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Communication Server

IP Desktop Soft Phone – User Guide

Alcatel-Lucent Services for Enterprise

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Table of Content

1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................5

1.1 The Product ............................................................................................................................................5

1.2 Soft-phone - more features than Hard-phone ................................................................................5

1.3 Purpose of this guide............................................................................................................................5

1.4 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................5

1.5 Intended Readership.............................................................................................................................6

1.6 Applicability Statement........................................................................................................................6

1.7 Overview of this manual......................................................................................................................6

1.8 How to use this document...................................................................................................................6

1.9 Technical Requirements:.....................................................................................................................6

1.9.1 Hardware ..........................................................................................................................................6
1.9.2 Software ...........................................................................................................................................7
1.9.3 Networking.......................................................................................................................................7

1.10 Related Documents ...........................................................................................................................7

1.11 Licensing..............................................................................................................................................7

1.12 Customer Support..............................................................................................................................8

2 STARTUP .............................................................................................................9

3 USER CONFIGURATION......................................................................................10

4 SKINS .................................................................................................................15

5 BLUETOOTH HEADSET ......................................................................................18

6 USING YOUR IP DESKTOP SOFT PHONE............................................................21

6.1 Mini Phone.............................................................................................................................................21

7 APPENDIXES ......................................................................................................24

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The Quick Look Guide in English is shown here. From BPWS (Business Partner Website), the
same can be downloaded in the required Language. .............................................................................24

Appendix I – Usage: a Quick Look ................................................................................................................24

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1 Introduction
1.1 The Product

Congratulations on your opting for: IP Desktop Soft Phone. You have indeed made a
wise choice. Now you can enjoy the benefits of more than a sophisticated hard-
phone, at the ease of mouse clicks.

This application displays an image of a hard-phone in your system’s screen. You can
activate its various keys and buttons using mouse clicks. This soft-phone
accommodates customizations to suit your preferences. If you have installed this in
a laptop, you can use the soft-phone when you connect your laptop to your LAN.

This application is also known as IP Desktop Soft Phone Agent, when used in the
Call centre Environment,

1.2 Soft-phone - more features than Hard-phone

Unlike hard-phones, you can reach this soft phone from your system itself. To add a
new terminal, you need not buy a new one and configure it. Instead, you can install
the application in a system existing in that PABX network. It does not occupy more
space, and saves on connectivity and other hardware problems. Besides these
advantages, this soft-phone provides more features than a hard-phone.

This is best suited for the Home working or the remote working with 100% feature
transparency of the IP Hard phone. The Limitation of distance is no more a problem.
As long as you can connect to your network using Internet/VPN, you are never out of

With the Wireless Network card and the Bluetooth, you can be always connected to
the system and this helps you in getting all your calls when you are on the move.

1.3 Purpose of this guide

This guide provides all necessary information that a user of IP Desktop Soft Phone
needs to use this application efficiently. It provides ample screenshots with
explanations so that you can easily put to use the given information. This manual
targets users with no technical background and strives to make their use of this
application a pleasure.

1.4 Scope

Scope of this manual commences after completion of installing this application, with
basic configuration. From then on, it covers all areas of the application, from user’s

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perspective. It provides information for use of this application and its basic
configuration permitted for a user.

This manual provides information only for users of this application. It does not
cover tasks involved in the installation of this application.

1.5 Intended Readership

This manual targets end users of this application only. It does not provided
information on installation of this application and other administrative tasks.

1.6 Applicability Statement

This manual applies to the use of the application: IP Desktop Soft Phone only.

1.7 Overview of this manual

This manual provides you with step-by-step guidance to boot the soft phone and
using it. Wherever applicable, screenshots are given to visualize the situation.
Brief explanations are provided in the screenshots for your quick understanding, at a

This guide walks you through different tasks, numbered steps. In between the
steps, explanations given are marked by bullets for differentiation purposes. The
steps are backed by screenshots, and the screenshots are given above their
explanations. Therefore, going through this manual would give you the feel of
actually performing the task. Components of the screenshots are listed in tables
and explained.

1.8 How to use this document

If you want to make a jump-start, move to point #5.2 Full Featured Soft Phone. A
glance at the given image would give you reasonable understanding. For detailed
understanding, look below it, for details on the components. Appendix I – Usage: a
quick look gives you a little more information. For other requirements, refer to
Table of Contents given at the start. From there, you can click to move to your

1.9 Technical Requirements:

1.9.1 Hardware

Processor 1.6 GHz Minimum

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RAM 512 MB for Windows XP
1 GB for Windows Vista

Disk Space 50 MB free space

Sound card Integrated sound card or USB headset

1.9.2 Software

Operating System Windows XP SP2

Windows VISTA

1.9.3 Networking

Network Interface
card 10/100 Mbps Ethernet card
Wireless LAN Card 54 Mbps

1.10 Related Documents

IP Desktop Soft Phone - Installation Guide

1.11 Licensing

There is no licensing mechanism included within the IP Desktop Soft Phone. This
aspect is managed by the OXE.

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1.12 Customer Support

Please contact your system administrator or Alcatel-Lucent Business Partner for


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2 Startup
In your system, the Administrator has installed the application: IP Desktop Soft
Phone and has done the required basic configuration. When you boot your system,
this application does not automatically boot itself. To boot this application, you
can click the following icon. The application had placed this icon in your desktop,
during the process of its installation.

Alternatively, you can boot it from Start, as follows:

Start  Programs  IpDesktopSoftPhone  IpDesktopSoftPhone

This is illustrated below:

Once you activate the application as given above, the following image displays in
your screen:

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Now this IP Desktop Soft Phone is ready to use. However, working of this phone
will be more customized to your requirements, if you configure it to suit your
requirements. The following section explains the method of this configuration. The
section: Using your IP Desktop Soft Phone explains both basic and advanced use of
this application.

3 User Configuration
You can customize the following, to suit your preferences:

• When the phone image should display

• Language
• Skins
• Audio Devices
• Type of ring

To configure the above, follow the steps below:

1. Right click on the phone image, but outside the display window.

2. In the list box that displays, select: Options  Applications, as given below:

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3. This displays options screen with 4 tabs as given below:

SCREENSHOT 1 – Network configuration

• In this screen, only the first 2 tabs are relevant for end users. The last 2
tabs are for the Administrator only. For customization, you need to use the
first 2 tabs only.

4. The first tab General Opens by default. In the entry boxes in this tab, you
can see the values entered during the installation process. Now, you can

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change these entries, as you require. The following table explains these

Field Name Description

Toolbar refers to the soft phone image display.

Show Toolbar: Using the fields below, you can customize as to
when it should display.
This option is mainly used during the Inter-working
with CTI applications that have their own GUI.
If you select this, the toolbar displays always,
above all other displays
The toolbar would display only when you click on
On Demand
the soft phone icon in the system tray
On Ringing Toolbar displays when the soft phone rings
Whenever there is an activity like alarm, etc, the
On State of Change
toolbar displays.

Through this box, you can assign a key, pressing

which, the toolbar would display. To do so,
position the cursor in the box and click the desired
Quick Key
key, like: function keys, Ctrl + alphabet, etc.
Immediately, this box displays the description of
the key you had given.
This dropdown box gives you the choice of: English,
French and German. The language you select here
Language will be used in all the tabs. This change is
confined to these customization pages only and
does not affect the toolbar display.
This refers to the layout of alphabet keys. It
provides 5 different choices. Effects of these
Use Skin
choices are given under the caption: Skins.
Accordingly, you can select your preference here.
This dropdown box lists all installed sound cards.
Select Ringing Device You can select the one that you intend to use for
This dropdown box lists all installed sound cards.
Select Voice Device You can select the one that you intend to use for

5. Once you have completed making changes, click on Apply to save your
entries. If you click OK, it saves the entries and closes this screen.

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6. Move on to 2nd tab. Its displays as below:

• This page is dedicated to customizing ring tones. The table below explains
the entries in this page:

Field Name Description

This box lists a total of 8 predefined ring tones (0 through 7).
The application had stored these in appropriate folder, during
the time of installation. They are: ColdRiver, Disco, Nature,
Street Dance, Xylofun, Sunrise, Dooing Dooing, and Classic.
Events You can select the required ring tone by clicking on it. When
you do so, it is highlighted to indicate your selection. When
you select a ring tone here, Sound, Browse and the nearby
buttons become usable.

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Field Name Description
In addition to the 8 predefined ring tones, you can find a slot
Ring 8 at the bottom of the list. By default, it will be blank.
Here, you can add your own ring tone. It can be MP3 or wave

You can change any of the ring tone files that are assigned to
the Rings list. To do so,
1. Select the Ring # that you intend to change
2. Click on the Browse button. This displays explorer window
3. Select the required wav file
4. Click Apply button, followed by Ok button.
This is the ring tone provided by the OXE. If you click on this,
Get ringing id from OXE
your selection in the Events box if any, is undone.
This box displays the path where the files displayed in the
Sound Events box are located. You could edit this entry, only when
you select any ring tone in the Events box.
To select a different path from what the box Sound displays,
Browse use this button. It opens explorer window to select the
required file.

This plays the sound of the file that the box Sound displays.

To stop the music that is being played, click this button.

7. Once you have completed making changes, click on Apply to save your
entries. If you click OK, it saves the entries and closes this screen.

Now you have completed customizing the application to suit your preferences.

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4 Skins
As explained in the previous section, you can customize the skin of the phone image
to suit your requirements. Section #3 User Configuration given earlier, explains
this process under step #4. To move to that place, click here.

The normal image that displays is the soft phone in its “mini” form. It has only
limited functions. Its image is given below:


The soft phone in its full form has many more advanced features. It has a soft
keyboard and number pad also.

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As you can see in the above screenshot, the keyboard starts with the letters: A, Z,
E, R, T, Y. So it is titled: AZERTY with the prefix 4068 to indicate soft phone model
number. You can see this title above this image.

You can customize this keyboard to display in following ways:


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Set US


For Asian Market, Mini mode (Skin: Mini) can be selected and then PC’s Keyboard
could be used.

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5 Bluetooth Headset
This application supports use of Bluetooth Headset to make conversations using this
phone. This saves you the hassles of wire connectivity. Below portion explains the
method of using Bluetooth Headset.

To use Bluetooth Headset for this application, you should have already connected
and configured it to your system (PC). Now follow the steps below:

1. Boot the application: IP Desktop Soft Phone.

2. Right click on the phone image

3. Select: Options  Applications

4. In the screen that displays, General tab will be open by default.

5. In this tab, against Select ringing device, select Bluetooth Hands-free

Audio, as given in the screenshot below:

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6. Against Select voice device, select Bluetooth Hands-free Audio, as given in
the screenshot below:

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7. Once done, select OK.

Now you have the Bluetooth Headset configured to the application, and it is ready
to use.

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6 Using your IP Desktop Soft Phone
6.1 Mini Phone

When you boot the application, the following image would display:

Using this phone is easy compared to the Hard phone. Below are some of the
methods of using it:

To make a call:

1. Boot the application. If you have already booted the application and it is
dormant, activate it using the icon in the system tray.

2. Dial the required number using computer’s numeric keypad. No need to

press Enter. The dialed number display in the display panel

3. If recipient is busy, you can see that status in the display panel, in addition
to the busy tone.

4. To redial the same number, click on the button on the soft phone.

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5. You can hear the ringing tone through the speakers of the computer. You
can speak through the attached microphone. The call recipient’s voice will
be audible through the speakers attached to your system.

6. To end the call, click on the button.

To receive a call:

1. When you receive a call, you are intimated of it, in following 3 ways:

a. You can hear the ring

b. The display panel displays the number of the person who is calling.

c. A small screen shows up at bottom right of your screen. It looks like


2. You can pick up the call, in either of the following 3 methods:

a. Click on the icon to pickup the call

b. Press Enter in the Key Board

c. Click on the link: Take Call in the pop-up screen at bottom right (see
screenshot above). To refuse the call, click on: Stop Ringing.

3. To increase or decrease the volume of the conversation, click on the or


4. To end the call, click on the button.

Other uses:

1. To send text messages, use the button. You can see the relevant
displays in the display panel. Use the computer keyboard to key in text.

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2. To switch on the interphone, click on the button. When you click on it, it
lights up and remains lighted, as long as it is active. Interphone is the
automatic call pickup facility.

The Other features are similar to that of IP 4068 Hard phone. Please refer the

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7 Appendixes

The Quick Look Guide in English is shown here. From BPWS (Business Partner
Website), the same can be downloaded in the required Language.

Appendix I – Usage: a Quick Look

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