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Water Conveyance System Design Guidelines DoED

S. No. Stages of Study Activities to be undertaken

3.4 Presentation of the engineering geological maps of the
desanding basin, forebay, penstock line, powerhouse
and tailrace locations at a scale 1:1000 depicting
overburden thickness and characteristics of the soil and
rock exposure occurring at those locations. The map
shall contain geological sections at a scale 1:200 or
1:400 as appropriate for the design purpose.
3.5 Delivery of the engineering geological map for the canal
route and cross-drainages at a scale 1:5000 with
illustration of characteristics and distribution of the soil
and rock exposures including the overburden thickness.
Such engineering geological map shall reflect the
characteristics of the soil and rock present at the
aqueduct, siphon and super-passage locations.

3.6 Presentation of Engineering geological map prepared

covering the tunnel alignment and its portals and the
possible adit locations at a scale 1:10,000 or 1:20,000
should reflect the rock type and discontinuities, quality of
rock and location of the rock exposures. Supplementary
geological section prepared along the tunnel alignment
should illustrate (i) the overburden thickness, (ii) the rock
type to be encountered and the likely Rock Mass Rating
and Q-values to be observed, and (iii) the corresponding
tunnel support to be required.
3.7 Deliverance of a report including maps and sections in an
appropriate scale for design requirement reflecting the
finding of the field investigation and laboratory testing.
4. Detailed Design
4.1 Presentation of maps and sections prepared in the
Feasibility Study Report in an appropriate scale required
for design purpose.
4.2 Identification of the data gap in the Feasibility Study
stage for further investigation.
4.3 Augmentation of the data gap after completion of
additional geological / geotechnical investigation.
5. Construction
5.1 Examination of foundation excavation locations done for
construction purpose.
5.2 Determination of changes on anticipated and
unanticipated ground condition at the construction site.
5.3 Recommendation of remediation measure in accordance
with the changes in ground condition on construction
works. Geological / Geotechnical Investigations Required for Different Structural Components

of Water Conveyance System

This section defines the requirement of geological and geotechnical investigation at the different
structural components of the water conveyance system for the design purpose.

Desanding Basin

Sufficient open and flat ground having stable side slope condition and situated a few meter higher
than the current river flow level should be identified for the location of a desanding basin. The best
location for this purpose will be the old terrace deposit present in the bank of the river. Surface
examination at such location should be conducted to derive the (i) distribution, thickness and
characteristics of the overburden material, (ii) distribution and quality of the rock exposures, and (iii)
slope and stability conditions in the uphill side. Test pitting or drilling as appropriate supplemented by
the seismic refraction survey or 2D resistivity survey is to be undertaken not only to establish the

Water Conveyance System Design Guidelines DoED

nature of the geological materials present up to influencing depth of the foundation but also to ensure
that there is not any unfavourable sub-surface condition for the foundation. The engineering
geological map at a scale 1:1000 with supplementation of the section, drilling log, and result of the
seismic refraction survey or 2D resistivity survey including regional geology should be delivered in the
useful form for the design purpose. Prior to performing the detailed investigation in such location, the
observed ground level should be in conformity with the level of the corresponding forebay or surge
tank or surge shaft.


The soil and rock materials as well as the slope and stability conditions existent along the canal is the
primary controlling factor in the selection of the canal option in place of pipes or tunnel for conveying
water in the hydropower development. Despite high prospect of hydropower canal in the hills and
middle mountain physiographic regions of the country, possibility for the large dimension canal is
limited due to steepness and fragile geological condition of the terrains along the side slopes of the
river valley. Such conditions are usually encountered in the middle part of the canal section that is
away from the desanding basin, away from the forebay and away from the tunnel portal locations.

The investigation findings obtained for canal through observation, pitting, auger boring, sampling and
testing should demonstrate the distribution and characteristics of soils and rocks and the favourability
of the terrain condition for excavation and construction which is to be depicted in a map of scale
1:2,000 or 1:5,000 and in a section at scale 1:200. Examination outcome should also reflect the
information about the materials to be encountered at the foundation such as air slaking materials, low
density materials and expansive soils.


The terrain condition indicating unfavourability for excavation of canal may in some case exhibit the
possibility of the pipe option as the conveyance for hydropower development because it will require
minimum excavation space for pipe installation. The geological and geotechnical study for the design
of the pipe route should emphasis the distribution and characteristics of the rock and soils, thickness
of the overburden soil, position of the unstable areas, and locations of foundation problem materials.
The outcome of the investigation should be presented in a map of scale 1:2000 or 1:5,000. The
investigation should also be oriented to define the areas of talus and scree materials, air slaking
materials, low density materials and expansive soils.


The study for the tunnel option should be preferred in the following situation:

• Presence of high sloping terrain due to which surface water conveyance route is not possible;
• Poor stability condition in major section of the surface water conveyance option;
• Favourable terrain condition with formation of a loop in the river course resulting considerably
minimum water conveyance length while considering the tunnel option in comparison to the
canal or pipe option;
• Prevalence of appreciable head consideration of tunnel option in place of surface conveyance
• Slope condition of the ground is not suitable for the required large dimension canal.

The investigation should address the following main geotechnical issues which bear on excavation
stability short and long term safety and cost.

• Rock type and its strength,

• Orientation of bedding and discontinuities,
• Geological structures and shear zones dissecting the tunnel route,
• Abrasivity of the rock material / rock mass,

Water Conveyance System Design Guidelines DoED

• Weathering, water tightness and likely ground water problem,

• Characteristics of MBT and MCT if existent,
• Rock mass classification reflecting the Q-value and RMR-value,
• Overburden thickness and type of support required for the tunnel route.


The location of a forebay corresponding to the canal or tunnel option will be appropriate where
adequate large flat or gently sloping open ground is present. The site for the forebay location will be
suitable in the either ridge top or spur top or mid-slope region. Examination of the ground surface at
the forebay region should be oriented to establish the distribution and characteristics of the
overburden soils and rock exposures as well as the stability situation in the surroundings.
Supplementary drilling activity, 2D resistivity survey or seismic refraction survey are performed to
deduce the sub-surface geological information regarding overburden soil / bedrock configuration

The geological map (1:1000) and section should be prepared to reflect the position of the soils and
rock exposures including their characteristics.

Surge Tank / Surge Shaft

The surge tank should be considered as a component of the conveyance system in absence of
suitable ground for the forebay or surface penstock route. A surge tank is provided at the junction of
the headrace tunnel and the penstock for the purpose of not only absorbing the water oscillation at
small amplitudes under the normal condition but also intercepting the pressure wave to be generated
due to water hammer action upon sudden closure of the turbine in case of load rejection. In
consideration of above requirement the surge tank is preferred to be located at strong and stable rock
condition as far as possible so that it can face the water hammer action during the project life. The
sound and stable condition at its access tunnel is also to be taken into account while location for the
surge tank is identified.


The position of the penstock will be guided by the respective location of the forebay and powerhouse.
As the penstock line follows the terrain towards the down slope direction between the forebay and
powerhouse, the study of the soil and rock characteristics, overburden soil depth and the slope
condition and its stability are the important factors that requires consideration while undertaking
geological / geotechnical investigation. Surface examination along the penstock line should be
supported by the drilling, 2D resistivity survey or seismic refraction survey in order to determine the
position and characteristics of the overburden soils and the depth of bedrock.

The map and section to be presented at a scale 1:1000 should indicate characteristics of the soil and
rocks, and their extension at depth.

Burial of the penstock may be necessary during construction to avoid high angle unstable slope
cutting of the overburden soil. Such situation is encountered involving deep soil cutting.

Identification of sub-surface penstock (vertical shaft / inclined shaft) is required wherever surface
ground condition is not suitable due to occurring of unfavourable slope condition that means presence
of either steep slope or unstable slope. In case of selection of the inclined underground penstock, it
can also be considered to build into smaller sections comprising of two or more inclined shafts
connected by the horizontal tunnel so as to ensure save in the cost of pipe and construction time. This
consideration will be practically possible provided the suitable site for work adit is available in the
middle reach of the inclined shaft. Such arrangement is apparent in the penstock of the Kulekhani-II
project. For this purpose, the rock condition along the penstock line should be competent and stable
which should be assessable from the surface geological mapping and seismic refraction survey or 2D
resistivity survey.


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