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Lusenliu Pamei
VI semester
1. Acknowledgment
2. Hypothesis
3. Introduction
4. Review of literature
5. Methodology
6. Analyzing data from question
7. Discussion
8. Conclusion
9. Appendix
10. Bibliography

I had chosen “Corruption and terrorism in Manipur disrupt the state’s overall
growth and development” as my Hypothesis for the journalism project. I
would like show my gratitude to Shefalika ma’am and Nagashree ma’am for
guiding throughout this time with their wide knowledge on the subject.

1. Do you support terrorism and corruption?

2. Do you think terrorism and corruption is disrupting the Manipur state?
3. Do you think it can be solve?
4. Should the state’s politicians be blame for terrorism and corruption?
5. Do you think human rights have been curtailed due to various terrorist
6. Do you agree that the central ruling government does not give much
attention to the present situation in the state like it does to other states
in the country?
7. Are the people in the state to be blamed for wide practice of
8. Politicians in the state are to be blamed for corruption and not the
9. Terrorist organizations functions only to meet their high needs.

10. The lives of the people in Manipur have become more and more
difficult with the increased terrorist organizations.
11. There has been much destruction caused by these organizations
12. Manipur state needs educated and sincere politicians.
13. Do you agree that the people should be made aware the
importance of human’s rights and raise their voice against these
14. Corruption and terrorism problems can be solved only through
collective effort of the masses in the society of Manipur.
15. Development should be the main focus in order to make the lives of
the people secure and accessible. Do you support the statement?
Hypothesis – “Corruption and terrorism in Manipur disrupt the state’s
overall growth and development “.
Corruption means lack of integrity or honesty, especially susceptibility to bribery
or a use of position for dishonest gain.
Terrorism is the calculated use of violence or the threat of violence against
civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in
nature. It is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.
Disrupting is the hurdles in any flow of work. It is to interrupt or impede the
progress, movement, or procedure of any anything that is in process.
Development is a term used for progress and growth in any field in a particular
society for the well- being and betterment of the people. It is the mark by
modernization, advancement in technology, growth in infrastructure etc.

Manipur is a state like any other states in the country, fill with beauty, resources
and rich culture. With the reorganization of the states in India after the
independence, Manipur, the then princely states became the part of the country.
This was opposed by many people in the state resulting in the formation of
various organizations to demand a separate state for Manipur. As time passed
by, they took up arms and carried out various attacks against the state’s
government who work and functions under the central government. These
organizations in order to meets their basic needs started demanding funds from
the governments, looted people who travels , uses fear and threats to some
well-to-do family and take money. The state has more than 25 terrorist
organizations functioning around the nook and corner of the state. These
organizations are ready to cut each others’ throat at any point of time. This is the
heights of rivalry they shared.
Corruption in Manipur is as old as mankind. As part of the north eastern states, it
remained a fact that these states are always neglected in every field by the
central government and by the people in the country at large. From job
opportunities to development projects, the state is neglected. Above that,
terrorism causes a great threat to the lives of the people. People in the valley
depends only the government jobs for livelihoods. Seeing this desperate rush for
job opportunities, high officials and politicians grasp the chance to fill their
pockets. For primary teacher, council
teacher, police recruitment, clerk post and all the other available posts,
politicians demand not less than 20, 30 lakhs rupees for each post.
Development projects taken up by a contractor will take years to finish and by
the time the road is done black topping, first half of the road will be like as if its
years old. More than half of the project’s funds will go inside their safe drawer.
Manipur has become the dark horse of the country and corruption and terrorism
add to problem. It has worsened the condition and situation so much. The state
needs at development and growth. Private companies cannot be established,
tourism in the state is dying, and people cannot come up any innovative creation
fearing the terrorist organizations. The state’s government ensures to wipe out
the terrorist organization but it became only a lip service. There is believed that
some politicians work side by side with some particular terrorist organizations.
They are more like a packaged product.
Manipur is a very young state in terms of any progressive fields and it needs
support. The people need to be made aware of their rights and that collective
effort is a must in order to solve these problems.
For my Hypothesis-“Terrorism and corruption in Manipur disrupt the state’s
overall growth and development”, I had chosen questionnaire as my
methodology. The questions that I had came up with to ask to the selected
people are as follows-

1. Do you support terrorism and corruption?

2. Do you think terrorism and corruption is disrupting the Manipur state?
3. Do you think it can be solve?
4. Should the state’s politicians be blame for terrorism and corruption?
5. Do you think human rights have been curtailed due to various terrorist
6. Do you agree that the central ruling government does not give much
attention to the present situation in the state like it does to other states
in the country?
7. Are the people in the state to be blamed for wide practice of
8. Politicians in the state are to be blamed for corruption and not the
9. Terrorist organizations functions only to meet their high needs.
10. The lives of the people in Manipur have become more and more
difficult with the increased terrorist organizations.
11. There has been much destruction caused by these organizations
12. Manipur state needs educated and sincere politicians.
13. Do you agree that the people should be made aware the
importance of human’s rights and raise their voice against these
14. Corruption and terrorism problems can be solved only through
collective effort of the masses in the society of Manipur.
15. Development should be the main focus in order to make the lives of
the people secure and accessible. Do you support the statement?
Analyzing data from the questions
The questions were all open-ended questions and 10 people were given the
sheets of questions and asked to choose either ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Eight of them were
students and two of were working people.
1. Do you support terrorism and corruption?
- 10- No
2. Do you think terrorism and corruption is disrupting the Manipur state?
-10- Yes.
3. Do you think it can be solve?
- 8-Yes. 2-No.
4. Should the state’s politicians be blame for terrorism and corruption?
- 10- Yes.
5. Do you think human rights have been curtailed due to various terrorist
- 10- Yes.
6. Do you agree that the central ruling government does not give much
attention to the present situation in the state like it does to other states in the
- 6- Yes. 2-No
7. Are the people in the state, at some point, to be blamed for wide practice of
- 9- Yes
8. Politicians in the state are to be blamed for corruption and not the
- 5- Yes
9. Terrorist organizations functions only to meet their high needs.
- 10- Yes
10. The lives of the people in Manipur have become more and more
difficult with the increased number of terrorist organizations.
- 10- Yes
11. There has been much destruction caused by these organizations
- 10- Yes
12. Manipur state needs educated and sincere politicians.
- 10- Yes
13. Do you agree that the people should be made aware the importance
of human’s rights and raise their voice against these problems?
- 8- Yes

14. Corruption and terrorism problems can be solved only through

collective effort of the masses in the society of Manipur.
- 7- Yes
15. Development should be the main focus in order to make the lives of
the people secure and accessible. Do you support the statement?
- 8- Yes.
The people above are all from Manipur. They did not support terrorism and
corruption. They strongly felt that these are the main problems disrupting the
state’s development. Some of them said it can be solved while some of them
believed that it cannot be solved considering the state’s location and lack of
proper opportunities. According to them, politicians are to be blamed for the
cause of corruption and above that terrorism have made it impossible for one’s
life to enjoy freedom and liberty. People, at some point, are also responsible for
They felt that terrorists’ attacks have, no doubt, resulted in widespread
destruction and havoc in the society. Furthermore, there is so such as working
for the cause of the people. These organizations functions only to meet their
The state is in need of sincere and educated politicians who can lead the state
to the path of growth and development and people in the society at large should
be made aware of its rights and importance of development. It needs a collective
effort of the people. The central government should be prompt enough to see to
it the state is moving towards development and provide more job opportunities
and other services.
Review of literature
New level of terrorism and corruption in Manipur- Anil Bhat
Source- Imphal Free Press
Date- May 28, 2010
Reporters killed for reporting against the terrorists’ organizations, the media
bearing the threats, the lives of people in danger due to the terrorists. Non-
Manipuris could not travel by bus in the highway. They were attacked. They
collect taxes in the state’s highways to whoever passes by. Recently, non-
Manipuris were killed and threatened to move out of the state. Menial workers
and labourers from outside the state have been huddled at Imphal’s
Dharamasala and Kalamandir. Human rights groups have no voice anymore.
The basics rights of the people have been curtailed.
My view- Newspapers are the voice of the masses. Grievances, problems,
appreciations and all kinds of messages and news are made known to all the
people. However, in the case of Manipur, news is printed under the will of
terrorists’ organizations. One word against them means a grenade inside your
house. People are scared to move freely in the state’s highways in a broad
daylight. Even the writer of the above article is based in Delhi and we can say he
has the freedom to write that article since he was not in Manipur.

“Corruption No Issue”- editorial page

Source- The Imphal Free Press
Date- January 24, 2007
Corruption has become an obsessive concern of the public in Manipur today. It
has become a part of life for every household. State assembly election is
marked by victory by the candidate who can spend big. It is as if leadership
quality is measured in terms of the depth of the pockets of candidates. Misusing
of public funds is no new in the state. Corruption today has come to be generally
treated more as a service perk than moral erosion. Bribe givers and bribe takers,
and so too vote buyers and vote sellers, share the same moral platform and no
longer with any remorse.
Executive power itself is the corrupting factor. Two effective legislators are
available today. One is the Public Interest Legislators and the other the Right to
Information Act, RTI.
My view- The editor of the Imphal Free Press is one among the editors in
Manipur that believes in making aware of the things that is not true. The main
reason is that Manipur has become so corrupted. There is no question of not
giving bribe even for a teacher post in government schools.

Politicians move around each houses distributing notes and asking for the
voters’ vote in times of election. Rich candidates are sure to win the election
while poor but sincere candidates are defeated. Public developments funds will
go under these ministers’ pockets.
People can tackle these, as the article said about Public Interest Legislators and
Right to Information Act, RTI. However, we cannot guarantee that it can be
solved when we keep the condition of the state in mind. People are searching
even in minute quantity to how to get money due to the lack opportunities. When
money is provided at your door step, it becomes impossible for one to close the

How the concept of E-governance will reduce corruption in Manipur?- Aeroshil

Date- June 07, 2010
Definition of E-governance says it is the application of information technology
(IT) for automization and real time online update of information for government
related processes and functions to bring about Smart Moral Accountable
Responsive Transparent government.
It can be acquired through technological component, social component, cultural
component, political component, psychological component and service
My view- E-governance can certainly bring an end to the era of corruption.
However, the state is under the corrupted officials and politicians. These people
will go against anything that will obstruct their path of inflow of public money.
According to me, politicians and high officials should be first free from all these
practices and only after that, through their initiatives we can bring about a
progressive development and advancement in every field.

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