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Martha this essay is to inform on how soil erosion can be controlled .Soil erosion is the removal

Of the top part of the cause by agents like running water, rain, wind etc..Some causes of soil
erosion are deforestation, over grazing ,sand winning etc. Some effect of soil erosion are lose of
nutrient in the soil which leads to infertility of the soil. There are some ways of controlling soil
erosion which will help the soil to be fertile.

To start with, Cover cropping is the growing of crops usually with broad leaves leguminous plant
which covers the soil. This method helps to improve the soil and prevent it from erosion.

Secondly, soil erosion can be controlled through mulching. Mulching involves the act of covering
the surface of the soil with materials such as grass cuttings, saw dust ,dry leaves ,straws etc to
protect the soil from erosion . This helps the soil in a way that it keeps the soil moist, it keeps
the soil cool and also improves the soil structure.

Thirdly, afforestation is also another way to control erosion. When trees are grown in our
locality, it will prevent the direct contact of rain to the soil which will bring about erosion and
make the soil lose it nutrient.

Furthermore, another way to control erosion is strip cropping .Here , broad scrip of leaves like
cowpea or groundnut are cultivated along the contours of a slop which prevents soil erosion
caused by running water .

Finally, one must avoid over grazing with the use of farm animal .When farm animals graze on a
land for a long time, they leave the land bear for erosion to take place on the soil. This make the
land infertile. This practice must be abolished in other to improve soil fertility.

In conclusion, from the points explained above are able to control soil erosion.

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