Marketing Product

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Topic: “Provide stages in developing and launching the

products and suggest some solutions to make your

customer’s wants”
1. Introduction
2. Body
These steps will guide the enterprise to develop and launch
their new product much simpler and focused, with a higher
likelihood of success.
2.1 Idea generation
New product ideas have to come from somewhere. The
company can get their ideas for NPD through some sources
include: Market Research, employees, consultants,
competitors, customers, distributors and suppliers.
This process involves shifting through the ideas generated
above and selecting ones which are feasible and practical to
develop. Pursing impractical ideas is expensive and a waste
of resources.
2.3 Testing the concept
The enterprise may have come across what they believe to be
a feasible idea. However, the idea needs to be taken to their
target market, target customer. What do they think about the
idea? Will it offer the benefit that the enterprise hopes it will?
Or have they overlooked certain issues? Will there be a
demand for the product? Note the idea taken to the target
market and customer is not a working prototype at this stage,
it is just a concept.This step may involve asking a number of
prospective customers to evaluate the idea.
2.4 Business Analysis
The enterprise has a great idea, the marketing strategy seems
feasible, but will the product be financially worthwhile in the
long run? The business analysis stage looks more deeply into
the cash flow the product could generate, what the cost will
be, how much market shares the product may achieve…
Estimate likely selling price based upon competition and
customer feedback,profitability and break-even point…
2.5 Productdevelopment
At this stage the prototype is produced. The prototype will
undergo a serious tests, and will be presented to a selection of
people made up of the target market segment to see if changes
need to be made.
2.6 Market testing
Test marketing means testing the product within a specific
geographic area. The product will be launched within a
particular region so the marketing mix strategy can be
monitored and if needed modified before launching if
2.7 Commercialize
If test marketing is successful the product is ready for national
launch. Before launching, pricing and marketing plans need to
be finalized and the sales and distribution teams need to be
briefed about these plans, making sure that the product and
company is ready for the final stage.

2.8 Launch
Launching the product is the final step. The following
decisions regarding the national launch need to be made such
When the product will be launched?
How the product will be launched?
Where the product will be launched?

1. Introduction
In business, new product development (NPD) is the complete
process of bringing a new product to market. What you need is
a structured road-map that gives your business a clear path to
follow. A good understanding of customer needs and wants, the
competitive environment, the competitors… are the issues that
the enterprises need to consider to have the success of a new
product. Cost, time and quality are the main variables that drive
the customer needs. Aimed at these three variables, companies
develop continuous practices and strategies to better satisfy the
customer requirements and increase their market share by a
regular development of new products. There are many
uncertainties and challenges throughout the process which
companies must face. On this essay we have analyzed and
provided stages in developing and launching a new product to
market. We take the product of Dove - Real women are the
brand’s true inspiration, one of the most famous brands of
Unilever to research.

2. Body
2.1 Provide stages in developing and launching the
2.1.1 Idea generation
The development of a product will start with the concept. The
rest of the process will ensure that ideas are tested for their
viability, so in the beginning all ideas are good ideas.
Ideas can, and will come, from many different directions. The
best place to start is with a SWOT analysis, (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), which incorporated
with current market trends. This can be used to analyze your
business and find a direction that suitto your business
strategy.Businesses often have formed a lot of ideas in order to
find the best ideas. To form new ideas about products,
enterprises must actively research from many different sources
such as: listening to suggestions from your target audience –
including feedback on your current product’s strengths and
weaknesses, encouraging suggestions from employees and
partners, or looking at your competitor’s successes and failures
to learn from them.
Creativity is not have to create new ideas because if think of a
new idea, it's just Invention while Innovation is doing something
new and better than the old. Dove has developed a new concept
based on the previous ideas, more meaningful, more practical.
Dove wants to convey the message “The woman is beautiful, it
is their natural beauty”. “The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty”
set out to make women aware that they have real beauty that is
not based on the common standard of a young, model-thin body
with excessive makeup. The goal was to make a fundamental
change in the way that women are perceived and in the way they
view themselves.

2.1.2 Idea screening

Specific screening criteria need to be set for this stage. After
finishing the search, eliminate inappropriate ideas, enterprise
will screen, eliminate inappropriate ideas and retain the best idea
This step is crucial to ensure that unsuitable ideas, for whatever
reason, are rejected as soon as possible. Ideas need to be
considered objectively, by a group or committee.
The purpose of step 1 is to form ideas. The goal of step 2 is
refine the ideas and eliminate bad ideas as soon as possible. In
this screening step enterprises should avoid two types of
mistakes. One is drop-error, this mistake occurs when businesses
dismiss a good idea. The second is go-error occurs when
businesses accept a bad idea and put it into implementation,
launch. These mistake leads to wasting, or less profitable.
Therefore, businesses need to have an effective screening
method and the standard evaluation system for comparing the
idea. The commonly used standard as the extent to meet
customer demand, the level of product features allows
competitive pricing, the ability to develop the distinctive
To serve for the study of the hair care products lines, Dove took
a lot of ideas and decided to choose the idea: Testtheir new
product on the orchids.

2.1.3 Testing the concept

You have an idea and it’s passed the screening stage. However,
internal opinion isn’t the most important because you need to
ask the people the matter of your product – your customers.
Using a small group of your customers, the idea need to be
tested to see their reaction. The idea should now be a concept,
with enough in-depth information that the consumer can
visualize it. Your product models (product concept) is the idea
to develop new products are specified as real products (shape,
color, texture, utility, features, pricing ...). However, it is still at
the level of ideas.
You have to answer some questions: Do they understand the
concept?Do they want or need it?Who is the target market and
who is the decision maker in the purchasing process? What
benefits will the product provide? How will the product be
produced most cost effectively? What will it cost to produce it?
Customers do not buy the idea, they buy a specific product. This
stage gives you a chance not only to develop the concept further,
consider their feedback, but also make you start thinking about
what your marketing message will be.
Dove has done the experiment: test their new product on the
orchids. Like hair, orchids have a fragile beauty, so under the
impact of heat of the straighteners, how hair and petals will be
like? What will happen if they press the fragile petals with
straighteners in 30 seconds?The result showed that under the
high temperatures of straighteners in 30 seconds, Dove’s petal is
protected from heat damage, while the other petal is unprotected
from high temperature becomes dry, broken. Dove want to show
customers that with Dove Nutritive Solutions NEW, both petals
and their hair will be protected from damage-causing agents.
2.1.4 Business Analysis
This analysis needs to include: a full appraisal of the costs,
competition and a break-even point.
In this step you have to make clearly some problems such as
profit goal, details for the target and a market forecast.
- Profit goal is the amount of money you need to meet a number
of predetermined commitments, which is important to both you
and your business in the future. Identifying a profit goal will
help you direct your actions and to reach your target. To set a
profit goal, you will need to consider the followings: costs (both
fixed and variable), owner's annual income, operating expenses
(fixed and variable), return on borrowed capital, return for risk,
return for future growth.
- A market forecast is a core component of the analysis. It
projects the future sell numbers, characteristics, and trends in
your target market. A market forecast should always be subject
to a reality check. When you think you have a forecast, you need
to find the way to check it for reality. Besides, you can estimate
sales of your the competitors.
Once the enterprise have decided on the product concept and
sketch the outlines of a marketing strategy, they can evaluate the
business attractiveness of this new product. Enterprises should
review the estimates of revenues, costs and profits to determine
whether it satisfy the goals of the business or not. If satisfy the
profit target or at least being able to consume enough amount of
the break, the business can decide to step into the product
development stages.

2.1.5 Product Development

If the new product is approved, it will be passed to the technical
and marketing development stage. Enterprise will embark on the
product model turned into real products. When the product
model has been designed and built, they must be tested. Testing
new products is let your customers use it to test and evaluate
individual properties as well as the entire product. If this period
ends successfully, the new product is transferred to the market
test step.
After the extremely encouraging results of the experiment, Dove
has invited customers see the result and try their new product.
Everyone who used Dove new products also wrote the positive
feedback. Dove has really convinced their customers about this
new product. They feel extremely like using this new product
line and what they can do with their hair after using it such as
bending, curling, dyeing, stretching without fear of damage.

2.1.6 Market testing

Test marketing (or market testing) is different to concept or
consumer testing, in that it introduces the prototype product
following the proposed marketing plan as whole rather than
individual elements.
This process is required to validate the whole concept and is
used for further refinement of all elements, from product to
marketing message. In this step, enterprise have toconsider
brand, packaging and a marketing plan for inclusion in the
actual conditions of the market.
Market testing allows enterprise to gain experience in marketing
activities for new products and draw out the issues to be further
processed and explore broader sources of information, before
launching the new product to market on a large scale and much
more costly. Moreover, this step allows they to test the entire
marketing plan for the product, including product positioning
strategy, advertising, distribution, pricing, branding, packing and
marketing budget, they also use this step to find out the reaction
of consumers. The results of the market test can be used to
predict turnover and profit more accurately.
Dove has organized an event "Orchid’s House" and invited a lot
of famous people such as Miss Dang Thu Thao, ChiPu, and
MCYumi Duong….to introduce and promote their new product

2.1.7 Commercialize
When the concept has been developed and tested, the final
decisions need to be made is move the product to its launch into
the market. Pricing and marketing plans need to be finalized, the
sales teams and distribution need to be chosen carefully, so that
the product and company is ready for the final stage.

2.1.8 Launch
Launching new product is the final, important step in the new
product development (NPD) process. You have to decide when,
how and where to launch your product will determine its early
impact on the market.
The testing of new product on the market help enterprise have
enough data to come tothe final decision: It would be to launch
new products to market or not? In this step commercialization of
new products, enterprises have to decide 4 issues:
- When? (Time).
The first decision is when the new products have to be launched
on the market. There are three options that you can choose to
launch your new product:
+ Launch you sales project before your competitors introduce
their products.
+ You bring your new product to the market at the same time
with your competitors
+ You wait your competitor introduce and start selling their
product first then you launch your product and sell your product
to the market.
- Where? (Place)
Enterprises have to decide where is the best place to launch their
new product.
- How? (Marketing strategy).
The enterprise must implement a plan to introduce new products
into the market which is increasingly expanding. They must
allocate accordant marketing budgets.
It’s an extremely wise choice in the campaign to launch new
when they chose 8/3 the day to launch their products and also
celebrate the beauty of women by the event “Orchid’s house” at
Ban Nguyet Lake, Crescent Mall. It’s really meaningful and has
attracted the attention and participation of many people, help
DOVE launch their new product extensively and impressively.

2.2 Some solutions to make your

customer’s wants
2.2.1 Listen your customers
First, you need to respect your customers.
A third of consumers say they experience rude customer service
at least once a month and 58% of them tell their friends. This is
exactly how word of mouth can work against your company’s
reputation for the long term. It’s very important to be respectful
of a customer’s mood when trying to resolve an issue they have
with your company.
Secondly, always listen, you need to hear what your customers
are saying. When listening to your customers, take into account
what changes your organization should make from this feedback
and then follow through. Use the following method to gather
feedback from your customers such as: surveys, observation,
email and web, customer service….
Thirdly, continue to satisfy, you need to offer ongoing support
and specials, provide excellent service to your customer,
respond quickly and enthusiastically. No matter how the
circumstance, the customer is always right. Customers are
always want to get the best service when they buy products of
your company. It must meet their needs and their payment

2.2.2 Develop a marketing strategy

Effective marketing strategy starts with a considered, well-
informed marketing strategy. A good marketing strategy helps
you define your vision, mission and business goals, and outlines
the steps you need to take to achieve these goals.
Your marketing strategy affects the way you run your entire
business, so it should be planned and developed in consultation
with your team.
2.2.3 Raise quality of your product
Customers always look up the best quality one when they are
between many products of many companies. If your product
have good quality, customers will buy them even when their
price is a little higher. Some of them are willing to pay a higher
cost to own products with good quality.
2.2.4 Build effective distribution channels
Distribution helps move your products from producers to the
customers. If you don’t have effective distribution channels your
products can be stuck on storage so you should have some
distribution channels such as retail stores, whole sales, telephone
sales, websites, email orders, catalogue…. After analyzing
advantages and disadvantages of each channel you can choose
the best suitable distribution channels to your products. And
your products will become more popular and a lot of products
can be sold.
2.2.5 Have an effective advertising campaign
You will need an effective advertising campaign to attract
customers. There have many method of advertisement for you to
use: Internet, banners ad on TV or websites, mail ads,
posters…… But you have to advertise on the right places. Know
what your customers read, watch, and listen to choose suitable
method on them. Don’t try everything to everyone.

3. Conclusion

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