110307-4 - Drainage Report86187

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ACOE Application # DEP/WMD Application # _________________________

Date Application Received Date Application Received _______________ _______
Proposed Project Lat. ° ‘ “ Fee Received $ _________________________________
Proposed Project Long. ° ‘ “ Fee Receipt # ___________________________________


Are any of the activities described in this application proposed to occur in, on, or over wetlands or other
surface waters? X yes no

Is this application being filed by or on behalf of a government entity or drainage district?

yes X no

A. Type of Environmental Resource (check at least one)

Noticed General - include information requested in Section B.

Standard General (Single Family Dwelling)-include information requested in Sections C and D.
X Standard General (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E.
Individual (Single Family Dwelling) - include information requested in Sections C and D.
Individual (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E.
Conceptual - include information requested in Sections C and E.
Mitigation Bank Permit (construction) - include information requested in Sections C and F.
( If the proposed mitigation bank involves the construction of a surface water management system requiring
another permit defined above, check the appropriate box and submit the information requested by the
applicable section. )
Mitigation Bank (conceptual) - include information requested in Sections C and F.

B. Type of activity for which you are applying (check at least one)

Construction or operation of a new system including dredging or filling in, on or over wetlands and
other surface waters.
Alteration and operation of an existing system which was not previously permitted by a WMD or DEP.
X Modification of a system previously permitted by a WMD or DEP. Provide previous permit numbers:
SFWMD Permit No. 48-00714-S, Appl. Nos. 940609-1 and 000912-14
X Alteration of a system Extension of permit duration Abandonment of a system
Construction of additional phases of a system Removal of a system

C. Are you requesting authorization to use State Owned Lands? yes X no

(If yes include the information requested in Section G.)

D. For activities in, on or over wetlands or other surface waters, check type of federal dredge and
fill permit requested:
Individual Programmatic General
General X Nationwide Not Applicable

E. Are you claiming to qualify for an exemption? yes X no

If yes provide rule number if known .

Page 1 of 4

NAME Jim Durham NAME Kathryn B. Kolbo, P.E.

ADDRESS P.O. Box 10000 ADDRESS 1900 Hotel Plaza Boulevard, P.O Box 10170

CITY, STATE, ZIP Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830 CITY, STATE, ZIP Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-0170

COMPANY AND TITLE COMPANY AND TITLE Reedy Creek Improvement District
Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. – Planning and Engineering Manager
Vice President

TELEPHONE (407) 827-4173 FAX TELEPHONE ( 407 ) 828-2250 FAX ( 407 ) 828-2560


NAME NAME Brian Forster, P.E.


ADDRESS ADDRESS 482 South Keller Road


TELEPHONE () FAX () TELEPHONE ( 407 ) 647-7275 FAX ( 407 ) 647-0551

Name of project, including phase if applicable Project 2011-1

Is this application for part of a multi-phase project? yes X no
Total applicant-owned area contiguous to the project 27,544 ac
Total project area for which a permit is sought 14.80 ac
Impervious area for which a permit is sought 6.28 ac
What is the total area (metric equivalent for federally funded projects) of work in, on, or over wetlands or other
surface waters?
0.99 (SW) 0.28 (WT) = 1.27 acres square feet hectares square meters
Number of new boat slips proposed. 0_____

Project location (use additional sheets, if needed)

County(ies) Orange__________________________________________________________
Section(s) 11, 1 Township 24S Range _ 27E _
Land Grant name, if applicable N/A__________________________ _
Tax Parcel Identification Number 11-24-27-0000-00-002, 11-24-27-0000-00-005, 11-24-27-0000-00-004___
Street address, road, or other location 4401 Floridian Way _ __
City, Zip Code if applicable Bay Lake, FL 32830__ __ ___

Page 2 of 4
Describe in general terms the proposed project, system, or activity.

Construct a surface water management system consisting of five (5) dry detention ponds and one (1) wet
detention pond to serve a 13.10-acre project. Proposed improvements include a building with associated
parking areas and utilities. The project will also construct 1.70 acres of 100-year floodplain compensation
areas, for a total project area of 14.80 acres.

If there have been any pre-application meetings, including at the project site, with regulatory staff, please list
the date(s), location(s), and names of key staff and project representatives.
N/A __________________________________

Please identify by number any MSSW/Wetland resource/ERP/ACOE Permits pending, issued or denied for
projects at the location and any related enforcement actions.

Agency Date No.\Type of Application Action Taken

ACOE 11/15/90 199101901 Issued
SFWMD 09/10/92 48-00714-S (Conceptual MSSW) Issued for Appl. No. 920205-9
SFWMD 07/27/94 48-00714-S (MSSW, Permit Mod.) Issued for Appl. No. 940609-1
SFWMD 12/15/00 48-00714-S (ERP, Permit Mod.) Issued for Appl. No. 000912-14

Note: The following information is required only for projects proposed to occur in, on or over wetlands that
need a federal dredge and fill permit and/or authorization to use state owned submerged lands and is not
necessary when applying solely for an Environmental Resource Permit. Please provide the names, addresses
and zip codes of property owners whose property directly adjoins the project (excluding applicant). Please
attach a plan view showing the owner's names and adjoining property lines. Attach additional sheets if
necessary. N/A

1. 2. ________________________________________

_______________________________________ _

__________________________________ _____ _

3. 4. __________________________________________



Page 3 of 4
Environmental Resource Permit Notice of Receipt of Application

This information is required in addition to that required in other sections of the application. Please submit five copies of this notice of receipt of
application and all attachments with the other required information. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL INFORMATION ON PAPER NO LARGER THAN
2' x 3'.

Project Name: Project 2011-1 __________________________________ _____

County: Orange _______________________________ ___
Owner: Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.
Applicant: Reedy Creek Improvement District ______ ____
Applicant's Address: 1900 Hotel Plaza Boulevard, P.O Box 10170 ____
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-0170 _____

1. Indicate the project boundaries on a USGS quadrangle map. Attach a location map showing the boundary of the proposed activity.
The map should also contain a north arrow and a graphic scale; show Section(s), Township(s), and Range(s); and must be of
sufficient detail to allow a person unfamiliar with the site to find it. Attached

2. Provide the names of all wetlands, or other surface waters that would be dredged, filled, impounded, diverted, drained, or would
receive discharge (either directly or indirectly), or would otherwise be impacted by the proposed activity, and specify if they are in an
Outstanding Florida Water or Aquatic Preserve: An impact to Wetland 3.2A will be taken with this application to construct
Compensating Storage Site 2. Discharge to Reedy Creek (Class III) via surface water management ponds, wetland systems
and Reedy Creek Improvement District L-405A Canal.

3. Attach a depiction (plan and section views), which clearly shows the works or other facilities proposed to be constructed. Use multiple
sheets, if necessary. Use a scale sufficient to show the location and type of works. Attached

4. Briefly describe the proposed project (such as "construct a deck with boatshelter", "replace two existing culverts", "construct surface
water management system to serve 150 acre residential development"): Construct surface water management system
consisting of five (5) dry detention ponds and one (1) wet detention pond to serve a 13.10-acre project. The project will also
construct 1.70 acres of 100-year floodplain compensation areas, for a total project area of 14.80 acres.

5. Specify the acreage of wetlands or other surface waters, if any, that are proposed to be disturbed, filled, excavated, or otherwise
impacted by the proposed activity: A previously permitted 0.28 acre impact to Wetland 3.2A will be taken with this application
to construct Compensating Storage Site 2. 0.99 acre of surface waters (Seven Seas Lagoon) are proposed to be filled but
have not been previously permitted for impact.

6. Provide a brief statement describing any proposed mitigation for impacts to wetlands and other surface waters (attach additional
sheets if necessary): Mitigation is not required for the wetland impact since it was previously permitted. Mitigation is not
required for the proposed impacts to surface waters.


Application Name:
Application Number: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Application where the application can be inspected: __________________________________________________________________

Page 1 of 1

Part 1
PROJECT 2011-1
Orange County, Florida

Application to SFWMD for Environmental Resource Permit Modification

Project Summary

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. is seeking Construction Permit Approval for 14.80 acres of
proposed improvements in Section 11, Township 24 South, Range 27 East, in Orange County, Florida.
The project area is 13.10 acres and is located adjacent to and south of south of Disney’s Grand Floridian
Resort feature swimming pool and bar facilities on the west shore of Seven Seas Lagoon. Improvements
proposed with this application include a new building, an access roadway, parking areas, hardscape,
landscape and irrigation, utilities and surface water management system. The project will also include
1.70 acres of 100-year floodplain compensation areas for floodplain impacts caused by construction of the
proposed building, for a total project area of 14.80 acres.

Water quality treatment for Project 2011-1 will be provided in five (5) proposed dry detention stormwater
ponds and one (1) proposed wet detention stormwater pond. The proposed system of dry detention ponds
(Ponds 1 - 5) will provide 0.75 inch or greater of water quality treatment to its combined drainage basin.
The site of the proposed building contains two (2) existing interconnected dry detention stormwater ponds
which serve a 1.56-acre basin for the aforementioned feature pool and bar facilities (SFWMD Permit No.
48-00714-S, Application No. 000912-14, Grand Floridian Pool Feature). These existing ponds will be
eliminated with the proposed building construction, but the proposed dry detention pond system will
continue to provide treatment for the 1.56-acre pool facilities basin.

The proposed wet detention pond (Pond 6) will provide 1 inch or greater of water quality treatment to its
drainage basin. The site of the proposed parking lot contains an existing parking lot and wet detention
stormwater pond as part of a 4.73-acre basin for Disney’s Wedding Pavilion and associated parking lot
(SFWMD Permit No. 48-00714-S, Application No. 940609-1, Disney Wedding Chapel). The existing
wet detention pond will be relocated to the south end of the 13.10-acre project area and expanded to
provide treatment for the proposed parking lot and the reconfigured Wedding Pavilion parking lot, in
addition to the remaining Wedding Pavilion facilities building and paved drop-off.

Compensating storage for the proposed encroachment into the 100-year floodplain of Seven Seas Lagoon
will be provided in two (2) areas totaling 1.70 acres (100-Year Floodplain Compensation Sites 1 and 2)
east of the main project site and immediately adjacent to Bay Lake, which is interconnected with Seven
Seas Lagoon.

The attached SFWMD Environmental Resource Permit Application is for Construction Approval of the
proposed surface water management system for Project 2011-1. The following required technical
information about the project is provided in the format listed in Section E of Form 0971 “Joint
Application for Environmental Resources Permit / Authorized to Use State Owned Submerged Lands /
Federal Dredge and Fill Permit”.


Please provide the information requested below of the proposed project requires either a standard
general, individual, or conceptual approval environmental resource permit, and is not related to an
individual, single family dwelling unit, duplex or quadraplex. The information listed below
represents the level of information that is usually required to evaluate an application. The level of
information required for a specific project will vary depending on the nature and location of the
site and the activity proposed. Conceptual approval permits generally do not require the same level
of detail as a construction permit, however, providing a greater level of detail will reduce the need
to submit additional information at a later date. If an item does not apply to your project, proceed
to the next item. Please submit all information on paper no larger than 24” x 36”.

A. Location Map

Provide a map (s) of the project area and vicinity delineating USDA/SCS soil types.

Aerial-based location maps and soils maps of the main project site and the two floodplain compensation
sites are provided in Section 8 of this report.

The SCS soil types within the main project area are:

1 - Arents, Nearly Level

34 - Pomello Fine Sand, 0 to 5 Percent Slopes

The SCS soil types within the Floodplain Compensation Site 1 project area are:

1 - Arents, Nearly Level

The SCS soil types within the Floodplain Compensation Site 2 project area are:

41 - Samsula-Hontoon, Depressional
50 - Urban Land
99 - Water

B. Aerial Photograph

Provide recent aerials, legible for photointerpretation with a scale of 1” = 400 ft, or more detailed,
with project boundaries delineated on the aerial.

Aerial photographs of the three project sites are provided in Section 8.

C. Water Levels of On-Site Water Bodies

Identify the seasonal high water or mean high tide elevation and normal pool or mean low tide
elevation for each on site wetland or surface water, including receiving waters into which runoff

will be discharged. Include dates, datum, and methods used to determine these elevations.

The normal water level (NWL) of Seven Seas Lagoon adjacent to the main project site is elevation 94.5.
The NWL of Bay Lake adjacent to the floodplain compensation sites is also 94.5. The control elevation
of the existing onsite dry detention ponds serving the feature pool and bar facilities is elevation 95.5. The
NWL of the existing wet detention pond serving the Wedding Pavilion area is 94.0. The NWL of the
existing Magnolia Golf Course Pond west of the site and connected to the Reedy Creek Improvement
District (RCID) L-405A Canal is 90.4. All elevations are in feet, National Geodetic Vertical Datum of
1929 (NGVD 29).

D. Wet Season High Water Tables

Identify the wet season high water tables at the locations representative of the entire project site.
Include dates, datum, and methods used to determine these elevations.

Groundwater level measurements were made in 8 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings and 17 auger
borings at the main project site by Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) in May and September 2010,
and presented in their report entitled “Design Level Geotechnical Services, Project 2011-1, PSI Project
No. 0757425” dated December 13, 2010. As concluded by PSI in their report, groundwater levels in the
soil at the main project site are expected to be at or slightly above Seven Seas Lagoon NWL elevation
94.5 for most of the year.

A copy of PSI’s report is included in Appendix E. All elevations are in feet, NGVD 29.


Part 2
A. Wildlife Surveys and Agency Comments

Provide results of any wildlife surveys that have been conducted on the site, and provide any
comments pertaining to the project from the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Clearing and grubbing activities for site development may impact gopher tortoise habitat. As per special
condition #19 of Permit No. 48-00714-S:

"This permit conceptually authorizes impacting the habitat of such species within development
areas, provided that the FGFWFC has confirmed, or hereafter does confirm either by permit,
letter or agreement, whichever is required, that impacting the habitat of such species:

A) Does not jeopardize the continued existence of that species; or

B) Has been adequately mitigated pursuant to the rules or criteria of the FGFWFC, utilizing on-
site, off-site or other forms of mitigation allowed by the FGFWFC."

A "Permit for the Taking of Gopher Tortoises and Their Burrows", # OSC-4, has been issued by the
Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission (FGFWFC) to Disney Development Company, dated
November 12, 1992.

B. On-Site Wetlands and Surface Waters Preservation

Provide a description of how water quantity, quality, hydroperiod, and habitat will be maintained
in on-site wetlands and other surface waters that will be preserved or will remain undisturbed.

A 0.28-acre impact to Wetland 3.2A is being proposed with this application to construct Compensating
Storage Site 2. 1.38 acres of Wetland 3.2A was previously permitted for impact.

Seven Seas Lagoon within the project limits of the main project site is considered a SFWMD
jurisdictional waterbody. The proposed 0.99-acre fill impact to Seven Seas Lagoon for construction of
the site is a new impact being sought with this permit.

C. Mitigation Plans

Provide a narrative description of any proposed mitigation plans, including purpose,

maintenance, monitoring, and construction sequence and techniques, and estimated costs.

The 0.28-acre impact to Wetland 3.2A was previously permitted for impact, therefore, mitigation plans
are not required. Also, impacts to jurisdictional waterbodies do not require mitigation. Therefore, this
section is not applicable.

D. Determination of Wetlands and Surface Water Boundaries

Describe how boundaries of wetlands or other surface waters were determined. If there has ever
been a jurisdictional declaratory statement, a formal wetland determination, a formal
determination, a validated informal determination, or a revalidated jurisdictional determination,
provide the identifying number.

II - 1
There are no wetlands surrounding or within the main project site. The wetlands south of Floodplain
Compensation Sites 1 and 2 were delineated with Permit No. 48-00714-S, Application No. 920205-9.

E. Impact Summary Tables

1. For all projects, complete Table 1, 2 and 3 as applicable.

A revised Table 11 (Accounting System for Tracking SFWMD Permitted Wetland Impacts)
reflecting the proposed wetland impact, is included in Appendix F.

2. For docking facilities or other structures constructed over wetlands or other surface
waters, provide the information requested in Table 4.


3. For shoreline stabilization projects, provide the information requested in Table 5.


3. For shoreline stabilization projects, provide the information requested in Table 5.


II - 2

Part 3
Provide clear, detailed plans for the system including specifications, plan (overhead) views, cross
sections (with the locations of the cross sections shown on the corresponding plan view), and profile
(longitudinal) views of the proposed project. The plans must be signed and sealed by an
appropriate registered professional as required by law. Plans must include a scale and a north
arrow. These plans should show the following:

A. Project Area Boundary and Total Land Area

Project area boundary and total land area, including distances and orientation from roads or other
land marks;

The Project 2011-1 main site limits of construction consists of 13.10 acres on the west shore of Seven
Seas Lagoon, just northwest of Floridian Way’s intersection with Seven Seas Drive. The main project
area is in Section 11, Township 24 South, Range 27 East, in Orange County, Florida.

The 100-Year Floodplain Compensation Site 1 limits of construction consists of 1.08 acre on the
southwest shore of Bay Lake, just north of World Drive’s intersection with Wilderness Way. Floodplain
Compensation Site 5 is in Section 11, Township 24 South, Range 27 East, in Orange County, Florida.

The 100-Year Floodplain Compensation Site 2 limits of construction consists of 0.62 acre on the
northwest shore of Bay Lake, east of World Drive in Section 1, Township 24 South, Range 27 East, in
Orange County, Florida.

B. Existing Land Use and Cover

Existing land use and land cover (acreage and percentages), and on-site natural communities,
including wetlands and other surface waters, aquatic communities, and uplands. Use the Florida
Land Use Cover & Classification System (FLUCCS)(Level 3) for projects proposed in the South
Florida Water Management District, the St. Johns River Water Management District, and the
Suwannee River Water Management District and use the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) for
projects proposed in the Southwest Florida Water Management District. Also identify each
community with a unique identification number which must be consistent in all exhibits.

The existing land uses and cover types within the main project area are:


The existing land uses and cover types within the Floodplain Compensation Site 1 project area are:


The existing land uses and cover types within the Floodplain Compensation Site 2 project area are:

Support Facilities

Exhibits depicting land uses from RCID’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map for the three
project areas are provided in Section 8.

III - 1
C. Existing Topography

The existing topography extending at least 100 feet off the project area, and including adjacent
wetlands and other surface waters. All topography shall include the location and a description of
known benchmarks, referenced to NGVD. For systems waterward of the mean high water (MHW)
or seasonal high water lines, show water depths, referenced to mean low water (MLW) in tidal
areas or seasonal low water in non-tidal areas, and list the range between MHW and MLW. For
docking facilities, indicate the distance to, location of, and depths of the nearest navigational
channel and access routes to the channel.

Please refer to the attached construction plans for all topographic information. The elevations and
contour lines on the plans are based on NGVD 1929 datum.

D. Floodplain Information

If the project is in the known flood plain of a stream or other water course, identify the flood plain
boundary and approximate flooding elevations; Identify the 100-year flood elevation and floodplain
boundary of any lake, stream or other watercourse located on or adjacent to the site;

A portion of the main project area lies within the 100-year floodplain of Seven Seas Lagoon. The 100-
year floodplain elevation is 95.0 and was obtained from the UNET computer model for RCID’s Master
Drainage Plan Update, May 2008. The volume of the 100-year floodplain of Seven Seas Lagoon within
the project limits prior to this project (i.e., pre-development) is 0.55 acre-feet.

Compensating storage for encroachment into this floodplain volume will be provided in proposed 100-
Year Floodplain Compensation Sites 1 and 2 located on the southwest and northwest shores, respectively,
of Bay Lake, which is interconnected with Seven Seas Lagoon and has the same 100-year flood elevation
of 95.0. Site 1 will provide 0.37 acre-feet of compensation and Site 2 will provide 0.18 acre-feet, for a
total compensation of 0.55 acre-feet. Compensation will be provided at the two sites by excavating
existing ground between elevations 94.5 and 95.0 and creating an open water body connection to Bay
Lake. Please refer to Appendix G for floodplain encroachment and compensating storage calculations.

E. Determination of Wetlands and Surface Water Boundaries

The boundaries of wetlands and other surface waters within the project area. Distinguish those
wetlands and other surface waters that have been delineated by any binding jurisdictional

There are no wetlands surrounding or within the main project site. The wetlands south of Floodplain
Compensation Sites 1 and 2 were delineated with Permit No. 48-00714-S, Application No. 920205-9.

The jurisdictional waterbody adjacent to the main site, Seven Seas Lagoon, was delineated with Permit
No. 48-00714-S, Application No. 920205-9. Please refer to the attached construction plans for
jurisdictional waterbody location. Also, please refer to Appendix F for exhibits delineating the
jurisdictional waterbody.

F. Proposed Land Use and Cover

Proposed land use, land cover and natural communities (acreage and percentages), including

III - 2
wetlands and other surface waters, undisturbed uplands, aquatic communities, impervious
surfaces, and water management areas. Use the same classification system and community
identification number used in III (B) above.

The proposed land uses for Project 2011-1, within the limits of construction of the main site and
Floodplain Compensation Sites 1 and 2 are as follows:

Land Use and Cover Table

Land Use and Cover Type Project Area Percent of Total

Impervious Pavement, Hardscape 4.82 acres 32.6 %
Buildings 1.46 acres 9.9 %
Pervious Open Space 5.08 acres 34.3 %
Waterbody 1 0.45 acres 3.0 %
Water Management 2 2.99 acres 20.2 %
Total Area (This Application) 14.80 acres 100.0 %

Seven Seas Lagoon remaining within limits of construction of main project site.
Dry detention bottom areas, wet detention water surface areas, and Floodplain
Compensation Sites 1 and 2.

G. Wetlands and Surface Waters Impacts

Proposed impacts to wetlands and other surface waters, and any proposed connections/outfalls to
other surface waters or wetlands;

A 0.28-acre impact to Wetland 3.2A is being proposed with this application to construct Compensating
Storage Site 2. 1.38 acres of Wetland 3.2A was previously permitted for impact.

Seven Seas Lagoon within the main project site project limits is considered a SFWMD jurisdictional
waterbody. An area of 0.99 acre of Seven Seas Lagoon is proposed to be impacted by fill with this
project and is a new impact being sought with this permit.

Wetland and waterbody impact exhibits and a Revised Table 11 (Accounting System for Tracking
SFWMD Permitted Wetland Impacts) reflecting the proposed waterbody impact is included in Appendix

H. Proposed Buffer Zones

There are no wetlands surrounding or within the main project site. However, a minimum 15-foot, average
25-foot buffer will be maintained adjacent to Wetland 7.1F1, south of Floodplain Compensation Site 1
project area. Wetland 3.2A, south of Floodplain Compensation Site 2, was previously permitted for
impact so it does not have a buffer.

I. Drainage Map

Pre and post-development drainage patterns and basin boundaries showing the direction of flows,
including any off-site runoff being routed through or around the system; and connections between
wetlands and other surface waters;

III - 3
Pre- and post-development drainage basin maps of the main project site, showing drainage patterns
(direction of flow), are provided in Appendix A.

Runoff from the existing main project site generally flows from the monorail route, which runs north and
south through the center of the site, to the east toward Seven Seas Lagoon and to the west toward
Floridian Way and the RCID L-405A Canal. The existing 1.56-acre feature pool and bar facilities at the
north end of the site drains to an interconnected system of dry detention ponds which discharge to the
west through a control structure and 21-inch reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) outfall pipe then under the
Grand Floridian Entry Drive to a series of wetland and pond systems and eventually to the RCID L-405A
Canal. A portion of the Grand Floridian Entry Drive drains through this 29-inch x 45-inch RCP under the

The 4.73-acre Wedding Pavilion site drains to a wet detention pond which discharges to the west through
two 30-inch RCP outfall pipes to a control structure then through another set of two 30-inch RCP’s under
Floridian Way to the Magnolia Golf Course Pond which is connected to the RCID L-405A Canal.

A 1.02-acre building area of Disney’s Polynesian Resort Luau to the south drains via pipe to the Wedding
Pavilion’s wet detention pond.

Under post-development conditions, 7.24 acres of the proposed main project site and existing health club
building will drain to a system of five (5) dry detention stormwater ponds (Ponds 1 - 5) which will outfall
to the aforementioned 29-inch x 45-inch RCP under the Grand Floridian Entry Drive. The existing 1.56-
acre feature pool and bar facilities at the north end of the site will drain to the new system of dry detention
ponds for treatment and conveyance.

Also under post-development conditions, 6.60 acres of the proposed parking lot, reconfigured Wedding
Pavilion parking lot, and the remainder of the Wedding Pavilion facility will drain to a wet detention
stormwater pond (Pond 6) which will outfall to the aforementioned two 30-inch RCP’s under Floridian
Way to the Magnolia Golf Course Pond and RCID L-405A Canal. The 1.02-acre building area of
Disney’s Polynesian Resort Luau to the south will continue to drain via pipe to the new wet detention
Pond 6.

J. Water Management Area Locations and Details

Location of all water management areas with details of size, side slopes, and designed water depths;

Water quality treatment for Project 2011-1 will be provided in five (5) proposed dry detention stormwater
ponds (Ponds 1 - 5) with bottom elevation 96.5 and one (1) proposed wet detention stormwater pond
(Pond 6) with NWL elevation 94.0. Pond design calculations are provided in Appendices B and C. Pond
locations and details are shown in the attached construction plans.

K. Water Control Structures Locations and Details

Location and details of all water control structures, control elevations, any seasonal water level
regulation schedules; and the location and description of benchmarks (minimum of one benchmark
per structure);

Control structure CS-1 for dry detention Ponds 1 - 5 will consist of an FDOT Type D Inlet structure with
a grate/weir at water quality treatment elevation 97.15 and 40 LF of 30-inch RCP from invert 93.70 to
invert 93.50 to an existing concrete ditch leading to the existing 29-inch x 45-inch RCP under Grand

III - 4
Floridian Entry Drive. A 3-inch diameter orifice at invert 95.50 will be provided for water quality
treatment volume drawdown.

Control structure CS-2 for wet detention Pond 6 will consist of an FDOT Type D Inlet structure with a
grate/weir at water quality treatment elevation 95.35 and 212 LF of 36-inch RCP from invert 90.00 to
invert 89.60 to a new junction manhole at the upstream end of two 30-inch RCP’s under Floridian Way.
A 3-inch diameter orifice at invert 94.00 will be provided for water quality treatment volume drawdown.

Pond and structure locations and details are shown in the attached construction plans.

L. Proposed Structures Locations and Details

Location, dimensions and elevations of all proposed structures, including docks, seawalls, utility
lines, roads, and buildings;

The locations of all proposed structures, roads and buildings are shown on the attached construction
plans. There are no proposed docks or seawalls with this project.

M. Internal Water Management Facilities Locations and Details

Location, size, and design capacity of internal water management facilities;

The locations and details of the proposed internal water management facilities (i.e. storm sewer) are
included in the attached construction plans. The storm sewer system has been designed for the 10-year
storm using the Rational Method.

N. Water Management Rights-Of-Way and Easements

Rights-of-way and easements for the system, including all on-site and off-site areas to be reserved
for water management purposes, and rights-of-way and easements for the existing drainage system,
if any;

There are no additional water management rights-of-way or easements required with this application.

O. Runoff Discharge Water Bodies / Systems

Receiving waters or surface water management systems into which runoff from the developed site
will be discharged;

Stormwater from the main project site will discharge to the RCID L-405A Canal (Class III) via the
proposed dry detention and wet detention stormwater management ponds, existing wetlands and existing
Magnolia Golf Course Pond to the west of the project area.

P. Erosion Control Measures

Location and details of the erosion, sediment and turbidity control measures to be implemented
during each phase of construction and all permanent control measures to be implemented in
post-development conditions;

The Applicant will ensure that all development activities employ Best Management Practices to ensure

III - 5
the protection of water quality. To facilitate the protection of the wetland within the development site, a
environmental protection plan will be implemented on the project site prior to commencement of
construction. The Environmental Protection Plan will provide that:

1) During construction, contractors will be required by contract, to maintain the water-table

level within adjacent protected jurisdictional wetlands. During dewatering of any other
activity that might lower the groundwater table, the contractor is required to keep the water
within six inches of the surface, by irrigation if necessary.

2) Contractors are not permitted to enter adjacent protected jurisdictional wetlands at any time.
All construction personnel will be prevented from using the adjacent wetlands for any reason,
other than as a receiving body for site discharge that meets Class III water quality standards.

3) Construction site access will be via upland areas exclusively using roads and rights-of-way
where possible, for access to construction areas.

4) No discharge of contaminants into adjacent wetlands will be permitted at any time.

5) Damage to adjacent wetlands to construction areas will be prevented by delineating the limits
of construction, and installing construction fences and sediment barriers prior to the
commencement of construction activities, thereby retaining sediment within the construction
area. Contractors shall be required to adequately maintain these protection measures at all

6) Erosion control will be maintained within construction areas by quickly stabilizing disturbed
areas to prevent release of sediment. This will be accomplished using grass cover and
turbidity fences.

7) Silt booms will be used in pond and waterway areas to prevent release of sediment and/or
turbid water into surrounding waters. These sediment and turbidity barriers will be
maintained throughout the construction period. Turbidity levels in sensitive areas will be
closely monitored by Reedy Creek Improvement District during construction.

8) Adjacent protected wetlands shall be considered any protected wetland within the limits of
construction. All protected wetlands down stream or lower than adjacent associated
construction shall incorporate sediment barriers.

Q. Mitigation Area Locations and Details

Location, grading, design water levels, and planting details of all mitigation areas;

As there are no mitigation activities associated with this project, this section is not applicable.

R. Perimeter and Site Grading Details

Site grading details, including perimeter site grading;

Site grading details for the project are included in the attached construction plans.

S. Excavated Material Disposal Sites

III - 6
Disposal site for any excavated material, including temporary and permanent disposal sites;

Excavated material from Project 2011-1 which is deemed to be suitable will be used as fill material within
the project site. Any unsuitable excavated material will be landfilled.

T. Dewatering Plan Details

Should dewatering be necessary for this project, the contractor will submit site-specific dewatering plans
for each proposed dewatering activity exceeding the thresholds for a No-Notice Short-Term Dewatering
Permit to SFWMD for information at least two weeks prior to dewatering. This is in compliance with the
Reedy Creek Improvement District Master Dewatering Permit Renewal through SFWMD (Permit No. 48-
01384-W, Application No. 060814-7).

U. Marina Facilities Locations

For marina facilities, locations of any sewage pumpout facilities, fueling facilities, boat repair and
maintenance facilities, and fish cleaning stations;

Marina facilities are not proposed for this project.

V. Affected Off-Site Features and Facilities

Location and description of any nearby existing offsite features which might be affected by the
proposed construction or development such as stormwater management ponds, buildings or other
structures, wetlands or other surface waters.

Discharge from the proposed pond systems is routed off-site through existing wetlands and existing
Magnolia Golf Course Pond and ultimately into RCID L-405A Canal.

W. Master Development Plan

For phased projects, provide a master development plan.

The project is consistent with Walt Disney World’s Master Development Plan.

III - 7

Part 4
Provide a construction schedule, and a description of construction techniques, sequencing and
equipment. This information should specifically include the following:

A. Pilings and Seawall Slab Installation

Method for installing any pilings or seawall slabs;

No construction of pilings or seawalls is proposed with this permit application.

B. Erosion Control Measures Implementation Schedule

Schedule of implementation of a temporary or permanent erosion and turbidity control measures;

The Applicant will ensure that all development activities employ Best Management Practices to ensure
the protection of water quality, as follows:

1) During dewatering of any other activity that might lower the groundwater table, the
contractor is required to keep the water within six inches of the surface, by irrigation if

2) Construction site access will be via upland areas exclusively using roads and rights-of-way
where possible, for access to construction areas.

3) No discharge of contaminants into adjacent wetlands will be permitted at any time.

4) Erosion control will be maintained within construction areas by quickly stabilizing disturbed
areas to prevent release of sediment. This will be accomplished using grass cover and
turbidity fences.

C. Excavation of Wetlands and Surface Waters

For projects that involve dredging or excavation in wetlands or other surface waters, describe the
method of excavation, and the type of material to be excavated;

Excavation with Wetland 3.2A, which has been permitted for impact, will involve the removal of any
muck or organic material by backhoe.

D. Fill In Wetlands and Surface Waters

For projects that involve fill in wetlands or other surface waters, describe the source and type of fill
material to be used. For shoreline stabilization projects that involve the installation of riprap, state
how these materials are to be placed, (i.e., individually or with heavy equipment) and whether the
rocks will be underlain with filter cloth;

There is no proposed fill in wetlands with this project.

The source and type of fill material used to fill in surface waters (Seven Seas Lagoon) will be clean sand
excavated from onsite pond construction and supplemented with clean sand import fill.

IV - 1
E. Dewatering Plan Details

If dewatering is required, detail the dewatering proposal including the methods that are proposed
to contain the discharge, methods of isolating dewatering areas, and indicate the period dewatering
structures will be in place (Note a consumptive use or water use permit may by required);

Should dewatering be necessary for this project, the contractor will submit site-specific dewatering plans
for each proposed dewatering activity exceeding the thresholds for a No-Notice Short-Term Dewatering
Permit to SFWMD for information at least two weeks prior to dewatering. This is in compliance with the
Reedy Creek Improvement District Master Dewatering Permit Renewal through SFWMD (Permit No. 48-
01384-W, Application No. 060814-7).

F. Equipment and Materials Transport Methods

Methods for transporting equipment and materials to and from the work site. If barges are
required for access, provide the low water depths and draft of the fully loaded barge; and

Equipment and materials will be transported to and from the work site by truck, trailer, tractor-trailer, or
other land transport vehicle. Construction plans will detail erosion control features and management of
offsite runoff practices to be used by the contractor to prevent discharge of turbid waters to the receiving
water bodies.

G. Demolition Plans

Demolition plan for any existing structures to be removed;

Existing parking lot pavement, sidewalks, tennis courts and various underground utilities within the
project area will be demolished prior to commencement of grading construction.

H. Project Monitoring and Schedule

Identify the schedule and party responsible for completing monitoring, record drawings, and as-
built certifications for the project when completed.

The Owner will be responsible for the schedule and activities related to project monitoring, record
drawings, and as-built certifications. The design-engineering consultant for the project will assist the
Applicant in preparing and submitting as-built certifications for the project within 30 days following
completion of the project.

IV - 2

Part 5
A. Pre / Post-Development Drainage Calculations

Provide pre-development and post-development drainage calculations, signed and sealed by an

appropriate registered professional, as follows:

1. Runoff characteristics, including area, runoff curve number or runoff coefficient, and time
of concentration for each drainage basin;

Basin hydrology calculations, including areas and SCS Runoff Curve Numbers, are provided in
Appendix B. A minimum time of concentration of 10 minutes was assumed for all basins except
for Basin 6 (15 minutes), the largest basin in the project, and Basin 2A (8 minutes, from SFWMD
Permit No. 48-00714-S, Application No. 000912-14, Grand Floridian Pool Feature).

2. Water table elevations (normal and seasonal high) including aerial extent and magnitude of
any proposed water table drawdown;

Results of SPT and auger soil borings performed by PSI at the main project site in May and
September 2010 indicate observed groundwater levels in the range of Seven Seas Lagoon NWL
elevation 94.5 or lower. A copy of PSI's report “Design Level Geotechnical Services, Project
2011-1, PSI Project No. 0757425” dated December 13, 2010 is included in Appendix E. All
elevations are in feet, NGVD 29.

3. Receiving water elevations (normal, wet season, design storm);

The normal control water level of the RCID L-405A Canal, the receiving water to the west of the
main project site, is elevation 90.4.

4. Design storms used including rainfall depth, duration, frequency, and distribution;

The pond designs were performed for the 10-year/72-hour storm (10.19 inches) and 100-year/72-
hour storm (14.27 inches) using the South Florida Water Management District 72-Hour Rainfall

5. Runoff hydrograph(s) for each drainage basin, for all required design storm event(s);

Runoff hydrographs were computed for each drainage basin using the Santa Barbara Urban
Hydrograph (SBUH) Method in stormwater modeling computer program “Interconnected
Channel and Pond Routing Model” (ICPR) Version 3, developed by Streamline Technologies,

6. Stage-storage computations for any area such as a reservoir, close basin, detention area, or
channel, used in storage routing;

Stage vs. area and storage calculations for the proposed pond designs are provided in Appendix

7. Stage-discharge computations for any storage areas at a selected control point, such as
control structure or natural restriction;

Stage vs. discharge calculations for the proposed pond modification control structure are

processed within computer program ICPR v3.

8. Flood routings through on-site conveyance and storage areas;

Pond routings using ICPR v3 are provided in Appendix C.

9. Water surface profiles in the primary drainage system for each required design storm

Maximum water surface elevations from the ICPR v3 pond routings provided in Appendix C are
summarized below:

Pond 10-Yr/72-Hr 10-Yr Freeboard 100-Yr/72-Hr 100-Yr Freeboard

No. Max. Stage Below Max. Stage Below
(ft, NGVD) TOB El. (ft, NGVD) TOB El.
1 97.85 1.15’ 98.39 0.61’
2 97.96 1.04’ 98.59 0.41’
3 97.96 1.04’ 98.51 0.49’
4 98.05 1.05’ 98.61 0.39’
5 98.09 1.01’ 98.66 0.34’
6 96.05 0.95’ 96.27 0.73’

10. Runoff peak rates and volumes discharged from the system for each required design storm

Maximum discharge rates from the ICPR v3 pond routings provided in Appendix C are
summarized below:

Pond 10-Yr/72-Hr Max. Outflow 100-Yr/72-Hr Max. Outflow

No. (cfs) (cfs)
1-5 26.26 29.40
6 25.74 39.16

11. Tail water history and justification (time and elevation) and;

Time vs. tailwater elevation relationships used in the ICPR v3 10-year and 100-year/72-hour
pond routings for Ponds 1 - 5 in Appendix C were derived for the wetland to the west of Grand
Floridian Entry Drive (“NODE07”) from the ICPR Ver 2.11 routing calculations performed for
Grand Floridian Pool Feature (SFWMD Permit No. 48-00714-S, Application No. 000912-14),
included in Appendix D.

Time vs. tailwater elevation relationships used in the ICPR v3 10-year and 100-year/72-hour
pond routings for Pond 6 in Appendix C were obtained for the RCID L-405A Canal to the west of
Floridian Way from the UNET computer model for RCID’s Master Drainage Plan Update, May
2008. A summary of the time vs. tailwater elevations is included in Appendix C.

12. Pump specifications and operating curves for range of possible operating conditions (if used
in system).

There are no pumps proposed with this project.

B. Soil Boring and Percolation Test Results

Provide the results of any percolation tests, where appropriate, and soil borings that are
representative of the actual site conditions;

Soil borings representative of actual site conditions were performed by PSI and presented in their report
entitled “Design Level Geotechnical Services, Project 2011-1, PSI Project No. 0757425” dated December
13, 2010 included in Appendix E.

C. Project Acreage and Percentages

Provide the acreage, and percentages of the total project, of the following:

The drainage basin tables below provide the approximate acreages and percentages for the basins within
the limits of construction that contain proposed improvements and will receive water quality treatment:

Drainage Basin Table

Proposed Ponds 1 through 5

Land Use Total Percent of Total

Impervious Pavement, Hardscape 1.36 acres 15.5 %

Future Area Development Impervious Hardscape 0.27 acres 3.1 %
Buildings 1.73 acres 19.7 %
Pervious Open Space 4.68 acres 53.1 %
Water Management (Pond Surface) 0.76 acres 8.6 %
Total Basin Area 8.80 acres 100.0 %

Includes 1.56 acres of existing feature pool and bar facilities drainage area from Permit No. 48-
00714-S, Application No. 000912-14, Grand Floridian Pool Feature (0.30 acre Impervious
Pavement and Hardscape; 0.41 acre Buildings; and 0.85 acre Pervious Open Space) which will
drain to Pond 2 of the proposed stormwater system for water quality treatment and conveyance.
This area is not included in the limits of construction but is accounted for in the water quality
calculations, stormwater routing, and storm sewer calculations.

Also includes a portion of the existing Health Club facility from Permit No. 48-00714-S,
Application No. 940609-1, Disney Wedding Chapel which is included in the limits of
construction and will drain to Pond 4 of the proposed stormwater system for water quality
treatment and conveyance.

Drainage Basin Table
Proposed Pond 6

Land Use Total Percent of Total

Impervious Pavement, Hardscape 3.49 acres 57.4 %

Future Area Development Impervious Hardscape 0.00 acres 0.0 %
Buildings 0.14 acres 2.3 %
Pervious Open Space 1.92 acres 31.6 %
Water Management (Pond Surface) 0.53 acres 8.7 %
Total Basin Area 6.08 acres 100.0 %

Includes a portion of the existing Wedding Pavilion facility from Permit No. 48-00714-S,
Application No. 940609-1, Disney Wedding Chapel which will drain to Pond 6 of the proposed
stormwater system for water quality treatment and conveyance. This area is not included in the
limits of construction but is accounted for in the water quality calculations, stormwater routing,
and storm sewer calculations.

Excludes 1.02-acre offsite drainage area from the existing Luau which will continue to drain to
Pond 6 of the proposed stormwater system for conveyance. This area is not included in the limits
of construction but is accounted for in the stormwater routing and storm sewer calculations.
However, it is not accounted for in the water quality calculations for Pond 6.

Overall Drainage Basin Table

Proposed Ponds 1 through 6

Land Use Total Percent of Total

Impervious Pavement, Hardscape 4.85 acres 32.6 %

Future Area Development Impervious Hardscape 0.27 acres 1.8 %
Buildings 1.87 acres 12.6 %
Pervious Open Space 6.60 acres 44.3 %
Water Management (Pond Surface) 1.29 acres 8.7 %
Total Basin Area 14.88 acres 100.0 %

The Total Basin Area of 14.88 acres represents the project area which has been accounted for in the water
quality calculations, stormwater routing, and storm sewer calculations, and includes the 1.56-acre existing
feature pool and bar facilities drainage area. The remaining 0.22-acre difference between the 13.32-acre
Basin Area which excludes the feature pool area and the 13.10-acre Project Area within the limits of
construction of the main project area is the result of minor differences between the two boundaries.

D. Floodplain Storage and Conveyance Analysis

Provide an engineering analysis of floodplain storage and conveyance (if applicable).

A portion of the main project area lies within the 100-year floodplain of Seven Seas Lagoon. The 100-
year floodplain elevation is 95.0 and was obtained from the UNET computer model for RCID’s Master
Drainage Plan Update, May 2008. The volume of the 100-year floodplain of Seven Seas Lagoon within

the project limits prior to this project (i.e., pre-development) is 0.55 acre-feet.

Compensating storage for encroachment into this floodplain volume will be provided in 100-Year
Floodplain Compensation Sites 1 and 2 located on the southwest and northwest shores, respectively, of
Bay Lake, which is interconnected with Seven Seas Lagoon and has the same 100-year flood elevation of
95.0. Site 1 will provide 0.37 acre-feet of compensation and Site 2 will provide 0.18 acre-feet, for a total
compensation of 0.55 acre-feet. Compensation will be provided at the two sites by excavating existing
ground between elevations 94.5 and 95.0 and creating an open water body connection to Bay Lake.
Please refer to Appendix G for floodplain encroachment and compensating storage calculations.

E. Water Quality Treatment System Analysis

Provide an analysis of the water quality treatment system.

Water quality treatment for the building, entrance road and the majority of the surrounding area will be
provided in a proposed system of onsite dry detention stormwater Ponds 1 through 5. The proposed pond
system will provide 0.75 inch or greater of water quality treatment to its overall 7.24-acre drainage area.
Ponds 1 - 5 will also continue to provide 0.75 inch or greater of water quality treatment for the existing
1.56-acre feature pool facilities drainage area. Ponds 1 - 5 will have a control elevation of 95.5 and a
bottom elevation of 96.5. Control at elevation 95.5 will be accomplished through a 3-inch diameter
drawdown orifice in Control Structure CS-1 on Pond 1, and equalized through sumped interconnection
pipes and inlets between Pond 1 and Ponds 2 - 5.

Water quality treatment for the proposed parking lot and reconfigured Wedding Pavilion parking lot will
be provided in a proposed wet detention stormwater Pond 6. The proposed pond will provide 1 inch or
greater of water quality treatment to its 6.08-acre drainage area. Pond 6 will also continue to provide 1
inch or greater of water quality treatment for the remainder of existing Wedding Pavilion facilities. Pond
6 will have a control elevation of 94.0, to match that of the existing wet detention pond. Control at
elevation 94.0 will be accomplished through a 3-inch diameter drawdown orifice in Control Structure CS-
2 on Pond 6.

Water quality treatment calculations are provided in Appendix B.

F. Methods, Assumptions, References and Computations

Provide a description of the engineering methodology, assumptions and references for the
parameters listed above, and a copy of all such computations, engineering plans, and specifications
used to analyze the system. If a computer program is used for the analysis, provide the name of the
program, a description of the program, input and output data, two diskette copies, if available, and
justification for model selection.

Post-development basin hydrographs and pond routings for Project 2011-1 were executed for 10-year and
100-year, 72-hour storms (10.19 inches and 14.27 inches, respectively, SFWMD Three-Day Rainfall
Distribution) for the proposed ponds (see Appendix C). Pond routing calculations for design and analysis
of the project’s stormwater management ponds was obtained using the stormwater modeling computer
program “Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model” (ICPR) Version 3, developed by Streamline
Technologies, Inc. Construction plans are also included as attachments.


Part 6
A. Operation and Maintenance Schedule

Describe the overall maintenance and operation schedule for the proposed system.

The stormwater management facilities for the site will be inspected quarterly and maintained by the
landowner, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.

B. Operation and Maintenance Responsibility

Identify the entity that will be responsible for operating and maintaining the system in perpetuity if
different than the permittee, a draft document enumerating the enforceable affirmative obligations
on the entity to properly operate and maintain the system for its expected life, and documentation
of the entity's financial responsibility for long term maintenance. If the proposed operation and
maintenance entity is not a property owner's association, provide proof of the existence of an entity,
or the future acceptance of the system by an entity which will operate and maintain the system. If a
property owner's association is the proposed operation and maintenance entity, provide copies of
the articles of incorporation for the association and copies of the declaration, restrictive covenants,
deed restrictions, or other operational documents that assign responsibility for the operation and
maintenance of the system. Provide information ensuring the continued adequate access to the
system for maintenance purposes. Before transfer of the system to the operating entity will be
approved, the permittee must document that the transferee will be bound by all terms and
conditions of the permit.

The stormwater management facilities for the site will be owned, operated and maintained by the
landowner, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.

C. Easements, Documents and Plats

Provide copies of all proposed conservation easements, storm water management system easements,
property owner's association documents, and plats for the property containing the proposed

There are no conservation easements, storm water management system easements, property owner's
association documents, or plats proposed with this project.

D. Water / Wastewater Services

Provide indication of how water and waste water service will be supplied. Letters of commitment
from off-site suppliers must be included.

Water and wastewater services will be provided by Reedy Creek Energy Services.

E. Boundary Survey / Legal Description

Provide a copy of the boundary survey and/or legal description and acreage of the total land area of
contiguous property owned/controlled the applicant.

The property is owned by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.

VI - 1

Part 7
A. Surface Water System Use

Will the surface water system be used for water supply, including landscape irrigation, or

The surface water system will not be used for water supply, including landscape irrigation or recreation.

B. Consumptive / Water Use Permit Number

If a Consumptive Use or Water Use permit has been issued for the project, state the permit

The project site was included in the application for the Reedy Creek Improvement District Master
Dewatering Permit Renewal through SFWMD (Permit No. 48-01384-W, Application No. 060814-7).
Approval of the Master Dewatering Permit Renewal by the SFWMD Governing Board was authorized in
November 2006.

C. Consumptive / Water Use Permit Requirement

If no Consumptive Use or Water Use permit has been issued for the project, indicate if such a
permit will be required and when the application for a permit will be submitted.

The RCID Master Dewatering Permit Renewal alleviates the need for obtaining separate Short-Term
Dewatering Permits from SFWMD. Instead, site-specific dewatering plans for each proposed dewatering
activity exceeding the thresholds for a No-Notice Short-Term Dewatering Permit will be submitted to
SFWMD for information at least two weeks prior to dewatering.

D. Existing Wells

Indicate how any existing wells located within the project site will be utilized or abandoned.

There are no known existing wells located within the project site.

VII - 1

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