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Column Name Required? Unique?

Id = True True
UPN = False True
ULN = False True
AD Username = False True
Exam Candidate Number = False True
Exam UCI Number = False True
Title = False False
Name Initials = False False
Forename = True False
Middle Names = False False
Surname = True False
Preferred Name = False False
DOB = False False
Gender = False False
Country of Residence = False False
Nationality = False False
Language = False False
Religion = False False
Ethnic Group = False False
Birth Place = False False
Birth County = False False
Birth Country = False False
Diplomatic And Forces = False False
NC Year = False False
Form/Tutor Group = False False
Tutor = False False
Academic House = False False
Boarding House = False False
Enquiry Date = False False
Enquiry Type = False False
Admissions Date = False False
Admissions Status = False False
Enrolment Date = False False
Enrolment NC Year = False False
Enrolment Term Name = False False
Enrolment Form = False False
Enrolment Academic House = False False
Enrolment Boarding House = False False
Previous School Code = False False
Leaving Date = False False
Leaving Reason = False False
Leaving NC Year = False False
Leaving Term Name = False False
Leaving Form = False False
Leaving Academic House = False False
Leaving Boarding House = False False
Exam Candidate Surname = False False
Exam Candidate Forenames = False False
School Email Address = False False
Mobile Number = False False
Maths GCSE (Grade) = False False
Maths GCSE (Year Group) = False False
Maths GCSE Funding Exemption = False False
English GCSE (Grade) = False False
English GCSE (Year Group) = False False
English GCSE Funding Exemption = False False
Type of Class = False False
Basis for EYPP = False False
Hours at Setting = False False
Funded Hours = False False
Planned Qualification Hours = False False
Planned Non-Qualification Hours = False False
Previous Planned Qualification Hours = False False
Previous Planned Non-Qualification Hours = False False
Enrolment Status = False False
School Status = False False
System Status = True False
Status = False False

Column Name Required? Unique?

Pupil Id = True False
Address Type = True False
Relation To Student = True False
Pupils Main Home = True False
Title = False False
Name Initials = False False
Forename = False False
Middle Names = False False
Surname = True False
Address 1 = False False
Address 2 = False False
Address 3 = False False
Town = False False
County = False False
Country = False False
Postcode = False False
Telephone = False False
Mobile = False False
Email = False False
Fax = False False
Profession = False False
Marital Status = False False
SOS Contact = False False
SOS Note = False False
All Merges = False False
Billing Merge = False False
Correspondence Merge = False False
Report Merge = False False
Contact Only = False False

Column Name Required? Unique?

Pupil Id 1 = True False
Pupil Id 2 = True False

Column Name Required? Unique?

Pupil Id = True False
Type = False False
Number = False False
Nationality = False False
Place of Issue = False False
Expiry Date = False False

Column Name Required? Unique?

Pupil Id = True False
Type = False False
Id = False False
CAS = False False
Nationality = False False
Country of Issue = False False
Valid From Date = False False
Valid Until Date = False False
Entry Date = False False
Notes = False False

Column Name Required? Unique?

Pupil Id = True False
Type = True False
Body = False False
Date = False False

Column Name Required? Unique?

Pupil Id = True False
Type = True False
Body = False False
Date = False False

Column Name Required? Unique?

Pupil Id = True True
PRU Contact Hours = False False
EYPP Eligability = False False
Extended Childcare Hours = False False
30-Hour Code Indicator = False False
DAF Indicator = False False
2-Yr-Old Basis For Funding = False False

Column Name Required? Unique?

Pupil Id = True True
School Census = False False
Column Name Required? Unique?
Name = True True
Type = True False
Select List Type = False False

Column Name Required? Unique?

Pupil Id = True False
Custom Field Name = True False
Value = True False

Column Name Required? Unique?

Name = True False
Value = True False
Pupil Data - Non-Independent Schools

This pupil data worksheet can be used to import a variety of core

Sheet Instructions


This pupil template can be used to impo

Type Max Length
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Text 4
Text 13
Text 50
Text 50
Text 255
Text 255
Text 50
Text 50
Date 0
Text 1
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Text 150
Text 150
Text 150
Text 20
Int 2
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Date 0
Text 200
Date 0
Text 20
Date 0
Int 2
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Date 0
Text 255
Int 2
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Text 50
Text 255
Text 255
Email 50
Text 50
Text 100
Text 100
Text 100
Text 100
Text 100
Text 100
Text 20
Text 100
Text 5
Text 5
Int 4
Int 4
Int 4
Int 4
Text 50
Text 20
Int 0
Text 100

Pupil Contacts

This pupil contacts template can be used to im

Type Max Length
Text 50
Text 255
Text 255
YesNo 3
Text 50
Text 50
Text 255
Text 255
Text 50
Text 200
Text 200
Text 200
Text 150
Text 150
Text 150
Text 15
Text 100
Text 100
Email 200
Text 100
Text 150
Text 150
YesNo 3
Text 1000
YesNo 3
YesNo 3
YesNo 3
YesNo 3
YesNo 3


This siblings template can be used to impo

Type Max Length
Text 50
Text 50

Passport Info

This passport info template can be used to record passp

Type Max Length
Text 50
Text 100
Text 100
Text 100
Text 100
Date 50

Visa Info

This visa info template can be used to record visa information relating to the pupil. If a pupil h
Type Max Length
Text 50
Text 250
Text 250
Text 250
Text 250
Text 250
Date 50
Date 50
Date 50
Text 1000

Health Notes

This health notes template can be used to record he

Type Max Length
Text 50
Text 255
Text 1000
Date 50

General Notes

This notes template can be used to store not

Type Max Length
Text 50
Text 255
Text 1000
Date 50

Pupil Characteristics

This template can be used for importing a pupil's Pupil Character

Type Max Length
Text 50
Int 2
YesNo 3
Text 5
Text 11
YesNo 3
Text 50

Exclude From Census

This template can be used for excluding pupils

Type Max Length
Text 50
YesNo 3
Custom Fields

This custom fields template can be used to store data which may not have a
Type Max Length
Text 255
Text 255
Text 255

Custom Field Value

This custom field value template is used to ma

Type Max Length
Text 50
Text 255
Text 1000

Custom Field Select Val

This custom fields select values template can be used to store data lists
Type Max Length
Text 50
Text 500
Pupil Data - Non-Independent Schools Migration Template

This pupil data worksheet can be used to import a variety of core pupil data for non-independent sc

Sheet Instructions


This pupil template can be used to import core pupil data.

The unique ID used to identify the pupil. This is usually the unique ID from your previous MIS.
Unique pupil number, can be generated for new pupils or obtained from the DfE if the pupil has already been assigned one.
Unique learner number, should be obtained from the DfE if the data is not available.
The pupils active directory username.
The persons exam candidate number, (a four digit code assigned by the school to a pupil when taking examinations from an a
The persons exam UCI number, (a nine to twelve charter code assigned to a pupil when taking examinations from an awardin
Name initials, (initials displayed on output reports).
Middle Names
Preferred Name
The country the person currently resides in.
Primary nationality of the person.
Primary language of the person.
The person's religion.
The person's ethnic group.
The person's place of birth.
The person's birth county.
The person's birth country.
Does the pupil have a parent in the armed services, (Service Child). Y = Yes |N = No | R = Refused | U = Unknown
The national curriculum year the person is in at the school. Valid values are between -2 and 13. -2 = Kindergarten, -1 = Nurse
The form, pastoral or tutor group the person has been assigned to at the school.
The tutor the person has been assigned to at the school.
The academic house the person is in.
The boarding house the person is in.
The date the person first enquired at the school.
The method used when the person first enquired at the school. Recommended values are "Email", "Internet", "Letter", "Mes
The date the person first entered the admissions process at the school.
The latest status of the person through the admissions process at the school.
The date the person starts at the school.
The national curriculum year the person started at the school. Valid values are between -2 and 13. -2 = Kindergarten, -1 = Nu
The school term the person started at the school.
The form the person started the school in.
The academic house the person started the school in.
The boarding house the person started the school in.
The unique ID of the school the person came from.
The date the person left the school.
The reason why the person left the school.
The national curriculum year the person left the school. Valid values are between -2 and 13. -2 = Kindergarten, -1 = Nursery,
The school term the person left the school.
The form the person left the school.
The persons academic house when they left the school.
The persons boarding house when they left the school.
The persons exam candidate surname. This can be in normal case but is often capitalised.
The persons exam candidate forenames. This is usually in the format; 'Forename Middlenames' or 'Forename Initials'.
The school email address assigned to the person by the school.
The persons mobile telephone number.
Highest grade pupil has already achieved by pupil for Maths GCSE. (Non-Independent Schools' School Census).
If A*-C/9-4 grade has been achieved for Maths GCSE, and when in relation to Year 11. (Non-Independent Schools' School Cen
Whether pupil is exempt from the condition of funding. (Non-Independent Schools' School Census).
Highest grade pupil has already achieved for English GCSE. (Non-Independent Schools' School Census).
If A*-C/9-4 grade has been achieved by pupil for English GCSE, and when in relation to Year 11. (Non-Independent Schools' S
Whether pupil is exempt from the condition of funding. (Non-Independent Schools' School Census).
Whether pupil is in a Nursery class or not. (Non-Independent Schools' School Census)
The basis for the eligibility for Early Years Pupil Premium, if eligible. (Non-Independent Schools' School Census).
Hours at setting for the same pupils and schools for whom funded hours are collected. Please enter a value between 00.00-7
Total number of hours in education provision at the school funded via the free entitlement to early education. For eligible pu
Total planned timetable hours for the pupil in the current academic year to be spent on subjects where qualifications can be
Total planned timetable hours for the pupil in the current academic year to be spent on subjects where qualifications can not
Total planned timetable hours for the pupil in the previous academic year to be spent on subjects where qualifications can be
Total planned timetable hours for the pupil in the previous academic year to be spent on subjects where qualifications can no
HowThepupil is registered
pupils boardingatstatus
the school.
at the (Non-Independent Schools' School Census).
school: Day | Boarder.
Independent schools have additional options of Day Boarder | Weekly Boarder.
The status haveat
the person additional options
the school. of 6 Days
1 = Current |0 =a Applicant
Week | 7 Days
| -1 =aFormer
Week but not Boarder option.
Boarder Status.

Pupil Contacts

This pupil contacts template can be used to import pupil contact data.
The unique Id used to identify the pupil.
The contacts type of address. Values are: Home, Work, Second Home, Agency, Company, Holiday, Current Pupil.
The relationship this contact has with the pupil. Typical values are: Mother, Father, Stepfather, Stepmother, Brother, Sister, G
Is this address where the pupil lives.
Name initials, (initials displayed on output reports).
Middle Names
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
The telephone number of the contact.
The mobile number of the contact.
The email address of the contact.
The fax number of the contact.
The profession of the contact.
The marital status of the contact. Values: Cohabiting, Divorced, Married, Separated, Single, Unknown, Widowed.
Is this an SOS contact?
SOS notes assigned to the contact.
Should this contact get all types of correspondence relating to the pupil? This includes; billing, general correspondence and r
Should this contact get billing information relating to the pupil?
Should this contact get correspondence relating to the pupil?
Should this contact get report information relating to the pupil?
Contact Only?


This siblings template can be used to import pupil sibling data.

The unique Id used to identify the pupil.
The unique Id used to identify the pupil.

Passport Info

This passport info template can be used to record passport information relating to the pu
The unique Id used to identify the pupil.
The passport type. Custom values allowed, examples; Full, Temporary.
The passport number.
The passport nationality.
The place the passport was issued.
The passport expiry date.

Visa Info

This visa info template can be used to record visa information relating to the pupil. If a pupil has visa information it is assume
The unique Id used to identify the pupil.
The visa type. Custom values allowed, examples; Visitors, Working.
The visa identifier.
The visa confirmation of acceptance for studies number.
The nationality associated with the visa.
The country the passport was issued.
The date the visa is valid from.
The date the visa is valid until.
The entry date.
Any notes associated with the visa.

Health Notes

This health notes template can be used to record health notes relating to the pupil.
The unique Id used to identify the pupil.
The type of medical note.
The body of the medical note.
The date the note was created.

General Notes

This notes template can be used to store notes relating to the pupil.
The unique Id used to identify the pupil.
The type of note.
The body of the note.
The date the note was created.

Pupil Characteristics

This template can be used for importing a pupil's Pupil Characteristics required for the DfE Scho
The unique Id used to identify the pupil.
Contact Hours pupil should have in a PRU/AP during census week. Should be a value between 0-99. (Non-Independent Schoo
Whether pupil aged 3 or 4, is eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium. (Non-Independent Schools' School Census).
Number of extended childcare hours for pupils aged 3 or 4, who's parents hold a valid 30-hour code. (Non-Independent Scho
11 digit integer required for pupils who claim extended childcare hours. (Non-Independent Schools' School Census).
Whether pupil aged 3 or 4 is in receipt of DAF funding. (Non-Independent Schools' School Census).
The basis under which a 2 year old has been funded whilst taking up a place in the school. (Non-Independent Schools' School

Exclude From Census

This template can be used for excluding pupils from the School Census.
The unique Id used to identify the pupil.
If pupil is to be excluded from School Census (Non-Independent Schools' School Census).
Custom Fields

This custom fields template can be used to store data which may not have a natural place within the system
The name of the custom field.
The type of custom field. This can be either: Textbox, TextArea, Select, Multiple, Checkbox or DateTime

Custom Field Value

This custom field value template is used to map custom fields to pupils.
The unique Id used to identify the pupil.
The name of the custom field.
The value to be saved against the pupil and custom field.

Custom Field Select Values

This custom fields select values template can be used to store data lists of data for custom field select va
The name of the select value.
The value of the select value.
Link Sheet Link Column

Years NC Year
Forms Form
Staff Id
Houses Name
Houses Name
Years NC Year
Terms Name
Forms Form
Houses Name
Houses Name
Schools Code

Years NC Year
Terms Name

Link Sheet Link Column

Pupils Id
Link Sheet Link Column
Pupils Id
Pupils Id

Link Sheet Link Column

Pupils Id

Link Sheet Link Column

Pupils Id
Link Sheet Link Column
Pupils Id

Link Sheet Link Column

Pupils Id

Link Sheet Link Column

Pupils Id

Link Sheet Link Column

Pupils Id
Link Sheet Link Column

Link Sheet Link Column

Pupils Id
Custom Fields Name

Link Sheet Link Column

Custom Fields Select List Type
Id UPN ULN AD Username Exam Candidate Number
1064 U746547812091 3313855252 john.doe
287412 Z746547809092 7444314739 JD 5874
PupilABDE N746547809093 2911511114 joe.bloggs02 1258
Exam UCI Number Title Name Initials Forename Middle Names Surname
Master JD John Doe
312700073265E Miss JD Jane Ann Doe
312700072075F JB Joe Tom Bloggs
Preferred Name DOB Gender Country of Residence
05/12/1998 M England
F Scotland
Jay 26/07/2010 M England
Nationality Language Religion Ethnic Group Birth Place Birth County
British English Christian White British Bedfordshire
Swiss Swiss Hindu Birmingham Hospital West Midlands
British English Christian White British Home Northamptonshire
Birth Country Diplomatic And Forces NC Year Form/Tutor Group Tutor
United Kingdom 6 Y6-C JB
United Kingdom Y 10 10-B MJS
United Kingdom N 13 Year13Group6 SMP
Academic House Boarding House Enquiry Date Enquiry Type
10/07/2008 Continuing
Oaks North 14/08/2010 New Student
Mapels 31/02/2012 Unknown
Admissions Date Admissions Status Enrolment Date
18/04/2008 Enquiry 01/09/2010
01/01/2010 Visited School 04/05/2012
31/01/2012 Paid & Accepted 12/12/2013
Enrolment NC Year Enrolment Term Name Enrolment Form
-2 Autumn Nursary A
6 Autumn 6A
6 Summer 6G
Enrolment Academic House Enrolment Boarding House Previous School Code
Oaks North OS
Leaving Date Leaving Reason Leaving NC Year Leaving Term Name

15/07/2013 Moved to a different school. 13 Summer

Leaving Form Leaving Academic House Leaving Boarding House

13G Mapels North

Exam Candidate Surname Exam Candidate Forenames School Email Address
DOE John
DOE Jane Ann
Mobile Number Maths GCSE (Grade) Maths GCSE (Year Group)
07541254141 Grade A Star Grade A*-C/9-4 – Achieved by End of Year 11
07968885412 Grade B Grade A*-C/9-4 – Achieved since End of Year 11
Grade U Grade A*-C/9-4 – Not Achieved
Maths GCSE Funding Exemption English GCSE (Grade)
Learning Disability Prevents Studying Qualification Not Required
Recognised Overseas Equivalent Qualification Held Grade 1
No Exemption Grade B
English GCSE (Year Group)
Grade A*-C/9-4 – Achieved by End of Year 11
Grade A*-C/9-4 – Achieved since End of Year 11
Grade A*-C/9-4 – Not Achieved
English GCSE Funding Exemption Type of Class
GCSE Condition of Funding Met as Approved Equivalent UK Qualification Held Nursery Class
Recognised Overseas Equivalent Qualification Held Not a Nursery Class
No Exemption
Basis for EYPP Hours at Setting Funded Hours
Eligible Through Economic Reasons
Eligible Through Other Reasons 12.22 13.22
Eligible Through Unknown Basis 70.00 25.00
Planned Qualification Hours Planned Non-Qualification Hours

12 1
30 24
Previous Planned Qualification Hours Previous Planned Non-Qualification Hours
0 0
12 1
13 2
Enrolment Status School Status System Status Status
FE College 1 Boarder
Current Subsidiary (Dual Registration) Boarder 1 Day Pupil
Guest (Not Registered) -1 Day Boarder
Pupil Id Address Type Relation To Student Pupils Main Home Title
1064 Home Mother Yes Miss
1064 Home Stepfather Yes Mr
1064 Home Father Mr
1064 Home Friend Mr
PupilABDE Home Mother Yes Mrs
PupilABDE Home Father Yes Mr
PupilABDE Work Mother Mrs
Name Initials Forename Middle Names Surname Address 1
S Sam Platt 21, Manderville Close
T Tom Platt 21, Manderville Close
D Ted Doe 4, West Road
Lander 81,Small Street
HE Hayley Emma Bloggs The Cottage, Green Road
C Chris Bloggs The Cottage, Green Road
HE Hayley Emma Bloggs
Address 2 Address 3 Town County Country Postcode
Spinny Hill Northampton Northamptonshire United Kingdom NN36QE
Spinny Hill Northampton Northamptonshire United Kingdom NN36QE
Grange Park Northampton United Kingdom NN49GT
Wolverhampton United Kingdom
Pitsford Northampton United Kingdom NN25KY
Pitsford Northampton United Kingdom NN25KY
Telephone Mobile Email Fax Profession Marital Status
01604 789 789 07547854124 Divorced
01604 789 789 Gardener

01604 555 731 PA Married

01604 555 731 Married
0121 587 4584 45678 PA
SOS Contact SOS Note All Merges Billing Merge
Yes Do not call after 5pm. Yes
Yes Try work telephone number if no answer from home. Yes
Correspondence Merge Report Merge Contact Only

No No No
No Yes Yes
Pupil Id 1 Pupil Id 2
1064 287412
Pupil Id Type Number Nationality Place of Issue Expiry Date
1064 Full 541587458 01/05/2012
287412 Temporary 578455474 05/06/2010
Pupil Id Type Id CAS Nationality Country of Issue Valid From Date
1064 Visitors 541587458 541587458 Chinese China 01/05/2012
287412 Working 578455474 578455474 American United States 05/06/2010
Valid Until Date Entry Date Notes
01/05/2014 01/07/2012
05/06/2012 05/09/2010
Pupil Id Type Body Date
1064 Medical Alert Allergic to Prawns 01/05/2012
287412 Medical Alert Allergic to Penicillin 05/06/2010
PupilABDE General Has had chickenpox 26/12/2012
Pupil Id Type Body Date
1064 General Parents divorced in June 01/05/2012
1064 Admission Thinking about changing school 05/06/2010
PupilABDE General Is being bullied 26/12/2012
Pupil Id PRU Contact Hours EYPP Eligability Extended Childcare Hours
1064 12 Yes 12.22
1064 1 No 1.75
30-Hour Code Indicator DAF Indicator 2-Yr-Old Basis For Funding
11111111111 Yes ECO
12345678901 HSD
Pupil Id School Census
1064 Yes
PupilABDE No
Name Type Select List Type
Car Registration Number Textbox
Place of Worship Select Place of Worship
Religion Select Religion
Time Taken Lunch Select Time Taken Lunch
Pupil Id Custom Field Name Value
1064 Car Registration Number RD54 YVS
287412 Car Registration Number Y106 ITF
PupilABDE Car Registration Number 1A
1064 Place of Worship Church
Name Value
Place of Worship Church
Place of Worship Mosque
Place of Worship Synagog
Time Taken Lunch 12:00
Time Taken Lunch 12:30
Time Taken Lunch 13:00

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