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Hooked on Fish? Does fish deserve a bad rap?

by Steve Marth
Fish, cooked or raw, is an important part of a well-balanced diet. It’s high in protein and nutrients
and low in fat. Eating fish the recommended two or three times a week is a goal worth pursuing.
Good for the heart
Fish contains lots of what we nonscientific people call omega-3 fatty acids. These acids have
been shown to help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of strokes.
Researchers suggest that these benefits of eating fish far outweigh the risk of getting sick from a
contaminated fish.
Good for the brain
Ongoing studies find that omega-3 fatty acids work magic on the brain too. Pregnant? Go out
and eat fish! One study tacked a group of expectant mothers who ate more than 340 grams of fish
per week. It turns out they gave birth to children who scored really high on their IQ tests.
Don’t give up on fish!
Let’s face it: There are contaminants in most everything we eat, especially chicken, pork and
beef. The chance of getting sick from eating chicken is 1 in 25,000; for fish, the odds drop to 1 in
2,000,000. So, don’t write fish off. Just be wise in choosing fish that is safe and healthy.
Today, sadly, fish swim around in polluted waters. Over time, contaminants collect in the tissues
of the fish so that later, when we eat the fish, we eat the pollution. The most infamous fish-
transmitted toxin is mercury, and it’s extremely poisonous. Of course, adult fish-eaters are at risk,
but developing fetuses and small children are especially vulnerable.
Sashimi lovers beware
Unfortunately, cooking fish can’t remove mercury, but it can kill worms, like the tiny, parasitic
worms Anisakis simplex. However, if an infected fish is consumed raw, then the living worms are
transferred to your body and you become the host to much unpleasantness. In many countries
fish used for sashimi is frozen to kill the worms. But still, about one out of 10 people have an
allergic reaction to the dead worms’ carcasses.

This article first appeared in Studio Classroom Overseas Radio & Television Inc. Reprinted by permission.
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Be careful as many different kinds of bacteria can also be found in fish. Some of them like
Salmonella are destroyed through cooking, but others like Listeria remain unaffected by a hot
frying pan.
Looking for a safer way to get the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids? Try nutritional
supplements. These fatty acids are also found in nuts, soybeans and green, leafy vegetables.
Now, what’s your viewpoint?

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This article first appeared in Studio Classroom Overseas Radio & Television Inc. Reprinted by permission.

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