaximum,relativeminimumor
(d) Sketchthe graph

2. Find all the criticalpointsinflectionpointsof the following functionandthen Sketchthe

(i) f(*)-3x3 -4x+3 (ii) f(x)=x4 -8x2 +t6
(iii) /(x) = *t/3@ + 4) (iv) f (x) = *3 - 6x2 +15
( v ) f(*)=si n x-2 co s.x,0 < x< 2n.

3. Thecurve!=x3 +axL +bx-20 hasaminimumpoint


4. Thecurve!=x3 +bxz *cx hasapointofinflectionat


5. A window frameis madein the shapeof rectanglewith a sernicircleon top. If the areais to
') r .i I (, \
be 8m' , showthatthe perimeterof the frameit p - : * ,l * + 2 lmeters.Find the
r t2 )
mlnlmum costof producingtl'rewindow if the costfor per meteris 0.75Tk.

6. An opentank is to be constructedwith a circularbaseand veftical sides.The costof the

materialfor the sidesis Tk 50 per squaremeterand if the bottomis Tk 40 per sqllaremeter.
The volumeis to be 100m3. Whutshouldbethe dimensions
of thetank be to minimizethe

7. If a smallobjectis placedat adistanceuinfrontof athin lensof focallengthf ,the

where1* 1 =
distanceof the imagebeliindtlie lensis 1,,, . Showthat the minimum
distancebetweenthe imageandthe objectis af.

8. The volumeof a closedrectangularbox is 64 m2. If the lengthof the box is doubleof its
width Findthe dimensionof the box so thatitb surfacearea is minimum.
Tangentand Flormal

I . Find the equationof the tangentandthe normalto the curve

a)f (4=3r?-Ex- 9 at(r ; t)

b)y z(x" rF ut(€,6)

,)#(fl= frA^tg at-(: I
d)v 4(q*}.g (eg
e)2!1Ad.*S at(f ;t)
2. At what point is the tangent line to the clrrve f =Z* perpendicularto the line

4x-3Y+l E o
3. Find the point on the curve f *2**L6ffiS4t*"?@ where the tangentsare

parallelto the line y + {y.e@.

4. Find the valuesof ,r:and.r for the curvela y + g1I*.:=b if the point (gel is on its graph

3y *dX *S :6.
line at(trZ) hastheequation

5. Find the slopeof the graphof y =XL+ L at the point efl and use it to find the

equationof tangentline to y = ar+ | at11= a

6. Find a functiony * qwhosegraphhasx-interceptof [, y-interceptof -Z

anda tangentline with a slopeof -1 at ther"-intercept.

Also find the equationof tangent

andnormalat (g rO)

7. Find fuifthe liney = ?X.istangentto the curvey : X"+ k

8. Show that the triangle that is formed by anytangentto the graph of y =j, 21) p and
co-ordinateaxeshas an areaof j squareunit.

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