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Lucy Foxtrot’s family tree



1. James has Lucy Foxtrot’s family tree and the photos without the names of the relatives. He calls his
friend, Jenny, at the justice-of-peace office and asks to help. He needs everybody’s name, age, occupa­
tion and residence. Work in pairs. You are James. Your partner (Jenny) should use Role Play 1 (see the
Role-Play Section, p. 20). Fill in the space under each picture below and the family tree on the next page.


R o b ert F oxtrot,
42, Interior D esigner,
LAG (Lawson Art
Group), Cincinnati, OH


2. You will hear a message left on the Globetrotter Insurance Agency’s phone answering machine by
James Fond’s secretary. It is his first report on the work he has done. For questions 1-11 complete
the sentences.

Mrs. Foxtrot’s family had 1 she had insured her life.

Barbara Taylor’s ancestors used to live in

Barry and Barbara’s grandchildren stay 3 Cincinnati now.

Mike Taylor did not £ j 25 months ago.

THE FOXTROTS (LUCY’S IN-LAWS) Mike is Tom’s father and Susie’s 5 .

Though with two little children, Julia has a 6 [employment.

The person Lucy used to have the 7 in Mike’s family was Julia.

Robert and Lucy used to 8 30 months ago.

Arthur and Clare do not 9 about their daughter-in-law.

Helen 10 to David, but they 11 next week.

14 15
3. Fill in the family tree below and the spaces under the photos on the next page by asking questions to
Jenny. See the instructions in Activity l.Your partner should use Role Play 2, p. 20.





John Cunningham , 45,

law yer, C incinnati,
O hio


JOHN (45)

OH - Ohio, a state in the mid-eastern part of the USA

MARRIED MO - Missouri, a state in the mid-eastern part of the USA
PERSONAL AZ - Arizona, a state in the south-western part of the USA

FIG.2. John Cunningham’s family tree

4. Janies wrote a letter to his girl friend. Compare the letter with the secretary’s message in Activity 2
What is different? Compare the words used and the structure of the sentences. Substitute the phras­
al verbs and other informal words in the letter below with their formal equivalents.


Q-Laven't h e a rd fcrom you foot a g es. W h ere h a ve you been add th is tim e? Q-iow a te you
g ettin g on? Q-Lope, everyth in g 's O.K.
(j've been p r e tty b u sy datedy. 9'm dooking into a very b a ld in g case. <0'т add w ra p p ed
up in it. gfj <7 m u d d d e through, it gonna a d d up a dot to m y s p o td e s s d eputation of> a su p er
a g e n t (ju s t kidding!). W h a t readdy kidds m e is th e a m o u n t ofj p eo p d e m ixed up: d o z e n s
a n d d o z e n s s c a tte r e d add o ver th e w ordd! T$ut <3 n e v e r give up! 'Ylot m e! J he m ore
difrfcicudt 'a case, th e m o re d ed ig h ted you fe ed when you cra ck it!
J h a t's add a b o u t work. W h y d o n 't we tadk a b o u t so m e th in g edse? ou rem em b er m y
b irth d a y 's com ing a n d we w a n ted to m a ke it read chic a n d keep it in so m e speciad p d ace
fcar frrom peopde, ca rs, noise, d u s t a n d work. А пУ id e a s where?
jQooking fo rw a rd to a w ord or tw o ftrom you (or b e tte r m eetin g you soon). Q-Lope to
g e t th e pho to you p ro m ised .
‘Ja m es

Прикарпатський національний університет

імені Василя Стефаника

6 7 9 8 4-6
5. James has to write a report on the results of his research on John Cunningham’s family. Write this
Function 2. Stating and justifying opinions -1
letter for him. Don’t write any address.
I think that... In my opinion ... To my mind,... I believe that... I can't be certain, but I think ...Personally, I feel that.
6. Draw your own family tree (three generations) and describe it. I could be wrong, but I think ... I personally think ... If you want to know what I think,... This is what I think ...
_____ Not everybody will agree with me, but... I'm not sure, but I think that... In my personal opinion ..._______
7. Translate:

1. Того дня чотири покоління родини зібралися за святковим столом - прадід та прабабуся святкували3. Work in pairs. You are expected to speak for about three minutes. Compare and contrast the families in
своє золоте весілля. 2. Вона має невеличку, але дуже дружну родину. 3. Дядько С е м а - відомий адвокат. У both pictures. In which ways are they similar and in which different? Don’t give separate descriptions of
нього бездоганна репутація. 4. Бабусі завжди люблять своїх онуків, готують для них смачні страви або each picture. Compare and contrast them from the beginning. You may use the clues in the box.
плетуть теплі шкарпетки та рукавички. 5. Батьки мого чоловіка мають грецьке походження. 6. Його мачуха
успішно керує будівельною фірмою. 7. Цього року її племінник йде до школи. 8. До чотирьох років вона жила Function 3. Comparing and contrasting
у дитячому будинку, а потім її удочерили. 9. Том народився у родині відомого архітектора. 10. Ці близнюки
схожі, як дві краплини води. 11. У якому віці у вашій країні йдуть на пенсію? 12. Наша компанія розширюється, similar to ... ...resembles............both... neither... -er than
тому ми потребуємо більше досвідчених бухгалтерів. 13. Моя тітка все життя працює секретаркою. 14. Хіба not so ... as so ... (that) such ... (that)morethan...
_________more of a less of a as much of a ..., the older.... the more the more ..., the less_________
названі діти не хочуть знати, хто їхні справжні батьки? 15. Племінниця моєї дружини скоро закінчує школу.
16. Мені подобається наш район: тут є і булочна, і м ’ясний магазин, і навіть універсам. 17. Її старший син
відвідує курси німецької мови в університеті. 18. Ще його пращури були фермерами, тому він добре знає, що Example: The families in these photos have both similar and different features. Both families are represented by three generations: grandpar­
на фермі працюють з ранку до вечора. 19. Невістка Гелен - дуже вправна господиня. В неї вистачає часу, ents, parents and grandchildren. In both photos the children and grandchildren are visiting their parents and grandparents. The
аби готувати смачну їжу, прибирати дім, прати, прасувати, допомагати дітям з домашнім завданням, вона children’s fathers are present in neither of the photos, and that is similar, too. The boy’s mother in the first photo seems to be as
навіть вишиває. 20. Усі члени цієї родини мають власні обов’язки по дому. 21. Її зять - дослідник, а тому він amused as the twins’ mother in the second one. In both photos the grandparents don’t seem to be so relaxed as their daughters. In
fact, they look a little anxious. There is some difference between the photos, too. First, ...
часто бере участь у роботі різноманітних конференцій. 22. Якщо хочеш стати дизайнером, тобі мало лише
мати талант, слід ще й довго та наполегливо вчитися. 23. Чому твоя двоюрідна сестра продала свій магазин
модного одягу? 24. Якщо ти впораєшся з цією заплутаною справою, отримаєш підвищення. 25. Для всіх було
несподіванкою, коли цей 43-й річний парубок одружився з 25-річною вдовою з трійнятами. 26. Кажуть, 4. Work in pairs. You are expected to speak for about four minutes. You don’t have to agree with your
шлюб з розрахунку може бути щасливим, якщо розрахунок є вірним. partner, but try not to interrupt; let your partner finish, then say what you think. You may use the clues
from exercises 2 and 3, as well as from this exercise box. Discuss the following problems: Is it better to
live in a big or in a small family? Why? What is the best size of the family? Why? Would you prefer to live together
with your parents and grandparents or not? Why? Would you like to have many brothers and sisters? Why?

Function 4. Stating concequences

on the one hand... on the other hand... So,... therefore,... thus,.,. accordingly,...
________________ hence,... consequently,... Which means/meant that... So ...that________________
1. Work in pairs. You are expected to speak for about three minutes. Ask your partner about her/his
personal background. Then answer her/his questions. Ask your questions in turn. You may use the Example: A. Most people would love to live in a big family, don 1you think? B. If you want to know wltat I think, some of them might actually
clues in the box. prefer to live in a small family, which means that they get more attention from their parents. Would you agree with that? A. Kci,
that’s a good point. B. And then, in my personal opinion, the family income is important, too. If it's not so big, then the amount of
Function 1. Asking for and giving personal information money per child goes down accordingly, and thus families have problems. What do you think? A. I ’m not sure / completely agree
with that. Don't you think that...
What's your name? How old are you? Have you got... ? What do you do? Do you like ... ?
Do you ... ? Which ... do you like best? Where do you live? Have you (ever)... ?
____________________________How many brothers and sisters have you got?____________________________

2. Work in pairs. You are expected to speak for about three minutes. Look at the pictures in the Visuals
Section at the end of the textbook. What kind of relatives are the people in the pictures? Why? In Work with a dictionary. Find out the difference between the following words: work - job - employment; over­
both pictures the children’s fathers are absent. Why? Give as many possibilities as possible. Explain work - work overdue; salary - wage(s) - payment - fee. Make a list of their Ukrainian equivalents, too. See
the absence of the elderly woman’s husband in picture 2 in the same way. Don’t interrupt your part­ the explanation in the Addendum first.
ner’s turn. Listen so you can comment afterwards. Ask your partner for her/his opinions, don’t just
say what you think. If you do not know a word in one of the pictures, describe what you mean using
other words. You may use the clues in the box.

18 2*

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