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Research design : The monotonous patronage of millennial men towards online
shopping is described as a factor that could lead them to be left behind into the
trend of technology. This will in turn lead to eventual meekness since they aren’t
updated with today’s progression in technology. This monotonous patronage
could be a result of the men’s characteristic of being a scrooge and a
cheapskate. Millennial men tend to spend their things only on products which are
highly needed.

Everyone of us tend to look for products which could sate our wants, needs and desires.

The most common problem with which customers’ face during online shopping is the

issue in a product’s quality. The quality of the product is often not up to the mark with

what is presented in the pictures. Even worse, quality-checks have become so rare with

the magnitude of online sales which is soaring high. Men compared to women appear

to be more mono-focused rather than browsers. A study describes men as “pragmatic

shoppers,” considering success as “leaving with what you came for, having experienced

a logical and efficient shopping process.” They like to get in, get what they need and get

out fast. Men generally shop alone. Men seldom compare prices. Men don’t care if the

item is on sale. Men really don’t care about the color. Men sometimes compare quality,

but usually only when it involves tools (Foster,2013). Men are less likely to hunt for

bargains or use coupons. Men are also more likely to hunt for bargains or use coupons.

Men are also more likely to accept a less-than-ideal product, preferring to avoid another

shopping trip (Lewis, 2013).

This study will explore the millennial men’s feedbacks with regards to online

shopping particularly in their accessories. There has been different notions of men’s and

women’s opinions about online shopping and the millennial men’s feedbacks are quite

alarming. As we are already living in the generation where using of technology is

rampant, the tendency of lacking to adapt with this phenomena will make the millennial

men to be not in line with the trend of technology. This paper looks over to the risk

perceptions of male customers to their Internet experience and how these relates to

their online shopping activities and their experiences. In consideration of male shoppers
that often go to online shopping, these study records and identify the facts and

experiences of millennial men customers towards online shopping. These contemplates

every shoppers to deeply know and meticulously shop the appropriate products for their

own satisfaction. As this addresses different feedbacks from certain experiences of men

towards shopping accessories online, this would be a lot beneficial and discoverable for

the clarification of the different views and opinions of millennial men customers and their

motives to cross through the length of online shopping.

Consumer perception is formed by the online environment wherein information

about the shop and products that are to be purchase, and the situation when shopping

like searching for merchandise at ease. In line with this, customers cannot guarantee

the quality of products online, hence, there is a tendency of not meeting a customer’s

satisfaction (Mahinay, Tubio, Altaque, Lucero, 2016). This suggests that there are three

elements of behavior- convenience, benefit and leisure, and another three elements of

behavior- convenience, security and leisure. The perceived risks in terms of product,

time, financial, delivery and social risk have significant relationship with online purchase

intention. Product risk has the most influence on the purchase intention of the

participants in online shopping and despite of this, young professionals still purchase

online but shopping is not done frequently. (Dig, Domingo, & Consignado, 2017). There

is an increasing concern over online shopping because of insecurity, lack of customers’

protection and trust which are vital elements for a successful online transaction between

countries, organizations and individuals (Abdulgaher,, 2012).

From the related papers and articles the following research gap is identified: with

most studies focuses on both genders, we are only to focus on male customers since
they are known to not shop frequently than female does. Men aren’t willing to shop

online as much as women. Women like online for shopping but men still prefers bricks

and mortar. Men still prefers to “touch and feel” a product instead of shopping online

(Thomas,2018). Therefore, the present study is an attempt in this direction.

This study will focus on developing a record-based help system using a problem

interviewing technique for male online shoppers who are aged 16-20 years old who

have tried online shopping at least once within the Holy Cross of Davao College Basic

Education Department. This system will let interviewers to freely interact with the male

interviewees that would navigate FAQS section which contains a group of frequently

asked questions that are related to the lived-experiences of every male informants.

Moreover, the proposed study will help to know the feedback of millennial men online

shoppers aided by the informants.

Possible Feedback of Millenial Men Regarding Online Shopping Experiences

The perceived usefulness of products received from customers somewhat

influences online shopping behavior (Lim, Osman, Salahuddin, Romle, Abdullah, 2016)

which was supported according to Ajzen (1991) and suggested that intentions of

consumers to buy online are also an indicator onto what range people are going to

execute their behaviors while shopping and how frequently this will happen. The

participants who were proven wrong in some online auctions is significantly associated

with their own satisfaction, which is also associated with their repurchase intentions

(Yen & Lu, 2008) and affirmed that the satisfaction of customers online influences his

loyalty of shopping online positively and directly (Lin & Sun, 2009). There are many

advantages as you will go online shopping, one of it is that it will be more convenient if

you’ll shop online because there is no crowd of people if you’ll buy goods online (Jusoh

& Ling, 2012). On the contrary, there is a difficulty that is seen in online shopping and it

is considered to be a factor that most influences customers’ intention to shop online

(Laohapensang, 2009) and it is revealed that the four factors namely promotion,

attractiveness, believability, and originality don’t significantly influence online shopping

intention (Salehi, 2012). Also, some factors that are positively related to consumer

satisfaction towards online shopping are website design, security, information quality,

payment method, e-service quality, product quality, product variety and delivery service

(Guo, Ling & Lu, 2012) in which it is added that search engines, online shopping malls,

auction websites, convenience, price, brand, security, promotion & refund might be

suitable to explore and analyze consumer online behavior (Akbar, 2017).

Usual Online Shopping Motives of Millennial Men

70 % of consumers reported convenience and time-saving as primary reasons

for buying online and 15% reported that physical or constraint issues made buying

online difficult for consumers (Morganosky & Cude, 2000) in which hedonic and

utilitarian motivation are several motivations that affect the satisfaction between online

and traditional shopping (To, Liao & Lin, 2007) in which it is identified that the consumer

characteristics, contextual factors perceived uncertainty factors and medium/channel

innovation factors predicts three types of online shopping hesitation which are overall

hesitation, shopping cart abandonment and hesitation at the final payment stage (Cho,

Cheon & Kang, 2006) and is supported by Hsiao (2009) and claimed that in terms of

monetary values, waiting for the delivery for an online purchase has less benefits than

avoiding a shopping trip. Online shopping may be a substitute from going to actual

stores. In fact, before consumers purchase from a store they frequently consult the

Internet first (Weltevreeden, 2007) and although conceptually distinct, online shopping

habit and experiences in online shopping have similar effects on repurchase intention

(Khalifa & Liu, 2007). There are differences that exists between online shopping

behaviors of regular in-store shoppers who are more against to online risks and they

find it very important to see the product physically before a purchase and they value

shopping experience and interactions (Liu, Burns & Hou, 2013) in which there are

shopping types that are profiled in terms of background variables and the tendency to

shop online (Rohm & Swaminathan, 2004) that the goal fulfillment and experience-
related outcomes are the satisfactions that customers are wanting to perceived (Cai and

Jun, 2003).

Insights of Young Men of their Limited Patronage on Online Shopping

A review of literature on consumers’ online purchase intentions conducted by

Akar and Nasir (2015) that the rapid development of the Internet nowadays and its

effect on daily life has introduced a new consumer profile which is referred to as the

online consumer. Such consumers are affected by different factors and they have

different purchasing habits with respect to traditional consumers. The least factors that

made consumers go online shopping are avoiding checkout lines, purchasing products

that are not available in the city and avoiding crowds (Gogineni,2019). According to

Bertolino (2015), retailers need to offer both better browsing and seamless checkout

experience to attract customers more for a purposeful buyer. Customers experience a

crucial sense of satisfaction because happy customers make for repeat customers but

most negative reviews and complaints come from consumers who feel either

disrespected or neglected (Scott, 2015) hence the extent of the use of mobile devices in

the decision-making process is higher with higher involvement products that without the

use of mobile phones, there is a low engagement in online shopping (Holmes, Byrne &

Rowley, 2014). Perceived ease of website does not directly contribute to online

shopping continuance intention (Mohamed, Hussein, Zamzuri & Haghshenas, 2014)

that the familiarity has a great influence on consumer shopping on the Internet, followed

by promotional offers (Suki, 2013). E-service quality and customer perceived value
influence customer satisfaction and influences customer loyalty which in turn is

frequently absent in some online shopping stores (Chang and Wang, 2011) since online

retailers are likely to try to influence consumers’ shopping behavior through

atmospherics and service, just as physical stores do.

With the above mentioned articles, it is concluded that along with the different
feedbacks of millennial men, their repurchase intentions are anchored with their
satisfaction in which it will be related to their loyalty to a particular online shopping store.
Online shopping may procure a convenience and a time-saving effect on customers, it
is still a major constraint for them to shop online without really feeling and touching the
actual product because it will create an impact on their feedbacks may it be positive or
negative. Though with the rapid development of Internet, limited patronage in online
shopping from men is still a dilemma as there are only a few factors which could lead
them to shop online because of a no choice like they want to avoid check-out lines or
products that they want to own are not sold within the city.

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