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Michigan Standard I: Visionary Leadership

Goal – Learn how to plan long-term. How to take a district or building initiative such as Social-
Emotional Learning and best utilize the days within the school calendar to effectively reach and
teach your building staff.

Activity – Meet with Jeff Drewno, Dublin Elementary Principal, on multiple occasions to learn
his methodology in long-term planning

Activity – Closely examine his successful integration of SEL at Dublin

Timeline – January - June 2020

Support Needed – Devoted time with the principal to get the full scope of implementation

Standard II: Cultural & Instructional Leadership

Goal – Gain a solid understanding of Charlotte Danielson’s teacher evaluation process

Activity – Independently expand and enhance my knowledge base on the process

Activity – Attend a formal observation with the principal and discuss outcomes as well as the
Frontline computer program interface

Timeline – January - March 2020

Support Needed – Schedule of upcoming evaluations

Standard III: Management of Organization, Operation, & Resources

Goal – Follow a district initiative from inception to completion through the central office
administrator viewpoint

Activity – Acquire a deep understanding of MTSS and the impact it has within a school district

Activity – Interview the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction on the scope and sequence of
successfully implementing MTSS

Timeline – November 2019

Support Needed – an hour time slot of access to administrator

Standard IV: Collaboration w/Faculty, Community Members, & Families

Goal – Understand the dynamics of the PTA and its influence within the school community

Activity – Attend 7 p.m. PTA meetings

Activity – Communicate with Sandra Agrest, PTA president, to get a better perspective on her
roles, responsibilities, and the impact they have on the school community

Timeline – January 8 - March 2020

Support Needed – none

Standard V: Ethics, Integrity, Fairness, & Practice

Goal – Gain competency in the Restorative Practices process

Activity – Read “The Restorative Practices Handbook for Teachers, Disciplinarians and
Administrators” provided to Dublin staff

Activity – Participate in both Professional Development days on Restorative Practices

Timeline – January 29 and March 3, 2020


Support Needed – The handbook (already provided a copy)

Standard VI: Student Success by Understanding, Responding to, & Advocating for
Student Learning

Goal – Comprehend the multiple variables that go into creating a plan for individual students
brought to the SIPP committee

Activity – Attend December 12, and/or Jan 16, Feb 13, March 19 SIPP meeting

Activity – Follow-up with SIPP coordinator for insight into how and why decisions were made

Timeline – December 2019

Support Needed – access to meeting

Standard VII: Substantial & Sustained Educational Leadership Internship Experience

Goal – demonstrate Standards 1-6 through authentic, school-based leadership experiences that
can be documented or measured.

Activity – Commit to 9 - 12 hours per week of an internship that includes field experiences
within a school-based environment

Activity – bi-weekly meetings with my qualified on-site mentor

Timeline – November 2019 - March 2020

Support Needed – Equal commitment from my qualified mentor

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