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Further, rare spells cannot normally be chosen from a list

Spell Rarities when gaining a level, instead, rare spells must be learned from
The level of a spell dictates its power, but not always its someone or something that has knowledge of the spell, or is
difficulty or prevalence. Some spells are known only to a even its creator. Take for example Snilloc's Snowball Swarm,
scarce few mages who need them for their work, or even only Depending on their fame, Snilloc may be the only mage who
those who invented them, while other spells are all but erased knows how to cast this spell, and as such a player learning it
from history, with only minor references and snippets at random when leveling up makes little sense. If the players
scribbled in the margins of the most ancient tomes. Some were to meet Snilloc and learn the spell first-hand, however, it
spells that could change the world as it is known are so would leave an interesting and lasting impression on players
difficult to master that only the most skilled mages ever who chose to use that spell in the future. As such, when a
bother to try, while some are simple displays of pure force that player gains a level in their spellcasting class, they may not
any mage of sufficient power may wield with ease. take or use any spells of rare or legendary rarity that they have
not heard of or learned previously. When a player learns of a
This optional system serves to contextualize spellcasting in spell from any source, it becomes available to them. If
your world, generate interesting connections between players necessary, they can choose to replace one of their current
and their spells, and simultaneously provide an internally spells with it when it is learned.
consistent method for limiting the players' magical abilities to
manageable levels for the DM. Distributing Rarities, and Their
There are four rarities used in this system, and they are
detailed below: Consequences
On the following pages I have included my distribution of
Common: Almost every trained spellcaster, and even some rarities for all of the currently available (Pre-Xanathar's) spells
untrained ones who have the ability to cast this spell use it in 5e (as according to The Grimoire) for my campaign setting.
often or know of it and have seen it used. Common spells If you wish to use GMBinder for this as I did, you can click
are almost always easy to master for spellcasters powerful "Source</>" on top of this page to copy my format.
enough to wield them. Take note when creating your own distribution as to the
Uncommon: Some spellcasters know of and use this spell, differences between common and uncommon rarities. The
either due to its difficulty, its obscurity, or its niche border here may become blurred at times, but know that
applications. Most spellcasters will have at least some spells within the common category should be those who most
vague knowledge of this spell. if not all magic users would know. This can have major
Rare: Very few spellcaster know of or use this spell. This may implications on the setting of a world, depending on the
be the personal spell of some powerful mage who created it, prevalence of spellcasters. To take inspiration from this
or it may have been forbidden long ago and only exists in WebDM episode, if spells such as revivify are made common,
the minds of a scarce few old wizards. then why would any person ever die in combat? What would
Legendary: No living person in the known world still uses the diamonds used in the casting of that spell be worth? These
this spell, but there is some remaining record of it, whether are things to consider when ranking spell rarities, and can
in the far memory of some considerably ancient warlock (or serve as inspiration for innovative cultures or economies in
their patron), the pages of a legendary lost tome, or in the your setting. By contrast, marking a spell as uncommon can
text of a crumbling old scroll, which can withstand but one do well in leaving it open to players, but reducing its impact
last casting before being lost to time. upon your setting. If the spell revivify is supremely difficult,
then it may only be in use by those with significant skill, and
Gaining New Spells only for exorbitant amounts of gold, making its consequences
Within this system, the way players learn new spells is much less universal.
tweaked in order to hold them to the laws of the world and
create the desired effect of immersion and consistency.
When a player with the ability to cast spells gains a level, Alternate Spell Names
often they gain a number of spells, or can switch out their
known spells for others of the same level. The rarities in this When using this system to enhance spellcasting in
system take effect by requiring more of the players during this your setting, you may find it beneficial to rename
certain spells to use the names of characters, gods,
process than simply picking names from a list. Common rarity or locations that are consistent within your own
spells can be chosen as usual, as most people know of them setting. For example, Arms of Hadar can be made
and can learn them rather easily; however, spells of higher into a small tidbit of worldbuilding verisimilitude if
rarities must have a reason for being available. Uncommon named after an appropriate old god in your setting.
rarity spells should be allowed to be chosen similarly to those
of common rarity, however, the players should be encouraged Spells of the Masters
to think about and provide reasons why they would have heard There are a number of spells included in 5e which
of these spells. For example, any wizard who has spent time in are named after their creators, and similarly to the
a court of nobility probably knows or has heard of the spell names mentioned above, these spells could
comprehend languages spell used in dealings between also benefit from a bit of alteration or creative
nations to translate, but a lowborn sorcerer might not have worldbuilding to fit your setting. Think about who
ever known such a spell existed. Context like this helps these characters are and what they do based on
establish a background for the character and grants the spell what they've created, and what position that lends
itself a role in the storytelling. them in your world.

Applying Rarity to Specific Cleric
Clerics do not learn spells, they are given their abilities
Classes through their devotion to their deity, faith, or other target of
This system as written applies mostly to wizards, and seems worship. Mechanically, clerics simply "know" all of their
less applicable to other classes. In this section I will provide possible spells and just progress in the amount of power they
thoughts and examples on how to apply the ideas behind spell have to cast more of them. This omniscient knowledge of
rarity to other classes. course clashes with the idea of rarities in this system, but it
can still be leveraged to function normally with a few
Bard considerations into how spells are distributed. There are three
main ways to deal with clerics in this system:
The Bard is an oddity in that they have no concrete, canonical
method for learning new spells (as far as I have found). Many 1. Deities treat uncommon spells similarly to domain spells,
assume that they learn similarly to the sorcerer and just only allowing certain clerics access to those powers based
spontaneously think of new spells to cast, Some think it is a on their needs, and treat rare and legendary spells as
function of new songs or art pieces they've created granting special, direct divine gifts, heavily limited in their
them new spells. Others still think they learn similarly to distribution. This provides a reasonable hierarchy of
wizards and learn spells through some amount of study, clerics with increasing access to certain powers, ending in
whether it be artistic or not. For the purposes of this section, I only the highest and holiest being able to perform true
will assume that Bards attain spells through some miracles never seen by mortals.
combination of thought and artistic expression that leads 2. Clerics know about all their spells, but may not necessarily
them to the discovery of a new spell. be given the power to cast certain ones due to other
In this sense, common spells would be represented as factors, such as divine politics (i.e. gods of life not stepping
easily imagined and cliché ideas very common to the medium on the toes of gods of death with spells like resurrection).
that the bard practices. These ideas would then be very This could allow for situations where a cleric has
prevalent and well-known to any bard worth their salt. knowledge of a powerful spell, maybe even one that could
Uncommon Spells would then represent something like a resolve a problem very important to them, and they know
shallow subversion or a slightly different twist on one of those their god holds it just out of their reach, creating a
clichés, allowing for special ideas that could lead to more meaningful sense of doubt in one's own faith.
specialized spells. For example, a spell like disguise self could
have arisen in the mind of a shunned tiefling from thoughts of 3. Simply create a different rarity distribution for clerics
a common story re-contextualized by their personal feelings of where everything is common. This of course may have
isolation and social anxiety. unwanted connotations in terms of worldbuilding, such as
Then there are the rare and legendary bardic spells. I would widespread resurrections, longer lifespans,
assume rare spells were some personalized work of high art overpopulation, and an eventual obsolescence of death.
created for a specific purpose. This could be something like a this can all be hand-waved away of course, but this system
powerful and heartfelt ballad for a loved one that was lost in a is singularly intended to confront the consequences of
truly horrible way bringing to mind the spell raise dead. A widespread spellcasting head-on, so the omission of large
legendary spell would then be some powerful odyssey of details like this is not ideal.
incredible artistic merit, such as a massive, sweeping, epic
poem that could cause even the most stubborn of men to Clerics cannot simply trade spells between each other with
rethink their ideals. training and education, but they can petition their gods for
Additionally, Bards can be taught spells by other bards special spells in times of need, and most likely keep them
exposing them to the ideas and inspirations that brought afterwards.
about the spell. The more deep and multi-faceted the
inspiration, the more difficult the spell is to learn.

Druid Warlock
Druids, similarly to clerics, simply prepare their spells from a Wizard
list of which they always know, and don't necessarily "learn"
spells. The difference is their source of power for these
abilities: their devotion to nature and its many aspects. This
can sometimes appear very similar to a cleric, such as a druid
that worships an aspect of the natural world (such as the cycle
of life and death) as if it were a deity. Other times, druids may
gain their power from their own understanding and
acceptance of natural concepts, such as the cycle of water and
how it affects different creatures.
When applying this system to druids, it can be flavored
similarly to the way the Circle of the Land's circle spells work,
in that only druids who deal in certain aspects of druidic arts
gain the appreciation for the natural aspect needed to cast
certain spells. For example, a spell like ice knife would be
relegated mainly to druids hailing from icy tundras. For rare
and legendary spells, more mysticism could be involved in
their existence. For example, faeries could inject a particularly
powerful spell, such as geas, into the minds of certain
unstable druids in order to cause a bit of chaos for their
Druids can teach other druids their spells, but it is a
significantly more difficult task if the druid is not able to
experience the nature they seek to learn about first hand.
Without spending time learning about the spells in the
environment to which their aspects are linked, I would
surmise that a druid can only reasonably learn spells of 2nd
level or lower. This may of course differ in your view, but it is
simply an example.
Paladins function very similarly to clerics in terms of their
spellcasting, and can use the spell rarity system in similar
ways. Paladins derive their power from their oath, their
conviction, and their belief in their deity or power. The spells
they learn can be seen as gifts from that power, or simply as
techniques that can be taught through training. If the case is
the former, then the techniques for adapting clerics to spell
rarity will work identically for paladins. If it is the latter, then
uncommon spells can simply come down to a difference in
training depending on where they learned their craft. For
spells of rare or legendary, a divine gift suits their concepts
more favorably, but they could simply be specially developed
techniques specialized to one order of paladins, or even to a
singular knight.
Obviously whether or not paladins can teach others their
spells depends on whether they are divine gifts or techniques.
However, like clerics, paladins can petition their deities for
more power in times of need, and as such can sometimes be
made to use special spells if the situation is dire enough.
The magic available to rangers falls somewhere between the
domains of a druid and a bard: The ranger's attunement to
nature fuels their spells, and they can only know a scarce few
at any time. Of course there is not much written on how a
ranger learns their spells, but for this section I will assume
that they learn them similarly to druids: through communal
with aspects of nature.

(1) Find Familiar (2) Ray of Enfeeblement (5) Banishing Smite
Common Spells (1) Fog Cloud (2) Rope Trick (5) Circle of Power
(c) Acid Splash (1) Healing Word (2) Scorching Ray (5) Cloudkill
(c) Blade Ward (1) Heroism (2) Shatter (5) Commune
(c) Chill Touch (1) Hunter's Mark (2) Silence (5) Commune with Nature
(c) Control Flames (1) Identify (2) Spider Climb (5) Cone of Cold
(c) Create Bonfire (1) Inflict Wounds (2) Spike Growth (5) Conjure Volley
(c) Dancing Lights (1) Jump (2) Spiritual Weapon (5) Control Winds
(c) Eldritch Blast (1) Longstrider (2) Warding Bond (5) Destructive Wave
(c) Fire Bolt (1) Mage Armor (2) Warding Wind (5) Dispel Evil and Good
(c) Frostbite (1) Magic Missile (2) Web (5) Flame Strike
(c) Guidance (1) Purify Food and Drink (3) Aura Of Vitality (5) Hallow
(c) Gust (1) Ray of Sickness (3) Beacon of Hope (5) Hold Monster
(c) Light (1) Sanctuary (3) Blinding Smite (5) Immolation
(c) Mage Hand (1) Searing Smite (3) Blink (5) Passwall
(c) Magic Stone (1) Shield (3) Conjure Animals (5) Seeming
(c) Mending (1) Shield of Faith (3) Conjure Barrage (5) Swift Quiver
(c) Message (1) Silent Image (3) Counterspell (5) Telekinesis
(c) Minor Illusion (1) Speak with Animals (3) Crusader's Mantle (5) Teleportation Circle
(c) Mold Earth (1) Tasha's Hideous Laughter (3) Daylight (5) Tree Stride
(c) Poison Spray (1) Thunderous Smite (3) Dispel Magic (6) Arcane Gate
(c) Prestidigitation (1) Thunderwave (3) Elemental Weapon (6) Bones of the Earth
(c) Produce Flame (1) Unseen Servant (3) Erupting Earth (6) Chain Lightning
(c) Ray of Frost (1) Wrathful Smite (3) Fear (6) Circle of Death
(c) Resistance (2) Aid (3) Fireball (6) Contingency
(c) Sacred Flame (2) Animal Messenger (3) Flame Arrows (6) Disintegrate
(c) Shape Water (2) Arcane Lock (3) Glyph of Warding (6) Find the Path
(c) Shillelagh (2) Augury (3) Lightning Arrow (6) Forbiddance
(c) Shocking Grasp (2) Barkskin (3) Major Image (6) Globe of Invulnerability
(c) Spare the Dying (2) Beast Sense (3) Nondetection (6) Guards and Wards
(c) Thaumaturgy (2) Blindness/Deafness (3) Phantom Steed (6) Heal
(c) Thorn Whip (2) Blur (3) Protection from Energy (6) Heroes' Feast
(c) Thunderclap (2) Branding Smite (3) Sending (6) Investiture of Flame
(c) True Strike (2) Cloud of Daggers (3) Slow (6) Investiture of Ice
(c) Vicious Mockery (2) Continual Flame (3) Stinking Cloud (6) Investiture of Stone
(1) Absorb Elements (2) Darkness (3) Tidal Wave (6) Investiture of Wind
(1) Alarm (2) Darkvision (3) Tongues (6) Mass Suggestion
(1) Animal Friendship (2) Dust Devil (3) Water Breathing (6) Move Earth
(1) Bane (2) Earthbind (3) Water Walk (6) Planar Ally
(1) Beast Bond (2) Enhance Ability (4) Aura of Life (6) Primordial Ward
(1) Bless (2) Find Steed (4) Blight (6) Programmed Illusion
(1) Burning Hands (2) Find Traps (4) Compulsion (6) Sunbeam
(1) Catapult (2) Flame Blade (4) Conjure Woodland Beings (6) Transport via Plants
(1) Color Spray (2) Gentle Repose (4) Control Water (6) True Seeing
(1) Compelled Duel (2) Gust of Wind (4) Elemental Bane (6) Word of Recall
(1) Create or Destroy Water (2) Heat Metal (4) Freedom of Movement (7) Delayed Blast Fireball
(1) Detect Magic (2) Hold Person (4) Grasping Vine (7) Divine Word
(1) Detect Poison and (2) Knock (4) Guardian of Faith (7) Etherealness
Disease (2) Levitate (4) Hallucinatory Terrain (7) Fire Storm
(1) Dissonant Whispers (2) Locate Animals or Plants (4) Ice Storm (7) Forcecage
(1) Divine Favor (2) Magic Mouth (4) Polymorph (7) Mirage Arcane
(1) Earth Tremor (2) Magic Weapon (4) Staggering Smite (7) Plane Shift
(1) Ensnaring Strike (2) Misty Step (4) Stone Shape (7) Sequester
(1) Entangle (2) Moonbeam (4) Stoneskin (7) Symbol
(1) Expeditious Retreat (2) Prayer of Healing (5) Antilife Shell (7) Teleport
(1) Faerie Fire (2) Pyrotechnics (5) Awaken
(1) Feather Fall
(2) Flaming Sphere (5) Contact Other Plane (1) Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
Common, Cont. (2) Invisibility (5) Contagion (2) Animate Dead
(8) Antipathy/Sympathy (2) Lesser Restoration (5) Creation (2) Fly
(8) Demiplane (2) Locate Object (5) Dominate Person (3) Hunger of Hadar
(8) Dominate Monster (2) Mirror Image (5) Dream (3) Leomund's Tiny Hut
(8) Earthquake (2) Phantasmal Force (5) Greater Restoration (3) Melf's Minute Meteors
(8) Glibness (2) Protection from Poison (5) Insect Plague (3) Remove Curse
(8) Holy Aura (2) See Invisibility (5) Maelstrom (3) Speak with Dead
(8) Incendiary Cloud (2) Skywrite (5) Mass Cure Wounds (4) Banishment
(8) Maze (2) Suggestion (5) Mislead (4) Evard's Black Tentacles
(8) Mind Blank (2) Zone of Truth (5) Modify Memory (4) Leomund's Secret Chest
(8) Power Word Stun (3) Bestow Curse (5) Scrying (4) Mordenkainen's Faithful
(8) Sunburst (3) Call Lightning (5) Transmute Rock Hound
(8) Telepathy (3) Clairvoyance (5) Wall of Force (4) Mordenkainen's Private
(8) Tsunami (3) Create Food and Water (5) Wall of Stone Sanctum
(9) Gate (3) Feign Death (6) Blade Barrier (4) Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
(9) Imprisonment (3) Gaseous Form (6) Conjure Fey (5) Bigby's Hand
(9) Mass Heal (3) Haste (uncommon/rare) (5) Geas
(9) Meteor Swarm (3) Hypnotic Pattern (6) Create Undead (5) Planar Binding
(9) Weird (3) Lightning Bolt (6) Eyebite (5) Raise Dead
(3) Magic Circle (6) Flesh to Stone (rare/legendary)
Uncommon Spells (3) Mass Healing Word (6) Harm (5) Rary's Telepathic Bond
(c) Booming Blade (3) Meld Into Stone (6) Wall of Ice (6) Drawmij's Instant
(c) Druidcraft (3) Plant Growth (6) Wall of Thorns Summons
(c) Friends (3) Sleet Storm (6) Wind Walk (6) Magic Jar
(c) Green-Flame Blade (3) Speak with Plants (7) Conjure Celestial (6) Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
(c) Lightning Lure (3) Spirit Guardians (7) Finger of Death (6) Otto's Irresistible Dance
(c) Sword Burst (3) Vampiric Touch (7) Project Image (7) Mordenkainen's
(1) Charm Person (3) Wall of Sand (7) Regenerate Magnificent Mansion
(1) Chromatic Orb (3) Wall of Water (7) Reverse Gravity (7) Mordenkainen's Sword
(1) Command (3) Wind Wall (7) Whirlwind (7) Prismatic Spray
(1) Comprehend Languages (4) Arcane Eye (8) Animal Shapes (7) Simulacrum
(1) Cure Wounds (4) Aura of Purity (8) Antimagic Field (8) Abi Dalzim's Horrid
(1) Detect Evil and Good (4) Confusion (8) Control Weather Wilting
(1) Disguise Self (4) Conjure Minor Elementals (9) Shapechange (8) Feeblemind
(1) False Life (4) Death Ward (9) True Polymorph (9) Astral Projection
(1) Goodberry (4) Dimension Door (9) Foresight
(1) Grease (4) Divination Rare Spells (9) Power Word Kill
(1) Guiding Bolt (uncommon/rare) (c) Armor of Agathys (9) Prismatic Wall
(1) Hail of Thorns (4) Dominate Beast (c) Arms of Hadar (9) Storm of Vengeance
(1) Illusory Script (4) Fabricate (c) Hellish Rebuke
(1) Sleep (4) Fire Shield (c) Hex Legendary Spells
(1) Witch Bolt (4) Giant Insect (c) Ice Knife (3) Revivify
(2) Alter Self (4) Greater Invisibility (c) Protection from Evil and (5) Legend Lore
(2) Calm Emotions (4) Locate Creature Good (5) Reincarnate
(2) Cordon Of Arrows (Uncommon/rare) (c) Tenser's Floating Disk (7) Resurrection
(uncommon/rare*) (4) Phantasmal Killer (1) Aganazzar's Scorcher (8) Clone
(2) Crown of Madness (4) Storm Sphere (1) Maximilian's Earthen (9) Power Word Heal
(uncommon/rare*) (4) Vitriolic Sphere Grasp (9) Time Stop
(2) Detect Thoughts (4) Wall of Fire (1) Melf's Acid Arrow (9) True Resurrection
(2) Enlarge/Reduce (4) Watery Sphere (1) Nystul's Magic Aura (9) Wish
(2) Enthrall (5) Animate Objects (1) Pass Without Trace
(5) Conjure Elemental
Spells of Named Spellcasters
Abi Dalzim (Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting)
Aganazzar (Aganazzar's Scorcher)
Spell Rarity System
Bigby (Bigby's Hand) (v0.5)
Drawmij (Drawmij's Instant Summons)
Evard (Evard's Black Tentacles) Closing Note
Leomund (Leomund's Tiny Hut, Leomund's Secret Chest) This system is meant to contextualize your world
Maximilian (Maximilian's Earthen Grasp) first and foremost, while secondarily making
Melf (Melf's Acid Arrow, Melf's Minute Meteors) players' spells mean more than just their effects. A
Mordenkainen (Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound, far third to this would be the limitation and
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum, Mordenkainen's throttling of players' power. I understand that many
Magnificent Mansion, Mordenkainen's Sword) DM's dislike certain spells and find them
Otiluke (Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Otiluke's Freezing unbalanced, but I feel I must urge that this system
Sphere) not be used primarily to restrict player choice to the
DM's opinion. This system can easily be abused by a
Otto (Otto's Irresistible Dance) power-hungry DM and if it is misused it will never
Rary (Rary's Telepathic Bond) be fun for the players. Use with care!
Snilloc (Snilloc's Snowball Swarm)
Tenser (Tenser's Floating Disk) /u/SubjectiveSloth

My Other Works:
Bloodrager and Whirlwind Barbarian Paths
Spell Rarity System
Tiefling Subraces for the Lords of the Nine
Siren and Rusalka monsters
Thediem, Master of Everything
The Mechanist subclass for the UA Arteficer
For Honor subclasses for 5e
Naeris, The Mythic Dragon Monster
Tieflings Reimagined
Trapper Rogue
Fey-Touched Sorcerer
Inner Self Monk
Elemental Barbarian
Bard College of Doors
Nomad Class
Fringe Seeker Rogue
Way of Balance Monk
Non-Human Aasimar Variants
Bard College of Flavor
Support me on DM's Guild:
Tieflings Reimagined
Fey-Touched Sorcerer
The Nomad Class
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