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Introduction to English Language Teaching (ENG503)

Spring 2021
Assignment No. 1
Total Marks: 20
Lectures: 1-10

Q. Films/Movies assist the learners' comprehension by enabling them to listen to

language exchanges and see visual support such as facial expressions and gestures
simultaneously. These visual clues support the verbal message and provide a focus of
attention. Watching movies is also a great way to understand the manner in
which conversational English is used in different cultures. This a useful way to learn
how to speak English fluently.

In your point of view, how can films/movies be used to teach pronunciation in your
English language classroom? Which film would you use in your language classroom to
achieve the target and why?

The useful way to learn and speak English fluently.

 Imitation technique are so effective because use it teaches you hear the sounds and
pattern of English and then trains you to produce same sounds of self through reputation
and control practice .

 Improve your pronunciation.

 Choose your accent …but it doesn’t matter what English ascent you use “it’s more
important that you communicate clearly

 Practice Vowels sounds, linking words , syllables stress can better to pronounce and
speak fluently

 Fluency and ability to speak correctly Reasonable Speed The speaker does not need spend much
time searching for the necessary language items needed convey message 

 Fluent speech has fewer forms such as contractions headaches alopecia

  Learners who do experience low will maintain their regular completed form Tension rhythm
force Rules of practice communication
 Ability in different types situations  talk exchange repair use a range ideas

To teach pronunciation in your English language

 In my point of view first - watch twice movie part if something difficult to pronounce
 Second- Watch movie in English subtitles because something is missing or you can’t
understand some words
 Third- Pay attention in person mouth how they pronounce English words so this can
improve pronunciation
 Fourth- this is may be crazy side but talk to a character in your mind because that allow
to use a phrases that copy their manner copy the vocabulary, copy their accent this is
really work your brain just repeat what they do
 Fifth -In English movies they use words and speak connected to each other so this is
away to speak English fluently . example ‘’let me give you something’’ you hear’’
lemmee givyuh sumpthin’’

Which film would you use in your language classroom to achieve the target and why?

‘’Inside Out’’

Eleven-year-old Riley moves to San Francisco , leaving behind her life in Minnesota . She and

her five core emotions , Fear, Anger, Joy, Disgust and Sadness , struggle to cope with her new
Inside out is a very creative story about the human mind. film’s imaginative concept
and themes of change, past memories and coming of age The film also tells us that we all need
each and every emotion in order to understand the significance of each and every emotion in our
lives. In my personal opinion of the movie is great to understand . this is for student of all ages .
The movie is funny and goofy but at the same time it manages to get the point across to the

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