Practical Design Approach To Geotechnical Engineering

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2-Day Short Course on



17 & 18 January 2011

BEM Approved CPD Hours = 12. Ref no. IEM10/HQ/350/C

Professor Chin Fung Kee Auditorium
Wisma IEM
No. 21, Jalan Selangor
46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Organised by:
Ir. Dr. Ooi Teik Aun
Association of Geotechnical Societies In Southeast Asia (AGSSEA)

Supported by:
Geotechnical Engineering Technical Division, IEM
The Institution of Civil Engineers, UK

Managed by:
IEM Training Centre Sdn. Bhd.

Dr. Laurie Wesley
Mike Dobie
Nick Shirlaw

This 2-Day Short Course on Practical Design Approach to Geotechnical Engineering in Tropical Environment
will be held in conjunction with the ICE Asia Pacific Conference on Infrastructure Development in the
Tropical Environment which is managed by IEMTC. Taking advantage of the presence of the three eminent
speakers from New Zealand, Indonesia and Singapore respectively the AGSSEA has decided to sponsor
this very important two-day short course to be held at Wisma IEM. All three speakers have extensive
experience working in Southeast Asia. Dr. Wesley has worked both in Indonesia and Malaysia and has
published two books recently on residual soils. Dr. Wesley will highlight the departures from conventional soil
mechanics when applied to residual soils. Mike Dobie was involved in the setting up of the CSL during the
time when North-South Highway was constructed. Since then he has had many years of experience in
reinforced soil design and construction and this, together with the testing of Malaysian soils and soft ground
engineering will be very helpful to the participants. Nick Shirlaw has extensive experience in tunnels and
underground structures in both Hong Kong and Singapore. He will bring great benefits to the short course.


Lecturer: Dr. Laurie Wesley

1. Geotechnical Engineering in Residual Soils

An account is given of the geotechnical properties of residual soils. Particular points covered include:
- Their formation process is very different from that of sedimentary soils, which means that some
aspects of “conventional” soil mechanics derived from sedimentary soil behaviour have no relevance
to residual soils.
- In particular, the behaviour of residual soils cannot be related to stress history, as is the case with
sedimentary soils. Concepts such as virgin consolidation line, normally consolidated and over-
consolidated soil have no relevance.
- It is shown that the use of the conventional e-log(p) graph for portraying compressibility can easily
lead to misunderstandings of compression behaviour and that a linear graph gives a much more
reliable picture.
- The value of Atterberg limits and the liquidity index for indicating the properties of residual soils is
- An account is given of shear strength of residual soils, both in term of undrained strength and effective
strength parameters.
- Compaction behaviour is described and alternative methods for the monitoring of compaction are

2. Slope Stability in Residual Soils

This presentation examines and discusses a number of factors that make slope stability assessments, and
slope engineering in residual soils somewhat different from sedimentary soils. Particular aspects covered
- Slopes in residual soils are generally steeper and of higher permeability.
- They are likely to be more heterogeneous and thus less amenable to analytical assessment than
slopes in sedimentary soils. These factors are discussed in some detail.
- The influence of climate and weather is much greater in residual soils than sedimentary soils, and
theoretical methods are presented for taking this influence into account.
- It is shown also that traditional computer programme methods of slip circle analysis can result in very
large errors if applied to steep slopes in which seepage is occurring.
- More rigorous treatment of the seepage state, both the transient state during rainfall, and “worst case”
state are described.
- Back analysis methods for determining soil parameters are outlined
- Comments are made on stabilisation measures.

3. Comments on the Use Of Clay in Geosynthetic Reinforced Retaining Walls

There are issues involved in the use of clay that need to be recognised and taken into account in designing
reinforced walls with clay fill. These issues include the following:
- The appropriate soil strength parameters to be used in design, ie the choice of the peak value (φ′p or
simply φ′), the critical state or constant volume value (φ′cv), or the residual value (φ′r).
- Compaction difficulties and the possible development of pore pressures during construction.
- The provision of adequate drainage measures behind and possibly beneath the wall.
- The expected deformations that may occur at the wall facing, or elsewhere, either during construction,
or after completion, because of the lower stiffness of clay compared to sand.
- Possible adverse effects from excessive down-drag on the facing elements, arising from the higher
compressibility of clay fill.

Lecturer: Mike Dobie

4. Site Investigation of Soft Soils and Relevance to Design Parameters

This presentation introduces and describes site investigation methods for soft soils based on experience
gained in Malaysia on the North South Expressway project, including the practical application of the methods
in planning site investigation and carrying out geotechncial design:
- based on experience gained in setting up CSL, so mainly aimed at soft alluvial clays.
- summarise the main in-situ test methods in use: CPT and vane test.
- outline important features in regards to each test method.
- comments on the sampling of soft clays.
- comments on the method of carrying out the consolidation test.
- outline approach to planning site investigation of soft soil sites.
- examine the determination of pre-consolidation pressure for marine clay profiles, generally considered
to be the most important parameter to be determined accurately.
- there are several methods available to determine pre-consolidation pressure.
- in particular examine how errors in test method or interpretation of data would influence the calculated
settlement of an embankment (using the Juru trial embankment as the case study).

5. The Use of Clay Fills in Reinforced Soil Structures

Clay fills are frequently used in the construction of reinforced soil structures, but there frequently appear to
be misconceptions about the behaviour and performane of clay fills in these circumstances.This presentation
outlines the behaviour of clay fills during placement, compaction and later use:
- examine the likely pore water pressures in a clay foundation and a compacted clay fill placed above it.
- develop a relationship between the effective stress in a sample of clay at the ground surface and its
undrained shear strength.
- based on this develop a typical "stress path" relating the pore pressure in a clay fill to the vertical total
stress in the fill, as the fill is raised.
- compare this theoretical relationship to real data from laboratory tests and field measurments.
- examine and compare with some relevant case studies.
- comment on the drainage requirements for clay fills, and the use on in-plane drainage layers in
- examine a slope failure in UK and a wall failure in Jakarta, where clay fill was used.

6. Reinforced Soil Structures - Some Important Observations Concerning Design and Performance

Reinforced soil structures have become widely used over the last 25 years to build steepened slopes,
retaining walls and bridge abutments. The speaker has worked in this field for almost 20 years, and the
presentation will share some experiences and information gained during this time.
- Brief outline of the general concept of reinforced soil and the general approaches to design.
- Performance of reinforced soil structures will be illustrated based on a number of case studies.
- Static performance and deformation, in relation to design and the SLS check.
- Connection strength between reinforcement and facing, modelling, designing and performance.
- Performance in earthquakes.
- Performance of very tall highway structures – some insights into behaviour of soil structures.

Lecturer: Nick Shirlaw

7. Selection of tunnelling methods for residual soils, saprolites and weathered rocks

Over the last 30 years a number of tunnelling methods have been used for the construction of the MRT
systems in Singapore and Hong Kong. The presentation will focus on the experience of different tunnelling
methods in residual soil, saprolite, and mixed ground conditions comprising the rock and soil grades of
weathered rock. The application of these methods has depended on the precise nature of the ground
conditions and the length of the particular drive. The talk will discuss experience in the use of:
- Open face shields
- Sprayed Concrete Lining (SCL) method
- Compressed air, dewatering, chemical grouting or ground freezing in conjunction with open face
shields or SCL tunnelling
- Earth pressure balance shields
- Slurry shields
In soil and mixed grades of weathered rock

8. Assessment of face pressures for tunnelling in residual soils and saprolites

For tunnelling is necessary to decide whether it is necessary to apply pressure at the face, either to avoid
collapse (ULS case) or the control settlement (SLS case). If a pressure is required, the magnitude of that
pressure has to be assessed. The presentation will review some of the methods that can be used to assess
the required pressure, including:
- The basic mechanisms involved
- Calculations for ULS
- Calculations for SLS
- Practical planning and application of the calculated face pressures in the context of tunnelling in
residual soils and saprolites.


Dr. Laurie Wesley is a retired Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering at Auckland University. He
undertook undergraduate study at Auckland University, and obtained a PhD degree at Imperial College
under Professor A.W. Bishop. He had worked almost entirely in the geotechnical engineering field, in
government agencies in New Zealand and Indonesia, in a consulting firm in New Zealand, and in teaching
and research at Auckland University. He spent eight years with the Indonesian Public Works Department,
four years with the New Zealand Ministry of Works, eleven years with Auckland Consulting Engineers Tonkin
and Taylor Ltd., and eighteen years lecturing at Auckland University. His special research interest has been
the properties of volcanic and residual soils, in particular allophone clays and pumice sands. His other
research interests include reinforced earth, landfills, groundwater and seepage. His recent publications
include two text books, i.e. “Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics for Sedimentary and Residual Soils” and
“Geotechnical Engineering in Residual Soils”, both published by John Wiley and Sons, New York in 2009
and 2010, respectively.

Mike Dobie is a geotechnical engineer with more than 35 years of experience, including 23 years working in
Southeast Asia. His experience includes working for consulting engineers WS Atkins & Partners, and Acer
Freeman Fox and for geotechnical specialists Delft Soil Mechanics Laboratory and Dames and Moore. Mike
holds a BSc in Civil Engineering from Bristol University and an MSc in Soil Mechanics from Imperial College
London. He is the Asia Pacific Regional Manager for Tensar International and ICE Representative for

Nick Shirlaw has over 35 years of experience, mostly in underground construction. He has worked on
several major subway projects, including the Tsuen Wan and Island Lines in Hong Kong, Phase 1 and 2 of
the Singapore MRT system, the Taipei TRTS, the Rapid Transit Expansion Program in Toronto and the
North-East, Circle and Downtown lines in Singapore. He is a Director of Golder Associates (Singapore) Pte.
Ltd., and is a part time lecturer on underground construction at the National University of Singapore. Nick
has been involved in pressurized (EPB and slurry) TBM tunnelling in soft and mixed ground for nearly 25


IEM/AGSSEA/ICE member - RM 600.00

Non-member - RM 800.00

All registration fees must be FULLY paid before commencement of the course. No invoice will be
issued. Participants from Government Departments, Local Authorities and Statutory Bodies must
provide Local Order. IEM Training Centre Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to refuse entry for
participant(s) who have not paid their registration fees to attend the course. THIS REQUIREMENT

Laurence D Wesley John Wiley and Sons 2009

This is the first text book that gives integrated coverage to both sedimentary
and residual soils. Its particular emphasis is on the following:

• To introduce the basic soil mechanics concepts common to both soil


• To highlight, as necessary, the significant differences between the


• To focus on the properties of undisturbed soils, and avoid unrealistic

idealisations of soil behaviour that are often inconsistent with real soils in the natural world

• To give a sound basic introduction to the principal design situations facing geotechnical engineers –
bearing capacity, earth pressure, and the stability of slopes

Reviewer’s comments:
“ ...I welcome this book as it is directed at introducing the distinction between sedimentary and residual soils
to students right at the start of their journey along the soil mechanics path. ...... .....beneficiaries of Laurie’s
teaching whilst at the University of Auckland will know what to expect in the way of clear explanations so I
don’t need to recommend the book to you. For the rest, I can recommend this as an essential volume, not on
your book shelf but right by the computer keyboard on your desk.” - Professor Michael Pender, University of

“...Of particular interest, as indicated by the title, is that, after setting out the various fundamental aspects of
soil mechanics, he distinguishes between the behaviours of sedimentary and residual soils, and continually
reminds the reader of the importance of recognising the origin of the soil deposit if a proper understanding of
its behaviour is to be achieved...
....Overall, this is a very good book for the intelligent and "thinking" undergraduate, and would be a valuable
refresher for the vast majority of practicing professionals”.
- Professor Harry Poulos, Coffey Geotechnics, Sydney


Laurence D Wesley John Wiley and Sons 2010

This book is, in a way, an appendix to the above book and also a personal
account of the author’s experience with geotechnical engineering in residual
soils. Its main objectives are:

• to introduce geotechnical engineers to those aspects of residual soil

behaviour that they ought to be aware of when undertaking projects in these

• highlight the mistaken interpretations of soil behaviour that can result from
the application to residual soils of traditional concepts derived from
sedimentary soils.

The books are available for sale at

IEM Training Centre Sdn. Bhd.
No. 33-1A, Jalan 52/18
P.O. Box 224 (Jalan Sultan)
46720 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Tel. no. 03-79586851 Fax no. 03-79582851 Email:



17 & 18 January 2011 – Wisma IEM

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