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When multiple team members are working on a related feature, how

often should they integrate their work?
 In a scheduled daily (or multiple times in a day) frequency

2. In a team, if someone gets stuck with the technical tasks during the
iteration, what is the immediate next step?
 The team member can reach out to other team members for help.

3. Have you undergone any ‘Living Agile’ session conducted by Agile

Ninja Coaches or Unit Agile Leaders?

er as
 No

eH w
rs e
ou urc
4. How can one ensure that the code adheres to good coding standards?
 The code has to pass through the static code analysis without any

aC s
v i y re

5. What do you think is a good way for team members to remain

ed d

updated on work status at any given time?

ar stu

 Having a updated physical/digital Kanban board

sh is

6. How should a team have quality standards built into its deliverables?

 By having an agreed and evolving set of Definition of Done

items, which are automated wherever possible

7. What happens if the offshore team members are not able to

participate in the iteration demo due to time zone issues

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 No major issue. Since offshore Lead and onsite members
participate in the demo with the Product Owner/Stakeholders,
they can cascade the feedback back to the offshore members.

8. What do you think is the most effective way to ensure that code
adheres to good coding standards?
 Select the correct option(s) The code should pass all the unit test

9. Who is responsible for prioritizing the product backlog?

er as
 Product owner

eH w
rs e
10. For an Agile team, what is an easy way to track the tasks?
ou urc
All the tasks can be maintained in a common place such as a Wiki /
Jira / excel / physical board / wall / any other system with an indication

of ‘To be done/Doing/Done’
aC s
v i y re

11. How does the team know what to work upon during the iteration?
ed d

The team participates in iteration planning during which the team

ar stu

discusses with the Product Owner and finalizes who should work on
sh is

11. When in a team, following Location Independent Agile model,

there are people distributed across geographies what can be a basic
The members must have at least 3 hours overlap time between all of
12. When you have more than one agile team working on a single
product, which all among the following are critical considerations?

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Product Owner/Product Specialist to devote similar time to all teams.
Team to have occasional sync-up meets to eliminate dependencies.

13. What happens if the offshore team members are not able to
participate in the iteration demo due to time zone/infrastructure issues?
Offshore members will miss the opportunity to interact with the
Product Owner and get the direct feedback about the increment they

14. If you are working in a customer facing agile team, who is more

er as
mature/ready of Agile?

eH w
Our TCS Team

rs e
ou urc
15.If you are in an agile team, do you have distributed team members?
Which of the TCS Location Independent Agile Models do you follow?
aC s

(M1 – distributed agile team members with 3 hrs common time. M2 –

v i y re

2such M1 teams, M3 – 3 such M1 teams with more than one

ProductOwner/specialist, M4 – 4 such M1 teams with more than one
ed d
ar stu

M3 or M4
sh is

1.For an Agile team, what is an easy way to track the tasks?


All the tasks can be maintained in a common place such as a Wiki /

Jira / excel / physical board / wall / any other system with an indication
of ‘To be done/Doing/Done’

2.How does the team know what to work upon during the iteration?

This study source was downloaded by 100000824070612 from on 06-16-2021 08:09:08 GMT -05:00
The team participates in iteration planning during which the team
discusses with the Product Owner and finalizes who should work on

3.When in a team, following Location Independent Agile model, there

are people distributed across geographies what can be a basic
The members must have at least 3 hours overlap time between all of

What would be a standard way for anyone outside an agile team (e.g

er as
Delivery Partner of the account) to get the status of the work at any

point in time?

eH w
He/she can refer the physical/digital Kanban board which is

maintained by the team
rs e
ou urc
8.In a team that follows agile, how would a team member know about

the details of what others are working on?

aC s

The team should have a daily sync-up

v i y re

9.For an Agile team, what is an easy way to track the tasks?

All the tasks can be maintained in a common place such as a Wiki /
ed d

Jira / excel / physical board / wall / any other system with an indication
ar stu

of ‘To be done/Doing/Done’
sh is

10.How does the team know what to work upon during the iteration?

The team participates in iteration planning during which the team

discusses with the Product Owner and finalizes who should work on

11.When in a team, following Location Independent Agile model, there

are people distributed across geographies what can be a basic
The members must have at least 3 hours overlap time between all of

This study source was downloaded by 100000824070612 from on 06-16-2021 08:09:08 GMT -05:00
12. When you have more than one agile team working on a single
product, which all among the following are critical considerations?
Product Owner/Product Specialist to devote similar time to all teams.
Team to have occasional sync-up meets to eliminate dependencies.

13. What happens if the offshore team members are not able to
participate in the iteration demo due to timezone/infrastructure issues?

Offshore members will miss the opportunity to interact with the

Product Owner and get the direct feedback about the increment they

er as
1. When multiple team members are working on a related feature, how

eH w
often should they integrate their work?

rs e
In a scheduled daily (or multiple times in a day) frequency
ou urc
2. In a team, if someone gets stuck with the technical tasks during the
iteration, what is the immediate next step?
aC s

The team member can reach out to other team members for help.
v i y re

The physical/digital Kanban board which is maintained by the team

3. In a team that follows agile, how would a team member know about
ed d

the details of what others are working on?

ar stu

The team should have a daily sync-up

sh is

4. For an Agile team, what is an easy way to track the tasks?

All the tasks can be maintained in a common place such as a Wiki /

Jira / excel / physical board / wall / any other system with an indication
of ‘To be done/Doing/Done’

5.How does the team know what to work upon during the iteration?
The team participates in iteration planning during which the team
discusses with the Product Owner and finalizes who should work on

This study source was downloaded by 100000824070612 from on 06-16-2021 08:09:08 GMT -05:00
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