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Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

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Close loop supply chain network problem with uncertainty in demand

and returned products: Genetic artificial bee colony algorithm
Yan Yan Cui a, Zailin Guan a, Ullah Saif a, b, *, Li Zhang a, Fei Zhang a, Jahanzaib Mirza a
State Key Lab of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technology, HUST-SANY Joint Lab of Advanced Manufacturing, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan, 430074, PR China
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent years, due to environmental concerns, remanufacturing of products is practiced in different
Received 25 July 2016 companies and closed loop supply chain network in these companies is significant to optimize. There-
Received in revised form fore, current study is aimed to determine an optimal closed loop supply chain network, which is
7 June 2017
composed of multiple producers, remanufacturers, intermediate centers and customer centers.
Accepted 9 June 2017
Available online 10 June 2017
Furthermore, uncertainty in the demand and uncertainty in the quantity of returned products is
considered simultaneously in the network to make it significantly useful in the uncertain environment. A
novel genetic artificial bee colony (GABC) algorithm is introduced with a new food source representation
Close loop supply chain network
for the current problem. The proposed GABC algorithm considered neighbor food sources for local search
Remanufacturing and used crossover and mutation operations of genetic algorithm to enhance the exploration ability of
Demand uncertainty the proposed algorithm. Taguchi method is employed to compute the optimal parameters of GABC for
Genetic artificial bee colony algorithm two different size test problems taken from literature and a Case problem which are modified according
to the current research problem. The performance of presented GABC algorithm is tested by comparing
the results of considered test problems with the results obtained from the original artificial bee colony
(ABC) algorithm and genetic algorithm (GA). Moreover, to test the robustness of the proposed GABC
algorithm, different scenarios of small and large size problems based on the quantity of demand and
variations in demand are made to perform the experiments. Results indicate that proposed GABC out-
performs standard ABC and GA in different scenarios to give smaller value of the total cost of network
and gives more robust results to give smaller variations in the total cost of network due to uncertain
variations in the demand, as compared to original ABC and GA.d
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction loop, used products are collected from customers and moved to
intermediate centers for cleaning and disassembly operations. Later
Close loop supply chain optimization problem is gaining popu- they are moved to the remanufacturing facilities for remanu-
larity in recent years due to environmental concerns of different facturing. Close loop of supply chain is significant to reduce envi-
manufacturing industries. Close loop supply chain consists of for- ronmental pollution due to reuse of scrap and used products from
ward and reverse loop of supply chain, which works simulta- customers. Many companies now a days are using reverse flow of
neously. In the forward loop, the newly manufactured products are their used products from customers to recovery centers. The re-
moved to the customers in different areas. While in the reverse covery options of the used products includes reuse of the collected
products, repairing of the returned items, remanufacturing or the
combination of these options (Thierry et al., 1993; Zhiqiang and
Nathalie, 2007). The reverse supply chain network system can be
* Corresponding author. State Key Lab of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and
Technology, HUST-SANY Joint Lab of Advanced Manufacturing, Huazhong Univer-
designed for direct reusable network, repairing network, recycling
sity of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, PR China; Department of Industrial network and remanufacturing network (Fleischmann et al., 1997;
Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan. Thierry et al., 1993; Zhiqiang and Nathalie, 2007). In reusable
E-mail address: (U. Saif).
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
718 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

network, the products are directly reused, for example, soft drink has uncertain environment and the demand of the customers and
bottles, pallets or containers etc. The repairing logistics network quantity of the returned products is uncertain. The need to account
restores the failed products to their working conditions. For uncertainty in the supply chain network is essential to design
example, reconditioning of the domestic appliances including, closed loop supply chain network model in strategic view (Ozkir
washing machines, electric equipment, refrigerators etc, are and Basligil, 2013). The demand of the new products from
involved in the repairing network. In recycling process, material is different customer centers is varying and it is not constant in most
recovered without converting product structure, for example, steel of the real cases. Furthermore, the quantity of the returned prod-
scrap is used to manufacture different steel products, glass, papers ucts from different customer centers is also uncertain and varies
etc. In remanufacturing, a product is reformed into its original due to several factors. Therefore, it is noteworthy to consider un-
shape by several operations which can include disassembly, over- certain demand of new products and uncertainty in the quantity of
hauling cleaning and replacement operation etc. Remanufacturing returned products while making strategic decision on the closed
systems are used to remanufacture several kind of machineries like, loop supply chain network and therefore considered in the current
air craft, automobiles etc. Current research is focused on remanu- research.
facturing, as recovery option, for the used products in close loop The closed loop supply chain network problem is combinatorial
supply chain network. optimization problem and it can take long computational time if it
Closed loop supply chain network problem is the focus of many is solved with exact methods. Therefore, a novel metaheuristic
researchers due to the necessity of reducing the use of raw material, method which has not been used in literature to solve closed loop
controlling the environmental pollution, recycle management and network optimization problem is introduced in the current
due to the social responsibility (Zohal and Soleimani, 2016). The research. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested on
supply chain network design is a strategic decision problem which different size problems under several scenarios of demand and
is aimed to decide number of different facilities required to make in returned products and the corresponding results are compared
the network. Furthermore, supply chain network optimization is with the performance of other algorithms.
important to identify the ideal location of these facilities in the The structure of the current research paper is as follows: Section
network and identify the effective connections of these facilities 2 shows the review of literature work on closed loop supply chain
with each other to satisfy the overall demand of the customers with problem. Section 3 shows a mathematical model for the considered
minimum total cost of the network. The location and position of the closed loop supply chain network problem. Section 4 illustrates
facilities in the network can affect, the investment cost, service proposed novel solution approach based on artificial bee colony
level of the customers and has its much practical implication in the algorithm. Section 5 indicates design of experiments and tuning of
real remanufacturing industries now a days. Aras et al. (2007) parameters of the proposed algorithm on two different size prob-
determined an optimal locations of the collection centers and lems to get optimal values of algorithm parameters for these
maximize the purchase price of the products used in reverse lo- problems. Furthermore, it also shows the results of considered two
gistics network. Zohal and Soleimani (2016) presented a closed problems. Section 6 illustrate the implementation of the proposed
loop supply chain problem for a gold industry to minimize the cost GABC to solve the small and large size problems in detail with
and carbon emissions. Yi et al. (2016) presented a closed loop considering uncertainty in demand and in the returned products.
supply chain network design problem for a construction machinery Moreover, scenario planning is described in this section to test
remanufacturing company to minimize total cost of the network different category of problems based on different values of the
which includes, fixed cost, transportation cost, processing cost, variations in demand and returned products and different ranges of
revenue cost and cost of new components. In closed loop supply the uncertain demand and returned products. Furthermore,
chain network, the location decision of all facilities significantly different scenarios are considered in each category of test problem
affects the remanufacturing process. For example, the location and the results are explained in this section. Section 7 shows the
position of the customer centers need to be optimized to satisfy the conclusion of the current research and future recommendations.
demand of customers, located in the areas near the location posi-
tion of the customer centers. In addition, the location and number 2. Literature review
of intermediate facilities is substantial to know while making the
optimal network because in some areas, there is more population of In literature, closed loop supply chain network optimization
customers who are willing to return the used products to the problem has been investigated by several researchers. Fleischmann
company and in some other areas, the population of customers is et al. (1997) presented a comprehensive literature review on the
less prepared to return the used products for remanufacturing. application of mathematical modeling in reverse logistics man-
Therefore, the location decision of different facilities is significant in agement and shows different models which have been presented in
the network design and optimization problem for different rema- literature. Krikke et al. (1999) proposed a mixed integer program-
nufacturing industries. Furthermore, there are some capacity con- ming model (MILP) for reverse logistics network for photocopier
straints related to each location position of the customer centers manufacturer and considered minimization of supply chain cost,
which are required to be considered while making the network. energy and residual waste in close loop supply chain. Uster et al.
The capacity of the customer centers can affect the service level of (2007) developed a closed loop supply chain network model to
the customers and affects the quantity of the returned products optimize the flow of products in the network. They used collection
that can be collected from different customers. In addition, there is centers, remanufacturing facilities in their proposed network. Their
transportation cost which can occur in the network and the study focused to minimize the processing cost, transportation and
transportation cost depends on the decision of the connections fixed costs of facilities in the close loop supply chain network. Lu
between different facilities in the network. The closed loop supply and Bostel (2007) proposed a mixed integer programming model
chain network is concerned to determine the relationship between containing three types of facilities in the network. They considered
all the facilities in the closed loop supply chain, including customer customers, intermediate centers, remanufacturing centers and
centers, the collection centers, the manufacturers and re- producers in the close loop supply chain network. Du and Evans
manufacturers so that the network is optimized and it can satisfy (2008) studied close loop supply chain problem to minimize
the overall demand of different customers located in different overall cost and total tardiness. They supposed manufacturers,
areas. However, in real environment, the closed loop supply chain collection sites i.e., third party logistics, repairing facilities in the
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 719

closed loop network. Gupta and Evans (2009) presented a non- network composed of customer centers, intermediate centers,
preemptive goal programming approach to model closed loop producers and remanufacturers or a facility containing both pro-
supply chain network. They used, manufacturing cost, refurbishing ducer and remanufacturer. The location sites for any facility is not
cost, disassembly cost, testing cost, remanufacturing cost, disposal fixed and each facility has possibility to be allocated to any site in
cost and transportation cost in their developed model. Fleischmann the network while making the optimal network. This can give more
et al. (2001) reported a generic model for the design of closed loop diversity and can give global solution of the network in the current
supply chain and observed that considerable savings can be made research.
in cost of production due to simultaneous forward and reverse Moreover, in literature, demand uncertainty is dealt with sto-
network integration. They included customer centers, warehouses chastic programming, or scenario planning approach and in real
and production plants in the close loop supply chain network. environment, the value of demand in different scenarios depends
Nevertheless, in most of the above mentioned literature, the on several factors which has not been included in previous re-
customer demand and returned quantity of used products is searches. The demand of new products and quantity of returned
considered as deterministic. However, in real environment, de- products varies randomly and it depends on different factors of the
mand and quantity of returned products is uncertain. The closed market. Furthermore, each factor has different weightage on
loop supply chain network which is optimal for a fixed value of changing the demand and returned quantity in different facility
demand may not be suitable to use for different values of the de- locations. For example, demand of returned products in certain
mands. This may give different value of cost of transportation, areas depends on unexpected events occurring in market, uncer-
storage cost or may not deliver products in time to the customers tain changes in season, uncertain fall in the prices of competitors or
when the demand of new products and quantity of returned uncertain changes in the taxes or other price. These demand related
products in the network varies. Furthermore, the closed loop factors can cause uncertain variations in the demand of the prod-
network which is based on deterministic demand and returns, can ucts. Product demand uncertainty occurs due to several factors and
give local optimal solution of the network and it cannot be used for each factor has its own probability to occur. Furthermore, each
large range of uncertain values of the demand of products. There- factor has its own impact in changing the value of the demand.
fore, it is significant to use uncertainty in the demand of new Similarly, there are several factors which can cause uncertain
products and in the quantity of returned products simultaneously change in the quantity of the returned products. For example, a
in closed loop supply chain network problem. In literature, few different product model is introduced by some other manufac-
studies has considered uncertainty in the demand and returned turers to the market, then there is possibility that customers may
products for different customers in closed loop supply chain return some products to the company and this may change the
network problem. For example, Salema et al. (2007) extended the quantity of returned products randomly. These factors have
model proposed by Fleischmann et al. (2001) and incorporated different weightage and each factor has different range to cause
uncertainty in demand and returned products using mixed integer change in quantity of the returned products. The uncertain demand
programming approach. They considered scenario planning of new products and uncertain quantity of the returned products
approach to consider the uncertainty in demand of products. has not been investigated in literature based on these factors.
Francas and Minner (2009) proposed two stage stochastic model to Moreover, the scenarios for demand and uncertain quantity of
design closed loop supply chain network considering uncertain returned products based on these factors has not been investigated
demand and returns. Shi et al. (2010) considered uncertain demand in literature. Current research is novel to include demand uncer-
and returns and proposed stochastic programming approach for tainty in new products and uncertainty in the quantity of the
closed loop supply chain network optimization. Pishvaee et al. returned products based on several factors for making different
(2011) considered uncertainty in demand in closed loop supply scenarios. Furthermore, in literature, holding cost in the network
chain and proposed a robust approach to deal with the uncertainty. has not been considered during optimizing the closed loop supply
Vahdani et al. (2012) applied fuzzy approach for robust optimiza- chain network (Salema et al., 2007; Pishvaee et al., 2011; Vahdani
tion of closed loop supply chain network optimization problem. et al., 2012; Zohal and Soleimani, 2016). However, the quantity of
They considered suppliers, manufacturing facilities, customers, returned products and quantity of products manufactured in the
some bidirectional facilities in their considered closed loop supply plants also incurs holding costs but it has not been investigated in
chain network. They aimed to minimize total cost which includes literature in closed loop supply chain network optimization prob-
the fixed cost, transportation cost in forward and reverse flow in lems (Salema et al., 2007; Pishvaee et al., 2011). However, the
the network. Recently, Saif et al. (2015) presented a brief descrip- holding cost of returned products in the collection centers and the
tion of a model for facility location problem in closed loop supply holding cost of the new and remanufactured products in the
chain network problem but have not solved it. Saman and Zhang manufacturing facilities are required to be considered during
(2013) proposed a facility location model in closed loop supply optimization of the network and therefore considered in the cur-
chain network considering uncertainty in demand and returns. rent research. In addition, the safety stock of new products and
They considered stochastic programming and scenario planning returned products for remanufacturing in the remanufacturing
approach to include uncertainty in the demand and returned centers is required to be included and is considered in the current
products. They used multi plants, collection centers, demand study. Current research is novel to include holding cost in the in-
markets and products. They proposed a mixed integer program- termediate centers and remanufacturers in the closed loop supply
ming model to minimize total cost. However, they assumed a fixed chain network. Moreover, safety stock of the returned products in
location of the plants and collection centers which is known in intermediate centers, safety stock of the products in the producers,
advance in their model. However, in closed loop supply chain safety stock of remanufactured products in the remanufacturing
network problems, the fixed location for certain facilities can limit centers is first time considered simultaneously in the current study.
the diversity of solution of network and cannot give global optimal In addition, several additional constraints in the closed loop supply
solution. In the network optimization problems, if the location sites chain network problem are used in the current research which
are not fixed for the facilities, then it may give a network solution includes the safety stock constraints, storage capacity constraints
which can consider all possibilities of placing facilities in all loca- and service level constraints to store the remanufacturing products,
tion sites and can give more global search for network solution. returned products in the producers and remanufacturing centers.
Therefore, current research considers a closed loop supply chain In literature, different solution methods has been used to solve
720 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

closed loop supply chain problem. For example, Salema et al. (2009) level and optimal inventory levels. In addition, the quantity of the
presented a mixed integer programming model and proposed returned products from different customers is optimally used
branch and bound method to solve their presented problem. Other during remanufacturing.
methods which are used in literature include, nested diagonaliza-
tion solution algorithm (Chen et al. (2007), an OR opt algorithm 3. Problem description
procedure (Alshamrani et al., 2007), scatter search algorithm (Du
and Evans, 2008), two phase heuristic method based on greedy In this section the proposed facility location problem in closed
construction (Wollenweber, 2008), heuristic algorithm based on loop supply chain network is presented. In the considered closed
imperialist competitive algorithm and variable neighborhood loop supply chain network, four kinds of facilities are considered.
search (Devika et al., 2014; Fakhrzad and Moobed, 2010) etc. In These facilities includes customer centers to collect the used
addition to these methods, metaheuristic methods including ge- products from customers, intermediate centers which are used for
netic algorithm (Lee and Chan, 2009; Aydin et al., 2015; Yi et al., cleaning, disassembly, checking, and ranking the returned products
2016), genetic algorithm with priority based encoding method before they enter into the remanufacturing centers. The third kind
(Lee and Chan, 2009), Simulated annealing with dynamic neigh- of facility used in the proposed network is remanufacturing centers
borhood search (Pishvaee et al., 2010), Ant colony algorithm (Zohal where the returned products from intermediate centers are
and Soleimani, 2016) etc, have also been used to solve closed loop checked again and they are remanufactured. The fourth type of
supply chain network optimization problem. Furthermore, in facility considered in the current research problem is producers
literature there are some studies which used simulation method for which are used to make new products according to the demand of
closed loop supply chain network optimization problem (Tonanont products. The produced products and the remanufactured products
et al., 2009; Suryabatmaz et al., 2004). Recently, Karaboga (2005) are directly transported to the customer centers for sale. There are
introduced an algorithm called artificial bee colony algorithm two transportation roots in the considered network problem. One
(ABC) which is based on the foraging behavior of bees is an excel- root is used to move returned products from customer centers to
lent algorithm. The original structure of ABC is useful for contin- intermediate centers and then to the remanufacturing centers or
uous problems. However, ABC algorithm has also been successfully producers, called reverse flow. The other root is used to move
applied in discrete nature of problems including, jobshop (Li et al., products from remanufacturing facilities and producers to the
2011), and flowshop problems (Fatih Tasgetiren et al. (2011). ABC customer centers called forward flow. Fig. 1 illustrates closed loop
algorithm needs less control parameters and is easy to implement supply chain network with forward and reverse flows of products
and to the best of author’s knowledge, it has not been used to solve between different facilities. The notations and abbreviations used
closed loop supply chain network optimization problem. Current for the current problem are described as under.
research is novel to present genetic artificial bee colony (GABC) Indices
algorithm to solve the considered closed loop supply chain network C ¼ f1; 2; :::; i; ::::; nC g: Set of different locations of customer
optimization problem. centers
Current research is focused to develop a model for closed loop I ¼ f1; 2; ::::; j; ::::; nI g: Set of intermediate center
supply chain network considering uncertainty in demand and P ¼ f1; 2; ::; k; :::::; nR g: Set of different producers or remanu-
quantity of the returned products in an automobile manufacturing facturing centers at location kVi ¼ fvi1 ; vi2 ; :::::; viM g: Set of different
company. The main questions which current research seeks to factors which may cause variance in demand at customer center i
address is Parameters
Fixed Costs:
⁃ How to develop closed loop supply chain network model fkP : Fixed cost to setup a producer center at location kfkR : Fixed
considering uncertainty in demand and in the quantity of the cost to setup a remanufacturing center at location kfjI : Fixed cost to
returned products? setup an intermediate center at location jfiC : Fixed cost to setup
⁃ How to solve it using a novel metaheuristic algorithm? customer center at location i
Unit Costs:
Current research is aimed: UCkP : Unit cost at producer center at location kUCkR : Unit rema-
nufacturing cost at remanufacturing center at location kUCjI : Unit
⁃ To identify the optimal location of different facilities in the reprocessing cost at intermediate center at location j
closed loop supply chain network Shipping Costs:
⁃ To optimize and decide the connections between different fa- SCki : Shipping cost from producer or remanufacturing center k
cilities in the closed loop supply chain network. to customer center iSCij : Shipping cost from customer center i to
⁃ To consider production cost, transportation cost, holding cost of intermediate center at location jSCjk : Shipping cost from interme-
inventory in facilities, fixed cost, capacity constraints of the fa- diate center j to producer or remanufacturing center k
cilities, the service level constraints and some additional con- Disposal Costs:
straints in the closed loop supply chain simultaneously. DCjI : Disposal cost at intermediate center jDCkR : Disposal cost at
⁃ To consider uncertainty in the demand of new products and remanufacturing center k
quantity of the returned products by incorporating change in Holding Costs:
demand and returned products considering different factors Hk : Holding cost of returned and produced products at rema-
which are causing uncertainty in making the scenarios nufacturing center or producer kHjI : Holding cost of returned pro-
simultaneously. duced products at intermediate center j
⁃ To develop a novel genetic artificial bee colony algorithm to Demand:
di  Nðdi ; dsi Þ : Normal distributed demand of the product at
search an optimal solution of the considered closed loop supply
customer center idri  Nðdi r ; disr Þ: Normal distributed returned
chain network optimization problem.
products at customer center idi : Mean value of demand of the
In the optimized network, the total cost of investment including s
product at customer centeridi : Variance value of demand of the
the total cost of the network is minimized. Furthermore, the un- product at customer center i
certain demand of customers is also fulfilled with the given service Returns:
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 721

Producers or Intermediate Customer

Remanufacturers Centers Centers

Produced or
Products Flow

Disposed Products in Returning

Remanufacturing Centers Products

Disposed Products in
Intermediate Centers

Fig. 1. Closed loop supply chain network.

di r : Mean value of quantity of the returned product at customer customer centeri taken through intermediate center j to remanu-
center idsi r : Variance value of quantity of the returned product at facturer at location k
customer center iedi : Estimated average value of demand of the Binary Variables:
product at customer center iedi r : Estimated average value of
quantity of the returned product at customer center i 
1 if ;
Demand Variations: YPk ¼ Producer is at position k
bim : The weight for the factor m for customer center i which  0 Otherwise
1 if ;
causes variance in the demand YRk ¼ Remanufact uring center is at position k
Number of Facilities:  0 Otherwise
1 if ;
NjC : Maximum number of customers which are allowed to YIj ¼ Intermediate center is at position j
 0 Otherwise
deliver their returned products to intermediate center jNkI : 1 if;
Maximum number of intermediate centers which are allowed to YCj ¼ Customer center is at position i
0 Otherwise
deliver their returned products to remanufacturing or producer at
locationkNkC : Maximum number of customers which are allowed to Consider there are known number of locations sites for making
get delivery from products or remanufacturing center k facilities in the closed loop supply chain network. From these
Service Level: location sites, there are known number of producers, re-
k : Service level for the returned product at remanufacturing manufacturers, intermediate centers and customer centers which
center or producer kdPk : Service level for the product at remanu- are desired to be located on known number of site location points to
facturing center or producer k make a closed loop supply chain network. The number of site lo-
Disposals: cations is known and it is required to decide, at which location
b : Percentage at which returned products can be disposed of at point, which facility is to be build and with which facilities it can be
the intermediate centers (Suppose it is equal on all intermediate connected in the optimized network. The location decision of these
centers) facilities depends on the initial cost called, fixed cost of these fa-
g : Percentage at which checked returned products can be cilities at different location sites. Moreover, the location decision of
disposed of at the remanufacturing centers (Suppose it is equal on facilities also depends on their connections with other facilities so
all remanufacturing centers) that the transportation cost between them is minimum. For
Safety Stock: example, the location of customer centers not only depends on its
SPk : Safety stock of the product at producer kSrP k
: Safety stock of fixed cost, but it also depends on its possible connections with
the returned products at producer or remanufacturing center kSrI j : intermediate centers so that it can transport the returned products
Safety stock of the returned products at intermediate center i to the intermediate center with smaller transportation cost. It is
Capacity of Facilities: possible that a customer center can have possibility to get con-
SCapPk : Storage capacity of products at producer or remanu- nected with different intermediate centers. However, the decision
facturing center kSCaprP k
: Storage capacity of the returned products of its connection also depends on the distance of the intermediate
at producer kSCaprI j : Storage capacity of the returned products at center and its storage capacity so that it can economically stores the
intermediate center j returned products and the transportation cost is also desired to be
Decision variables minimum. Furthermore, there is possibility that the demand of the
Continuous variables: considered customer center might not be fulfilled with one
XPik : Fraction of demand from customer centeri to remanufac- manufacturer, so it can be connected with more than one pro-
turer or producer at location kXRijk : Fraction of returned products at ducers. The considered network problem is to assign optimal
722 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

location sites to the facilities in the network so that the demand of

customer centers is fulfilled, the returned products are moved X
nR X
nR X
nI X
Fixed:cos t ¼ fkP YPk þ fkR YPk þ fjI $YIj þ fiC $YCi
optimally to the intermediate centers and from intermediate cen-
k¼1 k¼1 j¼1 i¼1
ters they can be moved optimally to the remanufacturing facilities
keeping transportation cost and holding cost as minimal. Moreover, (2)
the production cost are also different for manufacturers and in-
termediate centers located at different location sites. In addition to
these, the returned products are moved from different customer
3.1.2. Shipping cost
centers and some of these products are disposed at the interme-
Shipping cost in the network is a part of collection cost in the
diate centers while remaining products are moved to the re-
current research problem. The overall collection cost consists of the
manufacturers. The remanufacturers and producers have two
cost of purchase of the returned products and the transportation
choices to be located in the network. For example, the remanu-
cost involved in the network. However, in the current research, the
facturer is allocated to a site location or producer is located on that
purchase cost of returned products is considered as constant in
site location, or both the remanufacturer and producer are located
different location sites in the network and it do not affect the
at the same site location in the proposed network, as can be seen
network and the transportation cost is considered as shipping cost.
from Fig. 1. The considered problem is to optimally allocate the
This shipping cost is the cost required to move the products from
facilities in the closed loop supply chain network. The objective
one facility to some other facility in the closed loop supply chain
function for the network problem and constraints are presented in
network. Shipping cost in the network depends on the location
this section.
position of different facilities in the network between which the
products are required to be transported. Therefore, shipping cost is
variable in different networks and it is considered here to optimize
3.1. Objective function
the network. The shipping cost of the network is illustrated in
Equation (3). It can be seen from Equation (3) that the first term in
The objective function of the considered problem is to minimize
Equation (3) shows the shipping cost to move the demand of
the total cost of the network, as indicated in Equation (1). It is
products from remanufacturing centers or producers to the
assumed that the purchase cost of the returned products is con-
required customer centers. The second and third term in Equation
stant in different customer centers and only the costs which are
(3) shows the transportation cost of the returned products from
variable in the network are considered for optimization. It can be
different customer centers to the intermediate centers and trans-
seen from Equation (1) that the total cost depends on the fixed cost
portation cost of the checked returned products from intermediate
of the facilities, shipping costs in forward and reverse flows be-
centers to the remanufacturing centers or producers, respectively.
tween different facilities, total production cost and holding cost of
the products in inventory. In the current research, the cost of !
nR X
collection in the network includes the purchase cost of the returned Shipping:cos t ¼ SCki edi þ bim vim XPik  ðYCi YPk Þ
products and the shipping cost of the products in the network. k¼1 i¼1 m¼1
However, in the current problem it is assumed that the purchase !
nR X
nI X
cost of the returned product is constant in different locations of the þ SCij edi þ bim vim XRijk
collection centers and it is not affecting the network therefore the k¼1 j¼1 i¼1 m¼1
collection cost of the network depends on the shipping cost of the
network in the current research. Moreover, the refurbish cost of  YCi YIj þ ð1  bÞSCjk edi
products consists of the production cost of new products and the
remanufacturing cost of the products in the remanufacturing cen- X
ters. The storage cost is considered here as holding cost of the þ bim vim XRijk  YIj YPk
returned products in different facilities. m¼1
Objective ¼ Minffixed:cos t þ Shipping:cos t þ Prod:cos t
þ Holding:cos tg where,
(1) m m P
di ¼ ðedi þ M m¼1 bim vim Þ represents mean value of demand of
products at customer centeri which is equal to the sum of the
average value of estimated demand in certain customer centeri and
change in demand caused by different factors.
3.1.1. Fixed cost
Fixed cost is the sum of costs of creating facilities including, 3.1.3. Production cost
producers, remanufacturers, intermediate centers and customer The refurbishing cost in the current research consists of pro-
centers on different location sites, as shown in Equation (2). It can duction cost of new products and remanufacturing cost of the
be seen from Equation (2) that the fixed cost is the sum of the fixed remanufactured products. Total production cost is composed of the
cost of all facilities in their location sites in the network. The first unit production cost times the net demand of products that are
term in Equation (2) illustrates the sum of fixed cost of certain required to produce, as indicated in Equation (4). It can be seen
number of producers in their different location sites in the network, form Equation (4) that the total production cost consists of the sum
the second term indicates the sum of fixed cost of certain number of of three terms. The first term in Equation (4) shows the total cost of
remanufacturing facilities in their different location sites of the manufacture of new products in the producers which are needed to
network, the third term in Equation (2) shows the fixed cost of manufacture to fulfil the demand. The second term in Equation (4)
certain number of intermediate centers in their different location illustrates the total cost of remanufacturing in the remanufacturing
sites in the network and the fourth term in Equation (2) shows the facilities in the network. The third term in Equation (4) illustrated
sum of fixed cost of the certain number of customer centers which the total disposal cost of the returned products in the intermediate
are positioned in different location sites in the network. centers and in the remanufacturing facilities respectively.
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 723

" ! rm
nR X
nC X
M SrR  ð1  bÞdi
Prod:cos t ¼ UCkP 
edi þ bim vim XPki  ðYCi YPk Þ ZkrR ¼ k
ð1  bÞdri s
k¼1 i¼1 m¼1
# 2
nR X
X nI X
 SPk þ UCkR  4SrP
k þ ð1  gÞð1  bÞ
SrI  di
ZkrI ¼ k
k¼1 j1 i¼1 dri s
! 3
nI X
X nC X
bim vim XRijk YCi YIj 5
edi þ
j¼1 i¼1 m¼1
nR X nC hn
nI X o 3.2. Constraints
þ ð1  bÞUCjI þ b:DCjI  YIj
k¼1 j¼1 i¼1
n o i 3.2.1. Production and demand constraints
þ ð1  bÞð1  gÞUCkR þ gð1  bÞ  DCkR  YPk The new products and returned products are required to fully
! meet their demand. Equation (10) shows that, for each customer
bim vim XRijk YCi center, the demand is collectively satisfied from all producers or
m¼1 remanufacturing centers connected with it. The constraint shown
in Equation (11) indicates that for each customer, the quantity of
the returned products are moved to all intermediate centers con-
nected with it which are then moved to all of the producers or
remanufacturing centers connected with each intermediate
3.1.4. Holding cost centers.
Holding cost or the storage cost is incurred due to inventory of
the returned products in the remanufacturing centers and the in- XPik ; ¼ 1 ci (10)
ventory in the producers. It is the sum of total holding cost of the k¼1
new products in the producers, holding cost of returned products in
the producers, holding cost of returned products in the remanu- P
nR P
XRijk ¼ 1; ci (11)
facturing centers and holding cost of the returned products in the k¼1 j¼1
intermediate centers, as illustrated in Equation (5). Equation (6) to
Equation (9) are used to calculate the probability to ensure that the The constraint shown in Equation (12) shows that the sum of
safety stock levels of new products in producers, safety stock of safety stock of new products, safety stock of the returned products
remanufactured products in the producers, safety stock of rema- in remanufacturing centers and quantity of the returned products
nufactured products in the remanufacturing canters and safety entering in the remanufacturing centers should meet the total
stock level of returned products in the intermediate centers can demand of new products.
satisfy their corresponding demands in the network, respectively.

" !# " !# "

nR X
nC X
nR X
nC X
nR X
Holding:cos t ¼ hk max 0; SPk  di  XPik YPk þ max 0; SrP
k  ð1  bÞdri  XRijk YPk þ max 0; SrR
k  ð1
k¼1 i¼1 k¼1 i¼1 k¼1 i¼1
!# " !#
nI X
 bÞdri  XRijk YRk þ max 0; SrI
j  dri  XRijk YIj
j¼1 i¼1
2 vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 2 v ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3
u nC u nC
nR uX  s 2 X
nR uX  2  2
¼ hk 4ZkP t d i  ðXPik YPk Þ 25
þ hk 4Z t
k ð1  bÞdsr  XRijk YPk 5
k¼1 i¼1 k¼1 i¼1
2 vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 2 vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3
u nC  2 u nC
nR uX 
rR t sr 2
nI uX  sr 2  2
þ 4
hk Zk ð1  bÞdi  XRijk YRk 5 þ hj 4ZjrI t di  XRijk YIj 5
k¼1 i¼1 j¼1 i¼1


nI X
SPk þ SrP
k þ ð1  gÞð1  bÞ edi þ bim vim XRijk YCi YIj
j¼1 i¼1 m¼1
SPk  di !
ZkP ¼ (6) X
nC X
dsi  edi þ
bim vim Xik YCi YPk ; ck
i¼1 m¼1
rm (12)
SrP  ð1  bÞdi
ZkrP ¼ k
ð1  bÞdri s The difference between the net quantities of the new products
required with the net quantity of the returned products can give
724 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

the quantity of products that are needed to produce, if there is a ! !

producer at position k. The constraint indicated in Equation (13), X
ð1  bÞ edi þ bim vim XRijk  YIj  YPk þ SrP P
k þ Sk
Equation (14) and Equation (15) are significant to link the location
j¼1 m¼1
and allocation variables in which three different type of facilities !
are related to three different location variables and forward and X
 edi þ bim vim Xik  YIj  YPk
backward flows are linked to the three location variables, i.e.,
j¼1 m¼1
customer centers, intermediate centers and producers or remanu-
facturing centers.  SCapPk ; ck
" ! # 2 (20)
nC X
edi þ
bim vim Xik YCi  SPk  4SrP
i¼1 m¼1
! 3
nC X
nI X
3.2.4. Service level constraints
bim vim XRijk YCi YIj 5
þ ð1  gÞð1  bÞ edi þ
i¼1 j¼1 m¼1
In the proposed problem, the demand of new products and
quantity of returned products is uncertain so there is possibility of
 YPk M; ck losing service level due to late delivery of products. Therefore,
(13) service level constraints are presented here which are similar to the
service level constraints suggested by Gülpinar et al. (2003) for
XRijk  YCj ; ci; j; k (14) supply chain. These constraints can define the probability of
ensuring that the safety stock of the produced products and the
! safety stock of the returned products in the remanufacturing cen-
ð1  bÞ edi þ
bim vim XRijk  YRk M ’ ; ci; j; k (15) ters or producers must be greater than their required or demanded
m¼1 quantity. The constraint shown in Equation (21) tells that at any
demand of the product, there is a positive probability that the
safety stock of new products is greater than the required demand,
or the safety stock is sufficient to fulfill the required demand of
3.2.2. Non negativity constraints products. However, there is possibility that all of the demand of
Non negativity constraints are indicated in Equation (16) and products cannot be fulfilled by using these returned products. So
Equation (17), which are used for the integration of constraints and the constraint indicated in Equation (22) explains that the safety
non-negativity constraints respectively. stock of new products can have such a level that it can fulfill the
remaining demand of products. The constraint indicated in Equa-
YPk ; YRk ; YIj ¼ 0; 1; cj; k (16)
tion (22) tells that there is positive probability that the sum of
safety stock of the returned products in the producers or in the
Xik ; XRijk  0; ci; j; k (17) remanufacturing centers and the newly entered returned products
is greater than demand of products. This constraint can ensure that
the existing returned products in stock and the newly entered
returned products can easily be utilized in fulfilling the demand of
3.2.3. Storage capacity constraints
new products.
There are some storage capacity constraints that can explain the
storage capacity of returned products in intermediate centers,
remanufacturing centers, and storage capacity constraint in the ( ! ! )
producers to store returned products and new products in it ProbP SPk  edi þ bim vim Xik 0  dk ; ck
respectively. The storage capacity constraints are indicated in i¼1 m¼1
Equation (18), Equation (19) and Equation (20). (21)
edi þ bim vim XRijk  YCi  YIj þ SrI rI
j  SCapj cj
i¼1 m¼1

80 ! 1 ! ! 9
< X
nC X
nI X
nC X
M =
ProbrP @SrP bim vim XRijk A 
r m m rP
þ ð1  gÞð1  bÞ edi þ edi þ bim vim Xik 0  dk ; ck (22)
: k ;
i¼1 j¼1 m¼1 i¼1 m¼1

3.2.5. Maximum number of facilities constraint connected to a

! facility
There are some other constraints which can satisfy the condition
ð1  bÞ edi þ bim vim XRijk  YIj  YRk þ SrP rP
k  SCapk ; ck
that each intermediate center can be assigned to some specific
number of customer centers. Similarly, each remanufacturing
center or producers is connected with some specific number of
intermediate centers. Moreover, each producer or remanufacturing
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 725

center is responsible to deliver their products to some predefined 4.2. Genetic artificial bee colony algorithm
number of customer centers. These constraints are defined in
Equation (23) to Equation (27). In the original structure of ABC algorithm, each employee bee is
assigned only one food source which can be significant to explore
nC the number of solutions simultaneously in the employee bee phase.
YCi  YIj  NjC ; cj (23)
However, this exploration can further be improved with incorpo-
rating local search scheme for each employee bee. Due to the
complex nature of the current problem, the original ABC is modi-
YIj  YRk  NkI ; ck (24) fied here by adding some steps of genetic algorithm in different
j¼1 phases of ABC algorithm and it is named as genetic artificial bee
colony algorithm (GABC). The proposed GABC is designed for the
nI current close loop supply chain network optimization problem and
YIj  YPk  NkI ; ck (25) it is explained in this section.

nC 4.2.1. Encoding scheme for solution representation
YRk  YCi  NkC ; ck (26) The encoding scheme introduced for the current problem is
indicated in Fig. 2. The solution representation of a food source is
presented in Fig. 2 which gives the complete information of the
location sites for customer centers from the known number of total
YPk  YCi  NkC ; ck (27)
i¼1 site locations. Furthermore, the food source also explains the sites
allocated for intermediate centers, manufacturers or producers.
Moreover, the network information to identify the connection of
customer centers with intermediate centers, connection of inter-
mediate centers with remanufacturers or producers and the
4. Method connection of producers and remanufacturers with different cus-
tomers is also clearly indicated in Fig. 2. As an example, total 10 site
4.1. Artificial bee colony algorithm locations are available from which 6 customer centers, two inter-
mediate centers and two locations are used for remanufacturing
Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is first time proposed be centers, or producers or both can be made on a single location. It
Karaboga (2005). This algorithm is inspired by foraging behavior of can be seen from Fig. 2 that there are two rows in the food source
honey bees. The algorithm is used to explore good quality solutions vector. The numbers in the first 6 elements of the food source
which are represented as a food sources for the employee bees. The vector in the first row indicate the location points to which the
nectar amount of a food source describes the quality of solution customer centers are assigned. For example, the numbers in the
which can be considered as the fitness of the solution candidate. first 6 elements of the first row of food source are 1, 10, 5, 2, 6 and 9.
Three kinds of bees are used in this algorithm. The first half of the These numbers describes the location site from the available loca-
population are employee bees and remaining half is considered as tion sites which are allocated for customer centers. The numbers in
onlooker bees. In the first stage of ABC algorithm, employee bees the next two elements (7 and 8 element) in the first row describe
are sent to the food sources and each employee bee is assigned one the location sites assigned for intermediate centers, i.e., 4 and 7 are
food source. Employee bees find out the nectar amount of the food allocated to intermediate centers. Furthermore, the numbers in
sources assigned to them. The onlooker bees wait in the hive and element 9 and 10 in the first row of the food source vector shows
get the significant information about the food sources with better the location sites assigned to the remanufacturer centers or pro-
nectar amounts from the employee bees. Onlooker bees can decide ducers. The remaining 6 elements in the first row shows the 6
the employee bees to move on which direction for more food customer centers. The second row of the food source vector in-
source search. This is decided by onlooker bees on the basis of dicates the information of the connections between different fa-
nectar amount of the food source. The employee bees which have cilities. For example, the numbers in the first 6 elements in the
no more improvement in their nectar amount can become scouts second row shows the two intermediate centers with which the
bees and they can find a new food source randomly. corresponding customer center is connected. For example, the

Fig. 2. Solution representation for closed loop supply chain netwrok problem.
726 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

Initializing Food Sources

Send Employee Bee Onlooker Bee

Create Neighbors of Each Employee Bee

If No Improvement in Food Source

Select Best Neighbor of Each Employee Bee NO

Update Archive
Send Scout Bee to Create New

Select Parent Food Source

Sorting Food Sources and Update Archive

Mutation Solutions in Archive

Employee Bee Population
New Food Source Population

If Termination Criteria is Satisfied



Fig. 3. Flowchart of proposed GABC algorithm.

numbers 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1 in the first 6 elements of the second row of of the second row in the food source shows that at their corre-
food source vector indicates that the customer centers allocated at sponding location sites, which facility is build, the numbers can be
the location sites 1, 10, 5, 2, 6 and 9 are connected with the inter- 0, 1 and 2 which indicates producers, remanufacturers and both.
mediate center 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 and 1 respectively. The numbers shown in For example, for the elements 9 and 10, the location sites as
element 7 and 8 in the second row of food source vector shows the described in the first row for produces and remanufacturers are 8
connection of the corresponding intermediate centers with the and 3. The corresponding numbers in the second row, i.e., 0 and 1
producer or remanufacturers, i.e., intermediate center at site 4 and shows that at location sites 8 and 3 there is producer and a rema-
site 7 are connected with the remanufacturer or producer 1 and 2 nufacturing centers respectively. The numbers 1 and 2 presented in
respectively. Moreover, the numbers shown in the element 9 and 10 the last 6 elements of the second row of the food source vector
facilities in neighbors of a food sources

1 10 5 2 6 9 4 7 8 3
Different schemes of connection
Same location points for different

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 0
between facilities

1 10 5 2 6 9 4 7 8 3

1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1

1 10 5 2 6 9 4 7 8 3

2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 0

Fig. 4. Neighbor food sources for an employee bee food source.

Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 727

shows first and second facilities from the facilities described in the
element 9 and 10 of the second row. Furthermore, the numbers 1
NECðrÞ ¼
shown in last 6 elements of the second row of the food source gives ðFixed:cos t þ Shipping:cos t þ Prod:cos t þ Holding:cos tÞr
information of the connection of the corresponding facilities with (28)
the respective customers. For example, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1 indicates that
the 6 customer centers i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are connected with the
producer or remanufacturer, (1 and 2 shows the first and second
facility as described in the element 9 and 10, i.e., producer and Update the archive. In proposed GABC, there is a food
remanufacturer respectively). This representation of food sources source archive which stores one best neighbor of each employee
for the current problem is significant and can completely define the bee. The archive size is equal to the employee bee population. After
solution of a problem. The flow chart of the proposed GABC is every cycle, the best neighbor food source of each employee bee
shown in Fig. 3 and the step by step procedure is explained in this obtained is compared with the food source stored in archive and
section. The flowchart of the proposed GABC is indicated in Fig. 3 the best one among them is stored in the archive to update the
and the algorithm is explained in this section. archive.

4.2.2. Initialization of food source population Select parent food source. Two of the best food sources from
In GABC algorithm, the number of food sources initially created the archive are taken from the archive and considered as parent
is equal to the number of employee bees. The initial population of food sources. Tournament selection is used for the selection of
food sources is randomly generated in GABC algorithm to induce parent food sources in GABC algorithm.
diversified solutions in the search space. Crossover. In this step, crossover operation is performed
4.2.3. Sending employee bees between the two parents food sources selected. The crossover
In this step, each employee bee is sent to its corresponding food operation is performed in two steps in GABC algorithm.
source and the corresponding step wise procedure is explained in Step 1: In this step the crossover only occurs in the portion of
this section. food source where the information of location points of the facil-
ities is shown. Order crossover is performed in first step of cross- Create neighbors of food source of each employee bee. over operation in GABC. As an example, Fig. 5 illustrates the first
In the proposed GABC, each food source assigned to an employee step of crossover.
bee creates its E number of food source neighbors. The neighbor of Step 2: In this step, two point crossover operations is performed
an employee bee changes the information of connection schemes of in the offspring food sources obtained in step 1. The crossover only
various facilities while the location sites positions are same for the occurs in the portion of food source where the information of
neighbors of an employee bee. For example, for each employee bee connections between the facilities is described. Fig. 6 shows the
the location sites assigned are same in all neighbors of an employee two point crossover in the offspring food sources obtained in step 1.
bee and the difference only exists in the connections of the facil- Two point crossover is performed in two different positions in the
ities. Fig. 4 illustrates an example of the neighbor food sources of an food source as shown in Fig. 6.
employee bee. This method of creating neighbor food sources is
used for local search of the food sources for each solution of Mutation. In this step, two point swap mutation is per-
assigned locations to the facilities. Food source assigned to each formed in the offspring food source. The swap mutation is sepa-
employee bee have different location points for the facilities while rately performed in the first and second row in the food source to
for each employee bee, the neighbor food sources of the corre- introduce the diversity in the food sources in both location points
sponding employee bee have same location points of facilities and assigned to facilities and the connection schemes of the facilities.
the difference exists in the connection schemes of the facilities. New food source population. New population of food Select best neighbor of each employee bee. In this step, each sources is formed by replacing the worst food sources with the
neighbor of food source of each employee bee is observed and its offspring food sources formed. The new population of food sour-
nectar value is computed. The nectar amount of each food source r ces with their nectar amount information is sent to the onlooker
is obtained from the relation shown in Equation (28). The neighbor bees.
food source of each employee bee which gives maximum nectar is
considered as best food source neighbor of the corresponding
employee bee. 4.2.4. Sending onlooker bees
In this step, onlooker bee observers the nectar of each food
sources received from employee bee phase. The food sources which
Parent 1 Food do not give improvement in the nectar amount are sent to scout
1 10 5 2 6 9 4 7 8 3
Source bees. The food sources are sorted in decreasing order of their nectar
Parent 2 Food amount. The food sources along with the food sources in the
4 6 1 10 5 3 7 2 9 8 archive are sorted and stored in archive from top of the sorted list to
update the archive. The archive size is equal to the number of food
2 9 8 4 6 1 10 5 3 7 employee bees. The food sources in the updated archive are sent to
Offspring 1 the next cycle of the algorithm.
5 3 7 2 6 9 4 8 1 10
Food Source
7 8 3 1 10 5 2 6 9 4
4.2.5. Scout bee
Offspring 2
6 9 4 10 5 3 7 8 1 2 If there is no improvement in a food source, the corresponding
Food Source
bee is considered as a scout bee and its food source is created
Fig. 5. Step 1 Order Crossover between selected parent food sources. randomly.
728 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

5 3 7 2 6 9 4 8 1 10 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 2 1 2 1

6 9 4 10 5 3 7 8 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 2

5 3 7 2 6 9 4 8 1 10 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

6 9 4 10 5 3 7 8 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 1 1 2

Fig. 6. Step 2 Two point crossover in the offspring of Step 1.

Table 1
Effective parameters of the proposed algorithm.

Levels Number of food sources Maximum number of algorithm Cycles Limit number of Cycles for food sources

1 200 400 10
2 300 600 15
3 400 800 20
4 500 1000 25

Table 2
Orthogonal array (OA) for Taguchi design of experiments for the proposed algorithm.

Experiment Level of Parameters

Population Size or Number of food sources Maximum number of algorithm Cycles Limit number of Cycles for food sources

1 1 1 1
2 1 1 2
3 1 2 3
4 1 2 4
5 2 3 1
6 2 3 2
7 2 4 3
8 2 4 4
9 3 1 1
10 3 1 2
11 3 2 3
12 3 2 4
13 4 3 1
14 4 3 2
15 4 4 3
16 4 4 4

5. Experiments and results can produce variation in the results without eliminating those
causes. Set of experiments is used which contains different levels of
5.1. Tuning of algorithm parameters the algorithm parameters. An orthogonal array (OA) of different
level of parameter values is used in Taguchi method to determine
Experiments are performed to investigate the performance of the signal to noise ratio (S/N). S/N ratio is the ratio of the value of
the proposed GABC algorithm in this section. The performance of objective function with the variations in its values. In OA the
an algorithm can be observed from the quality of results and vari- number of columns represents the parameters and the number of
ations in the results it can produce for various problems. Taguchi rows describes the number of experiments. Taguchi experiment is
method (Taguchi et al., 2005) is significant to improve the quality of designed to determine the best level of parameters at which the S/N
the proposed algorithm by minimizing the effects of causes which is maximum i.e., quality of optimizing objective is better with less
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 729

variance. value of objective at level 1 for parameter ‘population size’. Simi-

In the Taguchi design of experiments, the algorithm parameters larly, mean value for parameter ‘population size’ for level 2 is ob-
which can influence the performance of algorithm are determined tained by taking the average of objective values obtained from the
and four levels of each parameter against certain values of the next four experiments. Similar procedure is adopted to get mean of
parameter are assigned. In the proposed GABC algorithm, the each parameter for each level. Later mean of mean objective values
population size of food sources, number of cycles and limit cycles (called mean of means) for each level of each category of problems
are considered as algorithm parameters. is computed. Furthermore, the corresponding value of signal to
Table 1 illustrates the effective algorithm parameters with their noise ratio (S/N) for each objective is also computed using the
different levels for the proposed GABC algorithm. It can be seen relation shown in Equation (29)
from Table 1 that each column of the table indicates different values !
of the parameters and their corresponding levels for each value. For ðmeanÞ2
ðS=NÞNominal ¼ 10 log (29)
example, level 1 represents that the number of food sources in the ðVarianceÞ2
experiment is 200, maximum number of cycles of the algorithm to
run is 400 and the limit cycles is 10 after which an employee bee where, ðmeanÞ2 indicates the mean value of the optimizing objec-
can become a scout bee if there is no improvement in its nectar tive and ðVarianceÞ2 is the variance value in the optimizing objec-
value. tive. S/N values of different problems for each objective is
In the current study, 4 levels for each parameter are considered computed according to the OA and then mean value of S/N of each
and for each level, 4 numbers of experiments are performed. The objective for each level of parameter is computed. Later, mean value
current set of experiments is used to test 16 experiments contain- of S/N values (called mean of S/N) for each level of each category of
ing 4 levels and 3 different parameters. Table 2 indicates orthogonal problem is computed. The data for small and large problem is
array (OA) for the Taguchi design of experiments for the proposed presented here. The data of the small category of facility location
algorithm. In Table 2, each row indicates the level of factors which problem is obtained from the facility location problem proposed by
are considered in each experiment and each column represent a Daskin (1995) with some modifications in their input data to use in
specific level for that parameter and it has different value in each the current problem. The problem description of the small and
experiment. large size problem are indicated in this section.
The proposed GABC is tested on two problems categorized on
different sizes on the basis of the number of facilities and demand
of new and quantity of returned products in these problems. This 5.1.1. Small problem
categorization of problems into different sizes might be significant For small size problem, 12 nodes are considered as possible
to accurately measure noise (or variation in the quality of results) in location sites for the customer centers, intermediate centers, pro-
each category of problems. ducers and remanufacturers for the considered problem. The small
In the current experiment, each problem is tested according to problem considered in the current research is used from the
different level of parameter as mentioned in the proposed OA and example of network problem proposed by Daskin (1995). The same
the corresponding values of the objective function is computed. problem data has been used by Zhiqiang and Nathalie (2007) for
Once each problem is tested according to OA set of parameters, the analyzing network design problem in literature. However, they only
mean value of the objective, for each level of each parameter is considered the location points for producers, remanufacturers and
computed for each problem. For example, the mean value of intermediate centers while customer center locations are not
objective for the parameter ‘population size’ is obtained from first considered in their data. Therefore, in the current research, the
four experiments of the OA matrix because they can give mean same example problem and its corresponding data is used and the
data which is missing in the original problem given by Daskin
(1995), is assumed in the current research problem. The data they
used for reverse flows at each facility site including the quantity of
100/50/25/20 200/100/50/40 130/65/32/30 150/75/37/30
returned items, demand of products and fixed costs of facilities is
15/20 10/5 12/40 18/10 used here as such as indicated in Fig. 7. The same problem is
considered here with some additional information including the
fixed cost of the customer center which is assumed and presented
in Fig. 7 for the current problem. The units of cost are not given in
the problem analyzed by Zhiqiang and Nathalie (2007) and in the
current research CNY (Chinese Yuan) are assumed as the unit of all
E 5/2 175/87/43/40

F 24/15 Table 3
Unit transportation cost of products and returned products in CNY (Chinese Yuan)
between different facilities.
Location Sites A B C D E F G H I J K L
190/95/47/30 210/105/52/40 165/82/41/35
A 0 5 15 20 15 30 15 18 27 30 32 37
11/5 16/8 13/7 B 5 0 5 15 10 25 13 15 16 17 18 20
C 15 5 0 10 5 15 20 15 7 18 15 10
D 20 15 10 0 7 5 22 17 10 17 13 8
E 15 10 5 7 0 8 10 5 10 12 14 16
J K L F 30 25 15 5 8 0 20 15 5 18 16 8
G 15 13 20 22 10 20 0 5 10 8 11 20
230/115/57/25 125/62/31/20 215/108/53/40 H 18 15 15 17 5 15 5 0 6 5 8 13
I 27 16 7 10 10 5 10 6 0 8 6 8
22/17 19/10 20/8 J 30 17 18 17 12 18 8 5 8 0 5 10
K 32 18 15 13 14 16 11 8 6 5 0 6
L 37 20 10 8 16 8 20 13 8 10 6 0
Fig. 7. Small example problem data for facility location problem.
730 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

Table 4 four different values of fixed costs and they are underlined, i.e., 100,
Storage capacities of the intermediate centers, producers and remanufacturers. 50, 25 and 20. These costs represents the fixed cost of producers,
Location Sites H I J K L remanufacturers, intermediate centers and customer centers
Capacity of intermediate centers 20 25 30 40 50
respectively if they are located on position A in the network.
Capacity of producers or remanufacturing centers 10 15 20 10 13 Moreover, it is assumed that all the costs included in the current

Table 5
Unit processing cost in different facilities in CNY (Chinese Yuan).

Unit Costs at Facilities Cost CNY (Chinese Yuan)

UCkP unit production cost at producers 25

UCkR unit remanufacturing cost at remanufacturers 10
UCjI unit reprocessing cost in intermediate centers 4
DCjI unit disposal cost in intermediate centers 0.5
DCkR unit remanufacturing disposal cost in remanufacturers 0.5
hk unit holding cost of returned and produced products 0.2
b percentage at which returned products can be disposed of at the intermediate centers 40%
g percentage at which checked returned products can be disposed of at the remanufacturing centers 10%

the costs included in the problem. The numbers underlined above example problem are in CNY (Chinese Yuan). Furthermore, in Fig. 7
the boxes in Fig. 7 are the fixed cost respectively for the four the numbers shown in the boxes represents the estimated average
different type of facilities. For instance, the location position A has demand edi of new products and the estimated average quantity of

130/65/32/30 150/75/37/30
100/50/25/20 T
120/140 108/90
225/140 215/108/53/40


100/50/25/20 200/100/50/40 130/65/32/30 150/75/37/30

150/120 180/250 225/112/56/60 175/87/43/40 180/140 330/210

E 145/120 F 315/255

190/95/47/30 210/105/52/40 165/82/41/35
R 95/46
110/205 110/210 200/300


230/115/57/25 125/62/31/20 300/180

230/120 200/230
S 204/105

Fig. 8. Large size example problem data for facility location problem.
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 731

the returned products edri from the customer, if there is a customer considered problem 20 nodes are considered as possible location
center in that location point. For example, the numbers mentioned points for the customer centers, intermediate centers, producers
in the box which is made at location position A are 15 and 20 which and remanufacturers for the considered problem. The data used for
shows the estimated average demand of the new products and the reverse flows at each facility site including the quantity of returned
estimated average demand of the returned products if the customer items, demand of products and fixed costs of facilities is used here
center is made at the location A in the network. based on the Case company information and it is indicated in Fig. 8.
In the current small example problem there are total 12 sites In Fig. 8, the numbers shown underlined and are written outside
and it is assumed that there are total 7 customer centers, 2 inter- the box represents the fixed cost of facilities. For example, there are
mediate centers and 3 location points are required to assign to four numbers, i.e., 130, 66, 32 and 30 written and underlined
locate the considered facilities. The unit transportation cost of the outside of the location site C. These represents the fixed cost of
new and returned products from one facility location to other fa- producer, remanufacturer, intermediate center and customer cen-
cility location is described in Table 3 and the unit of cost is ter respectively. Similarly, the numbers written in the box repre-
considered in CNY (Chinese Yuan). The demand of new products sents the estimated average demand edi of new products and the
and returned products is uncertain in the current example problem estimated average quantity of the returned products edri from the
and it depends on several factors. It is assumed that there are five customer, if there is a customer center in that location point. For
factorsbim with their values randomly taken in the range of [5, 9] example, there is average estimated demand of 120 products and
and the corresponding weightages vim for each factor is randomly average estimated quantity of the returned products on a customer
taken from the range of [1.5, 3]. The mean value of the demand of center if it is located on the location site C in the network.
new products and mean value of the quantity of the returned There are total 20 sites and the considered company needs to
m m P make total 12 customer centers, 4 intermediate centers and 4
products is calculated from di ¼ ðedi þ M m¼1 bim vim Þ
m m P location points are required to assign to locate the producers or
anddri ¼ ðedri þ M b v
m¼1 im im Þ respectively.
remanufacturers. The unit transportation cost of the new and
The variance in demand of new products and variance in the
returned products from one facility location to other facility loca-
quantity of the returned products is randomly taken from a uniform
  tion is described in Table 6 and the costs are assumed in CNY
m m m m
distribution of 18di ; 14di and 18dri ; 14dri respectively. 90% service (Chinese Yuan). In the current problem, the costs included in the
network are assumed in the proportion of the costs of the case
level is required for all facilities which contains inventory and the company. The transportation cost includes the shipping cost of
corresponding safety stock of the facility is calculated parts which are moved using Trucks and Trailers by road. The de-
fromZ ¼ Saftystockmean
. mand of new products and returned products is uncertain in the
The storage capacity of intermediate centers and remanufac- current example problem and it depends on several factors. It is
turer centers are assumed as 1:5  Safetystock of the facility as assumed that there are five factors bim with their values randomly
shown in Table 4 for each location point, if there is an intermediate taken in the range of [10, 18] and the corresponding weightages vim
center or remanufacturer center on that location point respectively. for each factor is randomly taken from [1, 3]. The mean value of the
Table 5 indicates the other costs related with the product in demand of new products and mean value of the quantity of the
different facilities and values percentage of disposal of returned m m P
returned products is calculated from di ¼ ðedi þ M m¼1 bim vim Þ
products in intermediate centers and remanufacturing centers in rm rm P M
anddi ¼ ðedi þ m¼1 bim vim Þ respectively.
CNY (Chinese Yuan).
The variance in demand of new products and variance in the
quantity of the returned products is randomly taken from a uniform
m m m m
5.1.2. Large problem distribution of 18di ; 14di and 18dri ; 14dri respectively. 90% service
The large problem is made from the supply chain of a small
remanufacturing Case company in China. There are 20 different level is required for all facilities which contains inventory and the
towns which are considered in their network and therefore, in the corresponding safety stock of the facility is calculated

Table 6
Unit transportation cost of products and returned products between different facilities in CNY (Chinese Yuan).

Location Sites A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T

A 0 10 20 25 20 35 10 14 20 20 30 35 40 38 45 45 50 50 53 58
B 10 0 15 17 13 25 12 10 16 25 27 30 30 26 35 40 45 42 48 54
C 20 15 0 10 10 15 22 20 18 30 35 28 24 38 32 32 40 36 45 38
D 25 17 10 0 12 13 30 28 20 32 30 20 10 39 36 24 35 36 40 37
E 20 13 10 12 0 12 15 12 10 28 23 16 15 27 26 27 30 29 36 35
F 35 25 15 13 12 0 27 24 15 34 20 10 10 30 27 20 28 20 30 25
G 10 12 22 30 15 27 0 10 15 10 18 28 35 20 35 53 58 52 58 62
H 14 10 20 28 12 24 10 0 13 12 15 20 30 15 24 32 36 38 40 45
I 20 16 18 20 10 15 15 13 0 15 10 12 20 20 18 27 30 26 30 35
J 20 25 30 32 28 34 10 12 15 0 13 27 50 10 29 54 60 54 58 65
K 30 27 35 30 23 20 18 15 10 13 0 14 35 10 12 30 36 30 25 40
L 35 30 28 20 16 10 28 20 12 27 14 0 20 25 10 20 25 15 25 30
M 40 30 24 10 15 10 35 30 20 50 35 20 0 48 40 14 20 25 37 16
N 38 26 38 39 27 30 20 15 20 10 10 25 48 0 16 40 45 35 28 58
O 45 35 32 36 26 27 35 24 18 29 12 10 40 16 0 30 35 15 10 40
P 45 40 32 24 27 20 53 32 27 54 30 20 14 40 30 0 10 10 25 15
Q 50 45 40 35 30 28 58 36 30 60 36 25 20 45 35 10 0 13 27 13
R 50 42 36 36 29 20 52 38 26 54 30 15 25 35 15 10 13 0 17 20
S 53 48 45 40 36 30 58 40 30 58 25 25 37 28 10 25 27 17 0 40
T 58 54 38 37 35 25 62 45 35 65 40 30 16 58 40 15 13 20 40 0
732 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

Table 7
Storage capacities of the intermediate centers, producers and remanufacturers.

Location Sites M N O P Q R S T

Capacity of intermediate centers 20 25 30 40 50 35 45 23

Capacity of producers or remanufacturing centers 10 15 20 10 13 33 51 24

11600 38
Mean of Means

11400 34

Mean of S/N
11200 32
11000 28
10800 26
10600 22
1 2 3 4 20
Level of Parameters 1 2 3 4
Level of Parameters
population size Cycles Limit Cycles

Fig. 9. Mean of means for small size problem. Population size Cycles Limit Cycles

Fig. 11. Mean of S/N for small size problem.

Mean of Means

49000 39
Mean of S/N

48500 35
47500 25
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Level of Parameters Level of Parameters
Population size Cycles Limit Cycles Population size

Fig. 12. Mean of S/N for large size problem.

Fig. 10. Mean of means for large size problem.

Table 8
fromZ ¼ Saftystockmean
. Optimum level of parameters used for each category of problem.

The storage capacity of intermediate centers and remanufac- Problem Category Optimal level of parameters
turer centers are assumed as 3  Safetystock of the facility as shown Population size Cycles Limit Cycles
in Table 7 for each location point, if there is an intermediate center
Small Size Problem 2 4 4
or remanufacturer center on that location point respectively. The Large Size Problem 3 4 4
other costs related with the product in different facilities and values
percentage of disposal of returned products in intermediate centers
and remanufacturing centers is same as the costs used for large size
level, as indicated in Fig. 10. The mean of S/N values of objective for
problem are same as used for small size problems and presented in
small problem and large problem are indicated in Figs. 11 and 12
Table 5.
respectively. The optimum level of parameters obtained after
Graphical method is used to identify the optimal level of algo-
observing the mean of means and mean of S/N values for each
rithm parameters for the small and large size problem. The opti-
category of problem is illustrated in Table 8.
mum level of parameters for small problem is obtained by
observing mean value of means at each parameter level, as indi-
cated in Fig. 9. The optimum level of parameters for large problem 5.2. Results
is obtained by observing mean value of means at each parameter
In this section, small and large sizes of network optimization
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 733

Close Loop Supply chain Network obtained from GABC

Customer Centers The cost objective and computational time taken by each algorithm
is indicated in Table 9.
Intermediate Centers

Remanufacturers 5.2.1. Results for small problem
It can be seen from Table 9 that proposed GABC algorithm gives
Cost 10900
a close loop supply chain network which have total cost of 10900

Time 1870
CNY (Chinese Yuan) which is less as compared to the close loop
supply chain networks obtained from ABC or GA. This indicates that
the proposed GABC algorithm gives better results in terms of
quality. These results indicate that the close loop supply chain
network which is obtained by GABC require less amount of the total
J K L cost. Moreover, the proposed GABC gives the optimal network by
considering the overall effect of all costs including the fixed cost of
Fig. 13. Closed loop supply chain network for small size problem obtained from GABC. facilities, shipping cost, holding cost and production costs etc. For
instance, the cost of network is 10900 CNY (Chinese Yuan) which is
obtained from the GABC algorithm, while the close loop network
problems are analyzed with the proposed GABC, ABC and GA using formed by ABC and GA algorithms have total costs of 11855 CNY and
the optimal parameter values obtained in the previous section. The 11267 CNY. These results indicate that the close loop network ob-
network solution of the small size problem obtained from GABC, tained from GABC is economical as compared to the networks
ABC and GA algorithm is indicated in Figs. 13, 14 and 15 respectively. formed by ABC and GA algorithm. However, the computational

Close Loop Supply chain Network obtained from ABC Customer Centers

B C D Intermediate Centers


Cost 11855
Time 1092



Fig. 14. Closed loop supply chain network for small size problem obtained from ABC.

Close Loop Supply chain Network obtained from GA Customer Centers

A B C D Intermediate Centers



G H Cost 11267
Time 1817


Fig. 15. Closed loop supply chain network for small size problem obtained from GA.
734 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

Table 9 difference is significant. These results indicate that the proposed

Cost of the network solutions and time taken by algorithms for solution for small GABC is economical to give good quality results as compared to ABC
problem in CNY (Chinese Yuan).
and GA.

Cost (CNY Yuan) 10900 11855 11267 6. Result implementation

Time (Sec) 1870 1092 1817

In this section, the proposed GABC is applied to the closed loop

supply chain problems considering uncertainty in the demand and
time is a little more as compared to ABC and GA. The cost of the quantity of returned products under different scenarios. For small
network has a big difference from the cost of the networks obtained problem the range of [5, 9] for five factors bim with their corre-
from ABC and GA. sponding weightages vim for each factor is randomly taken from
[1.5, 3]. Similarly, for large problems the value of five factors bim are
5.2.2. Results for large problem randomly taken in the range of [10, 18] and the corresponding
The closed loop supply chain network solution for the large weightages vim for each factor is randomly taken from [1, 3]. The
problem obtained from proposed GABC, ABC and GA algorithms is problems tested as based on one particular instant of the demand
indicated in Figs. 16, 17 and 18 respectively. Moreover, the results of and returned products uncertainty. However, demand and quantity
cost and computational time taken by each algorithm for large of returned products is considered randomly in the current
problem is indicated in Table 10. research, therefore to increase the reliability of the network solu-
It can be seen from Table 10 that the close loop network ob- tions for small and large size problem, scenario planning is used.
tained from proposed GABC is economical as compared to the close Different scenarios of demand and returned products are made and
loop network obtained from ABC and GA. The network obtained the considered test problems are solved for each scenario to get a
from GABC is needs 48469 CNY to make an optimal close loop robust solution. The network solution which can give minimum
network based on the considered input data of the problem. The cost of the network and shows less variations in the objective
cost of network obtained from GABC is less as compared to cost function values against all scenarios is considered as robust solu-
needed to build the close loop supply chain network which are tion in the current research. Table 11 illustrates the experiments in
obtained from ABC and GA. These results indicate that in large which different scenarios for demand and returned product un-
problem size, the network obtained from GABC is more economical certainty are prepared for each test problem. The range of demand
to make as compared to the close loop supply chain network ob- and returned products is considered here into three different cases
tained from ABC and GA. However, the computational time taken of values of the variations, i.e., small, medium and large values of
by proposed GABC is little more as compared to ABC and GA. The variations. Moreover, in each size of variations, there are three
difference in computational time is not significant but the cost different values of the range of variations, i.e., small range of

Close Loop Supply chain Network obtained from GABC

Customer Centers
Cost 48469
Time 1857
Intermediate Centers








Fig. 16. Closed loop supply chain network for large size problem obtained from GABC.
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 735

Close Loop Supply chain Network obtained from ABC

Customer Centers Cost 50363

Time 1453
Intermediate Centers

Remanufacturers D T






Fig. 17. Closed loop supply chain network for large size problem obtained from ABC.

variations, medium range of variations and large range of varia- network which is obtained from GABC is less than the cost obtained
tions. Furthermore, for each category of problem, ten different from ABC and GA. The total cost of network includes the fixed costs
scenarios of each small and large size problem are tested. of facilities, the holding costs, shipping costs and production costs.
The results of the objective function values and CPU time for Therefore, the network obtained from GABC is better in quality as
each category of problems for small problem among ten scenarios compared to the network obtained from ABC and GA. Moreover, the
is obtained and illustrated in box plots as indicated in Figs. 19, 20 CPU time difference is also small and not much significant. The
and 21 respectively. Furthermore, the results of objective function difference between the objective function and computation time
values and CPU time for each category of problems for large increases as the variations in the demand increases from small to
problem among ten scenarios is obtained and illustrated in box plot medium and from medium to large. Furthermore, for small and
in Figs. 22, 23 and 24 respectively. medium variations in demand, the objective function value of the
small problem is not much variable and variations in the objective
function values is small as compared to the ABC and GA algorithm.
6.1. Small problem with small demand
These small variations can show that the optimal network is ob-
tained from GABC remains better as compared to the network ob-
The small size problem with small size of demand with different
tained from ABC and GA even there are changes in the demand
ranges of demand variations is considered here and the total cost of
occurs in the network. Therefore, it can show that the network
the network against different demand scenarios is indicated in
obtained from GABC algorithm can cope with the demand varia-
Fig. 19. It can be seen from Fig. 19 that for small problem, when the
tions better as compared to the network obtained from ABC and GA
variations in demand increases from small to medium and from
and this shows the better robust performance of the network ob-
medium to large variation, the objective function value i.e., total
tained form GABC as compared to ABC and GA. However, for large
cost of the network, increases. Moreover, the objective value ob-
variations in demand, there is more variations in the objective
tained from GABC is smaller as compared to the objective function
function obtained from GABC as compared to ABC and GA. These
values obtained from ABC and GA when there is small and medium
results indicate that when there is small variation and medium size
variations in demand. However, for large variations in demand, the
variation in demand, the proposed GABC algorithm can give the
objective function obtained from GA is less as compared to GABC
closed loop supply chain network with consistence value of the
and ABC but their difference is very small. Moreover, the CPU time
total cost. These results indicate that the proposed GABC algorithm
taken by GA is less than both GABC and ABC for small range, me-
gives more robust solution results as compared to ABC and GA,
dium range and large range of variations in demand but the dif-
when there are small and medium size variations in demand.
ference in CPU time is not significant. For small range of variations
However, when the variations in demand is large, the proposed
in demand, GABC performs better as compared to both ABC and GA
GABC algorithms is not significantly robust.
in terms of solution quality and computation i.e., the cost of
736 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

Close Loop Supply chain Network obtained from GA

Customer Centers Cost 50725

Time 1663
Intermediate Centers





Fig. 18. Closed loop supply chain network for large size problem obtained from GA.

Table 10 problem, when the variation in demand increases from small to

Cost of the network solution and time taken by algorithms for solution for large medium and from medium to large variation, the objective function
problem CNY (Chinese Yuan).
value is increases, this indicates that the cost of the network in-
GABC ABC GA creases as the variation in demand increases. Moreover, the
Cost (CNY Yuan) 48469 50363 50725 objective value obtained from GABC is smaller as compared to the
Time (Sec) 1857 1453 1663 values obtained from ABC and GA when there are small variation,
medium variation and large variation in demand. The network
obtained from GABC gives smaller value of the total cost of the
6.2. Small problem with medium demand network as compared to ABC and GA for different range of varia-
tions in demand. These results indicate that the GABC gives optimal
The small size problem with medium size of demand with network with smaller value of total cost. Moreover, the network
different ranges of demand variations is considered here and the obtained from GABC is better even the demand variations consid-
total cost of the network against different demand scenarios is ered are in small, medium or in large range. These results indicate
indicated in Fig. 20. It can be seen from Fig. 20 that for small that the network obtained from GABC is robust to give consistent

Table 11
Scenario of different problems containing different value and range of uncertain demand and returned products.

Problem Category Number of Test Scenarios Small Problem Large Problem

Range of variables Range of variables

vim bim vim bim

Small demand variation with small range 10 [5, 10] [1.5, 3] [10, 12] [1, 3]
Small demand variation with medium range 10 [5, 20] [1.5, 6] [10, 24] [1, 6]
Small demand variation with large range 10 [5, 30] [1.5, 9] [10, 36] [1, 9]
Medium demand variation with small range 10 [15, 10] [2, 3] [20, 12] [1.5, 3]
Medium demand variation with medium range 10 [15, 20] [2, 6] [20, 24] [1.5, 6]
Medium demand variation with large range 10 [15, 30] [2, 9] [20, 36] [1.5, 9]
Large demand variation with small range 10 [25, 10] [2.5, 3] [30, 12] [2, 3]
Large demand variation with medium range 10 [25, 20] [2.5, 6] [30, 24] [2, 6]
Large demand variation with large range 10 [25, 30] [2.5, 9] [30, 36] [2, 9]
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 737

Small problem& Small demand
x 10
4 GA 26

Objective Value


CPU Time
2.5 GABC
GA 20





Small Medium Large Small Medium Large

variation variation variation variation variation variation

Fig. 19. Total cost of the network against different demand scenarios for small problem with small demand.

Small problem & Medium demand

x 10


GA 30
9 GA

Objective Value

CPU Time



5 GA


3 16

2 GA

1 12

Small Medium Large Small Medium Large

variation variation variation variation variation variation

Fig. 20. Total cost of the network against different demand scenarios of small problem with medium demand.

performance based on the total cost of the network as compared to comparable with the CPU time taken by ABC and GA. For small
ABC and GA. Furthermore, the CPU time taken by GABC for small range of variations in demand, medium range and large range of
range of demand, medium range and large range of demand, is demand variations GABC performs better as compared to both ABC
738 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

Small problem& Large demand
x 10

6 ABC 32


Objective Value


CPU Time


3 18




Small Medium Large Small Medium Large

variation variation variation variation variation variation

Fig. 21. Total cost of the network against different demand scenarios of small problem with large demand.

Large problem &Small demand
x 10




Objective Value

CPU Time






Small Medium Large Small Medium Large

variation variation variation variation variation variation
Fig. 22. Total cost of the network against different demand scenarios of large problem with small demand.

and GA in terms of solution quality, i.e., the total cost of the network the better stability of the results obtained from GABC. Furthermore,
obtained from GABC is smaller as compared to the network ob- it can be seen from Fig. 20 that the proposed GABC algorithm gives
tained from ABC and GA. Furthermore, there is less variations in the less variations in the objective function value when there is change
CPU time and objective values obtained from GABC which indicates in the range of variations in demand. These less variations in the
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 739

4 Large problem & Medium demand

x 10
7 12.1

6.5 12

6 11.9

Objective Value



CPU Time


ABC 11.6
3.5 GA



Small Medium Large Small Medium Large

variation variation variation variation variation variation

Fig. 23. Total cost of the network against different demand scenarios of large problem with medium demand.

x 10
Large problem & Large demand
10 ABC



Objective Value

CPU Time



2 12.2

1 12

Small Medium Large Small Medium Large

variation variation variation variation variation variation
Fig. 24. Total cost of the network against different demand scenarios of large problem with large demand.

objective function, i.e., total cost of network, indicate that the consistently gives the optimal network even there are changes in
network obtained from GABC gives consistent results and the demand. Moreover, the network obtained from GABC can cope
740 Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742

with the uncertain variations in demand with total network cost as GA. These results indicate the robustness of the results obtained
minimum as compared to network obtained from ABC and GA. from GABC is better as compared to ABC and GA. When the varia-
These results indicate that the proposed GABC algorithm gives tions in demand increases to large, the variations in the objective
more robust solutions as compared to both ABC and GA and gives function values obtained from GABC, ABC and GA also increases.
less variations in the total cost of the network. These results indicate that for large variations in demand, the so-
lutions given by GABC, ABC and GA are not significantly robust but
6.3. Small problem with large demand compared to ABC and GA, GABC is relatively gives less variations in
objective function when there is large variations in demand.
The small size problem with large size of demand with different Furthermore, the CPU time taken by GABC for small range of de-
ranges of demand variations is considered here and the total cost of mand, medium range and large range of demand, is comparable
the network against different demand scenarios of the problem are with the CPU time taken by ABC and GA and there is no much
indicated in Fig. 21. It can be seen from Fig. 21 that for small difference in CPU time for GABC, ABC and GA for small, medium and
problem, when the variation in demand increases from small to large variations in demand problem scenarios.
medium and from medium to large variation, the objective function
value is increases, this indicates that the cost of the network in-
creases as the variation in demand increases. Moreover, the 6.5. Large problem with medium demand
objective value obtained from GABC is smaller as compared to the
values obtained from ABC and GA when there are small variations The large size problem with medium size of demand with
in demand. Whereas, the objective function value obtained from different ranges of demand variations is considered and the total
GABC is comparable with ABC and GA for medium variation and cost of the network against different demand scenarios of the
large variation in demand. The total cost of network obtained from problem are indicated in Fig. 23. It can be seen from Fig. 23 that for
GABC is smaller as compared to the network obtained from ABC large problem, when the variation in demand increases from small
and GA when there are small variations in the demand, which in- to medium and from medium to large variation, the objective
dicates that GABC gives better results in terms of solution quality as function value is increases, this indicates that the cost of the
compared to ABC and GA. Furthermore, the CPU time taken by network increases as the variation in demand increases. Moreover,
GABC for small range of demand, medium range and large range of the objective value obtained from GABC is smaller as compared to
demand, is comparable with the CPU time taken by ABC and GA and the values obtained from ABC and GA for problems with small
there is no much difference in CPU time for GABC, ABC and GA for variation. However, there is small difference in the objective value
small, medium and large variations in demand problem scenarios. obtained from GABC, ABC and GA for the scenario with medium and
It can be seen from Fig. 21 that there is less variations in the large variations in demand. Moreover, the objective function values
objective function value obtained from GABC algorithm when there obtained from GABC gives less variations as compared to the vari-
is small and medium size variations in the demand as compared to ations in total cost of network obtained from ABC and GA when the
ABC and GA. These results indicate that the proposed GABC algo- variations in demand increases from small, medium and large
rithm gives the network which has smaller value of the total variations. These results indicate better robustness of the solutions
network cost as compared to ABC and GA even there are changes in in terms of the total cost of network obtained from GABC as
the demand. This shows that the network obtained from GABC compared to ABC and GA. Furthermore, the CPU time taken by GA
gives more robust solutions as compared to both ABC and the total for small range of demand, medium range and large range of de-
cost of the network is not changing even there is variations in the mand, is smaller but comparable with the CPU time taken by GABC
demand in small or medium range. However, as the size of varia- and ABC and there is no much difference in CPU time for GABC, ABC
tions increases to large size variations, the objective function values and GA for small, medium and large variations in demand problem
obtained from GABC, ABC and GA shows large variations. These scenarios.
results indicate that the total cost of the network obtained from
GABC, ABC and GA varies in large range as the demand varies in
large range. The robustness of the results obtained from GABC is 6.6. Large problem with large demand
better than ABC and GA in terms of the total cost of network when
there is small size and medium size variations in the demand. The large size problem with large size of demand with different
ranges of demand variations is considered and the total cost of the
6.4. Large problem with small demand network against different demand scenarios of the problem are
indicated in Fig. 24. It can be seen from Fig. 24 the objective value,
The large size problem with small size of demand with different i.e., total cost of the network, obtained from GABC is smaller as
ranges of demand variations is considered and the total cost of the compared to the values obtained from ABC and GA for problems
network against different scenarios of demand are indicated in with the problem scenarios with small variation. The objective
Fig. 22. It can be seen from Fig. 22 that for large problem, when the function value obtained from GABC is smaller and also there are less
variations in demand increases from small to medium and from variations in the objective function values for the solutions given by
medium to large variation, the objective function value is increases, GABC as compared to the objective function values obtained from
this indicates that the cost of the network increases as the variation ABC and GA for small, medium and large size variations in demand.
in demand increases. Moreover, the objective value, i.e., total cost of These results indicate that the results obtained from GABC gives
the network, obtained from GABC is smaller as compared to the more optimal closed loop supply chain network and the total
values obtained from ABC and GA for problems with small variation network cost is robust, ie., total network cost is not changing in
and medium range of variations. However, there is small difference large range when there is uncertain change in demand. Further-
in the objective value obtained from GABC, ABC and GA for the more, the CPU time taken by GA for small range of demand, me-
scenario with large variations in demand. Furthermore, there is dium range and large range of demand, is smaller but comparable
small variations in the objective function obtained from GABC al- with the CPU time taken by GABC and ABC and there is no much
gorithm when there is small and medium size variations in demand difference in CPU time for GABC, ABC and GA for small, medium and
compared to the objective function values obtained from ABC and large variations in demand problem scenarios.
Y.Y. Cui et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 162 (2017) 717e742 741

7. Conclusion the robustness of the proposed GABC and its significance to

implement to determine optimal closed loop supply chain network
In recent years, the manufacturing companies are trying to for the products which have different range of demand variations.
reuse and remanufacture their products due to environmental The proposed GABC can give robust results of the optimized
concerns to reduce pollution due to end of life products. Current network which can be implemented under different demand
research proposed a facility location optimization problem of variations.
closed loop supply chain. The proposed closed loop supply chain In the current research, the transportation capacity is not
network is composed of customer centers, intermediate centers, considered which can also influence the total cost of network. In
producers and remanufacturers. In the current research, the de- future, the closed loop supply chain model integrating the trans-
mand of new products and returned products from different cus- portation times with transportation capacity in facilities can be
tomers is considered uncertain and assumed to vary randomly. A incorporated and to deal with uncertainty in demand of new
mixed integer programing model is proposed with an aim to products and uncertainty in quantity and quality of the returned
minimize total cost of the network including fixed cost of facilities, products using robust optimization methods. Furthermore, the
shipping cost (i.e., the collection cost) of the products between reliability of the closed loop supply chain network in terms of better
different facilities, holding cost (i.e., storage cost) of inventory of service level and the total cost of network can be simultaneously
new and returned products in different facilities and production considered to optimize using Pareto optimization concepts in
cost (i.e., manufacturing and remanufacturing cost). Moreover, future.
safety stock levels of new and returned products and the service
level and some additional constraints are considered in the pro- Acknowledgements
posed model.
A new genetic artificial bee colony (GABC) algorithm is pre- This work has been supported by MOST (Ministry of Science &
sented for the current research problem and a new food source Technology of China) the Funds for International Cooperation and
representation for the current problem is introduced. The proposed Exchange of the National Natural Science Foundation of China
GABC algorithm considered neighbor food source creation for the (No.51561125002), the National Natural Science Foundation of
local search and used crossover and mutation concepts of genetic China (No. 51275190, 51575211, 71131004, 71471071), and the
algorithm to improve the exploration ability of the proposed GABC Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (HUST:
algorithm. Two different size of test problems i.e., small and large, 2014TS038).
are used to test the performance of GABC algorithm. Small problem
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