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Hello everyone!
We are part of the research team at HUFLIT. This survey aims to find out the factors
affecting students' use of digital banking in Ho Chi Minh City. This survey is completely
voluntary and you can end it at any time. We are committed to keeping your privacy. Your
information is for this research only.

Your full name:………………………..
Gender: □ Male □ Female □ Other
What year are you in:...........................

1. Do you know Digital bank?

□ Yes □ No
2. Which Digital bank do you know?
3. Do you want to use Timo?
□ Yes □ No
4. Why don't you use Timo?
□ Do not know anything about Timo
□ No need to use Timo
□ Do not trust Banking services
□ Other:.................................
5. What kind of Timo bank cards do you want to use?
□ Debit card (Napas) □ Credit card (VISA)
6. Why do you know Timo? (can choose more than one)
□ Media (Facebook, TV, Internet...)
□ Referred by relatives and friends
□ The bank itself finds you
□ Other…………………...
7. What factors are important to you when using Timo?
(Can choose more than one)
□ Free of transaction □ Easy to use □ One-touch transaction
8. Which of the following services do you use when using Timo?
(Can choose more than one)
□ Account Services (Transfer, Deposit, Withdrawal)
□ Savings Service
□ Card Services
□ Other:….
9. How many times a week do you use Timo?
□ 1-2 times □ 3 - 5 times □ More than 5 times
10. What outstanding feature do you like when using Timo?
(Can choose more than one)
□ Privacy □ Smart □ Quickly
11. What benefits does Timo offer different from the bank you used to use?
(Can choose more than one)
□ Free everything
□ No minimum balance required
□ Reset PIN right in the app
□ Interest free up to 55 days
12. Have you been to Timo's Hangout (transaction office)?
□ Yes □ No
13. How do you feel about the space in Hangout? (Can choose more than one)
□ Great □ Like a cafe shop □ Comfortable
14. How do you feel about the attitude of Timo staff? (Can choose more than
□ Friendly □ Professional □ Understanding customers □ Dedicated
15. Problems you encountered when using Timo?
16. In your opinion, what should Timo do to improve these incidents?
17. What are your opinions on improving the service quality of Timo?
(Can choose more than 1)
□ Better customer service attitude
□ Implement more utilities included
□ Improved technology into the application (E-banking)
□ Diversify banking services
18. Would you recommend Timo to family and friends?
□ Yes □ No
19. Why would you recommend Timo to your loved ones?
(Can choose more than 1)
□ Transparent costs
□ Completely Confidential
□ Connect e-wallet
□ Cashless spending
□ High credit limit
□ Free everything
20. If Timo charges a transaction fee in the following years, will you still use
□ Yes □No □ I will consider
21. Your level of satisfaction when using Timo according to the following

Unsati nor- satis- Very
-sfied mal fied pleased

Many add-ons included

Many promotions and offers

There are many branches

Hangout is Convenient, modern

Fast workflow

Attitude of staff, customer

Competitive service fees (all
services free)

Thank you!

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