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Project name Temporary Support to H2S Tank During Main Support Repair
Project no. 07-2021
Recipient KG
Document type Method Statement Summary
Version 00
Date 15/06/2021
Prepared by Anoop Nair
Checked by -
Approved by -


1. Introduction 1

2. Assumptions 2

3. Method Statement Brief 2

4. Schematic Sketches 4

5. Queries for design: 6


1. Introduction

This report gives a summary of the method statement being proposed for tank support requirement
during the H2S tank support repair.

2. Assumptions

The following assumptions are considered during the conceptualization of the report:
 The base below the tank is sufficiently strong to support the support frames
 The H2S tank will be completely empty and vented before any repair work
 The empty weight of the tank is 28tonnes (287kN)
 The tank itself is not damaged in any respect structurally. And is still able to carry the
operational load.
 ACI design standards to be followed.

The main tank support can be only repaired when the empty tank is being fully supported along its
length with a secondary support frame.

The proposed support frame is a steel frame braced to avoid any lateral movement of the tank. The
steel tank will be supported at every 1000mm approx. with the steel support frame.

The Frame will be a bolted system for easy assembly and removal.


3. Method Statement Brief

 The tank is to be emptied and vented.

 The steel support frame is to be assembled under the tank. The members to be cut as per actual
site conditions. To ensure tight fit.
 The base plate should be supported on firm/rigid surface. No settlement allowed.
 A layer of Hard wood plank 20mm think to be placed laterally over the steel frame to avoid any
steel-steel contact which can damage the tank. The wood packing should ensure full contact
with tank.
 The tank projection outside the main support, will be supported by temporary frame when the
repair work is being done on the inside of the main support an approx. 750-500mm of
workspace will be provided here.

*Screw jacks below the frame columns can be used to raise and lower the frame, for tight fit. If suitable jack size is
available (to be confirmed on side).


4. Schematic Sketches



5. Queries for design:

 The actual dia. of tank. Its is not mentioned in the 3d sketch.

 The projection of tank beyond main support
 Approx max weight of empty tank.
 Preferred steel sections and grade (box, I or C as per availability) and assuming American
sections are available.



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