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Nama : Zayyina Chamaladina Hanfin

Nim : 30101900210

Please kindly check the table below and write a descriptive essay accordingly.

The table summarizes preferences of tourists in the city of Liorente, with no specific

Actually that is a table of tourist destination by age gropus arrive. There is a nine tourist
destination. That is : Beaches , Bars , Discos , Art Galleries shopping centers , zoos ,
national parks, cinemas/theatres , museums, sporting events. Age grups is overall 21-
30 , 31 – 40 , 41 – 50 , 51+. The habitual behaviour tourist destination always arrive
shopping centers. It cause shooping is hppy habitual. May buys drees etc. Then, the
museum arrives a little bit by a tourist. So, the shopping center is more like either all.
The places most preferred by the youngest age grup is shopping centre. They prefer
least is discos. Most pupular in 31 – 40 y.o shopping centre is like a most preferred by
youngest group. Most popular whit the group of 41 – 50 shopping centre

• 21-30 age group preferences for the tourist destinations is almost tourist comes
to shopping centre. It cause shopping centre was fun then either
• 31-40 age group preferences for the 10 tourist destinations its most likes to arrive
• 41-50 age group preferences for the 10 tourist destinations most interest than all
shopping centre. May, cause make mood happy
• 51+ age group preferences for the 10 tourist destinations is most likes art gellery
cause a old people want to enjoying the art for treatment stress.

So, the conclusions all of the tourist destinations is interest so enjoy with the panorama
the god have view for human.

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